descriptionRelay for bidirectional data transfer
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last changeMon, 13 Nov 2023 19:08:54 +0000 (13 20:08 +0100)
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socat is a relay for bidirectional data transfer between two independent data channels. Each of these data channels may be a file, pipe, device (serial line etc. or a pseudo terminal), a socket (UNIX, IP4, IP6 - raw, UDP, TCP), an SSL socket, proxy CONNECT connection, a file descriptor (stdin etc.), the GNU line editor (readline), a program, or a combination of two of these. These modes include generation of "listening" sockets, named pipes, and pseudo terminals. socat can be used, e.g., as TCP port forwarder (one-shot or daemon), as an external socksifier, for attacking weak firewalls, as a shell interface to UNIX sockets, IP6 relay, for redirecting TCP oriented programs to a serial line, to logically connect serial lines on different computers, or to establish a relatively secure environment (su and chroot) for running client or server shell scripts with network connections. Many options are available to refine socats behaviour: terminal parameters, open() options, file permissions, file and process owners, basic socket options like bind address, advanced socket options like IP source routing, linger, TTL, TOS (type of service), or TCP performance tuning. More capabilities, like daemon mode with forking, client address check, "tail -f" mode, some stream data processing (line terminator conversion), choosing sockets, pipes, or ptys for interprocess communication, debug and trace options, logging to syslog, stderr or file, and last but not least precise error messages make it a versatile tool for many different purposes. In fact, many of these features already exist in specialized tools; but until now, there does not seem to exists another tool that provides such a generic, flexible, simple and almost comprehensive (UNIX) byte stream connector.
2023-11-13 Gerhard RiegerVersion
2023-11-13 Gerhard RiegerCorrections for better 32bit systems support, and some...
2023-11-12 Gerhard Rieger_FILE_OFFSET_BITS,_LARGE_FILES for direct largefile...
2023-11-12 Gerhard call $CC not gcc
2023-11-12 Gerhard RiegerA couple of minor corrections
2023-11-11 Gerhard RiegerAdded for group communications
2023-11-11 Gerhard RiegerAdded for n-to-1 / 1-to-n communications
2023-11-11 Gerhard RiegerAdded for layering protocols
2023-11-11 Gerhard RiegerProcan: Try to identify controlling terminal
2023-11-11 Gerhard RiegerProcan: print umask, CC, and couple more new infos
2023-11-11 Gerhard RiegerUDP-Lite (UDPlite) support
2023-11-06 Gerhard RiegerImplementation of DCCP socket addresses
2023-11-06 Gerhard RiegerCheck pipe size for possible blocking
2023-11-06 Gerhard RiegerNew option f-setpipe-sz
2023-11-06 Gerhard RiegerFix of configure --enable-openssl-base processing
2023-11-06 Gerhard RiegerFixed the end-close option, it just did not work
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8 months ago master
8 years ago socat2
Cached version (3387s old)
socat/cJ-socat-ntox86.git 12 years ago
socat/sam.git Sam's socat patches 15 years ago