descriptionSimple monitor to regularly check for UBC failcount changes in OpenVZ/Virtuozzo containers
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last changeSun, 7 Mar 2010 22:22:33 +0000 (7 23:22 +0100)
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A simple monitor to regularly check for UBC failcount changes
in OpenVZ/Virtuozzo containers or on hardware nodes.
It's designed to run as a cronjob to mail the report to the admin
if there are any changes.

A Virtuozzo/OpenVZ container or hardware node and Python (2.4).

Copy the source directory at a desired location in your filesystem,
e.g. /usr/local/vzubcmon.
Then copy the example crontab file from etc/cron.d/vzubcmon to
/etc/cron.d/vzubcmon and edit it to adjust the path.

The tool is meant to be run as a cronjob, e.g. hourly.
If it finds any increments on any failcnt values in the
system's /proc/user_beancounters file, it prints a report
to its standard output which usually causes the cron daemon
to send a mail.

Alternatively, you can also run the script manually from the
command line, e.g.

# ./vzubcmon

VzUbcMon is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the license.
A copy of this license can be found in the file COPYING included with
the source code of this program.

Ideas, questions, patches and bug reports
Send them to me at enrico(dot)troeger(at)uvena(dot)de.
2010-03-07 Enrico TrögerUpdate READMEmaster
2010-03-07 Enrico TrögerImplement support for parsing container node user_beanc...
2010-03-07 Enrico TrögerAllow specifying database as relative path
2010-03-07 Enrico TrögerAdd __repr__()
2010-02-22 Enrico TrögerAdd license and README
2010-02-21 Enrico TrögerFix parsing container id
2010-02-21 Enrico TrögerSpacing
2010-02-21 Enrico TrögerOops, we should use a dictionary as we expect a diction...
2010-02-21 Enrico TrögerOops
2010-02-21 Enrico TrögerAdd example crontab file
2010-02-21 Enrico TrögerAdd TODO
2010-02-21 Enrico TrögerImplement --reset option to clean the database
2010-02-21 Enrico TrögerTry to make it a bit more readable
2010-02-21 Enrico TrögerInstead of explicitly checking for database file existe...
2010-02-21 Enrico TrögerChange the default database location
2010-02-21 Enrico TrögerRename vzubcmon
14 years ago master