descriptionPublic repository for Forth and Lisp users Bonn.
homepage URL
last changeThu, 16 May 2013 22:01:25 +0000 (17 00:01 +0200)
content tags

FLUB - Forth and Lisp users Bonn

This is the public code repository for the Forth and Lisp users Bonn group Anybody can push to the mob branch anonymously so beware!

To get started just clone the repo, checkout the mob branch and add the push URL with username mob to origin:

git clone git://
cd flub
git checkout -b mob
git remote -v set-url --push origin ssh://

Now go on and have fun hacking! :)

2013-05-16 maxAdded → macro.mob
2013-05-16 maxImplemented n-ary versions for operations on sets.
2013-05-16 maxAdded non-lazy implementation of ∩ for lists.
2012-10-17 maxCommitted my take on implementing Cantor and Dedekind...
2012-10-15 maxHopfully correct instructions.
2012-10-15 maxBetter instructions.
2012-10-15 maxSome instructionfor setting up the repo.
2012-10-15 maxInitial commit.
10 years ago mob