descriptionA small and efficient microkernel
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last changeTue, 22 Jul 2008 15:11:01 +0000 (22 15:11 +0000)
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MINIX 3 is a new open-source operating system designed to be highly reliable, flexible, and secure. It is loosely based somewhat on previous versions of MINIX, but is fundamentally different in many key ways. MINIX 1 and 2 were intended as teaching tools; MINIX 3 adds the new goal of being usable as a serious system on resource-limited and embedded computers and for applications requiring high reliability

This new OS is extremely small, with the part that runs in kernel mode under 4000 lines of executable code. The parts that run in user mode are divided into small modules, well insulated from one another. For example, each device driver runs as a separate user-mode process so a bug in a driver (by far the biggest source of bugs in any operating system), cannot bring down the entire OS. In fact, most of the time when a driver crashes it is automatically replaced without requiring any user intervention, without requiring rebooting, and without affecting running programs. These features, the tiny amount of kernel code, and other aspects greatly enhance system reliability. MINIX 3 is initially targeted at the following areas:

2008-07-22 dcvmooleAdded lance entry to drivers.conf.master
2008-06-24 dcvmooleBackport of fix from asynchvfs branch for PM-LOG-VFS...
2008-04-08 bengA glob() implementation.
2008-04-08 bengUse $PAGER if set. Suggested by gigabo at
2008-03-12 philipSelect support for eth by Erik van der Kouwe.
2008-02-25 philipSYS_MAPDMAx -> SYS_MAPDMA, added IOMMU_MAP
2008-02-25 philipBuild libdriver_asyn for target image
2008-02-25 philipSYS_MAPDMAx -> SYS_MAPDMA.
2008-02-25 philipFixed include files.
2008-02-25 philip_function, function -> call_nr
2008-02-25 philipAdded O_REOPEN, better error handling.
2008-02-25 philipAdded XDOPEN.
2008-02-25 philipAdded libdriver_asyn and amddev
2008-02-25 philipDriver for AMD's DEV.
2008-02-25 philipAsynchrnous character device interface.
2008-02-25 philipNeed separate 'prev_next' pointers for kernel and TTY.
16 years ago master