bbox .. extract-bbox converted into generator macros
[woropt.git] / vol-operators.lisp
1 ;; some operations that are defined between and on n-arrays,
2 ;; e.g. point-wise addition or averaging
3 (in-package :vol)
5 ;; the functions .* .+ ./ .- will do a point-wise operation on an
6 ;; n-array. here I define specific functions like: .*-2-df. Both
7 ;; volumes A and B must have the same dimensions or B must be smaller
8 ;; in all dimensions. In the latter case a vec-i has to be supplied in
9 ;; B-START to define the relative position of B inside A.
11 (def-generator (point-wise (op rank type))
12 (let ((name (format-symbol ".~a-~a-~a" op rank type)))
13 (store-new-function name)
14 `(defun ,name (a b &optional (b-start (make-vec-i)))
15 (declare ((simple-array ,long-type ,rank) a b)
16 (vec-i b-start)
17 (values (simple-array ,long-type ,rank) &optional))
18 (let ((result (make-array (array-dimensions b)
19 :element-type ',long-type)))
20 ,(ecase rank
21 (1 `(destructuring-bind (x)
22 (array-dimensions b)
23 (let ((sx (vec-i-x b-start)))
24 (do-region ((i) (x))
25 (setf (aref result i)
26 (+ (aref a (+ i sx))
27 (aref b i)))))))
28 (2 `(destructuring-bind (y x)
29 (array-dimensions b)
30 (let ((sx (vec-i-x b-start))
31 (sy (vec-i-y b-start)))
32 (do-region ((j i) (y x))
33 (setf (aref result j i)
34 (+ (aref a (+ j sy) (+ i sx))
35 (aref b j i)))))))
36 (3 `(destructuring-bind (z y x)
37 (array-dimensions b)
38 (let ((sx (vec-i-x b-start))
39 (sy (vec-i-y b-start))
40 (sz (vec-i-z b-start)))
41 (do-region ((k j i) (z y x))
42 (setf (aref result k j i)
43 (+ (aref a (+ k sz) (+ j sy) (+ i sx))
44 (aref b k j i))))))))
45 result))))
46 #+nil
47 (def-point-wise-op-rank-type * 1 sf)
48 #+nil
49 (def-point-wise-op-rank-type * 1 cdf)
50 #+nil
51 (.*-1-sf
52 (make-array 3
53 :element-type 'single-float
54 :initial-contents '(1s0 2s0 3s0))
55 (make-array 3
56 :element-type 'single-float
57 :initial-contents '(2s0 2s0 3s0)))
59 (defmacro def-point-wise-functions (ops ranks types)
60 (let ((specific-funcs nil)
61 (generic-funcs nil))
62 (loop for rank in ranks do
63 (loop for type in types do
64 (loop for op in ops do
65 (push `(def-point-wise-op-rank-type ,op ,rank ,type)
66 specific-funcs))))
67 (loop for op in ops do
68 (let ((cases nil))
69 (loop for rank in ranks do
70 (loop for type in types do
71 (push `((simple-array ,(get-long-type type) ,rank)
72 (,(format-symbol ".~a-~a-~a" op rank type)
73 a b b-start))
74 cases)))
75 (let ((name (format-symbol ".~a" op)))
76 (store-new-function name)
77 (push `(defun ,name (a b &optional (b-start (make-vec-i)))
78 (etypecase a
79 ,@cases
80 (t (error "The given type can't be handled with a generic
81 point-wise function."))))
82 generic-funcs))))
83 `(progn ,@specific-funcs
84 ,@generic-funcs)))
86 (def-point-wise-functions (+ - * /) (1 2 3) (ub8 sf df csf cdf))
88 #+nil
89 (.* (make-array 3 :element-type 'single-float
90 :initial-contents '(1s0 2s0 3s0))
91 (make-array 3 :element-type 'single-float
92 :initial-contents '(2s0 2s0 3s0)))
94 ;; now I define multiplication and addition with a scalar. I can't
95 ;; remember that I needed those, therefore the slower non-generic
96 ;; implementation.
97 (defun s* (s vol)
98 (let* ((a (sb-ext:array-storage-vector vol))
99 (n (length a)))
100 (dotimes (i n)
101 (setf (aref a i) (* s (aref a i)))))
102 vol)
103 (defun s+ (s vol)
104 (let* ((a (sb-ext:array-storage-vector vol))
105 (n (length a)))
106 (dotimes (i n)
107 (setf (aref a i) (+ s (aref a i)))))
108 vol)
110 (def-generator (mean (rank type))
111 `(defun ,name (a)
112 "Calculate the average value over all the samples in array A."
113 (declare ((simple-array ,long-type ,rank) a)
114 (values ,long-type &optional))
115 (let* ((a1 (sb-ext:array-storage-vector a))
116 (sum (coerce 0 ',long-type))
117 (n (length a1)))
118 (declare (,(if (eq type 'ub8)
119 'integer
120 long-type) sum))
121 (dotimes (i n)
122 (incf sum (aref a1 i)))
123 (/ sum n))))
124 #+nil
125 (def-mean-rank-type 1 sf)
126 #+nil
127 (mean-1-sf
128 (make-array 3 :element-type 'single-float
129 :initial-contents '(2s0 2s0 3s0)))
131 (defmacro def-mean-functions (ranks types)
132 (let ((result nil)
133 (cases nil))
134 (loop for rank in ranks do
135 (loop for type in types do
136 (push `(def-mean-rank-type ,rank ,type)
137 result)))
138 (loop for rank in ranks do
139 (loop for type in types do
140 (push `((simple-array ,(get-long-type type) ,rank)
141 (,(format-symbol "mean-~a-~a" rank type)
143 cases)))
144 (store-new-function (format-symbol "mean"))
145 `(progn ,@result
146 (defun mean (a)
147 (etypecase a
148 ,@cases
149 (t (error "The given type can't be handled with a generic
150 averaging function mean.")))))))
152 (def-mean-functions (1 2 3) (ub8 sf df csf cdf))
154 #+nil
155 (mean
156 (make-array 4 :element-type 'single-float
157 :initial-contents '(2s0 2s0 3s0 3s0)))