descriptionDebian Code Search
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last changeWed, 13 Mar 2024 17:39:14 +0000 (13 18:39 +0100)
last refreshThu, 19 Sep 2024 19:49:46 +0000 (19 21:49 +0200)
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Debian Code Search (DCS) is a search engine for source code — it searches all the open source projects which are included in the Debian archive (the "main" distribution only, not non-free or contrib). Currently, that includes about 18000 packages with 140 GiB of source code.

The search engine itself is based on Russ Cox’ codesearch tools, meaning it uses Regular Expressions as input. Like the codesearch tools, it was implemented in Go.

2024-03-13 Michael Stapelbergshow: make highlight legiblemain
2024-02-12 Michael Stapelbergfaq: the package keyword supports regular expressions...
2024-01-16 Michael StapelbergTurboPFor: ensure input (!) is padded, too
2024-01-16 Michael StapelbergPForReader: include dir struct field for debugging
2023-07-24 Michael Stapelbergsystemd: StartLimitInterval option has changed
2023-05-19 Michael Stapelbergserver-rendered result page: fix q= escaping
2023-02-02 Michael Stapelbergremove last x/net/context usages
2023-02-02 Michael Stapelbergswitch to renameio v2
2023-02-02 Michael Stapelbergpull in latest dependency versions
2023-02-02 Michael Stapelbergvarz: use /srv/dcs
2023-02-02 Michael Stapelbergset go 1.20 in go.mod, go mod tidy
2023-02-02 Michael Stapelbergdcs-feeder: on SIGHUP, request a merge on all package...
2023-02-02 Michael Stapelbergquery: set -target to DCS by default
2023-02-02 Michael StapelbergpackageNames(): sort to make index creation order deter...
2023-02-02 Michael Stapelbergindex: add debug code to ConcatN (compiled out unless...
2023-02-02 Michael Stapelbergvarz: set -varz_avail_fs to empty (mountpoint /dcs...
6 months ago main
19 months ago dependabot/go_modules/