descriptionA server for managing passphrases and anything else.
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last changeTue, 17 Sep 2024 05:00:04 +0000 (16 22:00 -0700)
last refreshThu, 19 Sep 2024 15:19:41 +0000 (19 17:19 +0200)
content tags
Password Manager Daemon is a server that provides a way for applications to securely store and retrieve data at a centralized location. The data is stored in an XML file and clients connect and send commands to manipulate the data. It mimics a filesystem in many ways with commands to store, copy, move and delete elements.
2 days ago Ben Kibbeyacl: Fix negating a command name.master
2 days ago Ben KibbeyRevert "xml: Add XML_PARSE_DTDVALID to import flags."
2 days ago Ben Kibbeyacl: Call acl_get_proc() only once per client.
2 days ago Ben Kibbeyacl: Fix logging of command names for rejected peers.
2 days ago Ben Kibbeyacl: Fix for systems without a PID in assuan_peercred_t.
3 days ago Ben Kibbeyconfigure: Include more systems without /proc/self.
3 days ago Ben Kibbeyxml: Add XML_PARSE_NONET to import flags.
3 days ago Ben Kibbeyxml: Add XML_PARSE_DTDVALID to import flags.
3 days ago Ben Kibbeybuild: Fix for NetBSD.
13 days ago Ben KibbeyRevert "build: Require libassuan API 2."
13 days ago Ben Kibbeycrypto: No longer do gpgme_data_set_file_name().
2024-07-07 Ben Kibbeybuild: Update m4 macros.
2024-07-02 Ben KibbeyUse pthread_sigmask().
2024-07-02 Ben Kibbeybuild: Require libassuan API 2.
2024-03-07 Ben KibbeyFix a few 'gcc -fanalyzer' warnings.
2024-02-10 Ben Kibbeyconfigure: Match first occurrence.
16 months ago v3.3.7 Pwmd version 3.3.7.
2 years ago v3.3.6 Pwmd version 3.3.6.
2 years ago v3.3.5 Pwmd version 3.3.5.
2 years ago v3.3.4 Pwmd version 3.3.4.
3 years ago v3.3.3 Pwmd version 3.3.3.
3 years ago v3.3.2 Pwmd version 3.3.2.
3 years ago v3.3.1 Pwmd version 3.3.1.
3 years ago v3.3.0 Pwmd version 3.3.0.
5 years ago v3.2.2 Pwmd version 3.2.2.
5 years ago v3.2.1 Pwmd version 3.2.1.
5 years ago v3.2.0 Pwmd version 3.2.0.
5 years ago v3.1.1 Pwmd version 3.1.1.
6 years ago v3.1.0 Pwmd version 3.1.0.
7 years ago v3.1.0-beta3 Pwmd version 3.1.0-beta3.
7 years ago v3.1.0-beta2 Pwmd version 3.1.0-beta2.
7 years ago v3.1.0-beta1 Pwmd version 3.1.0-beta1
2 days ago master
3 years ago list-sexp
3 years ago acl-exec
5 years ago bulk
7 years ago cow
8 years ago agent-cache-checking
8 years ago no-literals
8 years ago v3.0.x
11 years ago v2.x
12 years ago scd-pin-prompt
15 years ago v1.x