descriptionFactor programming language
homepage URL
repository URLgit://
last changeMon, 30 Jul 2018 17:02:42 +0000 (30 12:02 -0500)
last refreshTue, 15 Feb 2022 18:10:21 +0000 (15 19:10 +0100)
content tags


Factor is a concatenative, stack-based programming language with high-level features including dynamic types, extensible syntax, macros, and garbage collection. On a practical side, Factor has a full-featured library, supports many different platforms, and has been extensively documented.

The implementation is fully compiled for performance, while still supporting interactive development. Factor applications are portable between all common platforms. Factor can deploy stand-alone applications on all platforms. Full source code for the Factor project is available under a BSD license.

Getting Started

Building Factor from source

If you have a build environment set up, then you can build Factor from git. These scripts will attempt to compile the Factor binary and bootstrap from a boot image stored on

To check out Factor:

To build the latest complete Factor system from git, either use the build script:

or download the correct boot image for your system from, put it in the factor directory and run:

Now you should have a complete Factor system ready to run.

More information on building factor and system requirements.

To run a Factor binary:

You can download a Factor binary from the grid on The nightly builds are usually a better experience than the point releases.

Learning Factor

A tutorial is available that can be accessed from the Factor environment:

"first-program" help

Some other simple things you can try in the listener:

"Hello, world" print

{ 4 8 15 16 23 42 } [ 2 * ] map .

1000 [1,b] sum .

4 <iota> [
    "Happy Birthday " write
    2 = "dear NAME" "to You" ? print
] each

For more tips, see Learning Factor.


The Factor environment includes extensive reference documentation and a short "cookbook" to help you get started. The best way to read the documentation is in the UI; press F1 in the UI listener to open the help browser tool. You can also browse the documentation online.

Command Line Usage

Factor supports a number of command line switches:

Usage: factor [Factor arguments] [script] [script arguments]

Common arguments:
    -help            print this message and exit
    -i=<image>       load Factor image file <image> (default factor.image)
    -run=<vocab>     run the MAIN: entry point of <vocab>
        -run=listener    run terminal listener    run Factor development UI
    -e=<code>        evaluate <code>
    -no-user-init    suppress loading of .factor-rc
    -roots=<paths>   a list of path-delimited extra vocab roots

    "command-line" help
from within Factor for more information.

You can also write scripts that can be run from the terminal, by putting #!/path/to/factor at the top of your scripts and making them executable.

Source Organization

The Factor source tree is organized as follows:


Factor developers meet in the #concatenative channel on Drop by if you want to discuss anything related to Factor or language design in general.

Have fun!

2018-07-30 Doug ColemanRevert "lists: Add list literal doc example."clean-linux-x86-32clean-linux-x86-64clean-macosx-x86-32clean-macosx-x86-64clean-windows-x86-32clean-windows-x86-64master
2018-07-30 Doug ColemanRevert "lists: Add list literals."
2018-07-28 Doug Colemanvm: Fix some really minor warnings.
2018-07-26 Benjamin Pollackbuild: allow any GCC version
2018-07-22 Doug Colemanlayouts: Add 32bit? and 64bit? words.
2018-07-22 Doug Colemansystem: Make the git version code more robust.
2018-07-21 Doug platforms: getting uid/gid, so unix...
2018-07-21 Doug Colemanci: Start new vocabs.
2018-07-21 Doug Colemanescape-strings: Add a tag-payload word to make a string...
2018-07-17 Doug Colemanio.launcher: Add process-lines word.
2018-07-16 Doug Colemanvocabs.platforms: Add <LINUX LINUX> sections that ignor...
2018-07-14 Doug Colemanlists: Add list literal doc example.
2018-07-14 Doug Colemanlists: Add list literals.
2018-07-14 Doug Colemanfactor: Make source files/resources 644 instead of...
2018-07-13 Doug Colemanvm: Fix unused variable warnings on Windows.
2018-07-13 Doug Colemancontexts.cpp: Don't warn on unused variables.
6 years ago master
6 years ago clean-windows-x86-64
6 years ago clean-windows-x86-32
6 years ago clean-macosx-x86-64
6 years ago clean-macosx-x86-32
6 years ago clean-linux-x86-64
6 years ago clean-linux-x86-32
6 years ago vm-warnings
6 years ago paths
6 years ago modern-harvey2
6 years ago windows-high-dpi
6 years ago factor-shell
Cached version (36s old)
factor/jcg.git Factor with local modifications 15 years ago