descriptionDIDGeridoo sound MOdelling
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last changeMon, 5 Jan 2009 16:59:18 +0000 (5 17:59 +0100)
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didgmo stands for DIDGeridoo sound MOdeling. it is a piece of software to simulate didgeridoo sound characteristica by providing the didgeridoos inner geometry.


didgmo is meant to be used by didgeridoo builders. it may be useful for those who like to build didgeridoos with specific sound characteristica. didgmo enables you to predict the sound characteristica in advance of the actual building process and therefore may reduce several fruitless attempts to build a good sounding didgeridoo.


didgmo uses the method of acoustic transmission line modeling to accomplish this. in this procedure, the didgeridoos inner geometry is divided into a finite number of conical and/or cylindrical segments. the acoustic transmission line matrix chain is solved for in the complex number space for a given frequency range, yielding the impedance spectrum to the underlying geometry. by overlaping the impedance spectrum with the harmonic overblow spectra of the base tone and the 1st overblow, didgmo is capable of predicting realistic sound spectra.

2009-01-05 Hanspeter Portnerresolved merging issuemaster
2009-01-05 Hanspeter Portnerprototyped scan_keyed module
2008-12-30 Hanspeter Portneradded geo2profile für das frösen von didgeridoos
2008-12-07 Hanspeter Portneradded geo2circ: conversion from geometry (radius) to...
2008-12-02 Hanspeter PortnerRevert "double to long double"
2008-12-02 Hanspeter Portnerdouble to long double
2008-12-01 Hanspeter Portneradded console feedback in main program
2008-10-28 Hanspeter Portneradded list module
2008-10-28 Hanspeter Portnerrewritten gnuplot backend and prototyped sensitivity...
2008-10-21 Hanspeter Portnerchanged frequency in geo_fft to double from int
2008-10-21 Hanspeter Portnerfixed fftw3 usage
2008-10-20 Hanspeter PortnerRevert "chaged to double frequency"
2008-10-20 Hanspeter Portnerchaged to double frequency
2008-10-19 Hanspeter Portnersped up code in seg_update
2008-10-19 Hanspeter Portnersped up cadsd with temporary values
2008-10-19 Hanspeter Portnerchanged to double from long double for speed increase
15 years ago master