some cleanup
[woropt.git] / gui / draw.lisp
1 (in-package :gui)
3 (defmacro def-vec-funcs (&rest names)
4 `(progn
5 ,@(loop for name in names collect
6 (let ((name-v (alexandria:format-symbol :gui "~a-V" name)))
7 `(defun ,name-v (vec)
8 (declare (vec vec)
9 (values null &optional))
10 (,name (vec-x vec) (vec-y vec) (vec-z vec))
11 nil)))))
13 (def-vec-funcs vertex tex-coord translate normal scale)
15 (defvar circle-points
16 (let* ((n 37)
17 (ps (make-array (+ n 2) :element-type 'vec
18 :initial-element (v))))
19 (declare (fixnum n)
20 ((simple-array vec 1) ps))
21 (setf (aref ps 0) (v))
22 (dotimes (i n)
23 (let ((arg (* 2d0 pi i (/ 1d0 n))))
24 (declare ((double-float 0d0 6.3d0) arg))
25 (setf (aref ps (1+ i)) (make-vec (cos arg) (sin arg)))))
26 (setf (aref ps (1+ n)) (aref ps 1))
27 ps))
29 (declaim (type (simple-array vec 1) circle-points))
31 (defun draw-circle ()
32 "Draw circle with radius 1."
33 (dotimes (i (length circle-points))
34 (vertex-v (aref circle-points i)))
35 nil)
37 (defmethod draw ((disk lens:disk))
38 (declare (values null &optional))
39 (with-slots ((c lens::center) (r lens::radius)) disk
40 (with-pushed-matrix
41 (translate-v c)
42 (scale r r r)
43 (with-primitive :triangle-fan
44 (draw-circle)))))
46 (defclass texture-luminance-ub8 ()
47 ((dimensions :accessor dimensions :initarg :dimensions :initform '(0 0 0)
48 :type cons)
49 (object :accessor object :initarg :object :initform 0 :type fixnum)
50 (target :accessor target :initarg :target
51 :initform :texture-3d :type fixnum)))
53 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((tex texture-luminance-ub8) &key data)
54 (let ((rank (etypecase data
55 ((simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) 2) 2)
56 ((simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) 3) 3))))
57 (with-slots (dimensions object target) tex
58 (setf object (first (gen-textures 1))
59 dimensions (array-dimensions data)
60 target (ecase rank
61 (2 :texture-rectangle-nv)
62 (3 :texture-3d)))
63 (bind-texture target object)
64 (tex-parameter target :texture-min-filter :linear)
65 (tex-parameter target :texture-mag-filter :linear)
66 (sb-sys:with-pinned-objects (data)
67 (let* ((data1 (sb-ext:array-storage-vector data))
68 (data-sap (sb-sys:vector-sap data1)))
69 (ecase rank
70 (2 (tex-image-2d target 0 :luminance
71 (array-dimension data 1) ;; x
72 (array-dimension data 0) 0 :luminance
73 :unsigned-byte data-sap))
74 (3 (tex-image-3d target 0 :luminance
75 (array-dimension data 2) ;; x
76 (array-dimension data 1) ;; y
77 (array-dimension data 0) 0 :luminance
78 :unsigned-byte data-sap))))))))
80 (defmethod destroy ((tex texture-luminance-ub8))
81 (delete-textures (list (object tex))))
83 (defmethod bind-tex ((tex texture-luminance-ub8))
84 (bind-texture (target tex) (object tex)))
86 (defmethod draw-xz ((tex texture-luminance-ub8) x+ x- z+ z-
87 &key (y 0d0) (ty 0d0))
88 "Draw a quad with a texture. If the texture is 3d, an xz-plane at y
89 is selected. The parameter x+, x-, z+, z- and y define vertex
90 positions of the quad. In case of a 3d texture ty choses the y
91 texture coordinate with value from 0 .. 1."
92 (with-slots (target dimensions) tex
93 (bind-tex tex)
94 (gl:enable target)
95 (let* ((texcoords
96 (ecase target
97 (:texture-rectangle-nv
98 (destructuring-bind (yy xx) dimensions
99 (let ((y (* 1d0 yy))
100 (x (* 1d0 xx)))
101 (list (make-vec x y) (make-vec 0d0 y)
102 (make-vec 0d0 0d0) (make-vec x 0d0)))))
103 (:texture-3d (list (make-vec 1d0 ty 1d0) (make-vec 0d0 ty 1d0)
104 (make-vec 0d0 ty 0d0) (make-vec 1d0 ty 0d0)))))
105 (vertexs (list (make-vec x+ y z-)
106 (make-vec x- y z-)
107 (make-vec x- y z+)
108 (make-vec x+ y z+))))
109 (gl:with-primitive :quads
110 (loop for v in vertexs and c in texcoords do
111 (tex-coord-v c) (vertex-v v))))
112 (gl:disable target)))
116 (defun draw-axes ()
117 (gl:line-width 3)
118 (gl:with-primitive :lines
119 (gl:color 1 0 0 1) (gl:vertex 0 0 0) (gl:vertex 1 0 0)
120 (gl:color 0 1 0 1) (gl:vertex 0 0 0) (gl:vertex 0 1 0)
121 (gl:color 0 0 1 1) (gl:vertex 0 0 0) (gl:vertex 0 0 1)))
124 (defun draw-wire-box (start end)
125 (gl:with-pushed-matrix
126 (translate-v start)
127 (scale-v (v- end start))
128 (gl:translate .5 .5 .5)
129 (glut:wire-cube 1)))