descriptionOld netsniff-ng tree
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last changeThu, 7 Mar 2013 22:16:12 +0000 (7 23:16 +0100)
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                    netsniff-ng - the packet sniffing beast

                                         .      .
netsniff-ng is a free, performant       /(      )\
Linux network analyzer and            .' {______} '.
networking toolkit. If you will,       \ ^,    ,^ /
the Swiss army knife for network        |'O\  /O'|   _.<0101011>--
packets.                                > `'  '` <  /
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Release: 2012-06-29                  .-(|/--~~--\|)-'
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Web:          \__.=|___E 

The gain of performance is reached by built-in zero-copy mechanisms, so that
on packet reception and transmission the kernel does not need to copy packets
from kernel space to user space, and vice versa.

The netsniff-ng toolkit's primary usage goal is to facilitate a network
developer's / hacker's daily Linux plumbing. It can be used for network
development, debugging, analysis, auditing or network reconnaissance. It
consists of the following fixed set of utilities:

  * netsniff-ng: a zero-copy packet analyzer, pcap capturing/replaying tool
  * trafgen: a multithreaded low-level zero-copy network packet generator
  * mausezahn: high-level packet generator for HW/SW appliances with Cisco-CLI
  * ifpps: a top-like kernel networking and system statistics tool
  * curvetun: a lightweight curve25519-based multiuser IP tunnel
  * astraceroute: an autonomous system trace route and DPI testing utility
  * flowtop: a top-like netfilter connection tracking tool
  * bpfc: a Berkeley Packet Filter compiler with Linux extensions

Have a look at the Documentation/ folder for further information, also at known
issues under Documentation/KnownIssues. Carefully read the INSTALL document for
the next steps in building netsniff-ng. Note that the toolkit is still quite
young and under heavy development, not yet feature complete and in a quality
level where we're satisfied with (i.e. for mausezahn). However, we're on a good
way towards tackling all these goals.

The netsniff-ng toolkit is an open source project covered by the GNU General 
Public License, version 2.0. For any questions or feedback about netsniff-ng
you are welcome to leave us a message at <>.

netsniff-ng is non-profit and provided in the hope, that it is found useful.
The current project status can be considered as "working". In general, all tools
have been tested by us to a great extend including their command-line options.
In fact, many of our tools are used in a lot of production systems. However, we
give no guarantee that our tools are free of bugs! If you spot some issues,
contact us as described in REPORTING-BUGS. Also, have a look at our FAQ [2] for
answering your questions. This project has received support from companies and
institutions listed in Documentation/Sponsors. Thanks for contributing, we're
thrilled to provide you with netsniff-ng!

Happy packet hacking!

2013-03-07 Daniel Borkmannflowtop: show proper title of what's trackedmaster
2013-03-07 Daniel Borkmannflowtop: if not country info, don't show N/A
2013-03-07 Tobias Klauserconfigs/oui.conf: Update OUI list
2013-03-07 Tobias Adjust OUI matching regular expression
2013-03-06 Tobias Klauserpcap_io: Remove duplicate const
2013-03-06 Daniel Borkmanncurvetun: simplify signal handler
2013-03-06 Tobias Klauserxio: Consistently use tabs for indentation
2013-03-06 Daniel BorkmannMerge pull request #59 from electronjoe/graceful-SIGTER...
2013-03-06 Daniel BorkmannMerge pull request #58 from electronjoe/a1cf780cccc4819...
2013-03-06 Scott Moellercurvetun: Added graceful handling of SIGTERM signal59/head
2013-03-06 Scott Moellercurvetun: Enhanced server connect and disconnect syslog... 58/head
2013-03-05 Daniel Borkmanntrafgen: simplify built-in example
2013-03-05 Daniel Borkmannxio: secrand: test for -1
2013-03-05 Scott Moellercurvetun: Fied client initial message padding randomization
2013-03-04 Daniel Borkmanndocs: add Scott to authors
2013-03-04 Scott MoellerCorrected spinning loop potential in getrandombytes
11 years ago 0.5.7
12 years ago 0.5.6
13 years ago 0.5.5
11 years ago master
11 years ago man-pages
11 years ago lldp
11 years ago with-mausezahn