descriptionUser-friendly software for the analysis of nonlinear models
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last changeTue, 15 Apr 2008 14:41:47 +0000 (15 16:41 +0200)
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1. iDmc -  Dynamical Model Calculator

This is iDMC the interactive Dynamical Model Calculator simulates and
performs graphical and numerical analysis of systems of differential
and difference equations.

iDmc is Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Marji Lines and Alfredo Medio.

iDmc was designed and written by Daniele Pizzoni <>, and 
subsequently modified by A. Grigoriev and A. F. Di Narzo.

iDmc was developed within a research project financed by the Italian
Ministry of Universities, the Universities of Udine and Ca'Foscari of
Venice, the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
the Free Software Foundation.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.

2. What's new in this 2.x.x
In this version there are some new features w.r.t. version 1.9.3.

* Data exporting
- ability to export trajectory, Lyapunov exponents and basins of attraction data
to external files, ready to be opened with the software of your choice

* Basins of attraction
- added a new faster algorithm for basins of attractions
- added full colors customization in basin of attraction plots, with possibility
  of saving settings between one session and another

* Random numbers
- added many new random distributions
- added a whole new random number generator with good statistical properties
- added possibility of setting RNG seed for reproducibility of results

* Periodic cycles
- added cycles classification based on stability
- improved input mask

* Error messages
- more detailed syntax and runtime LUA error messages reporting

* Bug fixes
- misc problems in Lyapunov exponent plots with diverging exponents

* Invisible to user
- removed C code from the software. Now iDMC (i.e., GUI and plotting)
  is written entirely in Java, while using a separate specialized library, 
  idmclib, for actual numerical analysis
- upgraded external libraries to more recent versions

Read the NEWS file for a detailed history of changes for subsequent iDMC versions.

3. Other software included in iDmc

iDmc includes or may include (depending on how you compile it) parts
from different free software packages distributed with GPL-compatible
licenses. You can find copies of the licenses under the directory
doc/licenses. A comprehensive list follows.


The iDMC C support library

Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Marji Lines and Alfredo Medio.

GPL v.2 licensed


A free Java class library for producing charts.

(C)opyright, 2000-2003, by Object Refinery Limited and Contributors.

LGPL licensed


A free general purpose Java class library

(C)opyright, 2000-2003, by Object Refinery Limited and Contributors.

LGPL licensed

JGoodies Forms

A framework to layout and implement elegant Swing panels quickly and

Copyright (c) 2003 JGoodies Karsten Lentzsch.

BSD licensed

Jakarta log4j

A logging package. With log4j is possible to enable logging at runtime
without modifying the application binary.

Copyright 1999-2003, Apache Software Foundation

Licensed with The Apache Software License, Version 1.1

4. Availability

iDMC is distributed in precompiled binary and source form.
Self-installing binaries are distributed for win32 and linux-i386 OS.
Istructions are boundled for compiling iDMC yourself for other 

5. Installation

Execute "java -jar iDmc-xx.xx.xx-install.jar" to run the installer under Windows
and i386 GNU/Linux.
See COMPILING to install from sources.

6. Reporting Bugs

Send mail to to report bugs and/or request help.
2008-04-15 Antonio, Fabio... fixed traj. plot bug when manual boundsmaster
2008-04-15 Antonio, Fabio... upgraded dependency on latest version of idmclib
2008-03-24 Antonio, Fabio... upgraded NEWS
2008-03-24 Antonio, Fabio... fixed bug: cannot plot trajectories of models with...
2008-03-22 Antonio, Fabio... upgraded TODO list
2007-12-05 Antonioupgraded dependency from idmclib 0.8.0
2007-11-02 Antonioupgraded makeInstaller scriptrel-2.0.7
2007-11-02 AntonioRevert "added installer target to ant build file"
2007-11-02 Antoniofixed removal of .git directory in sources patternset
2007-11-02 Antonioadded installer target to ant build file
2007-11-02 Antonioupgraded version number in build file and installer...
2007-11-02 Antonioupgraded building instructions
2007-11-01 Antoniofixed trajectory plot when automatic bounds. updated...
2007-10-07 Antonioupgraded application version number in installer shortcutrel-2.0.6
2007-10-07 Antonioupgraded README
2007-10-07 Antonioupgraded news
16 years ago rel-2.0.7
16 years ago rel-2.0.6
17 years ago rel-2.0.5
unknown rel-2.0.4
unknown rel-2.0.3
unknown rel-2.0.2
unknown rel-2.0.1
16 years ago master