descriptionCreative Commons Bibliothek
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last changeTue, 27 Oct 2015 14:22:51 +0000 (27 15:22 +0100)
content tags
2015-10-27 Harald GeyerWar of the Worlds: Fixes after readingmaster
2015-10-18 Harald Geyerwebsite: Fix links to repositorymob
2013-12-28 Harald GeyerFixes from checking hyphenation
2013-12-28 Harald GeyerImprove formatting
2013-12-21 Harald Geyerfix latex errors
2013-12-18 Harald GeyerWilhelm Raabe: Pfisters Mühle
2013-05-25 Harald GeyerFix encoding errors and problems reported upstream
2013-05-16 Harald GeyerWir: Silbentrennung verbessert
2013-05-02 Harald GeyerWir: umfassend überarbeitet
2013-04-17 Harald GeyerImprove german hyphenation
2013-04-15 Harald GeyerFix markup error
2013-04-15 Harald GeyerNeuer Text: Asaker von Asgard
2013-04-14 Harald GeyerNeuer Text: Befreiungschlag
2013-04-12 Harald GeyerConvert ... to \ldots{}
2013-04-12 Harald GeyerFix file encoding
2013-04-10 Harald GeyerNeuer Text: Im Aether verloren
8 years ago master
8 years ago mob