descriptionZylin ZPU - the worlds smallest 32 bit CPU with GCC support
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last changeFri, 11 Jul 2014 12:13:10 +0000 (11 14:13 +0200)
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This is the HDL code for the ZPU. The worlds smallest 32 bit CPU with GCC support. Maintainers create forks that are merged into the main repository once everything is ready.
2014-07-11 Bert Langeadd: performance values for Lattice MachXO2master
2013-05-16 Bert Langefix: opcode numbering
2012-03-30 Bert Langechange: rename 'State' to 'Insn'
2011-10-28 Bert Langeminor fix: reduce simulation warnings at 0 ps
2011-10-28 Bert Langeadd: Spartan3 reference design for zealot
2011-10-28 Bert Langebeautify: break long comment lines
2011-10-25 Bert Langeupdate: documentation
2011-10-25 Bert Langeminor fix: permission of build-scripts
2011-10-25 Bert Langeadd: software test for gpio module
2011-10-25 Bert Langeadd: GPIO module to zealot SoC
2011-10-25 Bert Langefix: zealot/zpu_small - load, see patch from Alvaro
2011-10-22 Bert Langeupdate: numbers for Virtex-5
2011-10-22 Bert Langeadd: one more ZPU reference design for zealot
2011-10-15 Bert Langeminor fix: to satisfy some synthesis tools
2011-10-13 Bert Langeadd: ZPU reference designs for zealot
2011-10-13 Bert Langechange: prettier logifle output (for zealot)
10 years ago master
13 years ago jtagdbg
Cached version (910s old)
 CPU   HDL   Microprocessor   SoC   VHDL   ZPU   zpuino 
+ zpu/zpuino.git ZPUino is a ZPU-based "arduino-like" SoC 7 years ago
zpu/alzpu.git ALZPU is a pipelined version of ZPU 14 years ago
zpu/dez.git my fork 15 years ago