changed the prototype stuff from the bottom into a new angular-psf function
[woropt.git] / vol.lisp
1 (defpackage :vol
2 (:use :cl :sb-alien :sb-c-call)
3 (:export
4 #:fftshift3
5 #:ft3
6 #:ift3
7 #:read-pgm
8 #:write-pgm
9 #:histogram
10 #:get-linear-array
11 #:read-stack
12 #:square
13 #:linear-regression
14 #:clamp
15 #:interp1
16 #:interpolate2
18 #:+forward+
19 #:+backward+
20 #:+estimate+
22 #:do-rectangle
23 #:do-box
24 #:with-slice))
26 ;; for i in `cat vol.lisp|grep defconst|cut -d " " -f 2`;do echo \#:$i ;done
28 (in-package :vol)
30 #+nil (declaim (optimize (speed 3) (debug 1) (safety 1)))
31 (declaim (optimize (speed 2) (debug 3) (safety 3)))
33 (load-shared-object "/usr/lib/")
35 (define-alien-routine ("fftw_plan_dft_3d" plan-dft-3d)
36 (* int)
37 (n0 int)
38 (n1 int)
39 (n2 int)
40 (in (* double-float))
41 (out (* double-float))
42 (sign int)
43 (flags unsigned-int))
45 ;; C-standard "row-major" order, so that the last dimension has the
46 ;; fastest-varying index in the array.
50 (defmacro do-rectangle ((j i ymin ymax xmin xmax) &body body)
51 "Loop through 2d points in ymin .. ymax-1. e.g. call with 0 y 0 x to
52 visit every point."
53 `(loop for ,j from ,ymin below ,ymax do
54 (loop for ,i from ,xmin below ,xmax do
55 (progn ,@body))))
57 (defmacro do-box ((k j i zmin zmax ymin ymax xmin xmax) &body body)
58 "Loop through 3d points e.g. call with 0 z 0 y 0 x to visit every
59 point."
60 `(loop for ,k from ,zmin below ,zmax do
61 (loop for ,j from ,ymin below ,ymax do
62 (loop for ,i from ,xmin below ,xmax do
63 (progn ,@body)))))
66 ;; fftshift3 /home/martin/usb/y2009/1123/1.lisp
67 (declaim (ftype (function ((simple-array (complex double-float) (* * *)))
68 (values (simple-array (complex double-float) (* * *))
69 &optional))
70 fftshift3))
71 (defun fftshift3 (in)
72 (let ((out (make-array (array-dimensions in)
73 :element-type '(complex double-float))))
74 (destructuring-bind (w2 w1 w0)
75 (array-dimensions in)
76 (dotimes (k w2)
77 (dotimes (j w1)
78 (dotimes (i w0)
79 (let* ((ii (if (> i (/ w0 2))
80 (+ w0 (/ w0 2) (- i))
81 (- (/ w0 2) i)))
82 (jj (if (> j (/ w1 2))
83 (+ w1 (/ w1 2) (- j))
84 (- (/ w1 2) j)))
85 (kk (if (> k (/ w2 2))
86 (+ w2 (/ w2 2) (- k))
87 (- (/ w2 2) k))))
88 (setf (aref out k j i)
89 (aref in kk jj ii))
90 nil)))))
91 out))
93 (define-alien-routine ("fftw_execute" execute)
94 void
95 (plan (* int)))
97 (defconstant +forward+ 1)
98 (defconstant +backward+ -1)
99 (defconstant +estimate+ (ash 1 6))
101 (declaim (ftype (function ((simple-array (complex double-float) (* * *))
102 &key (:forward boolean))
103 (values (simple-array (complex double-float) (* * *))
104 &optional))
105 ft3))
106 (defun ft3 (in &key (forward t))
107 (let ((dims (array-dimensions in)))
108 (destructuring-bind (z y x)
109 dims
110 (let* ((out (make-array dims :element-type '(complex double-float))))
111 (sb-sys:with-pinned-objects (in out)
112 (let ((p (plan-dft-3d z y x
113 (sb-sys:vector-sap
114 (sb-ext:array-storage-vector in))
115 (sb-sys:vector-sap
116 (sb-ext:array-storage-vector out))
117 (if forward
118 +forward+
119 +backward+)
120 +estimate+)))
121 (execute p)))
122 (when forward ;; normalize if forward
123 (let ((1/n (/ 1d0 (* x y z))))
124 (do-box (k j i 0 z 0 y 0 x)
125 (setf (aref out k j i) (* 1/n (aref out k j i))))))
126 out))))
128 (defmacro ift3 (in)
129 `(ft3 ,in :forward nil))
131 (declaim
132 (type (function
133 (string)
134 (values (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (* *))
135 &optional))
136 read-pgm))
137 (defun read-pgm (filename)
138 (with-open-file (s filename)
139 (unless (equal (symbol-name (read s)) "P5")
140 (error "no PGM file"))
141 (let* ((w (read s))
142 (h (read s))
143 (grays (read s))
144 (pos (file-position s))
145 (data (make-array
146 (list h w)
147 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
148 (data-1d (make-array
149 (* h w)
150 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
151 :displaced-to data)))
152 (declare ((simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (* *)) data)
153 ((array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) data-1d)
154 ((integer 0 65535) grays w h))
155 (unless (= grays 255)
156 (error "image has wrong bitdepth"))
157 (with-open-file (s filename
158 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
159 (file-position s pos)
160 (read-sequence data-1d s))
161 data)))
163 (declaim
164 (ftype (function
165 ((array (unsigned-byte 8) 2)
166 string)
167 (values null &optional))
168 write-pgm))
169 (defun write-pgm (img filename)
170 (destructuring-bind (h w)
171 (array-dimensions img)
172 (declare ((integer 0 65535) w h))
173 (with-open-file (s filename
174 :direction :output
175 :if-exists :supersede
176 :if-does-not-exist :create)
177 (declare (stream s))
178 (format s "P5~%~D ~D~%255~%" w h))
179 (with-open-file (s filename
180 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
181 :direction :output
182 :if-exists :append)
183 (let ((data-1d (make-array
184 (* h w)
185 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
186 :displaced-to img)))
187 (write-sequence data-1d s)))
188 nil))
190 (declaim
191 (ftype (function
192 ((array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)) &optional fixnum)
193 (values (simple-array fixnum (*)) (unsigned-byte 8) (unsigned-byte 8) (unsigned-byte 8)
194 &optional))
195 histogram))
196 (defun histogram (img &optional (bins 30))
197 (let* ((maxval (aref img 0))
198 (minval maxval)
199 (w (length img)))
200 (dotimes (i w)
201 (let ((v (aref img i)))
202 (when (< v minval)
203 (setf minval v))
204 (when (< maxval v)
205 (setf maxval v))))
206 (let* ((len (1+ (- maxval minval)))
207 (result (make-array len :element-type 'fixnum))
208 (binsm (min (- maxval minval) bins)))
209 (when (eq maxval minval)
210 #+nil (error "data is too boring.")
211 (return-from histogram (values result minval maxval binsm)))
212 (dotimes (i w)
213 (incf (aref result (floor (* binsm
214 (- (aref img i)
215 minval))
216 (- maxval minval)))))
217 (values result minval maxval binsm))))
219 (declaim (ftype (function ((array * (* *)))
220 (values (simple-array * (*)) &optional))
221 get-linear-array))
222 (defun get-linear-array (img)
223 (sb-ext:array-storage-vector img)
224 #+nil (make-array (* (array-dimension img 0)
225 (array-dimension img 1))
226 :element-type (array-element-type img)
227 :displaced-to img))
230 (declaim (ftype (function (string)
231 (values (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) (* * *))
232 &optional))
233 read-stack))
234 (defun read-stack (fn)
235 (let* ((files (directory fn))
236 (slices (length files))
237 (a (read-pgm (first files))))
238 (destructuring-bind (h w)
239 (array-dimensions a)
240 (let* ((result (make-array (list slices h w)
241 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
242 (dotimes (k slices)
243 (let* ((a (read-pgm (elt files k))))
244 (dotimes (j h)
245 (dotimes (i w)
246 (setf (aref result k j i)
247 (aref a j i))))))
248 result))))
250 (defmacro with-slice ((slice-array array slice-nr) &body body)
251 "Returns SLICE-NRth slice of ARRAY as the 2D SLICE-ARRAY."
252 (let ((x (gensym))
253 (y (gensym))
254 (z (gensym)))
255 `(destructuring-bind (,z ,y ,x)
256 (array-dimensions ,array)
257 (when (or (< ,slice-nr 0) (<= ,z ,slice-nr))
258 (error "slice-nr=~d out of range [0,~d]" ,slice-nr (1- ,z)))
259 (let* ((,slice-array (make-array (list ,y ,x)
260 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
261 :displaced-to ,array
262 :displaced-index-offset (* ,slice-nr ,x ,y))))
263 ,@body))))
265 (declaim (ftype (function (double-float) (values double-float &optional))
266 square))
267 (defun square (x)
268 (* x x))
270 (declaim (ftype (function ((array double-float *)
271 &optional
272 (array double-float *))
273 (values double-float double-float
274 double-float double-float &optional))
275 linear-regression))
276 ;; chernov/book.pdf p. 20
277 (defun linear-regression (y &optional
278 (x (let* ((n (length y)))
279 (make-array
281 :element-type 'double-float
282 :initial-contents
283 (loop for i below n collect (* 1d0 i))))))
284 "Linear regression of the values in Y with the function y=a*x+b. If
285 X isn't supplied its assumed to be 0,1,2, ... . Returned are the
286 fitting parameters A and B and their errors DELTA_A and DELTA_B."
287 (let* ((n (length y))
288 (xmean (/ (loop for xi across x sum xi) n))
289 (ymean (/ (loop for xi across y sum xi) n))
290 (sxx (loop for xi across x sum (square (- xi xmean))))
291 #+nil (syy (loop for xi across y sum (square (- xi ymean))))
292 (sxy (loop for i below n sum (* (- (aref x i) xmean)
293 (- (aref y i) ymean))))
294 (bhat (/ sxy sxx))
295 (ahat (- ymean (* bhat xmean)))
296 (var (/ (loop for i below n sum (square (- (aref y i) ahat
297 (* bhat (aref x i)))))
298 (- n 2)))
299 (vara (* var (+ (/ (square xmean)
300 sxx)
301 (/ n))))
302 (varb (/ var sxx)))
303 (values ahat bhat (sqrt vara) (sqrt varb))))
305 #+nil
306 (linear-regression (let* ((ll (list 1d0 2.01d0 3d0 4d0)))
307 (make-array (length ll)
308 :element-type 'double-float
309 :initial-contents ll)))
311 (declaim (ftype (function (integer)
312 (values (unsigned-byte 8) &optional))
313 clamp))
314 (defun clamp (a)
315 (when (< a 0)
316 (return-from clamp 0))
317 (when (< 255 a)
318 (return-from clamp 255))
322 (declaim (ftype (function ((simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) 2)
323 fixnum fixnum)
324 (values (unsigned-byte 8) &optional))
325 aref2-zero-ub8))
326 (defun aref2-zero-ub8 (a j i)
327 "Like AREF but return zero if subscripts J and I point outside of
328 the array bounds."
329 (if (array-in-bounds-p a j i)
330 (aref a j i)
333 (declaim (ftype (function ((simple-array double-float 2)
334 fixnum fixnum)
335 (values double-float &optional))
336 aref2-zero-df))
337 (defun aref2-zero-df (a j i)
338 "Like AREF but return zero if subscripts J and I point outside of
339 the array bounds."
340 (if (array-in-bounds-p a j i)
341 (aref a j i)
342 0d0))
344 (declaim (ftype (function ((simple-array (complex double-float) 2)
345 fixnum fixnum)
346 (values (complex double-float) &optional))
347 aref2-zero-cdf))
348 (defun aref2-zero-cdf (a j i)
349 "Like AREF but return zero if subscripts J and I point outside of
350 the array bounds."
351 (if (array-in-bounds-p a j i)
352 (aref a j i)
353 (complex 0d0)))
356 (declaim (ftype (function ((unsigned-byte 8)
357 (unsigned-byte 8)
358 double-float)
359 (values double-float &optional))
360 interp1-ub8)
361 (inline interp1-ub8))
362 (defun interp1-ub8 (a b xi)
363 "Interpolate between values A and B. Returns A for xi=0 and B for
364 xi=1."
365 (+ (* (- 1d0 xi) a) (* xi b)))
367 (declaim (ftype (function (double-float double-float double-float)
368 (values double-float &optional))
369 interp1-df)
370 (inline interp1-df))
371 (defun interp1-df (a b xi)
372 "Interpolate between values A and B. Returns A for xi=0 and B for
373 xi=1."
374 (+ (* (- 1d0 xi) a) (* xi b)))
376 (declaim (ftype (function ((complex double-float)
377 (complex double-float) double-float)
378 (values (complex double-float) &optional))
379 interp1-cdf)
380 (inline interp1-cdf))
381 (defun interp1-cdf (a b xi)
382 "Interpolate between values A and B. Returns A for xi=0 and B for
383 xi=1."
384 (+ (* (- 1d0 xi) a) (* xi b)))
386 (declaim (ftype (function ((or (unsigned-byte 8)
387 double-float
388 (complex double-float))
389 (or (unsigned-byte 8)
390 double-float
391 (complex double-float))
392 double-float)
393 (values (or double-float
394 (complex double-float)) &optional))
395 interp1)
396 (inline interp1))
397 (defun interp1 (a b xi)
398 (etypecase a
399 ((unsigned-byte 8) (interp1-ub8 a b xi))
400 (double-float (interp1-df a b xi))
401 ((complex double-float) (interp1-cdf a b xi))))
403 (declaim (ftype (function ((simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) 2)
404 double-float double-float)
405 (values double-float &optional))
406 interpolate2-ub8))
407 (defun interpolate2-ub8 (img x y)
408 "Bilinear interpolation on an image IMG. The coordinates X and Y can
409 be floating point values. If they point outside of IMG 0 is returned."
410 (multiple-value-bind (i ix)
411 (floor x)
412 (multiple-value-bind (j jx)
413 (floor y)
414 ;; values on grid points, top left is i,j and stored in a
415 ;; |
416 ;;-a-b
417 ;; |
418 ;; c d
419 (let ((a (aref img i j))
420 (b (aref2-zero-ub8 img (1+ i) j))
421 (c (aref2-zero-ub8 img i (1+ j)))
422 (d (aref2-zero-ub8 img (1+ i) (1+ j))))
423 ;; now interpolate verticals
424 ;; a b
425 ;; | |
426 ;; e f
427 ;; | |
428 ;; c d
429 (let ((e (interp1-ub8 a c jx))
430 (f (interp1-ub8 b d jx)))
431 ;; and now horizontal
432 ;; e - g - f
433 (let ((g (interp1-df e f ix)))
434 g))))))
436 (declaim (ftype (function ((simple-array double-float 2)
437 double-float double-float)
438 (values double-float &optional))
439 interpolate2-df))
440 (defun interpolate2-df (img x y)
441 "Bilinear interpolation on an image IMG. The coordinates X and Y can
442 be floating point values. If they point outside of IMG 0 is returned."
443 (multiple-value-bind (i ix)
444 (floor x)
445 (multiple-value-bind (j jx)
446 (floor y)
447 (let ((a (aref img i j))
448 (b (aref2-zero-df img (1+ i) j))
449 (c (aref2-zero-df img i (1+ j)))
450 (d (aref2-zero-df img (1+ i) (1+ j))))
451 (let ((e (interp1-df a c jx))
452 (f (interp1-df b d jx)))
453 (let ((g (interp1-df e f ix)))
454 g))))))
456 (declaim (ftype (function ((simple-array (complex double-float) 2)
457 double-float double-float)
458 (values (complex double-float) &optional))
459 interpolate2-cdf))
460 (defun interpolate2-cdf (img x y)
461 "Bilinear interpolation on an image IMG. The coordinates X and Y can
462 be floating point values. If they point outside of IMG 0 is returned."
463 (multiple-value-bind (i ix)
464 (floor x)
465 (multiple-value-bind (j jx)
466 (floor y)
467 (let ((a (aref img i j))
468 (b (aref2-zero-cdf img (1+ i) j))
469 (c (aref2-zero-cdf img i (1+ j)))
470 (d (aref2-zero-cdf img (1+ i) (1+ j))))
471 (let ((e (interp1-cdf a c jx))
472 (f (interp1-cdf b d jx)))
473 (let ((g (interp1-cdf e f ix)))
474 g))))))
477 (declaim (ftype (function ((simple-array * 2) double-float double-float)
478 (values (or double-float
479 (complex double-float)) &optional))
480 interpolate2))
481 (defun interpolate2 (img x y)
482 "Bilinear interpolation on an image IMG. The coordinates X and Y can
483 be floating point values. If they point outside of IMG 0 is returned."
484 (etypecase img
485 ((simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) 2) (interpolate2-ub8 img x y))
486 ((simple-array double-float 2) (interpolate2-df img x y))
487 ((simple-array (complex double-float) 2) (interpolate2-cdf img x y))))
489 #+nil
490 (let ((a (make-array (list 2 2) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
491 :initial-contents '((1 2) (2 3)))))
492 (interpolate2 a .5d0 .2d0))