descriptiontextmode flashing-word web browser
homepage URL
last changeFri, 20 Nov 2020 00:00:00 +0000 (20 00:00 +0000)
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Released under the GPLv3 by Martin Bays ( 2008-20



python3, with curses module

lynx (


espeak (or another text-to-speech engine)


Flinks is a textmode flashing-word web browser, intended for speed-reading and skimming. Doubles as a navigator of spoken text.

Basic usage

Hit 'g' and enter an url or local file to load. Press space to unpause.

Use cursor or vi keys to adjust the speed and to skip around within the document.

Links are shown in colour, and a rotating list of the last few links is shown above the main display point. To follow a link, hit the corresponding number.

To enable speech, use '^' (requires espeak and alsa in default configuration).

Keybindings and Configuration

When flinks is first run, it will create a file .flinksrc in your home directory. Edit this to change options and keybindings. Options can also be set on the commandline, or in-browser with ":set [option] [value]".

Default keys

space : pause/unpause

l / h or Left / Right: skip sentences

L / H : skip paragraphs

o / i : skip words

O / I or PgUp / PgDn : skip more words

. / , : skip one word

] / [ : skip links

^A / ^E or Home / End : skip to start/end

j / k or Down / Up or < / > : decrease/increase speed

g : go to an url (enter "g foo" or "wp foo" to search google or wikipedia)

G : adjust current url

/ / ? : search forward/backward

n / N : search again

b : go back

u : unback

F1 : display this help page

q : quit

^R : reload page

^L : refresh screen

[1-9] : follow link

^ : toggle speech

0 : begin count (e.g. type "0123o" to skip 123 words backward)

m : set mark ("ma", "mb" etc set marks local to the page; "mA", "mB" etc set global marks which persist between sessions)

' : go to mark

: : execute a command, valid commands being as for the config file.

2020-11-20 mbaysversion 0.5.0master
2020-11-20 mbaysfix encoding problems; remove python2 support
2015-03-07 Martin Baysfix bug in speech with null stops
2014-09-01 Martin Bayshandle short opts
2014-09-01 Martin Baysversion 0.4.3
2014-09-01 Martin Baysremove generated file flinkspkg/ from version...
2014-08-31 Martin BaysskipLinks
2014-08-31 Martin Baysdon't ignore links with no trailing text
2014-04-17 Martin Baysversion 0.4.2
2014-04-17 Martin Baysuse default colours
2014-04-13 Martin Baysversion 0.4.1
2014-04-13 Martin Baysfixes for python3
2014-04-13 Martin Bayshandle curses.wrapper in python3
2014-04-13 Martin Baysreplace tabs with spaces to keep python3 happy
2014-04-13 Martin Baysreplace rather than choke on characters current encodin...
2013-12-02 Martin Baysfix link detection bugs
3 years ago master