operators .. generic functions .* .+ ...
[woropt.git] / vol-convert.lisp
1 ;; define a bunch of functions to convert an {1,2,3}-dimensional array
2 ;; from one type into another type.
3 (in-package :vol)
5 ;; for writing several type conversion functions will have a name like
6 ;; convert-3-ub8/cdf-mul the rank is looped over 1, 2 and 3. here the
7 ;; suffix mul indicates that type (up-)conversion is forced by a
8 ;; multiplication. other suffixes are floor for conversion into fixed
9 ;; type and coerce. coerce seemed to be quite slow last time i
10 ;; tried. thats why i prefer the multiplication for most conversions.
12 (def-generator (convert (rank type out_type func short_func))
13 (let ((long-out-type (get-long-type out_type))
14 ;; override the name that is constructed by def-generator
15 (name (format-symbol "convert-~a-~a/~a-~a"
16 rank type out_type
17 short_func)))
18 (store-new-function name)
19 `(defun ,name (a)
20 (declare ((simple-array ,long-type ,rank) a)
21 (values (simple-array ,long-out-type ,rank) &optional))
22 (let* ((result (make-array (array-dimensions a)
23 :element-type (quote ,long-out-type)))
24 (result1 (sb-ext:array-storage-vector result))
25 (a1 (sb-ext:array-storage-vector a))
26 (n (length a1)))
27 (dotimes (i n)
28 (setf (aref result1 i)
29 (funcall ,func (aref a1 i))))
30 result))))
32 #+nil
33 (def-convert-rank-type-out_type-func-short_func
34 1 sf df #'(lambda (x) (* 1d0 x)) coerce)
35 #+nil
36 (def-convert-rank-type-out_type-func-short_func
37 1 ub8 csf #'(lambda (x) (complex (* 1d0 x))) complex)
38 #+nil
39 (convert-1-sf/df-coerce
40 (make-array 4 :element-type 'single-float))
43 (defmacro def-convert-functions ()
44 (labels ( ;; create a spec like this: ub8 sf (* 1s0 x) mul
45 ;; down can be used to convert double into float
46 (def (in-type out-type &optional (fun t))
47 `(,in-type
48 ,out-type
49 #'(lambda (x)
50 ,(ecase fun
51 (:floor `(floor x))
52 (:coerce `(coerce x ',(get-long-type out-type)))
53 (t `(* ,(coerce 1 (get-long-type out-type)) x))))
54 ,(ecase fun
55 (:floor 'floor)
56 (:coerce 'coerce)
57 (t 'mul))))
58 ;; create downconversions from complex types like
59 ;; cdf df #'realpart realpart
60 (def-comps (in-type out-type functions &optional (fun t))
61 (loop for func in functions collect
62 `(,in-type
63 ,out-type
64 ,(ecase fun
65 (:floor `#'(lambda (x) (floor (funcall #',func x))))
66 (t `#',func))
67 ,func))))
68 ;; an element of spec looks like this: (ub8 sf #'(lambda(x) (* 1s0 x))
69 ;; mul) the first two cols define input and output types, then
70 ;; comes a function that does this conversion followed by a short
71 ;; name describing the function. this name is attached to the
72 ;; convert function
73 (let ((specs `(;; upconvert from ub8 into sf and similar
74 ,(def 'ub8 'sf)
75 ,(def 'ub8 'df)
76 ,(def 'ub8 'csf)
77 ,(def 'ub8 'cdf)
79 ,(def 'sf 'df)
80 ,(def 'sf 'csf)
81 ,(def 'sf 'cdf)
83 ,(def 'df 'cdf)
85 ;; upconvert complex to complex
86 ,(def 'csf 'cdf)
88 ;; downconvert from double into single
89 ,(def 'df 'sf :coerce)
90 ,(def 'cdf 'csf :coerce)
92 ;; downconvert from float into bytes
93 ,(def 'sf 'ub8 :floor)
94 ,(def 'df 'ub8 :floor)
96 ;; convert from complex into real
97 ,@(def-comps 'csf 'sf '(realpart imagpart abs phase))
98 ,@(def-comps 'cdf 'df '(realpart imagpart abs phase))
100 ;; complex into real and conversion into fixed
101 ,@(def-comps 'csf 'ub8 '(realpart imagpart abs phase) :floor)
102 ,@(def-comps 'cdf 'ub8 '(realpart imagpart abs phase) :floor)
104 (result nil))
105 (loop for rank in '(1 2 3) do
106 (loop for spec in specs do
107 (destructuring-bind (in out fun name)
108 spec
109 (push `(def-convert-rank-type-out_type-func-short_func
110 ,rank ,in ,out ,fun ,name)
111 result))))
112 `(progn ,@result))))
114 (def-convert-functions)
116 #+nil
117 (convert-3-cdf/ub8-realpart
118 (make-array (list 3 3 3) :element-type '(complex double-float)))
120 #+nil
121 (convert-3-csf/cdf-mul
122 (make-array (list 3 3 3) :element-type '(complex single-float)))
125 ;; converting complex into real with some function and converting into
126 ;; out_type, the name of the functions will be like:
127 ;; normalize-3-cdf/ub8-realpart. the function is evaluated into an
128 ;; intermediate real array (either double or float depending on the
129 ;; input type) and then normalized into the result. float results are
130 ;; in 0..1 and ub8 results in 0..255.
131 (def-generator (normalize-complex (rank type out_type func short_func))
132 (let ((long-out-type (get-long-type out_type))
133 ;; override the name that is constructed by def-generator
134 (name (format-symbol "normalize-~a-~a/~a-~a"
135 rank type out_type short_func))
136 (intermed-type (ecase type
137 (cdf 'double-float)
138 (csf 'single-float))))
139 (store-new-function name)
140 `(defun ,name (a)
141 (declare ((simple-array ,long-type ,rank) a)
142 (values (simple-array ,long-out-type ,rank) &optional))
143 (let* ((result (make-array (array-dimensions a)
144 :element-type ',long-out-type))
145 (result1 (sb-ext:array-storage-vector result))
146 (a1 (sb-ext:array-storage-vector a))
147 (n (length a1))
148 (intermediate1
149 (make-array n :element-type ',intermed-type)))
150 (dotimes (i n)
151 (setf (aref intermediate1 i) (funcall ,func (aref a1 i))))
152 (let* ((ma (reduce #'max intermediate1))
153 (mi (reduce #'min intermediate1))
154 (s (if (= ma mi)
155 (coerce 0 ',intermed-type)
156 (/ (- ma mi)))))
157 (dotimes (i n)
158 (let ((v (* s (- (aref intermediate1 i) mi))))
159 (setf (aref result1 i) ,(if (eq 'ub8 out_type)
160 `(floor (* 255 v))
161 `(* (coerce 1 ',long-out-type) v)))))
162 result)))))
164 #+nil
165 (def-normalize-complex-rank-type-out_type-func-short_func
166 1 csf ub8 #'realpart realpart)
168 (defmacro def-normalize-complex-functions (ranks out-types funcs)
169 (let ((result nil))
170 (loop for rank in ranks do
171 (loop for type in '(csf cdf) do
172 (loop for otype in out-types do
173 (loop for func in funcs do
174 (push `(def-normalize-complex-rank-type-out_type-func-short_func ,rank ,type ,otype #',func ,func)
175 result)))))
176 `(progn ,@result)))
178 (def-normalize-complex-functions
179 (1 2 3) (ub8 sf df) (realpart imagpart phase abs))
181 #+nil
182 (normalize-1-csf/ub8-realpart
183 (make-array 3 :element-type '(complex single-float)
184 :initial-contents '(#C(1s0 0s0) #C(2s0 0s0) #C(3s0 0s0))))
186 #+nil
187 (normalize-1-csf/df-phase
188 (make-array 3 :element-type '(complex single-float)
189 :initial-contents '(#C(1s0 .2s0) #C(2s0 1s0) #C(3s0 0s0))))
191 ;; normalize real arrays, name like: normalize-2-sf/ub8
192 (def-generator (normalize (rank type out_type))
193 (let ((long-out-type (get-long-type out_type))
194 ;; override the name that is constructed by def-generator
195 (name (format-symbol "normalize-~a-~a/~a"
196 rank type out_type)))
197 (store-new-function name)
198 `(defun ,name (a)
199 (declare ((simple-array ,long-type ,rank) a)
200 (values (simple-array ,long-out-type ,rank) &optional))
201 (let* ((result (make-array (array-dimensions a)
202 :element-type ',long-out-type))
203 (result1 (sb-ext:array-storage-vector result))
204 (a1 (sb-ext:array-storage-vector a))
205 (n (length a1))
206 (ma (reduce #'max a1))
207 (mi (reduce #'min a1))
208 (s (if (= ma mi)
209 (coerce 0 ',(get-long-type type))
210 (/ (- ma mi)))))
211 (dotimes (i n)
212 (let ((v (* s (- (aref a1 i) mi))))
213 (setf (aref result1 i) ,(if (eq 'ub8 out_type)
214 `(floor (* 255 v))
215 `(* (coerce 1 ',long-out-type) v)))))
216 result))))
217 #+nil
218 (def-normalize-rank-type-out_type 1 df ub8)
219 #+nil
220 (normalize-1-df/ub8 (make-array 3 :element-type 'double-float
221 :initial-contents '(1d0 2d0 3d0)))
223 (defmacro def-normalize-functions (ranks in-types out-types)
224 (let ((result nil))
225 (loop for rank in ranks do
226 (loop for type in in-types do
227 (loop for otype in out-types do
228 (push `(def-normalize-rank-type-out_type ,rank ,type ,otype)
229 result))))
230 `(progn ,@result)))
232 (def-normalize-functions (1 2 3) (ub8 sf df) (ub8 sf df))
234 #+nil
235 (normalize-1-sf/sf (make-array 3 :element-type 'single-float
236 :initial-contents '(1s0 2s0 3s0)))
237 #+nil
238 (normalize-1-sf/ub8 (make-array 3 :element-type 'single-float
239 :initial-contents '(1s0 2s0 3s0)))
240 #+nil
241 (normalize-1-ub8/sf (make-array 3 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
242 :initial-contents '(1 2 3)))
243 #+nil
244 (normalize-1-ub8/ub8 (make-array 3 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
245 :initial-contents '(1 2 3)))
247 #+nil ;; find the names of all the functions that were defined by the
248 ;; above macros, for exporting
249 ;; 2010-08-14 I don't think I need this anymore
250 (let ((res ()))
251 (with-package-iterator (next-symbol *package* :internal)
252 (loop (multiple-value-bind (more? symbol)
253 (next-symbol)
254 (if more?
255 (push symbol res)
256 (return)))))
257 (loop for s in (delete-if-not #'(lambda (x)
258 (let* ((pat "CONVERT"
259 #+nil "NORMALI"
261 (lpat (length pat)))
262 (when (< lpat (length x))
263 (string= pat x
264 :end1 lpat
265 :end2 lpat))))
266 (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
267 (format nil "~a" x)) res))
268 do (format t "#:~a~%" (string-downcase s))))