descriptionMetalua programming language
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last changeMon, 1 Dec 2008 21:19:07 +0000 (1 22:19 +0100)
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Metalua is an alternative compiler for Lua 5.1, which support CTMP (compile-time meta-programming). CTMP is the ability to run arbitrary user-provided code during compilation, which can among others analyze, modify or create code that will be spliced into the resulting compiled files. Metalua also features a dynamically extensible parser, which together with CTMP lets users define macro language extensions, as typically done by Lisp dialects. A noticeable difference with Lisp is that except when doing advanced macro wizardry, users only deal with a conventional syntax, instead of a code-friendly representation such as sexps. Metalua is released under the MIT license, and uses code from several other MIT-licensed projects including Lua, Yueliang, Lua Rings, Pluto, Lua Bitlib.
2008-12-01 Fabien Fleutotvariable capture bug in match extensionmaster
2008-11-29 Fabien Fleutotcommenting and cleaning up synth.mlua
2008-11-29 Fabien Fleutotcomment cleanup in synth.mlua
2008-11-29 Fabien Fleutotcommenting and cleaning up synth.mlua
2008-11-28 fabiennew samples: synthesis of source file from an AST,...
2008-11-27 Fabien Fleutotmissing lineinfo from gg.onkeyword() and for "|x| y...
2008-11-27 Fabien Fleutotmissing lineinfo for "for var in ... end" when there...
2008-11-27 Fabien FleutotMerge branch 'master' of ssh://
2008-11-27 fabienbad lineinfo for suffix expression parsers produced...
2008-11-02 Fabien Fleutotfixed incorrect behavior for loadstring() and loadfile...
2008-10-03 fabientweaked the code of table.tostring() do that it can...
2008-09-30 Fabien FleutotFixed a but in table.tostring()'s identifier regexp...
2008-09-30 fabienmetalua toplevel: option -A now uses fixed indentation...
2008-09-30 fabienBig table.tostring() overhaul: removed some dead cruft...
2008-09-30 fabienadded pretty printer to lexer tokens, and immediately...
2008-09-14 Fabien Fleutotbad lineinfo for infix operators in gg
15 years ago master
16 years ago eve-runtime-debug
16 years ago metalua-lib