missing quote in coerce
[woropt.git] / vol-macro-macros.lisp
1 ;; utilities that are used in vol to write macros
2 ;; mostly its used to write functions for different ranks or types
4 (in-package :vol)
7 (let ((type-names '(((complex double-float) . cdf)
8 ((complex single-float) . csf)
9 (double-float . df)
10 (single-float . sf)
11 ((signed-byte 16) . sb16)
12 ((unsigned-byte 16) . ub16)
13 ((unsigned-byte 8) . ub8))))
14 (defun get-short-type (long-type)
15 (cdr (assoc long-type type-names)))
16 (defun get-long-type (short-type)
17 (car (rassoc short-type type-names))))
19 #+nil
20 (get-long-type 'df)
22 (defmacro format-symbol (fmt &rest rest)
23 `(intern (string-upcase (format nil ,fmt ,@rest))))
25 (defparameter *macro-generated-functions* nil)
26 (defun store-new-function (name)
27 (push name *macro-generated-functions*))
29 ;; macro that defines another macro that in turn will define functions
30 ;; handling different ranks and types. should be called like this:
31 ;; (def-generator (fftshift rank type) ... ). the name of the new
32 ;; macro will be def-fftshift-rank-type and when it is invoked the
33 ;; generated function name will be pushed into
34 ;; *macro-generated-functions*. this can be used to build the list of
35 ;; exported symbols. if spec contains the symbol type, than a
36 ;; long-type will be generated. the variable name should be used to
37 ;; define the name of the function. here is an example:
39 ;; (def-generator (fftshift (rank type))
40 ;; `(defun ,name (in)
41 ;; (declare ((simple-array ,long-type ,rank) in))))
43 ;; now we can interpolate into a function with the following call
45 ;; (def-fftshift-rank-type 2 sf)
47 ;; the new function looks like this:
52 ;; when a new macro is needed to generate a lot of functions (and
53 ;; maybe one dispatch function) it should be called def-...-functions.
55 (defmacro def-generator ((name spec) &body body)
56 (let ((macro-name (format-symbol "def-~a~{-~a~}" name spec))
57 (function-fmt (let ((result (format nil "~a" name)))
58 (dotimes (i (length spec))
59 (setf result (concatenate 'string result (format nil "-~~a"))))
60 result)))
61 `(defmacro ,macro-name ,spec
62 (let ((name (format-symbol ,function-fmt ,@spec))
63 ,(when (member 'type spec)
64 `(long-type (get-long-type type))))
65 (store-new-function name)
66 ,@body))))
68 #+nil
69 (def-generator (fftshift (rank type))
70 `(defun ,name (in)
71 (declare ((simple-array ,long-type ,rank) in))))
72 #+nil
73 (def-fftshift-rank-type 2 sf)
74 #+nil
75 (fftshift-2-sf )
77 ;; given two lists the following macros get the outer product, a 2d
78 ;; matrix spanning all the combinations. everything is pushed into a
79 ;; 1d stack whose value can be altered by the optional parameter
80 ;; return-sexpr. for use in macros progn is a useful return-sexpr.
82 (defmacro def-outer-cross (la lb func &optional return-sexpr)
83 (let ((result nil))
84 (loop for a in la do
85 (loop for b in lb do
86 (when (,predicate ,a ,b)
87 (push `(,func ,a ,b)
88 result))))
89 (if return-sexpr
90 `(,return-sexpr ,@result)
91 `(,@result))))
92 #+nil
93 (def-outer-cross (1 2 3) (sf df csf cdf) def-fftshift-rank-type progn)
94 #+nil
95 (def-outer-cross (1 2 3) (1 2 3) def)