missing quote in coerce
[woropt.git] / fftw-fft.lisp
1 (declaim (optimize (speed 2) (debug 3) (safety 3)))
2 #.(require :vol)
3 (defpackage :fftw-fft
4 (:use :cl :sb-alien :sb-c-call)
5 (:export #:ft3-cdf
6 #:ift3-cdf
7 #:ift2-cdf
8 #:ft2-cdf))
9 (in-package :fftw-fft)
11 (load-shared-object "/usr/lib/libfftw3.so")
13 ;; multithreading for fftw is just a matter of two initializing
14 ;; function calls, see:
15 ;; http://www.fftw.org/fftw3_doc/Usage-of-Multi_002dthreaded-FFTW.html#Usage-of-Multi_002dthreaded-FFTW
16 ;; but it didn't seem to get faster
17 #+nil
18 (progn
19 (load-shared-object "/usr/lib/libfftw3_threads.so")
21 (define-alien-routine ("fftw_init_threads" init-threads)
22 int)
23 (define-alien-routine ("fftw_plan_with_nthreads" plan-with-nthreads)
24 void
25 (nthreads int))
27 (defun init-ft ()
28 (init-threads)
29 (plan-with-nthreads 4)))
31 ;; to clean up completely call void fftw_cleanup_threads(void)
34 (define-alien-routine ("fftw_execute" execute)
35 void
36 (plan (* int)))
38 (defconstant +forward+ 1)
39 (defconstant +backward+ -1)
40 (defconstant +estimate+ (ash 1 6))
43 (define-alien-routine ("fftw_plan_dft_3d" plan-dft-3d)
44 (* int)
45 (n0 int)
46 (n1 int)
47 (n2 int)
48 (in (* double-float))
49 (out (* double-float))
50 (sign int)
51 (flags unsigned-int))
53 (define-alien-routine ("fftw_plan_dft_2d" plan-dft-2d)
54 (* int)
55 (n0 int)
56 (n1 int)
57 (in (* double-float))
58 (out (* double-float))
59 (sign int)
60 (flags unsigned-int))
62 (defun ft3-cdf (in &key (forward t))
63 (declare ((simple-array (complex double-float) 3) in)
64 (boolean forward)
65 (values (simple-array (complex double-float) 3) &optional))
66 (let ((dims (array-dimensions in)))
67 (destructuring-bind (z y x)
68 dims
69 (let* ((out (make-array dims :element-type '(complex double-float))))
70 (sb-sys:with-pinned-objects (in out)
71 (let ((p (plan-dft-3d z y x
72 (sb-sys:vector-sap
73 (sb-ext:array-storage-vector in))
74 (sb-sys:vector-sap
75 (sb-ext:array-storage-vector out))
76 (if forward
77 +forward+
78 +backward+)
79 +estimate+)))
80 (execute p)))
81 (when forward ;; normalize if forward
82 (let ((1/n (/ 1d0 (* x y z))))
83 (vol:do-box (k j i 0 z 0 y 0 x)
84 (setf (aref out k j i) (* 1/n (aref out k j i))))))
85 out))))
87 (defmacro ift3-cdf (in)
88 `(ft3 ,in :forward nil))
90 (defun ft2-cdf (in &key (forward t))
91 (declare ((simple-array (complex double-float) 2) in)
92 (boolean forward)
93 (values (simple-array (complex double-float) 2) &optional))
94 (let ((dims (array-dimensions in)))
95 (destructuring-bind (y x)
96 dims
97 (let* ((out (make-array dims :element-type '(complex double-float))))
98 (sb-sys:with-pinned-objects (in out)
99 (let ((p (plan-dft-2d y x
100 (sb-sys:vector-sap
101 (sb-ext:array-storage-vector in))
102 (sb-sys:vector-sap
103 (sb-ext:array-storage-vector out))
104 (if forward
105 +forward+
106 +backward+)
107 +estimate+)))
108 (execute p)))
109 (when forward ;; normalize if forward
110 (let ((1/n (/ 1d0 (* x y))))
111 (vol:do-rectangle (j i 0 y 0 x)
112 (setf (aref out j i) (* 1/n (aref out j i))))))
113 out))))
115 (defmacro ift2-cdf (in)
116 `(ft2 ,in :forward nil))
118 #+nil
119 (progn
120 (time
121 (let* ((nx 256)
122 (ny nx)
123 (nz ny)
124 (a (vol:convert3-ub8/cdf-complex
125 (vol:draw-sphere-ub8 20d0 nz ny nx))))
126 (vol:write-pgm "/home/martin/tmp/fftwf.pgm"
127 (vol:normalize2-cdf/ub8-abs
128 (vol:cross-section-xz-cdf (ft3-cdf a)))))))