descriptionA sample NetBeans RCP project
last changeTue, 12 Aug 2008 13:35:38 +0000 (12 19:35 +0600)
content tags
This project will comprise of the basic NetBeans RCP stuff done using Maven. It uses Emilian Bold's NB magazine article as inspiration. The main purpose of using NB RCP is to make desktop development easy, fast, lucrative and user friendly. The reason to use Maven is for dependency management and to make use of various versatile maven plugins available.
2008-08-12 Imran M YousufAdd README for projectmaster
2008-08-11 Subrata Sen... Merge commit 'repo_remote/master'
2008-08-11 Subrata Sen... Merge commit 'origin/master'
2008-08-11 Subrata Sen... Synchronize BookViewEditor with change in Book Editor
2008-08-11 Subrata Sen... Created a multiview editor for Book bean
2008-08-11 Subrata Sen... Domain Factory is edited for the added variable in...
2008-08-11 Subrata Sen... The bean is edited
2008-08-11 Subrata Sen... Add an abstract class for Property Change Listener
2008-08-11 Subrata Sen... Add dependency for JGoodies
2008-08-10 Imran M YousufMake top component non-close-able
2008-08-10 Imran M YousufAdd repository for JavaHelp runtime
2008-08-10 Imran M YousufChange the scope of JavaHelp dependency from scope...
2008-08-10 Imran M YousufOrder Test Menu always before Help menu item
2008-08-09 Imran M YousufGet JavaHelp to work from within NetBeans application
2008-08-09 Subrata Sen... The Exception Problem of previous commit is resolved
2008-08-09 Imran M YousufAdd Java help content through NetBeans JavaHelp API...
16 years ago rest-with-jersey
16 years ago master