fftw-fft .. specific ft functions for fftw and fftwf
[woropt.git] / vol-fft-helper.lisp
1 ;; functions that are somehow related to the fouriertransform
3 (in-package :vol)
5 (def-generator (fftshift (rank type))
6 `(defun ,name (in)
7 (declare ((simple-array ,long-type ,rank) in)
8 (values (simple-array ,long-type ,rank) &optional))
9 (let ((out (make-array (array-dimensions in)
10 :element-type ',long-type)))
11 ,(ecase rank
12 (1 `(destructuring-bind (x)
13 (array-dimensions in)
14 (let ((xx (floor x 2)))
15 (do-region ((i) (x))
16 (let ((ii (mod (+ i xx) x)))
17 (setf (aref out i)
18 (aref in ii)))))))
19 (2 `(destructuring-bind (y x)
20 (array-dimensions in)
21 (let ((xx (floor x 2))
22 (yy (floor y 2)))
23 (do-region ((j i) (y x))
24 (let ((ii (mod (+ i xx) x))
25 (jj (mod (+ j yy) y)))
26 (setf (aref out j i)
27 (aref in jj ii)))))))
28 (3 `(destructuring-bind (z y x)
29 (array-dimensions in)
30 (let ((xx (floor x 2))
31 (yy (floor y 2))
32 (zz (floor z 2)))
33 (do-region ((k j i) (z y x))
34 (let ((ii (mod (+ i xx) x))
35 (jj (mod (+ j yy) y))
36 (kk (mod (+ k zz) z)))
37 (setf (aref out k j i)
38 (aref in kk jj ii))))))))
39 out)))
41 #+nil
42 (def-fftshift-rk-type 3 sf)
44 (defmacro def-fftshift-functions (ranks types)
45 (let ((result nil))
46 (loop for rank in ranks do
47 (loop for type in types do
48 (push `(def-fftshift-rank-type ,rank ,type)
49 result)))
50 `(progn ,@result)))
52 (def-fftshift-functions (1 2 3) (cdf csf))
54 #+nil
55 (let* ((ls '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
56 (a (make-array (length ls)
57 :element-type '(complex single-float)
58 :initial-contents (mapcar
59 #'(lambda (z) (coerce z
60 '(complex single-float)))
61 ls))))
62 (fftshift1-csf a))
64 #+nil
65 (time
66 (let ((a (make-array (list 128 128 128)
67 :element-type '(complex single-float))))
68 (fftshift3-csf a)
69 nil))