bbox .. extract-bbox converted into generator macros
[woropt.git] / vol-macros.lisp
1 ;; macros to handle volumes
3 (in-package :vol)
5 (defmacro with-arrays (arrays &body body)
6 "Provides a corresponding accessor for each array as a local macro,
7 so that (ARRAY ...) corresponds to (AREF ARRAY ...)."
8 `(macrolet ,(mapcar (lambda (array)
9 `(,array (&rest indices) `(aref ,',array ,@indices)))
10 arrays)
11 ,@body))
14 (defmacro do-region ((indices end &optional (start '(0 0 0))) &body body)
15 "Write intertwined loops to traverse a vector, an image or a volume."
16 (unless (and (= (length indices)
17 (length end)))
18 (error "Number of indices and interval-ends are not equal."))
19 (labels ((rec (ind end start acc) ;; several loops
20 (if (null end)
21 acc
22 (rec (cdr ind) (cdr end) (cdr start)
23 `((loop for ,(car ind) from ,(car start)
24 below ,(car end) do ,@acc))))))
25 (first (rec (reverse indices) ;; first index is outermost loop
26 (reverse end)
27 (reverse start) body))))
28 #+nil
29 (let ((sum 0))
30 (do-region ((k j i) (4 4 5))
31 (incf sum (+ k j i)))
32 sum)
35 (defmacro with-slice ((slice-array array slice-nr) &body body)
36 "Returns SLICE-NRth slice of ARRAY as the 2D SLICE-ARRAY."
37 (alexandria:with-gensyms (x y z)
38 `(destructuring-bind (,z ,y ,x)
39 (array-dimensions ,array)
40 (when (or (< ,slice-nr 0) (<= ,z ,slice-nr))
41 (error "slice-nr=~d out of range [0,~d]" ,slice-nr (1- ,z)))
42 (let* ((,slice-array (make-array (list ,y ,x)
43 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
44 :displaced-to ,array
45 :displaced-index-offset (* ,slice-nr ,x ,y))))
46 ,@body))))