descriptionNaming IPv6 address parts
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last changeThu, 12 May 2011 14:55:36 +0000 (12 16:55 +0200)
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In the daily communication between technicians, engineers and other people who need to deal with computer networks, it is often necessary to refer to particular parts of IP addresses. In the world of IPv4, the term "octet" is well established, however as the use of IPv6 is spreading, it becomes apparent that there is no such commonly accepted term for IPv6 addresses. Discussing and explaining technical matters become difficult when different people use different terms for the same thing. Therefore, this document discusses several naming proposal for those 16bit pieces of IPv6 addreses.
2011-05-12 Richard HartmannUpdated .gitignoremaster
2011-05-12 Richard HartmannUpdate to 01
2011-04-14 Richard HartmannCleanup of acknowledgments
2011-04-11 Richard HartmannBe more explicit about what a hextet is.
2011-04-08 Richard HartmannRename to draft-hartmann-6man-addresspartnaming
2011-04-07 Richard HartmannRename to draft-6man-addresspartnaming
2011-04-07 Richard HartmannRelease v04v04
2011-04-07 Richard HartmannVersion 04 - upgrade hextet to MUST
2011-04-07 Richard HartmannCorrections to -3, releasing -04
2011-04-07 Richard HartmannMerge changes by Lutz Donnerhackev03
2010-11-03 Richard HartmannUpdated expiry time
2010-11-03 Richard HartmannAdded .gitignore to mask local WC
2010-10-30 Richard HartmannAdded Hextet
2010-10-06 Richard HartmannImprove wording & improve temp file handling
2010-10-06 Lutz DonnerhackeStaring with IETF version 02mobv02
13 years ago v04 Version -04
13 years ago v03 Version -03
13 years ago v02 Tagging v 02
12 years ago master
13 years ago mob