Project |
0.git |
The 0 programming language |
zhc@chinamail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
0ad.git |
A free, open-source game of ancient warfare |
yurikoles@gmail.com |
8 weeks ago |
summary | log | tree |
0compile.git |
create a binary release from source code |
talex5+git@gmail.com |
9 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
0export.git |
create self-installing bundles for distributi... |
talex5+git@gmail.com |
11 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
0mirror.git |
create a mirror of other Zero Install sites |
talex5+git@gmail.com |
11 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
0publish-gui.git |
GTK editor for Zero Install feeds |
talex5+git@gmail.com |
4 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
0publish.git |
utility for processing Zero Install feeds |
talex5+git@gmail.com |
9 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
0release.git |
manage new releases with Zero Install |
talex5+git@gmail.com |
9 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
0share.git |
peer-to-peer sharing of Zero Install packages |
talex5+git@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
0tDNS.git |
Tool to compare DNS responses from different... |
kwojtus@protonmail.com |
4 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
0test.git |
Matrix testing for Zero Install programs |
talex5+git@gmail.com |
4 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
0verkill.git |
0verkill, a game in ASCII-Art |
j.neuschaefer@gmx.net |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
0x.git |
ivan@textzi.net |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
12306_ticket_helper.git |
galaxy001@gmail.com |
10 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
18plus-7leafadventure.git |
Adult Text Adventure Framework for Flex 4 |
nexis@7chan.org |
11 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
2ch-be.git |
2chnenene@yahoo... |
7 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
2dmatching.git |
Code for two dimensional pattern matching |
ckouz@uom.gr |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
2dworld.git |
miriam@debian.org |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
2oom.git |
Moo2 remake project |
draconx@users.sourceforge.net |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
3hU9fRjo95.git |
silveira.kaue@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
4chan-ban-stats.git |
qamirror@cock.li |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
4chanprog.git |
Another attempt at creating a repo for /prog/ |
kinghajj@gmail.com |
10 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
4DMemory.git |
A 4D version of Memory |
sverre@rabbelier.nl |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
4Free-FSE.git |
qamirror@cock.li |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
4msysgit-hv.git |
A fork of msysgit/git for easier access to... |
hvoigt@hvoigt.net |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
5f8b0d0fe564b437a6934ccc99915699.git |
c2811928@trbvm.com |
9 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
5semester.git |
Лабы за 5 семестр, БГУИР\КСиС\ПОИТ |
miksayer@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
82ce68d27755bc509c78e0e279b635e275db32dc.git |
09e5f83f3819dc0277503439b068ed79064fa87 |
0342d5ef6f5671@c581da7dce... |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
842697.git |
xsimsa01@stud.fit... |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
900513.git |
halfjuice@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
9413project001.git |
gaomin@gmail.com |
11 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
a2jmidid.git |
ALSA sequencer <-> JACK MIDI bridge |
nedko@nedk.org |
6 weeks ago |
summary | log | tree |
A2k.git |
Ada "hello world" i386 kernel |
ali.bendriss@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
aaproj.git |
mt_020h_s@gmx.de |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
abby.git |
abby is a front-end for cclive |
legatvs@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
abc_test.git |
test |
luckxs@yahoo.com.cn |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
abduco.git |
abduco a tool for session [at|de]tach support |
mat@brain-dump.org |
4 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
abettersearch.git |
jasim.ab@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
abook.git |
Abook is a text-based addressbook program... |
profjim@jimpryor.net |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
AboutConfig.git |
AboutConfig extension |
aboutconfig-owner... |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
abris.git |
alevin@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
abstract.git |
Abstract is going to be a scalable full featu... |
ynvich@gmail.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
acal.git |
aCal Android CalDAV Client |
andrew@morphoss.com |
10 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
acc.git |
Alexey's C compiler |
adobriyan@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
accentuate.git |
PDF Slideshow Presentation Software |
jrm8005@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
Accesser.git |
a tool for SNI-based HTTPS filtering circumve... |
yogaskung@protonmail.ch |
17 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
acdata.git |
simple sqlite document database cli-interface... |
louis.guillaume... |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
ACE_TAO.git |
stefan.naewe+rr... |
6 days ago |
summary | log | tree |
acer_acpi.git |
ACPI Extras for Acer laptops |
cathectic@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
acidsoria.git |
Repository dedicated to: Audio files, in... |
barnadebianteam... |
11 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
acme-metasyntactic-buzzwords.git |
Acme::MetaSyntactic::buzzwords - Pointy-haire... |
jquelin@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
acme-study-perl.git |
perl module/testing |
andreas.koenig.7os6VVqR... |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
acme-tie-eleet.git |
Acme::Tie::Eleet - Perl extension to 5pE4k... |
jquelin@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
aco.git |
Algorithms for Ant Colony Optimization |
jochen.keil@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
acogc.git |
simple coopertive garbage collector |
ct@pipapo.org |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
activemongo.git |
ActiveRecord for PHP and MongoDB |
crodas@php.net |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
actl.git |
The Adaptive Distributed SDN Controller Resea... |
maslan10@gmail.com |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
acts_as_ferret.git |
Git mirror of the acts_as_ferret Rails plugin... |
santry+git@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
acts_as_subscribeable.git |
A plugin to make subscriptions to objects... |
james@railsjitsu.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
acx-mac80211.git |
ACX100/ACX111/TNETW1450 wireless network... |
david.planella@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
aD2wvhBkMx.git |
silveira.kaue@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
Adblock-list-backups-Frellwits-filter-lists.git |
imreeil42@gmail.com |
36 hours ago |
summary | log | tree |
Adblock-list-backups-hufilter.git |
imreeil42@gmail.com |
5 days ago |
summary | log | tree |
adBlock.git |
android AdBlock Proxy |
f@ub0r.de |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
AddApp.git |
create ROX application launchers for Zero... |
talex5+git@gmail.com |
10 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
adeline.git |
arthur.loiret@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
aderlice_test.git |
aderlice test |
aderlice@sina.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
aderly_test.git |
test |
aderly@sina.com |
11 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
adesklets.git |
An interactive Imlib2 console for the X Windo... |
syfou@users.sourceforge.net |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
adg-lua.git |
Lua bindings for the ADG canvas |
ntd@entidi.it |
11 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
adg.git |
ADG: Automatic Drawing Generation |
ntd@entidi.it |
3 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
adi18n.git |
A gettext based translator for asciidoc documents |
amery@geeks.cl |
17 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
adiumx.git |
AdiumX SVN import |
dsymonds@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
adk-bluetooth-test.git |
This demo implemented the bluetooth function... |
liu090@sina.com |
10 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
admin.git |
mackyle@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
adorno.git |
A web interface to play music |
andrew-nospam@mcmillan... |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
adtree.git |
A tree integrator for asciidoc |
amery@geeks.cl |
17 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
AdvancedVolumeMixer.git |
Advanced Volume Mixer - Gnome Shell Extension |
harry.karvonen@gmail.com |
10 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
adver.git |
avastor.developer... |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
advlib.git |
Simple library that automates downloading... |
jlagarespo@protonmail.com |
22 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
aeacus.git |
Simple issue tracking system |
hryssta@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
aerie.git |
small HTTP server |
2nickers@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
aerolith.git |
open-source soc platform |
ricky.nite@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
aesalon.git |
A program to collect, store, and visualize... |
kawk256@gmail.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
afaq.git |
afaq chinese translation |
fstef@cryptolab.net |
7 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
afazio.git |
tools for the detection of textual entailment |
bedaride@loria.fr |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
afo.git |
hut@lepus.uberspace.de |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
afritrack.git |
Sample Django tracking system |
rory@technomancy.org |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
aftubes.git |
Modular non-destructive audio/video processor |
jp.sittingduck@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
afunbrick.git |
An interpreter of the brainfuck language... |
jrische@laposte.net |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
again.git |
testing |
a@b.cd |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
agdavaarregn.git |
Documents concerning the driving of Agda... |
gustav@fripost.org |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
agere_fw_utils.git |
Firmware extractors for Agere Hermes I and... |
kilroyd@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
agg.git |
news aggregator following the UNIX philosophy |
arandes@programmers.at |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
Aggressive-BitTorrent-Downloader.git |
Aggressive BitTorrent Downloader |
lavloz@hotmail.fr |
9 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
AGH_computer_science_engineering_thesis.git |
Repository of code related to my engineering... |
kwojtus@protonmail.com |
3 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
AGH_fortran_course_solution.git |
This repo contains homework for the fortran... |
kwojtus@protonmail.com |
5 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
AGH_fortran_course_solution2.git |
This repo contains homework (task 2) for... |
kwojtus@protonmail.com |
5 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
AGH_fortran_course_solution3.git |
This repo contains homework (task 3) for... |
kwojtus@protonmail.com |
5 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
agianapa.git |
C++ code snippets |
ekamperi@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
AHbot.git |
thyphoon05@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ahxm.git |
Ann Hell Ex Machina (music writing software) |
angel@triptico.com |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
AI-Capture-The-Flag.git |
qamirror@cock.li |
5 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
AI-Over-Network.git |
qamirror@cock.li |
5 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
AI-Pathfinding.git |
qamirror@cock.li |
5 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
aiccu.git |
SixXS Automatic IPv6 Connectivity Client... |
reinier@haasjes.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ail.git |
ail general purpose library |
void@erdos |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ailab2.git |
Artificial intelligence searching stuff. |
victor.zamanian... |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ailab3.git |
Scientific report on "Information Retrieval... |
victor.zamanian... |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ajatus.git |
AJAX CRM based on CouchDb |
henri.bergius@iki.fi |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ajla.git |
Ajla - a purely functional programming language |
ajla@twibright.com |
8 hours ago |
summary | log | tree |
akelos.git |
git-svn copy of the project. |
thdzDO.Tx@gmx.net |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
akfoundationlib.git |
Just a simple C# project |
akoskovacs@gmx.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
AKI.git |
grupo-gmpr@googlegroups.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
Akkordarbeit.git |
Akkordarbeit is a tool for formatting leadshe... |
JoergWMittag+Akkordarbeit... |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
akonadigoogledata.git |
A google contacts/calendar resource for akonadi |
cavalcantii@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
alacarte.git |
alacarte mirror |
dmitrij.ledkov@ubuntu.com |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
alchemist.git |
Code generation library |
alchemist@inglorion.net |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
Ale.git |
synthetic capture engine and renderer |
dhilvert+git@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
alexandria.git |
Common Lisp utility collection |
trebbu@googlemail.com |
10 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
alexnick87-test.git |
alexnick87@yahoo.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
alfplayer.git |
alfplayer's personal repository |
evcarnevale@gmail.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
algebraic-prog-equiv.git |
The equivalence problem in algebraic models... |
imz@altlinux.org |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
algebraiC.git |
Examples of sum algebraic data types in C99 |
alessio.chiapperini... |
4 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
algodat.git |
school project |
cyberkatze@yandex.ru |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
alita.git |
never@neveragain.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
alkane.git |
Nasqueron Alkane PaaS utility |
dereckson@espace... |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
alkobot.git |
custom tailored jabber bot |
radonek@gmail.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
allegf1.git |
csillagasz@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
allerta-vvf.git |
An unofficial open source firefighters' manag... |
matteo.gheza07@gmail.com |
29 hours ago |
summary | log | tree |
alluc.api.git |
dudehere@runbox.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
almorand.git |
DSP systems for pitch/formant shifting (OSS... |
thaetris@hashbang.sh |
7 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
alphamote.git |
Sony alpha camera remote |
alphamote@alech.de |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
alpine.git |
Alpine is a program to manage e-mail |
chappa@washington.edu |
4 months ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
alpinway.git |
Web queries about Trentino mountains path... |
nicola.manica@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
alt-git.git |
Alternate source for your git.git needs |
gitster@pobox.com |
20 hours ago |
summary | log | tree |
AltairOS.git |
Simple RealMode Operating System |
w.benny@seznam.cz |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
alternproj.git |
description |
alternmail@mail.ru |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
alterverse.git |
A game engine for creating audio games. |
rynkruger@gmail.com |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
altfloat.git |
Alternative floating point support for GHC. |
nbowler@draconx.ca |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
alure.git |
OpenAL Utility Library |
chris.kcat@gmail.com |
4 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
AlwaysKillSticky.git |
Chrome extension to get rid of sticky element... |
said@saidachmiz.net |
4 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
amarok.git |
distributedish development branch of Amarok... |
hydrogen@notyetimplemente... |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
amarok_sonynw.git |
Library and plugin for accessing Sony Network... |
divided.mind@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
amazing.git |
An amazing widget manager for an awesome... |
dag.odenhall@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ambit.git |
File Manager |
ben@meyerhome.net |
17 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ambros.git |
Autonomous Morsecode BROadcasting System |
yargo@maikosoft.com |
8 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
AMDJ.git |
A set of routines in Java for ordering a... |
r.w.lincoln@gmail.com |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ameisenbaer.git |
Ant colony optimization program |
cosminnovac@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
amiethrift.git |
Amie street git repo for Thrift |
todd@amiestreet.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
amper.git |
Amper: tiny music player |
ketmar@ketmar.no... |
5 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ampheus.git |
Ampheus' unofficional exheres |
arnej@ampheus.de |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
amread-mode.git |
A minor mode helping user speed-reading.... |
numbchild@gmail.com |
5 weeks ago |
summary | log | tree |
amule.git |
aMule P2P client |
stefano.picerno... |
3 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
an0rqz.git |
Simple game project inspired by roguelikes |
an0rqz@ze.yi.orgANISM |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ana-net.git |
Lightweight Autonomic Network Architecture... |
dborkma@tik.ee.ethz.ch |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
anarch.git |
Anarch, the suckless FPS game |
drummyfish@disroot.org |
2 weeks ago |
summary | log | tree |
Anarchan.git |
A chan in python. |
anarchon@yopmail.com |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
and.git |
potatoes22@yahoo.com |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
andGMXsms.git |
WebSMS for Android phones |
f@ub0r.de |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
andjs.git |
and javascript |
alexmlwallace@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
andk-cpan-tools.git |
Half baked stuff for my everyday cpan hacking |
andreas.koenig.7os6VVqR... |
8 hours ago |
summary | log | tree |
andmenj-acm.git |
andmej's solutions for problems from the... |
syed1.mushtaq@gmail.com |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
andrew-tools.git |
~andrew's tools as a git repo |
tuxlover684+suj... |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
android-kernel-omapzoom.git |
stada0@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
android.git |
flycloud83@hotmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
android4.git |
android4 |
jeniks@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
android_projects.git |
Various Android Projects |
mustafasakarya1986... |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
android_tools.git |
chenxinzhou08@163.com |
2 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
aNetHack.git |
A variant of NetHack 3.6-dev |
elronnd@slashem.me |
7 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
angband.git |
A git mirror of Angband |
takkaria@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
angkotku.git |
rcentauri@hotmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
anglosaxon.git |
A command line XML SAX parser |
rory@technomancy.org |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
anime_rename.git |
A script to rename arbitrary files (intended... |
00z@the00z.org |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
anisearch.git |
Searching for AniDB aid by title |
eloyard@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
Anit-Slander-Campaign.git |
darklinkxxxx@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
anjuta-extras.git |
anjuta-extras |
dmitrij.ledkov@ubuntu.com |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
anjuta-git-plugin.git |
Anjuta IDE Git Plugin Development Tree |
jrliggett@cox.net |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
anjuta.git |
anjuta mirror |
dmitrij.ledkov@ubuntu.com |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
annsl.git |
Artifical Neural Networks Simulations Library |
martin.povik@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
anomen-kernel-config.git |
gentoo kernel configuration |
ludek.h@gmail.com |
8 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
anomen-overlay.git |
anomen's personal gentoo overlay |
ludek_h@seznam.cz |
8 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
anon-chrysantemum.git |
Chrysantemum CSS animation |
stalking@disallow.ed |
2 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
anonymous-chrysantemum.git |
stalking@disallow.ed |
2 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
Anonymous-Twitter-Board.git |
qamirror@cock.li |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
antidote.git |
antidote - a commandline mail user agent |
Bernhard.Guillon... |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
antimony.git |
Programming language development kit |
antimony@inglorion.net |
7 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
AntiTD.git |
Anti Tower Defense |
anton.johansson... |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
antiword.git |
Antiword git mirror |
kirr@landau.phys... |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
AnyEvent-HTTPD.git |
AnyEvent::HTTPD perl module - my patches |
allter@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
anything-config.git |
Predefined sources and actions for anything.el |
tassilo@member.fsf.org |
7 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
anytun.git |
Implementation of SATP |
gebi@sbox.tugraz.at |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
aoc_eblake.git |
My solutions to Advent of Code puzzles |
eblake@redhat.com |
7 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
aoi.git |
A simple Japanese-English dictionary for... |
aoi@souko.cz |
11 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
aom.git |
AV1 Codec Library |
mickey@mouse.com |
41 hours ago |
summary | log | tree |
AOOS.git |
AOOS - Agile Object Oriented System |
sebastianskejoe... |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
aosc-os-abbs.git |
ABBS/ACBS tree for AOSC OS updates, building... |
liushuyu@aosc.io |
2 hours ago |
summary | log | tree |
ap-comp-lit-poems.git |
Poems collection for Daniel Moerner |
dmoerner@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
apc.git |
CPU load monitor |
clamky@hotmail.com |
10 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
apeos.git |
apeos is a project with goal of providing... |
nedko@nedk.org |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
apertium.git |
Open source machine translation framework |
joregan@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
api.edontheweb.space.git |
user@noreply.repo... |
4 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
App-Abuser.git |
Locate an abuse contact e-mail address for... |
petr.pisar@atlas.cz |
3 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
app-cpan2pkg.git |
generating native linux packages from cpan |
jquelin@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
app-fc11-network-scripts-restore.git |
Fedora 11 network scripts restorer. |
l.pavel.m@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
appfilter.git |
AppFilter application firewall |
stephan@peijnik.at |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
appimagekit.git |
gerhard.sittig@gmx.net |
8 months ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
applet-bots.git |
A simulation environment for 2D robots to... |
rasman1978@users... |
17 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
appoyo.git |
azaless@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
appoyo2.git |
azaless@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
apr-util.git |
Apache Portable Runtime utilities |
andreas.faerber... |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
aprog.git |
Simple multi-purpose Java library |
tuxlover684+suj... |
11 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
Apuntaciones.git |
jmorenohenao3@gmail.com |
10 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
apunts-acces-uib-majors-25-anys-matematiques.git |
Apunts de Matemàtiques per a l'accés a la... |
somenxavier@posteo.net |
5 weeks ago |
summary | log | tree |
apunts-espa-matematiques.git |
Exercicis procedimentals de Matemàtiques... |
somenxavier@posteo.net |
3 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
aqualang.git |
An Interpreter, based on https://github.com... |
nil094@yahoo.com |
9 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
AquilaOS.git |
manwar@ieee.org |
4 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
arachne.git |
tomplick@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
Arachnida.git |
Arachnida embeddable HTTP(S) server |
ronald@landheer... |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
aramzamzam-commons.git |
dev@aramzamzam.net |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
aramzamzam-ru.rentdom.git |
none |
dev@aramzamzam.net |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
arch-community.git |
archlinux community build |
hominqian@inbox.lv |
16 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
arch-packages.git |
archlinux package build |
hominqian@inbox.lv |
16 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
arch-rock.git |
Arch Rock Linux - Stable release of Arch... |
archlinuxstable... |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
archiso.git |
mmay@javafreedom.org |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
ArchiSteamFarm.git |
C# application with primary purpose of farmin... |
root@yurikoles.com |
4 hours ago |
summary | log | tree |
archive-zip.git |
Provide an interface to ZIP archive files |
alanhaggai@alanhaggai.org |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
archive.git |
Архивы для будущих поколений |
apkawa@gmail.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
archives2git.git |
sh script to create a project's git history... |
graud@gmx.com |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
Archlinux-Stable.git |
pierce.jason@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
ArchLinux.git |
A simple, lightweight distribution |
root@yurikoles.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree | forks |
archlinuxdevstack.git |
ArchLinux Java Development Stack |
mmay@javafreedom.org |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
archnosh.git |
archnosh framagit.org mirror |
taca@kadisius.eu |
5 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
archserver.git |
Config as a server base on archlinux. |
arrowworld@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
archweb_dev-nj.git |
Nathan's archweb_dev tree |
nathanj@insightbb.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ardion-stuffs.git |
Our ardiono stuff. |
darklinkxxxx@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
ardour2.git |
Digital Audio Workstation |
torbenh@gmx.de |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ArdourMidi.git |
Testbed for new Ardour MIDI features |
hansfbaier@googlemail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
arduino-ctags.git |
hramrach@gmail.com |
17 months ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
arduino-intervalometer.git |
Arduino Intervalometer |
hortont424@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
arduino-mode.git |
Arduino IDE for Emacs developer. |
numbchild@gmail.com |
4 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
ardupilot.git |
stefan.naewe+rr... |
43 hours ago |
summary | log | tree |
ArenaLive.git |
zexx86@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
arenopage.git |
kacper@thaeon.net |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ariane.git |
This is a web cache written in java. |
cinnamon250@outlook.com |
10 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
arib_std_b25.git |
Japanese TV standard "ARIB STD-B25" implement... |
000111_anon@kobej... |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
aristoteles.git |
A simple, regex-based, just-for-fun Italian... |
arekfu@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
arla.git |
Arla AFS filesystem |
lha@kth.se |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
arm.git |
Port a whole linux system on the arm |
athurg@gooth.cn |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
armadillo_firmware.git |
Embedded systems development suit |
mustafasakarya1986... |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
armadillo_hardware.git |
Armadillo Project's Hardware component |
mustafasakarya1986... |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
armadillo_manual.git |
Armadillo Project Reference Manual |
mustafasakarya1986... |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
armadillo_software.git |
Armadillo Project's Software component |
mustafasakarya1986... |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
armpft.git |
Adding pft support to QEMU's arm cpus |
andysizer@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
aromalife.ua.git |
test |
zlobnuyGres@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
AROS-Contrib.git |
Mirror of AROS' Contrib svn. |
weissms@aros.org |
5 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
AROS-Ports.git |
Mirror of AROS' Ports svn. |
weissms@aros.org |
5 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
AROS.git |
Mirror of AROS' svn. |
weissms@aros.org |
5 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
arrocco.git |
tomplick@gmail.com |
17 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
arrow.git |
Arrow_zhang test linux kernel study |
arrowworld@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
arrowworld.git |
arrowworld store |
arrowworld@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
Autonomous Mobile Robotics Software Design |
cristian.axenie... |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
artemus.git |
The Artemus template toolkit |
angel@triptico.com |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
arthrology.git |
Arthrology (component) for for open-source... |
akoutsoulelos@yahoo.gr |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
arthrology_module.git |
Arthrology (module) for for open-source Elxis CMS |
akoutsoulelos@yahoo.gr |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
artpalframework.git |
PHP/JS lightweight framework |
artur@artpal.pl |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
artwork.git |
freesmartphone.org artwork |
prishelec@gmail.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
arxana.git |
holtzermann17@gmail.com |
3 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
asbestos.git |
PS3 Linux bootloader |
a.heider@gmail.com |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ascii-data.git |
Read numerical data from an ascii text file... |
soemraws@xs4all.nl |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
asdbits.git |
Various self-contained D modules |
art.08.09@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
asdevice.git |
avr as device operation code |
apodhajsky@gmail.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
asdf.git |
asdf@asdf.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
asenzett.git |
A smarter regression. |
asenzz@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
asgard.git |
Asgard Free Software RPG |
russ.adams@gmail.com |
17 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
asis-2023-electronic-vote.git |
ELECTRONIC VOTE REST API (school project) |
as2023.mta5x@slmail.me |
12 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
asis23-votoe-client.git |
as2023.mta5x@slmail.me |
11 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
asis23-votoe-server.git |
as2023.mta5x@slmail.me |
12 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
askyou.git |
:) |
ng.inornate@gmail.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
aspectbin.git |
An aspect ratio constraining container for... |
draconx@users.sourceforge.net |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
aspectsharp.git |
giri.nitp@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
asr.git |
Infrastructure for ladder of KGS Advanced... |
pasky@ucw.cz |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
Assignment-Trapper.git |
Web software for teaching students to program. |
steven@schronk.com |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
Assisted-Board-Games.git |
Assisted Board Games |
theo.dano@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
asterisk-bristuff.git |
Open Source Private Branch Exchange (PBX) |
tzafrir.cohen@xorcom.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
asure.git |
Asure file integrity |
asure@davidb.org |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
atbbs.git |
Simple, yet powerful Web BBS (MIT) |
nexisentertainment... |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
atk.git |
atk mirror |
dmitrij.ledkov@ubuntu.com |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
atlantis.git |
The Atlantis server and user interface |
sander.dijkhuis... |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
Atomics.git |
Vlinder Atomics Library |
rlc@vlinder.ca |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
atool.git |
script for managing file archives of various... |
graud@gmx.com |
10 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
AtosmChip.git |
FPGA implementation of 8-bit Atari computers |
tmal@mimuw.edu.pl |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
atscap.git |
ATSC Transport Stream Capture Application... |
opensource@lightn.org |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
attac-man.git |
multi-player pac-man clone |
phro@alum.wpi.edu |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
attr_splat.git |
attr_* puts Ruby Core's attr_accessor, attr_r... |
repo.or.cz@elliottcable.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
auctionmangos.git |
Mangos + auctionhouse bot + others |
ghoti2007@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
aud.git |
minimalist audio player |
zack@buhman.org |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
audio-mpd-common.git |
Audio::MPD::Common - bunch of common helper... |
jquelin@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
audio-mpd.git |
Audio::MPD - class to talk to MPD (Music... |
jquelin@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
audiocatalog.git |
Program for sorting MP3 and other ID3-support... |
miksayer@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
audiomangler.git |
python CLI music management suite |
andrew.mahone@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
audiopager.git |
A book reader for android. This is a self... |
rynkruger@gmail.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
audiosum.git |
A tool to find duplicate mp3 files ignoring... |
alvarezp@alvarezp... |
11 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
augment.git |
Code metadata framework |
technomancy@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
augmented-pf.git |
Augmentovane PFko |
horacek@anygame.cz |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
aula.git |
Proyecto AULA |
miriam@debian.org |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
aur-mirror.git |
AUR mirror |
tredaelli@archlinux... |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
aur-pkgbuilds.git |
philanecros@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
aur-xilon.git |
xilonmu@gmail.com |
17 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
aur.git |
Arch User-Community Repository (AUR) |
imrehg@gmail.com |
3 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
aur2.git |
Archlinux User Repository |
sebnow@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
aurman.git |
AUR manager |
djszapi@archlinux.us |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
AurShell.git |
AurShell is simple shell for Arch Linux AUR... |
husio@o2.pl |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
aurutils.git |
aurutils - helper tools for the aur |
alad@archlinux.org |
46 hours ago |
summary | log | tree |
auth.git |
test for authentication and authorization |
bgrziwok@grziwok... |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
auto-patcher.git |
smali editor that ports mods and themes acros... |
repoorcz+al@il5.in |
11 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
autoconf.git |
Mirror of the GNU Autoconf repository |
tsunanet@gmail.com |
13 days ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
autoform-autocomplete-array.git |
a@b.cd |
8 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
automake.git |
Mirror of the GNU Automake repository |
tsunanet@gmail.com |
4 weeks ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
automated_linux_from_scratch.git |
mirror of automatedlinuxfromscratch repository |
mackyle@fastmail.com |
3 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
AutomatorExifMover.git |
An Automator action to automatically move... |
pierre.andrews@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
autophylo.git |
automatic DNA-based phylogenetic tree generator |
pasky@ucw.cz |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
autosshd_ALT.git |
Run autossh as system service at startup. |
imz@altlinux.org |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
AutoStart.git |
Manage XDG AutoStart entries for ROX-Session |
h@realh.co.uk |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
autotest-zwu.git |
Zhi Yong Wu's KVM-autotest tree |
wuzhy@linux.vnet... |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
autotool-experiments.git |
explore autotools features |
gerhard.sittig@gmx.net |
17 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
autotrade.git |
MtGox.com Bitcoin market auto-trader |
pasky@ucw.cz |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
autotroll.git |
M4 macros to build Qt applications with GNU... |
tsunanet@gmail.com |
8 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
av.git |
An alignment visualization tool for machine... |
cs_snx@stu.ust.hk |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
avatt.git |
All Virtual All The Time |
cristi.magherusan... |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
avr-sim.git |
Atmel AVR simulator |
hableton@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
avr_dev_board.git |
mauro.tubiana@gmail.com |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
avr_work.git |
Code for AVR uC |
jmesmon@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
avrrsa.git |
porting of libmincrypt to AVR |
the.metyl@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
awesome.git |
awesome window manager |
azuwis@gmail.com |
9 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
awesomeBible-website.git |
bwolkchen@gmail.com |
4 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
awesometheme.git |
bwolkchen@gmail.com |
4 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
awish.git |
Awish: Avish reborn! (rewriting of old MS... |
ketmar@ketmar.no... |
11 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
awl.git |
Andrew's Web Libraries |
andrew-nospam@mcmillan... |
10 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
axonengine.git |
i@huangdonghai.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
axonlib.git |
multiplatform / multiformat audio plugin... |
neolit123@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
aya.git |
The fastest static site generator |
yakumo.izuru@chaotic... |
3 weeks ago |
summary | log | tree |
ayans.git |
Again yet another news system |
xrogaan@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
azalord.git |
azalord@yandex.ru |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
azan.git |
prayers time calculator, written in nasm. |
hassan@afify.dev |
3 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
azania-republic.git |
A revolutionary government |
president@kha275qeqzayfbj... |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
azarus-dwm.git |
azarus@posteo.net |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
azarus-st.git |
azarus' modification to st |
azarus@posteo.net |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
azarus.ch.git |
the azarus.ch homepage |
azarus@posteo.net |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
azGit.git |
vbgunz personal learning repository |
repo.or.cz-azGit... |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
azurax.git |
fear@tpi.ru |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
b2ld.git |
very simple Box2DLite based physics engine |
ketmar@ketmar.no... |
7 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
b4.git |
A simple Ruby on Rails based bookmarking... |
neenaoffline@gmail.com |
11 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ba.git |
zelda@yahoo.fr |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
babl.git |
babl is a dynamic, any to any, pixel format... |
yurikoles@gmail.com |
4 hours ago |
summary | log | tree |
backlight-adjust.git |
A tool to adjust backlight via Linux's /sys |
sgilles@math.umd.edu |
7 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
backlit.git |
Postgresql libpq Ada binding |
ali.bendriss@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
backpacking.git |
Camping for Io |
cdcarter@gmail.com |
17 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
Backup_bans.verniy.xyz.git |
qamirror@cock.li |
4 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
baibao-modules.git |
baibaojr |
noah_bentusi@126.com |
8 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
balancer.git |
browser based balancing using magnitude-only... |
rwowsonnenschein... |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
balllib.git |
Free bouncing ball library |
mark@caldsoft.co.uk |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
Bans.Verniy.xyz-Modern.git |
qamirror@cock.li |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bans.verniy.xyz.git |
qamirror@cock.li |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
banshee.git |
banshee mirror |
dmitrij.ledkov@ubuntu.com |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
barbara.git |
This is a hierarchical distributed note manager |
cinnamon250@outlook.com |
10 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
barebox-mini2440.git |
This tree is no more updated. Use official... |
marek.belisko@open... |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
barry.git |
Interface software for the Blackberry handheld |
barry-project@netdirect.ca |
9 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
barrytmp.git |
My Barry Contributions |
paul@benchline.org |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
barvinok.git |
lattice point enumeration library |
skimo@kotnet.org |
5 weeks ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
BAS.git |
Application server for python web-services |
kksstt@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
base.git |
flash game |
vikpek@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
base_ror3_portal.git |
Basic Ruby on Rails Portal |
software@g7obs.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bash.git |
Bourne-style shell with tab completion |
jrnieder@gmail.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
basic1.git |
evankingsford@rogiservice.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
basket4.git |
BasKet Note Pads 4: An information organizer... |
kelvie@ieee.org |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bastldcc.git |
milan@bastl.sk |
8 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
batcop.git |
grvsaxena419@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
BattleCats.git |
qamirror@cock.li |
5 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
batto.git |
A clicking arcade game - Löve framework ... |
xpio@tesla.rcub... |
5 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
baulk.git |
Baulk is a cross-platform native application... |
triplehaata@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bazdig.git |
better sql console wirtten in php |
slim.amamou@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
BBD.git |
Burning Bird Development Group - We develop... |
tweety100.clonk... |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
bbdb-vcard.git |
vCard Import and Export for The Insidious... |
trebbu@googlemail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bbkeys.git |
Keyboard handler for Blackbox |
ahaas@airmail.net |
17 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bbkos.git |
BlackBox for KolibriOS |
deaddoomer@deadsoftware.ru |
3 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bbs.git |
noko@hush.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
bcl.git |
Base library for the coding of audio games. |
rynkruger@gmail.com |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bcms.git |
Content Management System madded with django |
clsdaniel@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bcp.git |
blooket cheats plus |
doy0007@duck.com |
14 hours ago |
summary | log | tree |
bcr-a2csamples.git |
Samples for the A2C ASN.1 toolkit |
bcr@users.sourceforge.net |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bcrypted.git |
contact@cece.icu |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
bcu1driver.git |
Linux kernel driver for EIB BCU1 compatible... |
mkoegler@auto.tuwien... |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bcui-org-mode.git |
Baoqiu Cui's public repository for Org-mode... |
cbaoqiu@yahoo.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
bcusdk.git |
eibd (EIB/KNX network stack) and BCU developm... |
mkoegler@auto.tuwien... |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
beacon-ss.git |
thread-safe signals&slots |
krejci.l@centrum.cz |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
beagle.git |
A Beagle Git Repo |
kevin@kubasik.net |
17 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
beagleboard.org.git |
Website for aggregating open source projects |
jkridner@beagleboard.org |
10 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
BeagleSkin.git |
MediaWiki skin: One column layout with naviga... |
repo@saper.info |
5 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
beanstalkd.git |
Beanstalkd is a fast, distributed, in-memory... |
kr@xph.us |
19 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
beast-modified.git |
Beast Modified (ruby forum) |
priit.tamboom@eesti.ee |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
BechesTest.git |
mateusz.glapinski... |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
beckett_pastebin.git |
beckett_pastebin... |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
beedb.git |
BeeDB, experiments towards a next-generation... |
knielsen.public... |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
begorra.git |
A GPL Go program. |
tomplick@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
beige0.git |
zhc@chinamail.com |
3 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
benchtools.git |
Several small benchmarking utilities for... |
soeren.wellhoefer... |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
BennuGD.git |
Mirror of the BennuGD SVN repository. |
kazuki.przyborowski... |
2 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
berndj-bootstrap.git |
Collection of post-apocalyptic computing... |
bernd@bpj-code.co.za |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
besstails.git |
bessemer@tormail.org |
11 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
betaflight.git |
stefan.naewe+rr... |
3 days ago |
summary | log | tree |
BETON.git |
xsimsa01@stud.fit... |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
Beursplein5.git |
Beursplein 5 Component for Joomla |
rayman747@hotmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
beyond.git |
m3s0n3.14@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
beyond_linux_from_scratch.git |
mirror of beyondlinuxfromscratch source repos... |
mackyle@fastmail.com |
3 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bezzabot.git |
automated client for web browser game |
gour@mail.ru |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
BGap.git |
BGap: alpha' expansion of disk integrals |
crmafra@gmail.com |
8 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bibanon.git |
The Bibliotheca Anonoma is a project to save... |
cockmomgler@gmail.com |
14 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
bibledit.git |
Bibledit collaboration testing grounds |
teusjannette@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
biblio.git |
yohannlepage@2xyo... |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
bibliodb.git |
Bibliographical database in PHP |
mr.mitch@vfemail.net |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bifrost.git |
anderson@mdhs.info |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bigclean-emacs.git |
Bigclean's own emacs configurations. |
zhengjujie@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
biginteger-lo27.git |
This contains a very simple implementation... |
jeremie.laval@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bills-tools.git |
Misc tools |
bill.burdick@gmail.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
billygoat.git |
Simple command-line time tracking |
christian@kipdigitalmedia.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bindip.git |
kat@lua.cz |
8 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bindumps.git |
c204023@trbvm.com |
9 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bindums.git |
c204023@trbvm.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
binutils-gdb.git |
The GNU Binutils are a collection of binary... |
qingixun@gmail.com |
6 hours ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
+ |
binutils.git |
git-cvsimport of binutils cvsroot |
dmitrij.ledkov@gmail.com |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
bioacid.git |
Tox client. completely unusable for anyone... |
ketmar@ketmar.no... |
23 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
biocity.git |
A population simulator in C++ |
automorphism@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
biolisp.git |
Bioinformatics in lisp |
varuzza@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bioperl-db.git |
BioSQL BioPerl ORM bindings |
cjfields@bioperl.org |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bioperl-live.git |
BioPerl core |
cjfields@bioperl.org |
5 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
bioperl-network.git |
BioPerl modules for protein-protein interacti... |
cjfields@bioperl.org |
8 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bioperl-run.git |
BioPerl wrappers |
cjfields@bioperl.org |
4 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bioperl.git |
test bioperl repo |
cjfields@illinois.edu |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
bison.git |
GNU bison |
eblake@redhat.com |
23 months ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
bitbake.git |
Bitbake mirror |
ryan@trolocsis.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bitcoin.git |
luke+repo.or.cz... |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bitcoinplatinum.git |
btcplat@kumul.pe.kr |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bitfountain.git |
Communist file sharing over Wifi |
amoswenger@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bitlbee-mastodon.git |
Mastodon plugin for Bitlbeehttps://alexschroe... |
repo@saper.info |
3 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bitlbee.git |
git mirror of the bitlbee repo: a IM/IRC... |
tuxlover684@gmail.com |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bitrig.git |
bitrig@mailinator.com |
11 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bityugov.git |
Personal projects |
bityugov@kinkrsoftware.nl |
17 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bkell-clj.git |
A Clojure implementation of the 'Bookkeeping... |
twashing@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bl_monitoring.git |
beamline monitoring |
oroudenko@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
blabla.git |
martin@kukal.cz |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
blablabla.git |
email@email.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
black_box_cellml.git |
Support for CellML models with embedded machi... |
ak.miller@auckland... |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
blackbox.git |
Blackbox, an X11 window manager |
bhughes@trolltech.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
blacklight.git |
Blacklight |
thanan.t@nullcoder.net |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
blacktomato.git |
My personal repositories |
cardoso.rcs@gmail.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
blaRAY.git |
Simple, yet photon mapping, C++ raytracer |
bla@thera.be |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
blender-addons-contrib.git |
Central repository of Blender contrib addons |
mackyle+blender... |
4 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
blender-addons.git |
Central repository of Blender addons |
mackyle+blender... |
4 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
blender-dev-tools.git |
Blender Developer Tools |
mackyle+blender... |
19 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
blender-translations.git |
Blender UI translation management project |
mackyle+blender... |
19 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
blender.git |
Free and Open 3D Creation Software |
mackyle+blender... |
5 hours ago |
summary | log | tree |
blerg.git |
smallick.dev@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
blink.git |
Blink is the rendering engine used by Chromium. |
luoyonggang@gmail.com |
9 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
blip.rb.git |
Ruby bindings for blip.pl |
divided.mind@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bliper.git |
android client for blip.pl |
divided.mind@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
blobbuild.git |
A blob that builds. |
saynte@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
blobwars-mingw.git |
A MinGW "port" of Blob Wars, a 2D platform... |
parasti@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
blockfinder.git |
rransom.8774@gmail.com |
20 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
blocksruntime.git |
The libBlocksRuntime.a library from compiler-rt. |
mackyle@gmail.com |
4 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
blocksshd_00z.git |
blocksshd_00z branch. |
00z@the00z.org |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
blog.git |
mackyle@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
blog.pm-common-perl-mods.git |
Blog.pm common perl modules |
viacheslav.t@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
blog.pm.git |
Multilingual blog written in Catalyst |
viacheslav.t@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
blog3.git |
Simple Rails project |
jkotarba@volny.cz |
11 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bloggit.git |
A ruby CMS/Blogging tool that makes it easy... |
darthapo@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bloggy.git |
A simple blog publishing system. |
sjm@spamcop.net |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
blorb-thumbnailer.git |
GNOME thumbnailer for Blorb files |
8uuuuu@gmail.com |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
blosxom-plugins.git |
Plugins for the Blosxom Blog Script |
gitrepo@deb.at |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
blosxom.git |
Blosxom GIT Repository |
gitrepo@deb.at |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
blua.git |
Bloated LUA! |
kt@leet.cz |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bluepill.git |
A mock server for testing Matrix Client-Serve... |
severen@shrike.me |
8 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
blynken.git |
ACG-Bonn Blinkenlightsserver |
filmor@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bm-groupware-server.git |
Parts of the bionicmessage Groupware server... |
matt@mcbridematt... |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bMailZu.git |
Bastiaan's Mailzu development |
Bastiaan@cj-multisoft.nl |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bmbb.git |
BlackBox Component Builder ported to bare... |
deaddoomer@deadsoftware.ru |
4 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bnac-common.git |
Common files of the bnac project |
f.canas.s@gmail.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bnac-editor.git |
Editor for the bnac project |
f.canas.s@gmail.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bnac-visitor.git |
Visitor application for the bnac project |
f.canas.s@gmail.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bnac.git |
bnac - a virtual museum suite |
f.canas.s@gmail.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
boa.git |
Metacircular evaluator in Python |
sridhar.ratna@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
boalisp.git |
Lisp to Python bytecode compiler |
sridhar.ratna@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
boaqonstrictior.git |
A snake-like game (Uni project by Luminy... |
madx@yapok.org |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
Bob.git |
Bob is an XML Data Binding tool. 'Bob' provid... |
twashing@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bob_language.git |
Language BoB project |
mrvamarek@yahoo.com |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bochs-mirror.git |
Mirror of Bochs CVS |
anthony@codemonkey.ws |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bodq.git |
Bodq's stuff |
bodq@bodq.org |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bogdanos.git |
bogdanos is a simple UNIX like operating... |
bogdanciprian@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
bomtable.git |
BOMTable Tools |
hysios@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
boo.git |
Boo Programming Language |
cedricv@neonux.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
booboo.git |
booboo gentoo overlay |
porebrik@junkemail.ru |
8 days ago |
summary | log | tree |
booki.git |
easy book generator |
adam@flossmanuals.net |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
Bookkeeping.git |
'Bookkeeping' provides a Shell and API for... |
twashing@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bookmarks.git |
bookmarks for myself |
edwardbadboy@qq.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
BookReader.git |
zhuwenhui5566@163.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
Booktype.git |
The open source platform to write and publish... |
service-repoor@kamal... |
22 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
boomerang.git |
A general, open source, retargetable decompil... |
mackyle@gmail.com |
10 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
boords-signature-composer.git |
rropezh+boords@gmail.com |
7 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
boost.git |
Boost git-svn mirror |
james.sharpe@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
boost.m4-rhys.git |
Personal fork of boost.m4 |
rhys.ulerich@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
boost.m4.git |
M4 macros to use Boost with the autotools |
tsuna@lrde.epita.fr |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
boost_lockfree.git |
scott@artificia.org |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bootos.git |
git.dukio.com mirror.. in case.... |
unknwn@example.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bordeaux-threads.git |
Portable shared-state concurrency for Common... |
sionescu@cddr.org |
3 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
bosc.git |
a Spring RTS script compiler |
imbaczek@gmail.com |
17 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bosch_hmi_hacking.git |
darg.us@yandex.com |
5 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
botlist.git |
Botlist is a social bookmarking application... |
berlin.brown@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
botphone.git |
h6m9d.e@gmail.com |
7 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
Bottis.git |
IRC Bot for educational purpose |
Kenny80@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
boxen.git |
Vaporware Multiple Personality Disorder for... |
gmt@malth.us |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
boxroom-stian.git |
Hosting my changes to boxroom |
shaklev@gmail.com |
17 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
BrainSamurai.git |
Brain Samurai |
sursingh@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
brasero.git |
brasero mirror |
dmitrij.ledkov@ubuntu.com |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
brdnet.git |
[WIP] P2P messaging and file-sharing network |
tomasbrod@azet.sk |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
breadcrumb.git |
GPS tracking for Windows CE, in Python. |
lvh@laurensvh.be |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
breadcrumbs.git |
a system for a local economy |
lino.ferrentino... |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bridge-dev.git |
my dev tree for bridge |
hiroshi.doyu@nokia.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
brmpsu.git |
brmPSU - cheap bench power supply unit |
nephirus@kerestes.cz |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
brmpuk.git |
Simple robot control software |
pasky@ucw.cz |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
brmtron.git |
nephirus@kerestes.cz |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
broadcastadmin.git |
BroadcastAdmin is a project to make your... |
bca@kinkrsoftware.nl |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
browser.git |
junivan@lavabit.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
BrunelResearch-dirac.git |
Dirac Video Codec Research from Brunel Univer... |
myotun@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
BS_AY250.git |
bsteinbach@berkeley.edu |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bsecure.git |
martin.hoffman789123... |
10 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
BTFJ.git |
Permutes an unsymmetric matrix (square or... |
r.w.lincoln@gmail.com |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
btree.git |
BTree Project |
guanqun.lu@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
btrfs-progs-unstable.git |
Btrfs-progs-unstable mirror |
dave@jikos.cz |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
bubblegum.git |
A file and directory watcher |
bjk@luxsci.net |
18 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bug-buddy.git |
bug-buddy mirror |
dmitrij.ledkov@ubuntu.com |
8 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bugbuster.git |
A distributed bug tracking system. |
ereslibre@ereslibre.es |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
bugg-scheme-compiler.git |
Scheme Compiler |
itamar.benzaken... |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
build-benchmarks.git |
Tools for benchmarking build systems |
mhagger@alum.mit.edu |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
build-cgdb.git |
mackyle@gmail.com |
11 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
build-config.git |
menuconfig program in kernel and buildroot |
skeletone@126.com |
12 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
build-srcpkg.git |
srcpkg develop utilities. |
cottoncandyowner... |
6 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
build.git |
sergeysushilin@protonmail.com |
13 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
buildbot.git |
Python-based continuous integration testing... |
dustin@cs.uchicago.edu |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
BuildingRSQ.git |
rsqmail@163.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
buildr.git |
Git mirror for apache buildr |
vic.borja@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
buildrom.git |
Tool for building coreboot images (mirror... |
cristi.magherusan... |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
buildroot-gz.git |
My buildroot patches |
gustavo@zacarias... |
7 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
buildroot.git |
uClibc cross-compilers and rootfs |
rep.dot.nop@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bullet.git |
bullet |
mlmbzz@aol.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
bullock-smithy-route.git |
bullock-smithy-route... |
13 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
burt-test.git |
burt@fnal.gov |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bush.git |
improve version of bourne again shell program. |
cottoncandyowner... |
3 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
bustd.git |
Super lightweight process killer daemon for... |
vrmiguel99@gmail.com |
11 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
busybox-git.git |
Updated mirror of the Busybox GIT tree |
seapagan@gmail.com |
4 days ago |
summary | log | tree |
busybox.git |
Busybox: The Swiss Army Knife of Embedded... |
johannes.schindelin... |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bvfour.git |
lochi@Mail2Tor.com |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bwmon.git |
Application-level bandwidth monitor |
m@thp.io |
11 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bylock.git |
net.client.by.lock decompiled source |
tleilax@memeware.net |
3 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
bysj.git |
Project of BiYeSheJi |
670433522@qq.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
byzantine_scales.git |
browser based generator of byzantine musical... |
rwowsonnenschein... |
6 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
bz80asm.git |
Z80 assembler written in Z80 assembler (porte... |
ketmar@ketmar.no... |
4 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
bzr-fastimport.git |
Bazaar Fast Import |
vmiklos@frugalware.org |
10 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
bzrfruit.git |
bzr branch viewer |
sridhar.ratna@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
C-Data-Structures.git |
steven@schronk.com |
11 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
C-Deitel-Exercises.git |
Solved exercises from the book C How To Progr... |
jcmhsoftware@gmail.com |
18 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
c-exercises.git |
Learn C programming language and git vc alike |
a.roehler@web.de |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
C-Programming-Examples.git |
Some examples of C programs. |
steven@schronk.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
c-standard.git |
html version of the c standard |
nsz@port70.net |
11 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
c100.git |
wrjght@naver.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
c1cc.git |
crlf0710@gmail.com |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
c2run.git |
Run C code from sources |
jrische@laposte.net |
2 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
C_programing_practice.git |
moved to https://chiselapp.com/user/DarkLinkX... |
darklinkxxxx@gmail.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cabal.git |
Common Architecture for Building Applications... |
fgaz@fgaz.me |
9 hours ago |
summary | log | tree |
CabletX13.git |
CabletX13 codes |
xi.qingping@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
cacert-bootstrap.git |
set of scripts to bootstrap a test environmen... |
amery@geeks.cl |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cacheSweave.git |
cacheSweave package for R |
rdpeng@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cadabra.git |
Computer algebra system for field-theory... |
kasper.peeters@aei... |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cadence-nykeej.git |
Copy of cadence.git |
cook60020tmp@mail.ru |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cadence.git |
Cadence is a set of tools useful for Audio... |
falktx@gmail.com |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
caf.git |
root@yurikoles.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree | forks |
Cafu-Engine.git |
zhouxh1023@163.com |
4 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cafu-Engine.git |
zhouxh1023@163.com |
4 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
cairo.git |
Cairo graphics API |
planche2k@googlemail.com |
8 days ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
cake-bipr.git |
cake-4-bipr |
madzul@freebsd.or.id |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
cake-Z.git |
cake core |
madzul@freebsd.or.id |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
cake.git |
The AROS cake. Goodness baked in, have it... |
rob@cataclysm.cx |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
CAL.git |
An Abstraction Layer for modules written... |
julese50@free.fr |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
calcinator.git |
A calculator written in C |
sebastianskejoe... |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
calf.git |
Calf Audio Plugin Pack |
wdev@foltman.com |
9 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
calfbox.git |
Open source music instrument |
wdev@foltman.com |
9 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
calfwidgets.git |
Calf synth/audio widgets library |
wdev@foltman.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
CallMeterNG.git |
call counting android app |
f@ub0r.de |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
callshow.git |
试验 |
whyer1@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
camarabuntu.git |
Camarabuntu linux distro scripts |
rory@technomancy.org |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
camlunity.git |
simple web framework in ocaml |
ygrek@autistici.org |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
canaan.git |
3d game engine |
canaanproject@yandex.ru |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
canaries.git |
oskar.sharipov@tuta.io |
3 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
canary-depot.git |
An application in java spring. |
carddamom@outlook.pt |
7 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
canary.git |
oskarsh@riseup.net |
2 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
candl.git |
Dependence analyzer in the polyhedral model |
cedric.bastoul@unistra.fr |
10 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
Cantaveria.git |
action adventure platform game |
evanrinehart@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
cantaveria.git |
action adventure platform game |
evanrinehart@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
canvas.git |
A Web Application Development Framework for... |
chiology@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
capital-apms-progress.git |
Capital Accounting & Property Management... |
andrew-nospam@mcmillan... |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
capital-apms.git |
Capital Accounting & Property Management... |
andrew-nospam@morphoss.com |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
capturemjpeg.git |
A MotionJPEG library for Processing (GIT... |
cosimoc@gnome.org |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
carbonphp.git |
carbonPHP is a framework for PHP using the... |
crashanddie@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
care2x.git |
Care2x Electronic Medical System |
hendy@rainbowpurple.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
carla.git |
falktx@gmail.com |
11 days ago |
summary | log | tree |
caro.git |
Gomoku game written in Ruby on Rails |
pclouds@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
CarteBlanche.git |
Cartilla telefónica TEC |
ardamose123@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
cashio.git |
shen.elf@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
caskati.git |
Experimental chat server written in Erlang. |
gduchene@fastmail.net |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cassata.biscotto.git |
A test renderer for cassata |
Yota_VGA@tiscali.it |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cassata.git |
A fully featured meta-renderer |
Yota_VGA@tiscali.it |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cassilda.git |
UML/QEMU/XEN image generator, runner and... |
pablo@odkq.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
castfs.git |
castfs is a staged-root fuse-based filesystem |
ryuji@sourcemage.org |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
castle.git |
Git import of castle svn |
chrisortman@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
Catalyst-Plugin-Static-TT.git |
Catalyst plugin for application-lifetime... |
hdp@pobox.com |
17 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
catch.git |
stefan.naewe+rr... |
3 weeks ago |
summary | log | tree |
cave.git |
An NCurses asciimation viewer |
bjk@luxsci.net |
17 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cave9.git |
sfcave goes 3D |
rodolfo.borges@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cbaos.git |
Kernel for microcontrollers - low end ARM... |
domen@cba.si |
8 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cbnc.git |
IRC bouncer written entirely in python. |
steven.crothers... |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
cboard.git |
A console/ncurses chess engine frontend and... |
bjk@luxsci.net |
2 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
Cbot.git |
An IRC bot written in the C programming laguage |
crosvera@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cbs-scheduler.git |
A cbs scheduler for rt-kernel |
nicola.manica@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ccandy.git |
This is a command line tool to create project... |
cinnamon250@outlook.com |
10 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ccbib.git |
Creative Commons Bibliothek |
harald@ccbib.org |
8 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cclive-np.git |
legatvs@gmail.com |
10 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cclive.git |
Command line media download tool with low... |
legatvs@gmail.com |
10 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ccm-docs.git |
Documentation of the Center for Computational... |
jan.mandel@gmail.com |
4 days ago |
summary | log | tree |
ccrypt.git |
Ccrypt is a linux patch for encrypting layer... |
dawid.ciezarkiewicz... |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cdimgtools.git |
tools to inspect and manipulate CD/DVD optica... |
graud@gmx.com |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
cdrkit.git |
cJ-orcz@zougloub.eu |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
cds-indico.git |
CDS Indico - Event management |
jose.pedro.ferreira... |
9 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cdsTestProj.git |
This is a test to see if I can make it work |
carl_sorensen@byu.edu |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cebsyl.git |
emilie@ramonat.fr |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cedet.git |
Collection of Emacs Development Environment... |
no@spam.net |
5 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cegcc.git |
Mingw32 port for Windows CE |
tobias-cegcc@23.gs |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
CellLocator.git |
GSM Cell location app |
baruch@ev-en.org |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
cellml-draft-miller.git |
Unofficial Draft CellML Specification |
ak.miller@auckland... |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
celtk.git |
Linux/SBCL Friendly Fork of celtk |
achambers.home@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
celtx-debian.git |
Debian packaging for Celtx |
miriam@debian.org |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
centerim.git |
a textmode multi-protocol im client |
davrieb@liegesta.at |
8 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
+ |
centerim5.git |
a textmode multi-protocol im client |
pustjens@dds.nl |
4 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
cerbero_comunes.git |
libreria comunes |
jhonnydcano@yahoo.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
cerebrum.git |
RPC framework for interaction with c firmware... |
s@jaseg.de |
9 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cernimil.git |
cernimil@fel.cvut.cz |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
certviewer.git |
A simple X.509 certificate viewer for Microso... |
Cumpoing79@web.de |
3 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
cev.git |
Simple C/C++ and java evaluation |
robin.rosenberg... |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cewqo08.git |
A simple application that parses CEWQO 2008... |
brcha@gna.org |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cf.git |
cf |
clownfysh@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
cf_tmp.git |
a@b.cd |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cfengine-masterfiles.git |
My cfengine masterfiles |
jr0@riseup.net |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cffi.git |
The Common Foreign Function Interface |
loliveira@common... |
2 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
cfscript.git |
CF Script is a programming lanquage in writte... |
jameslovejoy1@googlemail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
CGI-Application-Plugin-RunmodeDeclare.git |
Declare runmodes with keywords |
rhesa@cpan.org |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
CGIscriptor.git |
A flexible HTML 4 compliant script/module... |
R.J.J.H.vanSon@gmail.com |
10 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cgit.git |
web interface (cgi) for git repositories... |
mackyle@gmail.com |
4 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
cgmail.git |
VCS-GIT for cGmail debian package |
dmitrij.ledkov@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cgperf.git |
gperf port to simple c89 with benign bits... |
sylvain.bertrand... |
3 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
chachachat.git |
End2end encrypted chat application |
chachachat3@proton.me |
12 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
chalow-eserte.git |
A fork of the chalow blog system |
srezic@cpan.org |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
champa.git |
Champa is a censorship circumvention proxy... |
david@bamsoftware.com |
6 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
chanembed.git |
cryzed@googlemail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
chango.git |
chango is a Tinychan/Kareha clone powered... |
me@exterlulz.net |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
chanl.git |
Private repository for development |
munchking@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
chans.py.git |
chans.py |
newanon@yandex.ru |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
chanspy.git |
chanspy |
newanon@yandex.ru |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
chaos_theory.git |
chutsu@gmail.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
charactermood.git |
Character mood |
none@example.com |
4 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
charfbuzz.git |
*partial* C90-ish port of harfbuzz |
sylvain.bertrand... |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
charm.git |
Charm++ is a parallel object-oriented program... |
junghans@votca.org |
5 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
charmilia.git |
wii game |
kawengod@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
charmood.git |
Character mood |
capable8743@finacenter.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
chartparser.git |
A Ruby chart parser |
tom@holizz.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ChatApp.git |
Example Java Chat application |
mihai.sucan@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
chatter.git |
A Telepathy Client in C# |
adam.lofts@gmail.com |
17 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cheatproxy.git |
A BitTorrent cheat proxy. |
sjm@spamcop.net |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
check-version.git |
olethanh@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
check_mk.git |
check_mk |
dmitrij.ledkov@ubuntu.com |
5 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
checker-flow-ng.git |
A rewrite of the Checker Framework's (http... |
koenigdavidmj@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cheese.git |
cheese |
dmitrij.ledkov@ubuntu.com |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
chemc-fabric.git |
zhc@chinamail.com |
3 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
chere.git |
Cygwin chere package |
kilroyd@gmail.com |
10 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
chew.git |
yawn...another web framework |
ry@tinyclouds.org |
17 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
chibi.git |
A Simple, Small, Wireless stack |
chris@freaklabs.org |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
chimera.git |
Yet another 2D RPG game |
kawk@theprogrammingsite.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
chip8.git |
Chip-8 emulator written in C99 using SDL2 |
alessio.chiapperini... |
4 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
chiroptera.git |
very uncustomizable private email client |
ketmar@ketmar.no... |
4 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
chl.git |
mittprocul@cock.li |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
chocolate-doom.git |
Mirror of the Chocolate Doom subversion repos... |
mikeonthecomputer... |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
chr.git |
copy of chr |
vsc@dcc.fc.up.pt |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
chromerefcontrol.git |
Change referer, like Firefox's Refcontrol |
huang3914@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
chromium-blink-merge.git |
luoyonggang@gmail.com |
9 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
chromium.git |
root@yurikoles.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree | forks |
chuck-blob.git |
ChucK => Strongly-timed, On-the-fly Audio... |
radarsat1@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ci.git |
Continuous build tools and automated tests... |
jakub@jermar.eu |
6 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
cidro.git |
A website and a framework for floss-social |
tmkcodes@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
cinan.git |
configs |
cinan6@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
cinelerra_cv.git |
The Cinelerra Video editor, community version |
ct@pipapo.org |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
cinitramfs.git |
code to create a minimal linux initramfs |
sylvain.bertrand... |
5 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ciopfs.git |
Case Insensitive On Purpose File System |
mat@brain-dump.org |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
circ.git |
Circ is an IRC client written in C# and prima... |
jeremie.laval@gmail.com |
17 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cirosantilli-test.git |
Mirror of: https://github.com/cirosantilli... |
ciro.santilli.contact... |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
citadel.git |
Sam's citadel repo |
sam@liddicott.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
citezen_doc.git |
ivan.molineris@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
citygo-google-transit.git |
GTFS files for CityGo, public transit for... |
ianweller@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cl-base64.git |
Base64 encoder/decoder |
trebbu@googlemail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
cl-c.git |
C parser |
adobriyan@gmail.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cl-cluster.git |
CL-Cluster |
v.mayatskih@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cl-cudd.git |
Common Lisp wrappers for CUDD library (Colora... |
lisp@uuhaus.de |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cl-devil.git |
DevIL bindings for Common Lisp |
julian@cipht.net |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cl-elf.git |
Elf file format parsing utilities in common... |
johnc@yagc.ndo.co.uk |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cl-ftgl.git |
FTGL bindings for Common Lisp |
julian@cipht.net |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
cl-glfw.git |
Common Lisp CFFI bindings to glfw |
airbaggins@users... |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
cl-grapher.git |
cl-grapher |
jpb@rrette.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
cl-gtk2.git |
Common Lisp binding for Gtk+ |
Kalyanov.Dmitry... |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cl-ipmsg.git |
crlf0710@gmail.com |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cl-llvm.git |
CL LLVM bindings |
foom@fuhm.net |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cl-mediawiki.git |
A Common Lisp wrapper around the MediaWiki api |
russ@acceleration.net |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cl-notify.git |
Common lisp bindings for libnotify |
rswarbrick@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cl-opossum.git |
A Parsing Expression Grammar Parser generator... |
lisp@uuhaus.de |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cl-sane.git |
Common lisp bindings for SANE |
rswarbrick@gmail.com |
9 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cl-satwrap.git |
Generic SAT solver interface for Common Lisp... |
lisp@uuhaus.de |
8 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cl-slurp.git |
adobriyan@gmail.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cl-sqlite.git |
Common Lisp binding for SQLite |
Kalyanov.Dmitry... |
5 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cl-trane.git |
A Common Lisp framework for creating RESTful... |
mpasternacki@common... |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cl-tuples.git |
Libray for writing optimised vector math... |
johnc@yagc.ndo.co.uk |
10 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cl-utf8.git |
Common Lisp UTF-8 library |
adobriyan@gmail.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cl-v4l2.git |
Common Lisp bindings for Video4Linux2 |
v.mayatskih@gmail.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cl-vectors.git |
CL vector rasterization and manipulation... |
trebbu@googlemail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cl-vendor.git |
crlf0710@gmail.com |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cl-w32api.git |
Win32 API Invoking Libraries |
crlf0710@gmail.com |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cl-webkit.git |
Common Lisp bindings for WebKitGtk+ |
joachim.fasting... |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cl-x86-asm.git |
X86 Assembler written in Common Lisp |
johnc@yagc.ndo.co.uk |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cl-zmq.git |
Common Lisp bindings for ZeroMQ2 |
v.mayatskih@gmail.com |
4 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
CLab.git |
Control de Laboratorio |
vladimiroski@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
clamfilter.git |
ClamWin on-access scanner |
asenzz@gmail.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
clan.git |
Basic translator from high-level language... |
cedric.bastoul@unistra.fr |
9 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
clang-x.git |
etherzhhb@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
clang.git |
GIT mirror of clang project |
asl@math.spbu.ru |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
clash.git |
cardoso.rcs@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
class-dump.git |
A command-line utility for examining the... |
mackyle@gmail.com |
5 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
clav.git |
A program to visualize cluster algebras as... |
sgilles@umd.edu |
3 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
claws.git |
luoyonggang@gmail.com |
2 weeks ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
clay.git |
Clay, the Chunky Loop Alteration wizardrY... |
cedric.bastoul@unistra.fr |
9 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
clbuild.git |
Mirror of clbuild |
trebbu@googlemail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
cldr2json.git |
Converts CLDR keyboard description to JSON |
alan@boum.org |
5 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ClearClipboard.git |
Periodically ClearClipboard, e.g. to hide... |
mulder2@gmx.de |
22 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
CleverRabbit.git |
Bible Translation Editor for Mac OS X |
akarlk@gmail.com |
9 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
clfswm.git |
clfswm |
hocwp@free.fr |
9 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
client-tools.git |
swg client tools |
noyfb@india.com |
9 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
clientserver.git |
A small chat server and client. |
victor.zamanian... |
17 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
clive-utils.git |
Misc. utils for clive |
legatvs@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
clive.git |
Command line video extraction tool. |
legatvs@gmail.com |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
clldap.git |
Common Lisp LDAP library |
trebbu@googlemail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
clogger.git |
configurable request logging for Rack |
bofh@yhbt.net |
8 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
clojure-patches.git |
Patches to Clojure |
toralf.wittner@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
clon.git |
Command-Line Options Nuker |
trebbu@googlemail.com |
11 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cloog-merge.git |
Merging graphite's Cloog-PPL back to ClooG... |
simbuerg@fim.uni... |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cloog-parma.git |
PPL backend for CLooG |
skimo-cloog@kotnet.org |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cloog-polylib.git |
PolyLib backend for CLooG |
skimo-cloog@kotnet.org |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cloog-ppl.git |
Port of CLooG to PPL |
sebpop@gmail.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
cloog.git |
Code generator for polyhedra scanning |
cedric.bastoul@unistra.fr |
9 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
closure-common.git |
Shared code for Closure XML and Closure HTML |
cxml-devel@common... |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
closure-html.git |
HTML parser written in Common Lisp |
david@lichteblau.com |
10 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cloudapi.git |
source code and document for cloud |
pflin@novell.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
clqr.git |
Common Lisp Quick Reference |
trebbu@googlemail.com |
5 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cls.git |
XLispStat |
blindglobe@gmail.com |
17 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
clsql.git |
a SQL database for Common Lisp interface |
scompall@nocandysw.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree | forks |
cltracer.git |
Ray tracing engine using OpenCL |
morpheus.ibis@gmail.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
clumanager.git |
Cluster Manager |
lon@metamorphism.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cluster-algebra-visualize.git |
A very basic tool to visualize cluster algebr... |
sgilles@math.umd.edu |
8 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cluster_expansion.git |
Cluster Expansion for CO lateral interactions... |
rieger@fhi-berlin... |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cluster_expansion_mc.git |
canonical MC for CO on Pd(100) based in clust... |
rieger@fhi-berlin... |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cluster_expansion_thesis.git |
canonical MC for CO on Pd(100) based in clust... |
rieger@fhi-berlin... |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ClusterDetector.git |
Atomar Simulation - Cluster Detector |
mail.gerolf@ziegenhain.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
clw.git |
Clarkway, an SSL port forwarding service |
m.schutte.jr@gmail.com |
17 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
clx_test.git |
cardoso.rcs@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
cmake.git |
Import of CMake.org's complete CVS history |
mstormo@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
CMakeLuaTailorHgBridge.git |
Intermediate bridge repo between official... |
ewingdotpublic@gmail... |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cmdllinux.git |
linux distribution |
nemethotto.123@gmail.com |
4 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cmenu.git |
Not dmenu |
niklas.cathor@gmx.de |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
cmogstored.git |
alternative mogstored implementation for... |
normalperson@yhbt.net |
3 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cmover.git |
Move a character over the screen |
j.neuschaefer@gmx.net |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cmpalgorithms.git |
Comparing mathematical algorithms in Secondar... |
somenxavier@posteo.net |
4 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
cmplus.git |
ch33kybutt@yahoo.com |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cmus.git |
ncurses based music player |
tihirvon@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cnet.git |
simple async network library inspired by... |
zacheryph@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cnetworkmanager.git |
Command line interface for NetworkManager |
martin.git@vidner.net |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cnode.git |
cnodejs.org'wiki |
gxqzk@126.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
cnoor.git |
A simple holy Quran viewer for linux framebuffer |
aligrudi@gmail.com |
7 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cnruby.git |
gudao.luo@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
cntlm.git |
Fork of cntlm |
Stromeko@Stromeko.DE |
9 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cnwhitelist.git |
info@sparanoid.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
coachiever.git |
azaless@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
coachiever2.git |
azaless@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cobas.git |
Codigo de David |
david.cobas@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
CocoaPods.git |
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Swift... |
yurikoles@gmail.com |
4 hours ago |
summary | log | tree |
cocotron.git |
Cross platform AppKit & Foundation Objective... |
mackyle@gmail.com |
8 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
codegen4j.git |
Code generation tool |
llongeri@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
CodeSign.git |
Simple file signing toolkit |
mulder2@gmx.de |
2 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
codimension.git |
codimension git mirror |
kirr@navytux.spb.ru |
9 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
coffeefix.git |
rogerl.android@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
cogito.git |
Git Interface for Humans |
pasky@ucw.cz |
17 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
coin.git |
vyvojar@mail.ru |
8 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
Column approximate minimum degree ordering... |
r.w.lincoln@gmail.com |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
colexworks.git |
myworks |
colex@love.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
collage-signature-composer.git |
A little app that I made for Collage.com :) |
rroperzh@gmail.com |
7 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
colly.git |
mail@adamgamble.com |
11 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
colortracking.git |
Video tracking using colour features |
adleravat@ntl.fr |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
Comic.py.git |
A fetcher and viewer for webcomics, in Python |
andrew.mahone@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
common.git |
git.dukio.com mirror.. in case... |
unknwn@example.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
CommonLispStat.git |
XLispStat port to CommonLisp |
blindglobe@gmail.com |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
community-lisp-ru.git |
archimag@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
comos.git |
ComOS - The Community Operating System! |
jp.sittingduck@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
COMP345---Clone.git |
qamirror@cock.li |
7 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
Comp371-Clone.git |
qamirror@cock.li |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
Comp376-ScrollingShooter-Assignment.git |
qamirror@cock.li |
5 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
comp80.git |
Code for the Comp80 website |
plunk@tuftsfood.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
company-nginx.git |
Add Nginx directives keywords to company... |
numbchild@gmail.com |
2 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
compass.git |
Script and website to extract relay statistics |
delber@riseup.net |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
compctl.git |
Computations under control - cgroup-based... |
pasky@ucw.cz |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
comperio-email-signature.git |
Generate the default comperio signature |
douchemcdouche@mailinator.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
CompiladoresAndre.git |
greiskul@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
compresslog.git |
Tools to compress apache logs via piped logs |
martin.langhoff... |
9 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
Concurrency.git |
This project is meant to teach me about concu... |
igor.popov89@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
concurrent.git |
The Omnibus Concurrency Library for Ruby |
mental@rydia.net |
17 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
Config-Perl-V.git |
Structured data retreival of perl -V output |
h.merijn@procura.nl |
10 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
configd.git |
A configuration daemon over HTTP |
gera@theoldmonk.net |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
configs.git |
Just my configs, anything more |
442935@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
conformal.git |
A conformal mapping plugin for The Gimp. |
conformal@drmicha... |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
congif.git |
convert script(1) output to GIF |
marcelgmr@gmail.com |
3 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
conkeror.git |
a xulrunner web browser with an emacs-like... |
jjfoerch@earthlink.net |
5 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
ConsolidationCalculation.git |
zzandy@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
construo.git |
2D construction toy using wireframe objects... |
miriam@debian.org |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
consume.git |
Feed and consume input lines processed by... |
alessio.chiapperini... |
4 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
contacts_plasmoid.git |
Animated Contacts Plasmoid |
igor_trindade@yahoo... |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
contiki-2.x.git |
Contiki OS for tiny computers |
Lars.Rasmusson@sics.se |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
converter.git |
Format conversion between OpenScop and SCoPLib |
taj.khan@inria.Fr |
10 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cool-tweets.git |
m3drano@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
copter_light.git |
Control four LEDs with an ATtiny or Arduino |
stefan.naewe+ro... |
7 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
copyleftie-dotfiles.git |
copyleftie's (selected) dotfiles |
copyleftie@protonmail.com |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
copyleftie-krc.git |
responses to exercises from K&R C (second... |
copyleftie@protonmail.com |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
copyleftie-scripts.git |
helper scripts in my path |
copyleftie@protonmail.com |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cor.git |
connection oriented routing |
michi1@michaelblizek... |
18 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
cor_2_6_31.git |
connection oriented routing - ARCHIVE NO... |
michi1@michaelblizek... |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
coreboot.git |
ast, secure and flexible OpenSource firmware |
yurikoles@gmail.com |
17 hours ago |
summary | log | tree |
coreboot2.git |
coreboot repo mirror |
sidthane@aussiemail... |
17 hours ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
coreutils.git |
GNU core utilities |
gigabo@gmail.com |
5 days ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
cornucopia.git |
foo@aaaa.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
cornucopiafso.git |
foo@aaaa.com |
10 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
corutils.git |
connection orienter routing user space exampl... |
michi1@michaelblizek... |
20 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
corvix.git |
corvix GNU/Linux distribution |
root@corvix.eu |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
couchdb.git |
CouchDB Ruby Library |
chiology@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
couchdbimport.git |
import of the couchDB svn |
patcito@gmail.com |
17 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
couchobject.git |
Ruby client for CouchDB |
johan@johansorensen.com |
17 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
couchpytato.git |
Multimedia-jukebox application written in... |
yurand2@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
coupserv.git |
Test_User's chaotic InspIRCd-linking pseudo... |
me@runxiyu.org |
3 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
cow_2001.git |
cow_2001's free sources |
cow.2001@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cowl.git |
Common Lisp OpenGL™ Widget Library |
airbaggins@users... |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cowTrack.git |
b3hzat@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
cpan-testers-parsereport.git |
CPAN-Testers-ParseReport |
andreas.koenig.7os6VVqR... |
5 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
CPandaTEST.git |
rmayorgav@cpanda.net |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cpanplus-dist-mdv.git |
CPANPLUS::Dist::Mdv - easy rpm creation for... |
jquelin@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
cparser.git |
kristianrumberg... |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cpc.git |
A command line Component Pascal compiler... |
deaddoomer@deadsoftware.ru |
4 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cpdf.git |
a small and simple pdf viewer that uses poppl... |
aligrudi@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cpls.git |
aquariuscool@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
Cpp-Deitel-Exercises.git |
Solved exercises from the book C++ How To... |
jcmhsoftware@gmail.com |
19 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
CppCoreGuidelines.git |
stefan.naewe+rr... |
8 days ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
cppi.git |
GNU cppi mirror |
eblake@redhat.com |
3 months ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
CppToLua.git |
silveira.kaue@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cppu.git |
C++ Unit Testing Framework |
danfis@danfis.cz |
17 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cpuHistory.git |
CPU History for OS X |
cpuhistory@nospamcbowns.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cpython.git |
Personal fork from https://github.com/python... |
ben.finney+python... |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
cr816-sim.git |
coolrisc 816 simulator |
petrcvekcz@gmail.com |
3 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
crack-attack.git |
Crack Attack! is a fast-paced puzzle game... |
lorien420@myrealbox.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
CraftBukkit.git |
My custom craftbukkit repo |
ubijca16@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
crak.git |
The crak for kernel |
Aleaxander@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
crapvine.git |
A python implementation of Grapevine |
lorien420@myrealbox.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
craw.git |
C.R.A.W. Module |
v@id |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
crawl.git |
Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup (roguelike game) |
luca.barbieri@gmail.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
CRC.git |
Sistema de Controle de Inventario para CRCs... |
cmorais@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
create-svrjs-server.git |
SVR.JS downloader; "svrjs" npm package |
webmaster@svrjs.org |
3 weeks ago |
summary | log | tree |
create_vflash5.git |
git.dukio.com mirror.. in case... |
unknwn@example.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
create_vflash6.git |
git.dukio.com mirror.. in case... |
unknwn@example.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
create_vflash7.git |
git.dukio.com mirror.. in case... |
unknwn@example.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
creativeforge.git |
A Minecraft Creative Server. |
samuel.hodgkins... |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
CrewForSail.git |
qamirror@cock.li |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
crhash.git |
Cryptographic hash |
adobriyan@gmail.com |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cris-mirror.git |
CRIS linux kernel tree |
jesper.nilsson@gmail.com |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
crisos.git |
claudyus84@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cron-utils.git |
Utils for cronjobs |
martin.langhoff... |
11 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cronlist.git |
Lists upcoming cron tasks |
angus@quovadis.com.ar |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cropwidget.git |
a simple Qt widget capable of taking image... |
divided.mind@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
CRouting.git |
Pretty simple and efficient URL routing/matcher |
crodas@php.net |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
crush-sequencer.git |
midi sequencer for asynchronous editing and... |
evanrinehart@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
CRYENGINE is a powerful real-time game develo... |
yurikoles@gmail.com |
3 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cryosleep-ng.git |
weigelt@metux.de |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cryptdemo.git |
Automated encryption and decryption in Git... |
je@ne.regrette.rien |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cryptoalert.git |
Alert when cryptocurrencies become more or... |
oskarsh@riseup.net |
3 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cryptodev-linux.git |
Cryptodev for linux |
nmav@gnutls.org |
11 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
crywrap.git |
CryWrap is a simplistic daemon to add TLS... |
nmav@gnutls.org |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
CS-101.git |
Introduction to Computer Science Programs |
steven@schronk.com |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cs213project.git |
Git Deneme |
koray.gulcu@ozu... |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
CS310.git |
threetrees@disroot.org |
10 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
cs351.git |
CS 351 course repository |
lee@soi2.org |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
csharp_utitlities.git |
Some useful C# utilities |
jonas.granqvist... |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
CSharpLibraryStarterKit.git |
A starting point for C# library development... |
andrewarnott@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cslatevm.git |
The Slate Implementation |
slate@timmy.tmbx.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
csp.git |
ojasvig@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
csplainnat.git |
BiBTeX style for the Czech references style |
david.mudrak@gmail.com |
10 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
csql.git |
Main memory database SQL engine (cvs import) |
przemoc@gmail.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
csrf-magic-web.git |
Website for csrf-magic |
edwardzyang@thewritingpot.com |
11 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
csrf-magic.git |
Wizard CSRF protection for PHP |
edwardzyang@thewritingpot.com |
10 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cswow.git |
thyphoon05@gmail.com |
9 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cswowd.git |
thyphoon05@gmail.com |
9 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ct-quota-pq.git |
quota for linux containers patch queue |
rjevskiy@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cteddy.git |
xteddy clone using GTK+ 2 and Cairo |
mangobrain@googlemail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ctestharness.git |
Simple test harness written in C |
alessio.chiapperini... |
3 weeks ago |
summary | log | tree |
ctkuk.git |
Klient pro sledování pořadů z archivu České... |
git@ct-kuk.wz.cz |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ctl24.git |
xaoe@boese-ban.de |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cToan.git |
cToan: Can't Think Of A Name. But it's on... |
TidusBlade@watermelonaddi... |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ctodo.git |
A simple commandline todo manager. |
stefanhetzwaantje... |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ctxopt.git |
Yet another command line options manager. |
p.gen.progs@gmail.com |
2 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ctxt.git |
A simple plain text to html/troff/latex converter |
aligrudi@gmail.com |
11 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cu.git |
port of openbsd cu(1) to Linux |
nedko@nedk.org |
10 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
cuberevo.git |
Cuberevo 3rd party projects |
3sarge3@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
cudacompress.git |
Cuda Project |
AliV@gmx.de |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
cuibap.git |
An offline blogging engine written in ruby |
pclouds@gmail.com |
17 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cuisinez.git |
dubois.vct@free.fr |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
curben-blog.git |
https://curben.netlify.com/ |
curben@users.noreply... |
15 hours ago |
summary | log | tree |
curltunnel.git |
A proxy tunnel using libcurl |
godeater@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cursedutils.git |
Cursed version of the standard UNIX utilities |
alessio.chiapperini... |
2 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
custlog.git |
customer service log |
randomutterings... |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
CustomFancyTree.git |
repo@saper.info |
8 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cuteobr.git |
cuteobr's git |
cuteobr@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cutils.git |
Small utilities written in C |
ericdweitzel@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
cutop.git |
swiss army knife for cuda |
adrian@blinkenlights.ch |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cv.git |
vaidheeswaran.chinnaraju... |
8 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cve2019-2215-3.18.git |
mparnell@gmail.com |
4 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cvector.git |
A generic vector (dynamic array) implementati... |
jrische@laposte.net |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cview.git |
A comparative genetic map viewer |
jonathan@leto.net |
8 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
cvs2svn.git |
Migrate CVS repositories to SVN or git or... |
mhagger@alum.mit.edu |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
cvsc.git |
Capybara vs. Crocodiles |
filip.braun@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
cvsclone.git |
A quick CVS repository leecher |
johannes.schindelin... |
7 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cvsps-hv.git |
Collection of patches and tests for cvsps |
hvoigt@hvoigt.net |
11 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
cvsps-yd.git |
Collection of patches to cvsps |
ydirson@free.fr |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
+ |
cvsps.git |
cvsps |
johannes.schindelin... |
No commits |
summary | log | tree | forks |
cw-ee-280210.git |
colwilson@bcs.org |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
cwc.git |
A Crossword Compiler |
mark-repo.or.cz... |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cxgn-corelibs.git |
Various Modules relating to SGN |
jonathan@leto.net |
4 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
cxgn-jslib.git |
Common set of Javascript libraries for CXGN... |
jonathan@leto.net |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cxml-rng-test.git |
Relax NG test suite (submodule for cxml-rng) |
david@lichteblau.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cxml-rng.git |
Relax NG for cxml |
trebbu@googlemail.com |
10 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cxml-stp.git |
A data structure for well-formed XML document... |
trebbu@googlemail.com |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
cxml.git |
Closure XML parser, written in Common Lisp |
cxml-devel@common... |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
cyberduck.git |
comutt.jp@gmail.com |
8 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cyberflex-jdkbx.git |
git@jdkbx.cjb.net |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
cyc.git |
CYC, the Create Your Country game. |
zhc@chinamail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
cycon.git |
Cycon gives a TUI for getting cytube playlist... |
derais@cock.li |
5 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
cygport.git |
Mirror of Cygport w/ HTTP access |
Stromeko@Stromeko.DE |
5 months ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
cygwin-base-files.git |
Cygwin base-files |
Stromeko@Stromeko.DE |
3 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cygwin-run.git |
Cygwin run.exe |
Stromeko@Stromeko.DE |
9 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
cygwin-setup.git |
Mirror of Cygwin-Setup |
Stromeko@Stromeko.DE |
2 months ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
cygwin_dotemacs.git |
My cygwin emacs stuff |
swillie100@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
cytubebot.git |
qgm0wm+3k3h0m6695cl8... |
2 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
d0tfiles.git |
dot files |
x0r@openmailbox.org |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
d2d-md.git |
Doom 2D on SMD |
pvt.fgsfds@gmail.com |
3 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
d2d-psx.git |
Doom 2D on PSX |
pvt.fgsfds@gmail.com |
4 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
d2df-binlib.git |
prebuilt binary libraries for Doom 2D: Foreve... |
ketmar@ketmar.no... |
2 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
d2df-bot.git |
IRC bot for the #doom2d channel |
pvt.fgsfds@gmail.com |
7 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
d2df-editor.git |
Doom2D Forever editor ported to FPC/Lazarus |
figgisfiddis@proton.me |
7 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
d2df-maped.git |
map editor for Doom 2D Forever |
pvt.fgsfds@gmail.com |
2 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
d2df-res.git |
Resources for Doom 2D: Forever |
jab1@yandex.ru |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
d2df-sdl.git |
a port of Doom2D Forever to FPC/SDL |
figgisfiddis@proton.me |
2 weeks ago |
summary | log | tree |
d2dqcc.git |
modified QuakeC compiler for Doom2D:VCD |
ketmar@ketmar.no... |
11 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
d2dvcd.git |
GNU/Linux port of Doom2D game. Now with color... |
ketmar@ketmar.no... |
4 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
dab-pve-appliances.git |
DAB examples from the proxmox pve project |
tech+roc@toptranslation.com |
4 weeks ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
dabba.git |
emmanuel.roullit... |
11 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dack.git |
Ack(grep-like tool)-like tool. |
dawid.ciezarkiewicz... |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
daesh-projects.git |
daesh-projects@ext... |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
dailyzen.git |
Source for nearfar.org/dailyzen/ |
sridhar.ratna@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dairymen.git |
Support for daily firming |
ymmud@kuwashima.org |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dakilang.git |
Interpreter for the Daki logic programming... |
gonmf@sapo.pt |
17 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
damir.git |
my own repo |
damir@mimas.ru |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
danen.git |
noz3001@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
danenTanks.git |
noz3001@gmail.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
daohang.git |
wangzhi daohang |
daohangye@wo.cn |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
dar.git |
PKGBUILDs and binaries for the ArchLinux... |
miniature@archlinux.us |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
darcs2git.git |
import darcs using fast-import |
hanwen@xs4all.nl |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
darcsweb.git |
A web interface for darcs |
vmiklos@frugalware.org |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
darkageonline.git |
mmorpg game based on reddwarf technology |
andriy.stefanov... |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
darwin-xtools.git |
A set of modifications to ctools and ld64... |
deaddoomer@deadsoftware.ru |
12 months ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
+ |
dash.git |
dash shell |
eblake@redhat.com |
2 months ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
dasher.git |
dasher mirror |
dmitrij.ledkov@ubuntu.com |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dashstudio.git |
Dash Studio |
krawek@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
Data-Peek.git |
A collection of low-level perl debug facilities |
h.m.brand@xs4all.nl |
9 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
data_share.git |
linhanjie123@163.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
DataExtract-FixedWidth.git |
DataExtract::FixedWidth |
me@evancarroll.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dataminer.git |
siasiamail@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
datapacks.git |
mail@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
davej-history.git |
Copy of Dave Jones history.git as used by... |
cesarb@cesarb.net |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
davical.git |
DAViCal CalDAV & CardDAV Server |
andrew-nospam@davical.org |
10 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dbenesj_diplomka.git |
dbenesj@email.cz |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dboe.git |
Blades of Exile port to GTK, Qt |
kuxvvv@gmail.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dbstuff.git |
Experimental code and stuff |
borkmann@gnumaniacs.org |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dbus-cxx-async.git |
dbus-c++ async branch |
zub@linux.fjfi.cvut.cz |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dbus-free.git |
*entoo overlay for optional dbus |
doesnotexist@lulzantidbus.org |
3 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
dbus-hlid.git |
Freesmartphone.org dbus-hlid |
prishelec@gmail.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dbus-python-phuang.git |
shawn.p.huang@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dbus4win.git |
Unified freedesktop.org dbus.git and windbus... |
marc@kdab.net |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dbw.git |
A platform game based on Blob Wars from Paral... |
DirtY.iCE.hu@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dbwrap.git |
a simple wrapper for Python SQL connections |
pianohacker@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dc-seal.git |
Seal-dc development |
eyolf@oestrem.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dcbot.git |
Direct Connect bot written in Ruby |
kevin@sb.org |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dconf.git |
dconf mirror |
dmitrij.ledkov@ubuntu.com |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dcron.git |
dillon's lightweight cron daemon |
profjim@jimpryor.net |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dctm.git |
kerstovo@mail.ru |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
dd2d.git |
DooM2D Re-Created, in D |
ketmar@ketmar.no... |
7 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ddclient.git |
Perl client used to update dynamic DNS entrie... |
mackyle@gmail.com |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ddnasgpl.git |
bootloader/linux kernel for ddnas v1 and... |
chinawrj@gmail.com |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ddos.git |
42@42 |
2 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
de200vfd.git |
Driver for Noritake VFD in HP Digital Enterta... |
christophe@dinechin.org |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
deary.git |
chompmotte@yahoo.fr |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
deavidtest.git |
Test GIT repo for testing purposes only.... |
deavidsedice@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
deb2zero.git |
create Zero Install feeds from Debian packages |
talex5+git@gmail.com |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
debian-aws-vault.git |
repo.or.cz@davel... |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
debian-beebasm.git |
repo.or.cz@davel... |
3 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
debian-dgen.git |
repo.or.cz@davel... |
3 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
debian-git.git |
A mirror of smarden.org's http git |
drfarina@acm.org |
11 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
debian-id-ebook.git |
Ebook debian dalam bahasa indonesia, ebook... |
udienz@gmail.com |
11 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
debian-live-boot.git |
live-boot contains the scripts that configure... |
hramrach@centrum.cz |
9 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
+ |
debian-live-build.git |
live-build is a set of scripts to build Debia... |
hramrach@gmail.com |
8 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
+ |
debian-live-config.git |
live-config contains the scripts that configu... |
hramrach@centrum.cz |
9 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
debian-nspark.git |
nspark@davel.me.uk |
2 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
debian-policy.git |
Debian Policy Manual and related documents |
jrnieder@gmail.com |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
debian-ro-repo.git |
coordination repo for the debian-l10n-romania... |
eddy.petrisor@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
debian_buildbot.git |
Buildbot Debian packaging |
bertagaz@ptitcanardnoir.org |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
debian_comixcursors.git |
Debian packaging for ‘comixcursors’ |
ben+repo.or.cz@benfinney... |
8 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
debian_inform6-compiler.git |
Debian packaging for ‘inform6-compiler’ |
ben+repo.or.cz@benfinney... |
3 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
debian_inform6-library.git |
Debian packaging for ‘inform6-library’ |
ben+repo.or.cz@benfinney... |
5 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
debian_inform6-mode.git |
Debian packaging for ‘inform6-mode’ |
ben+repo.or.cz@benfinney... |
8 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
debian_inform6.git |
Debian packaging for ‘inform6’ |
ben+repo.or.cz@benfinney... |
7 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
debian_jquery-textcomplete.git |
Debian packaging for ‘jquery-textcomplete’ |
ben+repo.or.cz@benfinney... |
8 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
debian_jquery-throttle-debounce.git |
Debian packaging for ‘jquery-throttle-debounce’ |
ben+repo.or.cz@benfinney... |
7 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
debian_lojban-common.git |
Debian packaging for ‘lojban-common’ |
ben+repo.or.cz@benfinney... |
7 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
debian_mullvad-client.git |
Debian packaging for ‘mullvad-client’ |
ben+repo.or.cz@benfinney... |
7 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
debian_python-coverage.git |
Debian packaging for ‘python-coverage’ |
ben+repo.or.cz@benfinney... |
8 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
debian_python-lockfile.git |
Debian packaging for ‘python-lockfile’ |
ben+repo.or.cz@benfinney... |
8 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
debian_python-primes.git |
Debian packaging for ‘python-primes’ |
ben+repo.or.cz@benfinney... |
8 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
debian_xkcdpass.git |
Debian packaging for ‘xkcdpass’ |
ben+repo.or.cz@benfinney... |
8 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
debiancodesearch.git |
Debian Code Search |
jrnieder@gmail.com |
7 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
debpaste-debian.git |
debpaste-debian - Debian package of debpaste |
richih.mailinglist... |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
debpaste.git |
debpaste - a program to paste to, edit and... |
richih.mailinglist... |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
debug_console.git |
A Gtk TextView that relies on a Tree Model... |
boyska@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
debux.git |
a debian blend with gnustep and more sanity |
svetlana@members... |
5 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
decibel-kopete-hacking.git |
Repo for sharing current ideas for decibel... |
grundleborg@googlemail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
deck.blank.js.git |
knittl89+git@googlemail.com |
10 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
deck.js.git |
Github mirror of deck.js | Modern HTML Presen... |
knittl89+git@googlemail.com |
8 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
decorate.git |
Python style decorators for Ruby. |
langstefan@gmx.at |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
DeDRM_tools-LCP.git |
LCP DRM support stopped working in original... |
newsguytor@mailnesia.com |
14 months ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
deepvid.git |
lich@openmailbox.org |
8 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dejagnu.git |
DejaGnu is a framework for testing other... |
pasky@ucw.cz |
2 weeks ago |
summary | log | tree |
dejan.git |
This is a sample project |
dejan1@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
dejavu.git |
DejaVu git mirror |
kirr@landau.phys... |
9 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
delete_vflash5.git |
git.dukio.com mirror.. in case... |
unknwn@example.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
delete_vflash6.git |
git.dukio.com mirror.. in case... |
unknwn@example.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
delete_vflash7.git |
git.dukio.com mirror.. in case... |
unknwn@example.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
deliciousMeal.git |
Delicious Meal |
nospam@yourmom.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
delight.git |
programming language based on D, but with... |
talex5+git@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
delutions.git |
Various Bits of Code |
jmesmon@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
demo_app.git |
Test repo for Training purposes |
akmathur@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
DepGen-Perl-Tests.git |
Tests for RPM dependency generator for Perl... |
ppisar@redhat.com |
8 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
deployable.git |
Tools for creating deployable scripts/programs |
flavio@polettix.it |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
deployinator.git |
clarke@carfoo.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
deployment-test.git |
raine.virta@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
depot.git |
This is a command line tool to work with... |
cinnamon250@outlook.com |
10 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
depression.git |
nfxjfg@gmail.com |
11 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
deps.git |
Dependency Extraction and Processing System |
pasky@ucw.cz |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
deriving.git |
Enhancements to OCaml deriving extension |
ygrek@autistici.org |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
desert.git |
Desert powder game |
tuxlover684+hsus... |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
deska.git |
Tool for an Administration of a Grid Site |
deska@lists.flaska.net |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
desktopswitcher.git |
nedko@nedk.org |
21 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
detach.git |
run commands detached from the terminal |
detach@inglorion.net |
17 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
DeToc.git |
MediaWiki extension to removes or relocates... |
repo@saper.info |
8 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dev_sl.git |
diogo.comp@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
Devel-Leak.git |
srezic@cpan.org |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
devspec.git |
skeletone@126.com |
18 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
df_autofly.git |
Autofly CSM for dragonfire |
coradelamouche@gmx.ch |
3 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
df_hignore.git |
hignore CSM for dragonfire |
coradelamouche@gmx.ch |
3 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
df_scaffold.git |
scaffold+ |
coradelamouche@gmx.ch |
3 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
df_teamchat.git |
coradelamouche@gmx.ch |
3 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dfdiff.git |
Port diff from OpenBSD to DragonFly |
voroskoi@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dftpd.git |
Dumb FTP Server |
dupa@dupa.dupa |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dgz.git |
Wyrd-based calendar program |
srtq@proton.me |
2 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dia.git |
Dia CVS mirror |
pclouds@gmail.com |
17 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
dialect-of-muzhy.git |
Komi-Zyrian dialect of Muzhy (a description... |
imz@altlinux.org |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
DialecticDocs.git |
mind mapping |
reinhold_oertel... |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
dices.git |
dice game |
robert.hulle@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
dict-fy_nl.git |
Western Frisian spelling dictionaries |
translations@ziggo.nl |
8 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dictix.git |
A re-writen gnome-sound-recorder |
tinram@gmx.fr |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
didgmo.git |
DIDGeridoo sound MOdelling |
ventosus@airpost.net |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
diem25-nantes.git |
Documentation and code for DiEM 25 Nantes... |
arnaud@drcode.io |
4 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
diffit.git |
diffit - a git plugin for vim |
drizzd@aon.at |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
diffractometer.git |
Tango Diffractometer Device |
picca@synchrotron... |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
diffutils.git |
GNU Diffutils mirror |
eblake@redhat.com |
4 weeks ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
dil.git |
dil is a hand-written compiler for D1.0/2.0 |
aziz.koeksal@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
diohsc.git |
Gemini client |
mbays@sdf.org |
3 weeks ago |
summary | log | tree |
diouzhtu.git |
Gwiad Wiki Plugin |
git@ramonat.fr |
10 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
diplomippbx.git |
Diplom |
kolodinsky@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
dirac-research.git |
research/experimental dirac encoder |
davidf@rd.bbc.co.uk |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
dirac-spec-errata.git |
MOVED TO GITHUB (My proposed corrections... |
tommy-git@thorn.ws |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dirac_parser.git |
A parser for the Dirac video coder |
andrea.gabriellini... |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
Discord-Bot.git |
qamirror@cock.li |
5 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
disksdb.git |
disks db |
levleshenko@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dissertmsc.git |
rlazo.paz@gmail.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dist-zilla-plugin-prepender.git |
dist zilla plugin to prepend lines at the... |
jquelin@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
distributed.git |
A computational workload distribution system |
salvestrini@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
DistributedFileSystem.git |
hsnaves@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ditz-commander.git |
My changes to ditz-commander |
pagx13@yahoo.gr |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dive.git |
basic dive computer |
qwerty@acm.org |
11 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
diversif.git |
Concept for a disitributed virtual fs |
woodzy@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
DIY-Multiprotocol-TX-Module.git |
stefan.naewe+rr... |
3 days ago |
summary | log | tree |
django-adsense-site-auth.git |
Django app to help support Google AdSense... |
wtanaka@yahoo.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
django-quest.git |
oskarsh@riseup.net |
2 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
django.git |
Mirror of the django web framework |
mk@spinlock.ch |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
django403.git |
Default 403 handler for Django HttpResponseFo... |
wtanaka@yahoo.com |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
djyos.git |
git for djyos development |
s3c24xx@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dk_test.git |
s000015@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
dm-merge.git |
Merge a copy-on-write exception table back... |
sedaj2@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
dmenu.git |
Dynamic menu for X |
t.meulendijks@tuta.io |
2 months ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
dmenu_hack.git |
Hacking dmenu to display computer status |
anish19kumar@yahoo... |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dmsetup-tc.git |
Mount TrueCrypt(R)ed Windows system partition... |
jk@jk.gs |
11 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dmvccm.git |
DMVCCM parser |
unhammer@fsfe.org |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
DND.git |
It's a diagram editor written in Java. Suppor... |
felipe.astroza@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dnglaze.git |
dnglaze@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dnsmasq-china-list.git |
Accelerate Chinese Domains via Dnsmasq |
felixonmars@gmail.com |
31 hours ago |
summary | log | tree |
dnstt.git |
dnstt is a DNS tunnel that can use DNS over... |
david@bamsoftware.com |
4 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
do_git.git |
Learn git |
abdelhalim@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
doas.git |
sergeysushilin@protonmail.com |
2 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
doc.git |
git.dukio.com mirror.. in case... |
unknwn@example.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
docbook-zh.git |
Docbook for chinese |
dongsheng.song@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
docbook.git |
xiaozqh@gmail.com |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dockapps.git |
Window Maker dockapps collection |
crmafra@gmail.com |
32 hours ago |
summary | log | tree |
dockerfiles.git |
r1w1s1@disroot.org |
3 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
docs.git |
gery.kahn@ti.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
docutils.git |
docutils git mirror |
kirr@navytux.spb.ru |
8 days ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
doko.git |
g3nsch3r@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
dokuwiki.git |
radio@mytab.ru |
7 days ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
dolphin.git |
Dolphin, the Gamecube and Wii emulator |
agraf@suse.de |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dom-editor.git |
GTK-based XML editor |
talex5+git@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
donaciones.git |
Rails app for donations collection |
jipumarino@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
donde.git |
donde |
jcerruti@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
doom2d-restoration.git |
Doom2D Source Restoration Project |
deaddoomer@deadsoftware.ru |
14 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
doozer.git |
A fixture building framework in Ruby. |
darthapo@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dormin.git |
Dormin |
clamky@hotmail.com |
11 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dos-tasm-exercises.git |
8086/80286: Simple examples of programming... |
aspotashev@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dot.files-spletnik.git |
Common dot files |
luka.novsak@spletnik.si |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dotbot.git |
A tool that bootstraps your dotfiles |
me@anishathalye.com |
5 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
Dotbuddy.git |
A System to backup and distribute dotfiles... |
Jon@liquidbread... |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dotFiles.git |
Personal profile |
458892+aieu@users... |
3 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
dotfiles.git |
my dotfiles |
ningo@gmx.net |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
dotfiles_afify.git |
hassan@afify.dev |
3 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dotfilesaldo.git |
me@aldo.io |
10 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dotmk.git |
GNU Make made easy |
fsilveira@gmail.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dotnetoauth.git |
OAuth running on .NET |
andrewarnott@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dotnetopenid.git |
C# implementation of OpenID |
andrewarnott@gmail.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dottout.git |
Dottout overlay |
andrea@dottout.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dotVim.git |
vim configuration |
458892+aieu@users... |
9 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
double-file-scanner.git |
Tool for scanning for duplicate files, quickly |
mulder2@gmx.de |
7 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dough.git |
A experimental personal finance management... |
thiago.becker@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
dowkd.git |
Debian OpenSSL Weak Key Detector |
fw@deneb.enyo.de |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
downloader.git |
feexon@qq.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
dpadhero2.git |
Homebrew NES game D-Pad Hero 2 |
kentmhan@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dpim.git |
distributed Python IM |
betagan@betaworx.de |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
dpkg.git |
Debian package management system |
jrnieder@gmail.com |
7 weeks ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
DPP.git |
peter.korcsok@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
dpp_01.git |
homework DPP |
bogo777@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
dput.git |
Debian package upload toolkit |
ben+repo.or.cz@benfinney... |
7 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
dracut.git |
Dracut is a new initramfs infrastructure |
ploujj@gmail.com |
9 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
draft-denog-v6ops-addresspartnaming.git |
Naming IPv6 address parts |
lutz@thur.de |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
draft-hartmann-default-port-for-irc-via-tls-ssl.git |
Public repository for draft-hartmann-default... |
richih.mailinglist... |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
dragbox.git |
connect command line and desktop |
ulrik.sverdrup@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
DragonCastel.git |
alrightlook@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
dragonfly.git |
DragonFly BSD |
mackyle@gmail.com |
2 days ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
dragora.git |
Dragora - an independent GNU/Linux-Libre... |
selk@dragora.org |
2 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
dreamingfighter.git |
df.thangld@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
dribble.git |
a football manager game |
jonassa@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
DrillAir.git |
phorum_nick@yahoo.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
drivenc.git |
Fast BDE |
kt@leet.cz |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
driver-gen.git |
Automated driver generation |
ygeorgie@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
drivtest.git |
test |
bizeau.clement@free.fr |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
drlvm.git |
Apache Harmony DRLVM |
salikh@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
drm.git |
root@yurikoles.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree | forks |
+ |
dropbear.git |
Unofficial git mirror of Dropbear Monotone... |
jk@jk.gs |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
drsuapi_dissector.git |
DRSUAPI dissector for Wireshark (based on... |
kamen.mazdrashki... |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
drup.git |
ilyin.e@i20.biz |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
drupal-qb.git |
kamal.mustafa@gmail.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
drupal.git |
Drupal open source CMS using PHP |
hendy@rainbowpurple.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
drupal7_helloworld.git |
mon@email.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
drupal_comment_timer.git |
Comment Timer Drupal module provides an easy... |
boobaa@frugalware.org |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
drupal_ctmail.git |
Sends a mail to assignee of a Drupal Case... |
boobaa@frugalware.org |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
drupal_ctog.git |
Glue CT with OG |
boobaa@frugalware.org |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
drupal_langcheck.git |
Language Checker Drupal module provides a... |
boobaa@frugalware.org |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
drupal_tabor_2010.git |
Code samples for Drupal Tabor |
boobaa@frugalware.org |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
drupal_tuksi02.git |
Various #tuksi02 homeworks. |
boobaa@frugalware.org |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
drupal_versioncontrol_git.git |
GIT Version Control API Module |
rmh3093@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ds-lab1.git |
mikado12@arcor.de |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dsadsa.git |
dsadsa@dsadsa |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
dsnet.git |
Reimplementation of dsnet tools for the Plays... |
uyjulian@gmail.com |
5 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dsound-openal.git |
A DirectSound wrapper for OpenAL |
chris.kcat@gmail.com |
4 weeks ago |
summary | log | tree |
dtas.git |
duct tape audio suite for *nix |
e@80x24.org |
5 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
dtgmacs.git |
dtg's emacs configurations |
davidtgillard@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
DTRules.git |
Decision Table based Rules Engine |
snow.paul@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dtrules.git |
Java Based Rules Engine |
snow.paul@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
DTRulesParser.git |
A DSL Parser for DTRules |
snow.paul@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
DTRulesScanner.git |
Scanner for DSL for DTRules |
snow.paul@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dtube-test.git |
A test of telepathy dtubes |
olethanh@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dtv-scan-tables.git |
Digital TV scan tables. |
namerp@googlemail.com |
5 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
dueringa_WikiWalker.git |
Given a wikipedia article, build a graph... |
andreas@duering... |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
Dulunche.git |
Code of Dulunche |
723280439@qq.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
dumbwifi.git |
The stupid but effective network connection... |
numerodix@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dummy.git |
khan@lri.fr |
11 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dump_lv1_console_buffer.git |
git.dukio.com mirror.. in case... |
unknwn@example.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
duojsonparge.git |
Scripts to parse duolingo forum's json file... |
hahahahacker2009... |
6 weeks ago |
summary | log | tree |
dvb-osmc.git |
OSMC Vero 364 media tree |
petrn@me.com |
4 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dvblast.git |
DVBlast is a simple and powerful MPEG-2/TS... |
some@bo.dy |
31 hours ago |
summary | log | tree |
dvblastpn.git |
Modified VideoLAN dvblast |
petrn@me.com |
4 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dvddb.git |
vineeth@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
DvizhuhaBot.git |
Движуха - Бот для продвинутого XMPP, который... |
sakhmatd@riseup.net |
7 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dvtm.git |
dynamic virtual terminal manager for the... |
mat@brain-dump.org |
3 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dvx.git |
Death Valley X - the Openmoko Game |
imrehg@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dw-class2.git |
Dokuwiki Edux Classification Plugin v2 |
jirkovoj@fit.cvut.cz |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dwaf.git |
Datadriven web application framework |
apodhajsky@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dwarf.git |
datadriven web application framework |
apodhajsky@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
dwarves.git |
Pahole and other DWARF utils |
naesten@gmail.com |
27 hours ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
dwm-dread.git |
dwm with patches I've collected or wrote |
jaketodd422@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
dwm-status.git |
A simple tool I use to refresh my dwm status... |
tobias.rehbein@web.de |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dwm-win32.git |
dwm-win32 dynamic window manager ported to... |
mat@brain-dump.org |
4 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
dwm.git |
dynamic window manager |
julien.rische@gmail.com |
7 days ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
dxcommon.git |
Assorted scripts and snippets for use in... |
nbowler@draconx.ca |
7 weeks ago |
summary | log | tree |
dynamic-remote.git |
An experiment with dynamic remote invocation. |
thomas.pasch@gmx.de |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
DynamicAudioNormalizer.git |
Advanced Audio Normalization Library |
mulder2@gmx.de |
4 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
dyskinesia.git |
Dyskinesia -- Qt4 PSYC client |
ketmar@ketmar.no... |
8 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
Dyyfc.git |
Chgfchgfc |
yuchgc@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
e-government-ua.git |
Портал державних послуг |
yurikoles@gmail.com |
7 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
e.git |
The Enlightenment project |
gusevfe@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
e2fsprogs.git |
Ext 2/3/4 filesystem utilities |
tytso@mit.edu |
3 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
e_cidadania.git |
e-cidadania is an open source based project... |
oscar@cidadania... |
10 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
e_dbus.git |
efl - e_dbus |
hacxzuan@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
easyanim.git |
rusikisaev@list.ru |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
easylife.git |
t.gao1102@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
easyotp.git |
Practical implementation of a one-time pad... |
shellreef@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
easytest.git |
spam@easyb.ch |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
ebb.git |
web server |
ry@tinyclouds.org |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ebib.git |
A BibTeX database manager for Emacs |
joostkremers@fastmail.fm |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
eblake-techtalks.git |
Eric Blake tech talk notes |
eblake@redhat.com |
3 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
eblob.git |
libeblob is an append-only low-level IO libra... |
stada0@gmail.com |
11 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
eboat.git |
LFS based mini-system |
xiaochuanxv@126.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ebuild-toys.git |
Toys for playing with ebuilds |
mattpap@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ebuildfind.git |
gentoo overlays search engine |
amirouche.boubekki... |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
EbutAssistant.git |
ronnie147@yahoo.cn |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
ecarlesso_cv.git |
My personal CV |
enrico@ecarlesso.org |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
eclim-emacs.git |
A frontend to eclim |
tassilo@member.fsf.org |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
eclipse-cdt-deb.git |
Eclipse C/C++ development tools plugin -... |
jakub.adam@ktknet.cz |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
eclipsethinslicer.git |
Thin Slicing Eclipse Research Plugin |
elb@eecs.berkeley.edu |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
eco.git |
A simple text editor |
bdiego@gmail.com |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ecomupi.git |
Sistema en linea para Eco Mupis |
vladimiroski@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
econ-estimation.git |
yuvalif@yahoo.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
EconoBoard.git |
Cheap Implementation Of SmartBoards |
blacklocist@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
econsole.git |
pierre_struve@yahoo.fr |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
ecore.git |
efl - ecore |
hacxzuan@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
ecp_lsfp.git |
ECP -- Elearning Community Proxy for HIS... |
info@freeit.de |
9 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ecp_lsfp_soaps.git |
SOAP server for the LSF push mechanism and... |
info@freeit.de |
10 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ecs.git |
ECS -- Elearning Community Server |
info@freeit.de |
19 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
ectags.git |
Exuberant Ctags Support for GNU emacs |
johnc@yagc.ndo.co.uk |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
eddie.git |
ueddieu@yahoo.com.cn |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
edebug-inline-result.git |
Display edebug every step value result in... |
numbchild@gmail.com |
2 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
edesklets.git |
eDesklets repository |
syfou@users.sourceforge.net |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
edid-decode.git |
happy@bunny.de |
10 hours ago |
summary | log | tree |
edje.git |
efl - edje |
hacxzuan@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
edje_lua.git |
Lua patch set for Edje |
ventosus@airpost.net |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
edk2.git |
EDK2 Git Mirror |
anthony@codemonkey.ws |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
educational.data.git |
Educational data |
tobias.nielsen@ieee.org |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
edyt.git |
luca.ruperto@mail... |
10 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
eet.git |
efl - eet |
hacxzuan@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
eeze.git |
efl - eeze |
hacxzuan@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
efct-Emulex_FC_Target.git |
Emulex FC Target driver (efct) |
herbszt@gmx.de |
5 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
efl-launcher.git |
custom version of the netbook launcher versio... |
miriam@debian.org |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
efmt.git |
My semi-implementation of fmt(1) |
sgilles@math.umd.edu |
5 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
efreet.git |
efl - efreet |
hacxzuan@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
egatrop.git |
Source package manager. |
mail.gerolf@ziegenhain.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
egit.git |
Eclipse Git Team Provider |
spearce@spearce.org |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
eglibc.git |
maxim.kuvyrkov@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
ego.git |
E Goes Online |
ventosus@airpost.net |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
egui.git |
egui devlopment |
sureone@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
EH8E9FTV8q.git |
rztuo@gmx.com |
2 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ehentai-dl.git |
saens@protonmail.com |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
eidogo-ojd.git |
EidoGO OpenJosekiDatabase fork |
pasky@ucw.cz |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
eidogo.git |
web-based go software |
jkkramer@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
eigenmath-fx.git |
Eigenmath CAS engin port to Casio fx-9860... |
nemofournier@gmail.com |
7 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
eina.git |
efl - eina |
hacxzuan@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
eineseite.git |
Series of small documents about basic Unix... |
harald@ccbib.org |
8 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
eio.git |
efl - eio |
hacxzuan@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
EISclone.git |
vend.rodion@proton.me |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
ejptest.git |
epronk@muftor.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
ekto.git |
Lua fork, that writes platform and architectu... |
ventosus@airpost.net |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
el-heresy.git |
Porting the cl-heresy lazy/functional library... |
schulte.eric@gmail.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
elation-signature-composer.git |
rroperzh+elation... |
7 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
elbb.git |
Emacs Lisp Bill-Board |
bzg@gnu.org |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
elc2009.git |
spolette@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
eldoc-overlay.git |
Eldoc displays the function signature of... |
numbchild@gmail.com |
18 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
election-research.git |
Scripts and data for auditing and analyzing... |
sikmere@protonmail.com |
3 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
electionapp.git |
Election system for the Philippine Linux... |
jm@orangeandbronze.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
elementary.git |
efl - elementary |
hacxzuan@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
eleutheria.git |
A collection of C codes for NetBSD and Unix... |
ekamperi@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
elevator.git |
adrian@vermisoft.ro |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
elgg.git |
Elgg Social Networking Platform |
hendy@rainbowpurple.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
elgg_plugins.git |
Elgg Plugins |
hendy@rainbowpurple.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
elinks.git |
The ultimate text WWW browser |
pasky@ucw.cz |
7 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
elinstall.git |
Elisp installer for emacs |
tehom@panix.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
elisamyth.git |
A MythTV plugin for Elisa |
steve@secomputing... |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
elliptics.git |
Elliptics network is a fault tolerant key... |
stada0@gmail.com |
11 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ElvUI_GearScore.git |
elvui@spam |
5 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
EmacPrimer.git |
vaidheeswaran.chinnaraju... |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
emacs-capf-autosuggest.git |
History autosuggestions for comint and eshell |
jakanakaevangeli... |
2 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
emacs-color-theme.git |
Color Themes for GNU Emacs |
colortheme.rpdillon... |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
emacs-config.git |
My Emacs config |
spam@dunsmor.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
emacs-coterm.git |
Terminal emulation for comint |
jakanakaevangeli... |
20 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
emacs-helper.git |
tumashu@gmail.com |
3 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
emacs-jabber-tox.git |
kirill@korins.ky |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
emacs-jabber-www.git |
kirill@korins.ky |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
emacs-jabber.git |
kirill@korins.ky |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
emacs-rainbow-fart.git |
This package is inspired from vscode-rainbow... |
numbchild@gmail.com |
15 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
emacs-translate.git |
Emacs translate front-end framework supports... |
numbchild@gmail.com |
2 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
emacs-ubuntu.git |
Custom Emacs packaging for Ubuntu |
michael@elehack.net |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
emacs.d.git |
Personal Emacs configuration. |
acolak@cs.otago... |
8 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
Emacs.git |
emacs configuration |
458892+aieu@users... |
2 weeks ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
emacs.git |
Emacs repository mirror |
schwab@linux-m68k.org |
5 hours ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
emacsbook.git |
kjambunathan@gmail.com |
11 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
emacsprimer.git |
Emacs Primer |
vaidheeswaran.chinnaraju... |
9 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
email-reminder.git |
send event reminders by email |
francois@fmarier.org |
9 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
embea.git |
Yet another Rails message board |
sztywny@gmail.com |
17 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
embryo.git |
efl - embryo |
hacxzuan@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
emdebian-crush-toolchain.git |
toolchain for emdebian crush |
rep.dot.nop@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
emesene_autocomplete.git |
A plugin/hack to enable autocompletion for... |
boyska@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
emesene_imitate.git |
Imitate plug-in for emesene |
boyska@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
EMFCompare.git |
Eclipse framework to compare EMF Models |
arthur.daussy@atosorigin.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
EMFCompare2.git |
Eclipse foundation framework to comapre EMF... |
arthur.daussy@atosorigin.com |
2 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
emfmo.git |
tristan.faure@atosorigin.com |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
emfmo2.git |
tristan.faure@atosorigin.com |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
emiya.git |
Loves Saber |
diogomfranco@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
empathy-mirror.git |
empathy mirror |
dmitrij.ledkov@ubuntu.com |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
empathy.git |
Instant messaging client using Telepathy |
jpizarrom@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
empire.git |
Clone of an old Atari ST game |
benjamin.kircher... |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
encryption-suite.git |
darklinkxxxx@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
encyclr.git |
tweedepede! |
encyclr@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
endo_workouts.git |
endomondo wordpress plugin |
lukasz@rownozalegli.pl |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
energimaaling.git |
sem oppg energimaaling |
eg@gaute.vetsj.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
engrid-github.git |
This is a mirror repository of the new locati... |
wyldckat+repo@gmail.com |
5 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
engrid.git |
Clone of the official engrid repository |
BastiL2001@yahoo.de |
11 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
enigmagame.git |
Enigma is a puzzle game inspired by Oxyd... |
geoff@programmer... |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
enJine.git |
zx spectrum firefly-like engine |
ketmar@ketmar.no... |
4 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
enkel.git |
Python web development library |
xxespen@gmail.com |
17 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
enki.git |
Moved to http://gitorious.org/projects/enki |
xavier@rhnh.net |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
enlightenment.git |
enlightenment wm |
hacxzuan@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
enmind.git |
john@enmind.com.cn |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
eno.git |
sebas@zaffarano... |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
Environment_for_PhD-thesis.git |
A literate presentation (LaTeX beamer class... |
emanuelheitlinger... |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
envytools.git |
Tools for people envious of nvidia's blob... |
repo@saper.info |
11 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
eoip.git |
kat@lua.cz |
10 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ephemerata.git |
ephemerata |
ephemerata@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ephy-history.git |
aesboe@gmail.com |
17 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ephy-soc.git |
GNOME Epiphany SoC Project |
aesboe@gmail.com |
17 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
epichord.git |
midi sequencer |
evanrinehart@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
epimarket.git |
b.crouzier@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
EPlayer.git |
MPlayer functionality clone written using EFL |
alex_shaw@comcast.net |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
eproject.git |
project workspaces for emacs |
gr1008@gmail.com |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
eraytracer.git |
Erlang Raytracer |
ploujj@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
eredelflips.git |
kielhorn.martin... |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
erinaco.git |
kaction@disroot.org |
5 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
erlware-mode.git |
Erlware Erlang Emacs Mode |
martinjlogan@erlware.org |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
erlware-site.git |
Erlware Website |
martinjlogan@erlware.org |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
EroBeats.git |
qamirror@cock.li |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
EroSomnia.git |
qamirror@cock.li |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
EroTweet.git |
qamirror@cock.li |
4 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
eruntime.git |
Extensible IRCd Runtime |
beu@freenode.net |
17 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
escm.git |
exa scheme |
exa.exa@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
eskdx.git |
eskdx git mirror |
kirr@navytux.spb.ru |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
esl-toolbox.git |
rozenman@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
esp.home.git |
My Java Examples made public |
espinosa_cz@centrum.cz |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
Especificacion.git |
matias.tito@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
espresso9.git |
9P- and java-based grid environment |
weigelt@metux.de |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
ess.git |
Emacs Speaks Statistics |
blindglobe@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
estigi.git |
Estigi CMS |
estigicms@yahoo.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
et35.git |
asd |
nico_dato@hotmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
etcher.git |
Flash OS images to SD cards & USB drives... |
root@yurikoles.com |
2 days ago |
summary | log | tree |
ETest.git |
Emacs Test Framework |
etest@shellarchive... |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
etm.git |
etm ("ennemmin tai my�hemmin" (Finnish for... |
linaeceti@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
etorrent.git |
Bittorrent client in erlang |
jesper.louis.andersen... |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ETSv2.git |
fgb |
dimmys2k@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
EugenFactory.git |
eugenwilmsen@gardener.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
euler-clojure.git |
siasiamail@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
euler-scala.git |
siasiamail@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
eval.git |
Eval written in ruby |
parazitu50@yahoo.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
evas.git |
efl - evas |
hacxzuan@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
evas_quartz.git |
The SoC Evas engine for Quartz. |
hortont424@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
evdl.git |
Emacs Video Downloader |
mbealby@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
event_calendar.git |
An event calendar system for open-source... |
akoutsoulelos@yahoo.gr |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
event_calendar_module.git |
An event calendar module for open-source... |
akoutsoulelos@yahoo.gr |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
eventxx.git |
eventxx is a simple, direct, one-header inlin... |
llucax@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
evil-testing-action.git |
flo@noqqe.de |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
evilwm.git |
A minimalist window manager for the X Window... |
davidf+evilwm@woaf.net |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
evolution-data-server.git |
evolution-data-server mirror |
dmitrij.ledkov@ubuntu.com |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
evolution.git |
evolution mirror |
dmitrij.ledkov@ubuntu.com |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
evolve-layout.git |
Evolve keyboard layouts |
knittl89+git@googlemail.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
evtest.git |
some@bo.dy |
5 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
examen_monroy_lopez.git |
x@y.zw |
11 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
example156724.git |
pablo@odkq.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
ExampleGuiProject.git |
jbarnak418@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
exass.git |
exass |
adek336@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
exciting.git |
chmberg@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
excusa.git |
Effective XML Communication Using SOAP and... |
stick@gk2.sk |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
exercicis-automatics-matematiques.git |
Exercicis automàtics de Matemàtiques. Several... |
somenxavier@posteo.net |
3 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
exheres-really-unofficial.git |
Highly UNOFFICIAL exheres |
arnej@ampheus.de |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
experimental-worf.git |
paczki@broadcastre.cc |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
express.git |
tal@git.com |
2 days ago |
summary | log | tree |
ExpressLRS.git |
stefan.naewe+rr... |
26 hours ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
ext4-patch-queue.git |
Ext4 Patch Queue |
tytso@mit.edu |
5 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
exterlulz-kokogems.git |
kokogems is a fork of JewelToy |
me@exterlulz.net |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
exterlulz-kokomonds.git |
a fork of JewelToy |
me@exterlulz.net |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
exterlulz-musk.git |
an adventure game engine |
me@exterlulz.net |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
extern.git |
Extern tests for the Ideal Library. |
ereslibre@ereslibre.es |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
external-dict.el.git |
Query word with external dictionary like... |
numbchild@gmail.com |
8 weeks ago |
summary | log | tree |
externtests.git |
The Ideal Library extern tests |
ereslibre@ereslibre.es |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
extl.git |
a c++ generic library |
waruqi@yahoo.cn |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
extutils-builder.git |
rehsack@cpan.org |
4 weeks ago |
summary | log | tree |
ExtUtils-XBuilder.git |
Perl5 module for building C, C++ etc. sources |
rehsack@cpan.org |
11 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ezcert.git |
Create various types of certificates |
mackyle@gmail.com |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ezcrypt.git |
An easy to use tool for strong file encryption. |
ezcrypt@proton.me |
2 weeks ago |
summary | log | tree |
ezgdi.git |
gdi++ ported to easyhook (svn import) |
przemoc@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
f1lt.git |
Live Timing |
2475389301@qq.com |
10 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
f432xdd.git |
Private repo! |
tijnema@gmail.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
fabioemacs.git |
fabio.p.fortkamp... |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
facafesta.git |
danielmario2@gmail.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
faces-project.git |
a git repo for faces project management |
Thomas.Pasch@gmx.de |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
factor.git |
Factor programming language |
arcata@gmail.com |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
fada.git |
fada |
mbelaoucha@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
fadalib.git |
An instance-wise dependence analysis for... |
fada-adaan@googlegroups.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
fai-config.git |
My FAI configs |
jr0@riseup.net |
4 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
fail.git |
OpenGL game engine |
a.chavasse@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
fail2ban-sans-iptables.git |
A Guix package for building fail2ban without... |
gtw@gnu.org |
2 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
fairytoo.git |
GNAP portage |
vadim.kuznetsov... |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
faqr.git |
Parse logs (initially from irc conversations... |
email@stevensoroka.ca |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
far2l.git |
Linux port of FAR v2 |
root@yurikoles.com |
6 days ago |
summary | log | tree |
FaRetSys.git |
FaRetSys -- extensible image recognition... |
wolf.pld@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
FarornasGrotta.git |
Farornasgrotta.se |
sebbe1991@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
farsala.git |
Farsala's ultra secret project X |
mail@konfou.xyz |
4 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
farseer313.git |
推荐系统 |
yunbiaoch@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
fast-export.git |
Programs to feed git-fast-import |
frej.drejhammar... |
2 months ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
fast-key-erasure-rng-java.git |
Fast-key-erasure random-number generator... |
Cumpoing79@web.de |
10 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
fast-recs-collate.git |
a fast version of recs-collate |
joshua@reverberate.org |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
fax-sipgate.git |
send fax via commandline using sipgate api |
gerolf@corvix.eu |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
fayland.git |
Fayland Lam's CPAN mirror |
fayland@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
fbff.git |
A small ffmpeg-based framebuffer media player |
aligrudi@gmail.com |
4 weeks ago |
summary | log | tree |
fbfp.git |
[WIP] A peer essay feedback system in Flask |
me@runxiyu.org |
7 weeks ago |
summary | log | tree |
fbpad.git |
A small linux framebuffer virtual terminal |
aligrudi@gmail.com |
3 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
fbpad_mkfn.git |
create fbpad font files |
aligrudi@gmail.com |
2 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
fbpdf.git |
A small framebuffer pdf viewer |
aligrudi@gmail.com |
2 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
fbsplash.git |
fbsplash is a userspace implementation of... |
michalj@gmail.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
fbv.git |
View pictures on a linux framebuffer device. |
jc@eclis.ch |
10 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
fbvis.git |
A framebuffer image viewer |
aligrudi@gmail.com |
8 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
fbvnc.git |
A small linux framebuffer vnc viewer |
aligrudi@gmail.com |
2 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
fcgi2.git |
skimo-fcgi2@kotnet.org |
20 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
fdr-django.git |
django hacks and patches |
drfarina@acm.org |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
fedora-idea.git |
Patches for IntelliJ IDEA package in Fedora |
lkundrak@v3.sk |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
Fedora-Rebuild.git |
Rebuilds Fedora packages from scratch |
ppisar@redhat.com |
7 weeks ago |
summary | log | tree |
Fedora-VSP.git |
Perl version normalization for RPM |
ppisar@redhat.com |
9 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
feedhandler.git |
Feed Handler for the Maemo Browser |
thp@thpinfo.com |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
FeedLint.git |
check your Zero Install feeds |
talex5+git@gmail.com |
9 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
feedtomail.git |
A tool to convert RSS feed to email. |
fooquux1@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
fegdk.git |
3d game engine |
wakeroid@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
felt.git |
Unofficial felt repo |
panagiotis@vossos... |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ferm.git |
ferm is a tool to maintain complex firewalls... |
max@duempel.org |
6 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
Ferri.git |
Página de transportes |
personal@jonatan... |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
ff-celery.git |
lol! |
hi@suhas.one |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
ffado.git |
Free Firewire Audio Drivers |
adi@drcomp.erfurt... |
9 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
ffmpeg-lucabe.git |
lucabe's unfinished and experimental patches... |
lucabe72@email.it |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
FFMpeg-mirror.git |
Mirror of the official FFMpeg Git repo |
rvs@sun.com |
3 hours ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
ffmpeg-utils.git |
FFmpeg command utilities wrappers. |
numbchild@gmail.com |
19 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
ffmpeg.git |
hoiwai930@gmail.com |
3 hours ago |
summary | log | tree |
fgc-section-5.git |
Computer implementation of section 5 of my... |
sgilles@umd.edu |
3 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
fic.git |
Fractal Image Compressor |
vcunat@gmail.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
fidl.git |
Flexible IDL compiler |
anthony@codemonkey.ws |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
figfs.git |
FUSE interface to Git (gitfs improved) |
rm@stwing.upenn.edu |
14 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
figgis.git |
My collection of python scripts etc. |
pi.arctan@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
figma-linux.git |
root@yurikoles.com |
46 hours ago |
summary | log | tree |
Fiinger.git |
X.org wiimote driver + useful apps |
pupinux@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
filehash.git |
filehash package for R |
rdpeng@gmail.com |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
fileset-whole.git |
extension to emacs filesets |
tehom@panix.com |
11 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
filesystem.git |
q4a@bk.ru |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
filesystems.git |
q4a@bk.ru |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
filetransfer.git |
sergeysushilin@protonmail.com |
20 months ago |
summary | log | tree |
filippa.git |
pafidu@seznam.cz |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
filippa5.git |
pavelfilip@pavelfilip.eu |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
fillybot.git |
SweetieBelle on irc.ponychat.net |
un1c0rn@derpymail.com |
10 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
fim-ctu.git |
Collective Training Unit - training mode... |
u.numbernumber@gmail.com |
12 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
fin.git |
Personal finance management for the shell |
matan.nassau+fin... |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
final_edu.git |
Final work for solis FCFM/UANL/MX |
00z@the00z.org |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
+ |
findutils.git |
GNU findutils |
jay@gmail.com |
16 years ago |
summary | log | tree | forks |
finpengsim.git |
anon@anon.anon |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
fireholvi.git |
IPv6 support for the firehol firewall |
phil.whineray@gmail.com |
11 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
firemac.git |
C# Carbon Apis wrapper for mac |
sebastian.faltoni... |
17 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
FireMan.git |
A firefox extension for viewing and browsing... |
sarnowski@new-thoughts.org |
15 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
firewire-audio.git |
AMDTP streaming driver for the Linux FireWire... |
mgherzan@gmail.com |
13 years ago |
summary | log | tree |
firsttestproject.git |
a test project |
ferenc.kun@gmail.com |
No commits |
summary | log | tree |
fiscal-year.java.git |
Java library for fiscal years |
repoorcz@shoss.d |