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4Free - Free Stuff Enhancements[4Free-FSE]


Download @ GreasyFork or Here

Filters Here

This folder contains QAJPYOtGo's MD5 filters for 4chanX, the .ts src folder, and the built user.js file in builds.
In the releases you can find individual scripts as V0 : Individual Packages or you can look here to see the current work on the combined Typescipt version.

Future Developement

    Bug fixes + Distribution

About 4Free-FSE

4chanX-Free Stuff Enhancements is a userscript that operates with 4chanX to give it additional features. These enhancements were written by me from early 2017 up to 2018 as a way to teach myself how to work with JavaScript while giving something back to the community I took part in. Some of these features are simple, like the password viewer, others are more complex using multiple concurent AJAX calls such as the thread rebuilder or the image adder.
Below is a description of the features this package has to offer.

Danbooru Image Adder

Adds images to your posts

Adds an image to your post taken from the danbooru's image collection.
Supply it with tags via an autocomplete, set the rating(s/q/e) and it will give an image for you to post with.


Hides images.

Gives the ability to hide images with ctrl+shift+click. Stores in browser memory for new sessions.
Also includes over 20,000 MD5 filters of things like frogs, goldface, guro done by from QAJPYOtGo

Word Filters

Also includes the ability to do word replacements with a regex replacement system.

Thread Rebuilder

Rebuild dead threads from scratch

Rebuild a thread from 4chan's archive.
Simple system that could use some additions(using 4chan's offsite archives for example)


Color text

Converts the colors of special symbols from plain black into other prettier colors(yen == purple, kita == dark grey).

Hotkeys for Convinience

Press ctrl+\ for ¥ Highlights the whole line in purple much like how greentext works
Press ctrl+k for キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!! Highlights just the word in dark gray
Plans are for these to also include custom inputs and colors.

Visible Password

Shows your 4chan post/delete password

Note: some 4chan boards don't allow custom post passwords. May require cookie manipulation, but this has not yet been tested...

2018-07-22 ECHibikiversion updatemaster1.4
2018-07-22 ECHibikithread rebuild bugs
2018-05-11 ECHibikiThread rebuilder fix
2018-05-08 ECHibikinull err
2018-05-01 ECHibikigitattributes test
2018-05-01 ECHibikigitattributes
2018-04-19 ECHibikiWBR bug fixV1.3.11
2018-04-19 ECHibikiAdder decrement fix
2018-04-18 ECHibikiMac image hide fix
2018-04-18 ECHibikiBug fixes and mac image hiding compatibility
2018-04-17 ECHibikibugfixes
2018-04-17 ECHibikiMerge branch 'master' of
2018-04-17 ECHibiki?
2018-03-23 KNGUpdate 4-Free.user.js
2018-03-23 KNGUpdate danbooru-image-adder.ts
2018-03-23 KNGUpdate docs.ts
6 years ago 1.4
6 years ago V1.3.11
6 years ago V1.3.4
6 years ago 1.3.1
6 years ago 1.2.1
6 years ago V1.0
6 years ago V0.0.1
6 years ago 0.0.0
6 years ago master
6 years ago Individual-Files