last changeWed, 6 Dec 2023 17:14:30 +0000 (6 18:14 +0100)
content tags
2023-12-06 lnk3chore(nerd_icons): updated codepoints after v3.0.0master
2023-12-06 lnk3chore(fidget): version bump and updated
2023-12-06 lnk3plug(lsp): added lsp_signature to suggest parameters...
2023-12-06 lnk3plug(lsp): configured Java LSP
2023-12-06 lnk3doc: added comment for .editorconfig location suggestion
2023-12-06 lnk3plug(lsp): configured C LSP
2023-12-06 lnk3plug(cmp): Added completion!
2023-12-06 lnk3fix(lsp): fixed on_attach and mappings for lsp
2023-12-06 lnk3feat: added lsp user commands to clear logs and print...
2023-12-06 lnk3chore(neotree): bumped version to 3.x and updated config
2023-12-06 lnk3fix: no more flickering of signcolumn minimum width...
2023-12-06 lnk3fix: added column number to statusline
2023-12-06 lnk3fix: better default colorscheme
2023-12-06 lnk3fix: change mnemonics of auto-comment on newline mapping
2023-12-06 lnk3plug(Lazy): specify developer plugin folder path in...
2023-06-17 lnc3l0tPR(glow): created a PR and switched to my fork
17 months ago Lazy
9 months ago master