descriptionEmacs Speaks Statistics
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last changeThu, 24 Jan 2008 17:04:17 +0000 (24 17:04 +0000)
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Emacs Speaks Statistics is a package for Emacs which enables the use of Statistical software programming

2008-01-24 rsparapaESS[SAS]: somebody forgot about the SUM statement ... mastermob
2008-01-17 maechlerFix ess-noweb-font-lock (aka "*.Rnw") problem of "emacs...
2008-01-08 maechlersmall thinko in M-x ess-fix-miscellaneous
2007-12-29 maechlerversion 5.3.7 -2- (ess-cust.el was not remade accidentally)
2007-12-28 stephen*** empty log message ***
2007-12-28 stephen(S+6-dialect-name): Make defcustom and change default...
2007-12-27 maechlerVersion++ to 5.3.7
2007-12-27 maechlersetting ess-style now works from *customized* ess-defau...
2007-12-21 rsparapacorrecting some more of someone else's typos
2007-12-20 rsparapaminor additions related to recent check-ins, reality...
2007-12-20 rsparapanot sure how long ago i made some of these changes...
2007-12-17 rsparapatesting
2007-12-11 maechleroops! fix typo in r3829
2007-12-11 maechlerprepare for potentially "dynamic" ess-inf*-prompt
2007-12-11 maechleruse "?" instead of "*" in inferior-ess-primary-prompt
2007-11-08 stephen*** empty log message ***
16 years ago mob
16 years ago master
16 years ago tonylocal