descriptionRay tracing engine using OpenCL
last changeWed, 3 Aug 2011 22:32:28 +0000 (4 00:32 +0200)
content tags
2011-08-03 Pavel Herrmannfix texture loadingmaster
2011-08-03 Pavel Herrmannfix deadlocks caused by instruction scheduling
2011-08-03 Pavel Herrmannfix reallocation after overzealous cleanup
2011-08-01 Pavel Herrmannfix kernels and control to make it run under AMD stream
2011-08-01 Pavel Herrmannfix returning from glutMainLoop
2011-07-30 Pavel Herrmanndo not create light samples for rays outside of the...
2011-07-28 Pavel Herrmanncleanup to avoid warnings
2011-07-21 Pavel Herrmannsplit main.c into separate parts
2011-07-13 Pavel Herrmannadd random number generator
2011-07-13 Pavel Herrmannchange rotation behavior to more standard one
2011-07-10 Pavel Herrmannrework event-waiting system
2011-07-08 Pavel Herrmannmake secondary rays less incoherent
2011-07-08 Pavel Herrmannimprove interactive mode controls
2011-07-07 Pavel Herrmannavoid reallocating memory when unnecessary
2011-07-07 Pavel Herrmannadd partial interactive support
2011-07-07 Pavel Herrmannbreak control into separate functions
13 years ago master