descriptiontwitter client in cgilua + friends
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last changeWed, 29 Sep 2010 20:36:28 +0000 (29 16:36 -0400)
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A very fast and lightweight twitter client that aims to used in combination with CGILua, LuaOauth, etc. It aims to extend upon the RESTfulnes of the twitter API by using the server to act as a proxy for OAuth requests, and outputting the authed data back to client in the same JSON format (I am using prototype / scriptaculous to display this data).

It is based on the initial layout of "ltwitter", a Lua module which is (functionally) identical with the only differences that this is not a module, and that this is aimed at being a complete browser based client rather than a single basic building block to start with.

As a word of advice, this is mostly just a personal project thats just been restarted again and will have numerous bugs "out of the box" for a bit
2010-09-29 kipzshow a generic loading icon when we are doing work... master
2010-09-29 kipzfix retweet timestamps (dont use ['retweeted_status...
2010-09-29 kipzbugfixes, add initial support for native retweets ...
2010-09-29 kipzlicense
2010-09-29 kipzkickoff - just something to look over for now
13 years ago master