descriptionCollective Training Unit - training mode for FightingIsMagic
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last changeTue, 18 Sep 2012 02:22:47 +0000 (17 21:22 -0500)
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2012-09-18 u-##Add arrow/button imagesmasterv0.1
2012-09-18 u-##Set the FM2K window title a bit later
2012-09-18 u-##Add -vol command line parameter
2012-09-18 u-##Info dialog rearranging
2012-09-18 u-##Reduce SetForegroundWindow calls
2012-09-18 u-##Make our windows unfocusable
2012-09-18 u-##Convert printfs to ctud
2012-09-18 u-##Specify alternative stdout/stderr on cli
2012-09-18 u-##Don't wait for attack cooldown for health refill
2012-09-18 u-##Make volume configurable
2012-09-18 u-##Make super refill limit configurable
2012-09-18 u-##Disable settings menu when not fighting
2012-09-18 u-##Fix combo display on switching players
2012-09-18 u-##Add 'deplete' options for meter and magic
2012-09-18 u-##Add combo data in the info dialog
2012-09-18 u-##Add constants for cur/last character attack
11 years ago v0.1
11 years ago master