descriptionA Minetest mod which adds some basic potions which apply temporary effects to the consumer.
last changeTue, 27 Feb 2024 10:32:47 +0000 (27 11:32 +0100)
content tags

Pep: Player Effect Potions

Version 1.5.0


This little mod adds some simple potions which add temporary effects when consumed. Currently, the potions affect breath, health, player gravity, running speed and jump height.

List of potions and crafting recipes

All crafting recipes are shapeless.


Air potion

Gives you breath underwater for 30s. Craft: 1 cyan coral, 1 green coral, 1 pink coral, 1 glass bottle.

All 8 papyri must occupy one slot.


Non-gravity potion

Negates all gravity for you, for 20s. Craft: 1 mese crystal, 1 glass bottle

Gravity neutralizer

Clears all your gravity effects. Craft: 1 non-gravity potion, 1 iron lump

Jump height

High jumping potion

Lets you jump higher for 30s. Craft: 1 orange tulip, 1 grass, 2 mese crystal fragments, 1 glass bottle

Low jumping potion

Makes you jump lower for 30s. Craft: 1 leaves block, 1 jungle leaves block, 1 iron lump, 1 yellow dandelion, 1 glass bottle

Jump neutralier

Clears all jump effects. Craft: 1 high jumping potion, 1 low jumping potion.


Weak healing potion

Gives you 1 HP every 2 seconds, 10 times. Craft: 1 cactus, 1 flour, 1 brown mushroom, 1 glass bottle.

Strong healing potion

Gives you 2 HP every second, 10 times. Craft: 1 gold lump, 1 flour, 1 weak healing potion.

Walking speed

Running potion

Makes you run faster for 30s. Craft: 1 pine sapling, 1 cactus, 1 yellow dandelion, 1 jungle grass, 1 glass bottle.

Slug potion

Makes you walk slower for 30s. Craft: 1 dry grass, 1 ice, 1 glass bottle.

Speed neutralizer

Clears all running speed effects. Craft: 1 running potion, 1 slug potion.

Mana (needs Mana mod)

Weak mana potion

Increases mana regeneration rate by 0.5 for 10 seconds. Craft: 2 dry shrubs, 1 cotton seed, 1 mese crystal fragment, 1 glass bottle.

Strong mana potion

Increases mana regeneration rate by 1 for 10 seconds. Craft: 4 dry shrubs, 1 jungle sapling, 1 marram grass, 1 mese crystal fragment, 1 weak mana potion.

Other potions

Mole potion

Digs out two blocks directly in front of you, for 18 seconds. Craft: 1 steel pickaxe, 1 steel shovel, 1 glass bottle.

2024-02-27 WuzzyVersion 1.5.0master1.5.0
2024-02-27 WuzzyAdd .mailmap file for e-mail
2024-02-27 WuzzyRename mod to 'Player Effect Potions'
2024-02-27 WuzzyFix missing textdomain in locale files
2019-08-26 WuzzyChange 2 recipes
2019-08-24 WuzzyRemove glow potion
2019-08-24 WuzzyAdd glow texture
2019-08-24 WuzzyReplace deprecated functions
2019-08-24 WuzzyUpdate mod.conf
2019-08-24 WuzzyUse 5.0.0 translation system
2019-02-21 WuzzyVersion
2019-02-21 WuzzyUse MIT License
2019-02-21 WuzzyAdd optional [playerphysics] compability
2016-11-18 WuzzyVersion 1.3.0
2016-11-18 WuzzyUse larger screenshot
2016-11-16 WuzzyUse new doc_items field names
6 months ago 1.5.0
5 years ago 1.4.0 Version 1.4.0
6 months ago master