descriptionresponses to exercises from K&R C (second edition)
last changeFri, 23 Feb 2018 21:13:42 +0000 (23 16:13 -0500)
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copyleftie's K&R

I'm working through the exercises in the second edition of K&R C (K&R2e). I'll be blogging my way through each chapter of the book as I complete it.

repository structure

        |- LICENSE
        |- chXX/
        |-      |- exXX-XX.{c,md}

The responses are contained in folders ch01, ch02, and so on, and the responses themselves are normally named ex${chapter_number}-${exercise_number}.c, with occasional exceptions for written responses (*.md), variants (ex*-${variant_name}.c), or (rarely) outright omissions (like exercise 1-1).

(where are the files?...)

Click tree in the above links.


The code in this repository arbitrarily adopts OpenBSD's variant of Kernel Normal Form (KNF), even where that style explicitly contradicts K&R2e's recommendations. This is an exercise in "pick[ing] a style and stick[ing] with it", as recommended by the book itself.


C files in this repository begin with a tcc shebang and are executable. tcc compiles fast enough to make C usable as a scripting language. I'm not sure I'd recommend using C for such a purpose, but executable .cs are very convenient for testing small programs like these ones.


I would appreciate bug reports if you notice mistakes or have any suggestions.

Deviations from OpenBSD's KNF should be considered bugs.

2018-02-23 copyleftieRemove; change to reflect thismaster
2018-02-17 copyleftieExercise 1-22: adjust comments
2018-02-15 copyleftieExercise 1-22: Move exlanatory comments to main() comment
2018-02-14 copyleftieExercise 1-23: flatten control structure
2018-02-14 copyleftieExercise 1-22: drive the loop with sequential motivated...
2018-02-14 copyleftieExercise 1-22: separate prints, state-changes; flatten...
2018-02-14 make usage test generic
2018-02-14 copyleftieExercise 1-22: tweak description
2018-02-14 copyleftiestyle bugfix (current chapter features only)
2018-02-14 copyleftieExercise 1-22: submit acceptable solution
2018-02-14 copyleftieExercise 1-22: corrected with DRY (but actually simpler...
2018-02-14 copyleftieExercise 1-22: offer naive solution (wrap at LINEWRAP)
2018-02-13 copyleftieMerge branch 'master' of ssh://
2018-02-13 copyleftieExercise 1-22: (STILL INCORRECT) restructure for clarity
2018-02-12 copyleftiestyle bugfix (KNF)
2018-02-12 copyleftiestyle bugfix (KNF)
6 years ago master