descriptioncopyleftie's (selected) dotfiles
last changeMon, 30 Apr 2018 02:15:33 +0000 (29 22:15 -0400)
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copyleftie's (selected) dotfiles

My personal dotfiles. They're coupled to my personal setup---see my helper scripts, and note that Plan 9 From User Space is prepended to my $PATH.
2018-04-30 copyleftieUpdate (lazy commit)master
2018-04-26 copyleftieAdd zathura config file
2018-04-26 copyleftiesymlink $home/.config to $home/lib
2018-04-26 copyleftieplumber: exit run script if any step fails
2018-04-26 copyleftieAdd missing file
2018-04-25 copyleftieUpdate mpv usage
2018-04-25 copyleftiebar: tweak
2018-04-25 copyleftieAdd forgotten updates to services directory
2018-04-24 copyleftiexinitrc: execute as oneoff
2018-04-23 copyleftielib/sv/*: tweak
2018-04-23 copyleftiexpull: fix notifier
2018-04-23 copyleftielib/xinitrc: tweak
2018-04-23 copyleftie.xinitrc: fix
2018-04-23 copyleftiesxhkd: simplify
2018-04-23 copyleftieUse youtube-viewer
2018-04-20 copyleftieConvert login scripts to execline
6 years ago master