descriptionScript and website to extract relay statistics
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last changeTue, 2 Jan 2018 16:00:16 +0000 (2 17:00 +0100)
last refreshThu, 25 Apr 2024 16:10:48 +0000 (25 18:10 +0200)
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Tor relay stats

Show various metrics related to tor relays.


* Install Pip
$ apt-get install python-dev python-pip
* Use requirements.txt to install dependancies
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
* Install foreman
$ gem install foreman
* Use the Procfile to run the app
$ foreman start

In case you want to use Apache,

$ cat app.wsgi

import os, sys

from app import app as application

$ cat /etc/apache2/sites-available/default
WSGIDaemonProcess compass user=nobody group=compass threads=5
WSGIScriptAlias /compass /srv/

<Directory /srv/>
    WSGIProcessGroup compass
    WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
    Order deny,allow
    Allow from all


Licensed under MIT License (c) Sathyanarayanan Gunasekaran, The Tor Project

2018-01-02 Iain R. LearmonthRedirect all queries to Relay Searchmaster
2017-11-28 Iain R. LearmonthAdd warning that Compass will be shut down
2015-11-30 orlandoUpdated test data as well
2015-11-29 orlandoSwitched to effective family instead of family field
2014-07-02 Karsten LoesingUse the list of country names from metrics.
2014-01-30 Sathyanarayanan... Add credits file
2014-01-30 Sathyanarayanan... Merge branch 'master' of
2013-10-15 PrashantAdd License
2013-05-27 Karsten LoesingTweak support for grouping by network family.
2013-05-27 LunarAdd support for grouping by network family
2013-05-27 LunarRefactor RelayStats._get_group_function
2013-05-27 LunarAdd a column with the relay primary (IPv4) address
2013-05-22 Karsten LoesingFix country output when not grouping by country.
2013-03-11 Sathyanarayanan... Change the default value of top to 10
2013-02-06 Michael Zeltnerself._datafile_name not set when it's already needed...
2013-01-17 darklightermoved links in footer to top navbar
6 years ago master
Cached version (996s old)
compass/delber.git Script and website to extract relay statistics 11 years ago