descriptionneatcc top-level makefile
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last changeFri, 3 Mar 2023 15:32:19 +0000 (3 19:02 +0330)
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This directory contains the top-level makefile of neatcc, to
obtain and build neatcc, neatld, and neatlibc.

$ make init			# Check out the repositories
$ make neat			# Build the programs
$ cp neatrun/neatcc ~/bin/	# The main executable
$ cd demo && make		# A small test
2023-03-03 Ali Gholami... neatcc: pass -O to nccmaster
2022-03-23 Ali Gholami... Makefile: replace git with https
2020-09-28 Ali Gholami... Makefile: put CC argument inside double quotes
2020-03-18 Ali Gholami... neatrun: compiling and linking with the same command
2019-10-26 Ali Gholami... test: include neatcc's small test cases
2019-10-26 Ali Gholami... neatrun: -E implies compilation
2018-06-12 Ali Gholami... Makefile: checkout github repositories
2016-04-23 Ali Gholami... neatdbg: include elfcore.h
2016-04-23 Ali Gholami... neatrun/Makefile: more portable compilation target
2016-04-21 Ali Gholami... Makefile: boot target to bootstrap
2016-04-11 Ali Gholami... Makefile: fix a comment typo
2016-04-07 Ali Gholami... README: a brief description
2016-04-07 Ali Gholami... Makefile: specifying the host compiler
2016-04-07 Ali Gholami... neatcc top-level makefile
18 months ago master