descriptionMirror of openc2e SVN
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last changeMon, 28 Apr 2008 19:44:17 +0000 (28 19:44 +0000)
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A mirror of openc2e SVN at svn://
A script to clone this repository and set up git-svn can be found at
2008-04-28 fuzzieadd wraparound support to C2 physicsmastertrunk
2008-04-28 fuzzieadd unfinished peFile class
2008-04-27 fuzzieimplement BBD: EMIT
2008-04-27 fuzzieBubble: start of C2 support
2008-04-27 fuzziereorganise bubble creation code into Bubble::newBubble
2008-04-27 fuzzieqtgui: minor include fiddling
2008-04-27 fuzzieOpenALBackend: don't use al_throw_maybe when we should...
2008-04-26 fuzzieadd hacky implementation of C1 speech/thought bubbles...
2008-04-26 fuzziemake Agent::finishInit public
2008-04-26 fuzzieadd Backend::textWidth (untested)
2008-04-25 fuzziedisplay warning if SFCMacro goes wrong
2008-04-25 fuzzieSFCFile: parse and activate SFCMacro data
2008-04-25 fuzziesfcdumper: slightly more intelligent parsing
2008-04-25 fuzzieremove unused SDLMain files
2008-04-25 fuzziesfcdumper: beginnings of support for parsing Macro...
2008-04-25 fuzzieimplement Blackboard editing
16 years ago master
16 years ago mob