central ray is plotted as well now
[woropt.git] / vol / stack-timeseries.lisp
1 (defun split-by-char (char string)
2 "Returns a list of substrings of string
3 divided by ONE character CHAR each.
4 Note: Two consecutive CHAR will be seen as
5 if there were an empty string between them."
6 (declare (character char)
7 (string string))
8 (loop for i = 0 then (1+ j)
9 as j = (position char string :start i)
10 collect (subseq string i j)
11 while j))
13 #+nil
14 (split-by-char #\x "12x124x42")
16 (defun parse-raw-filename (fn)
17 "Parses a filename like
18 /home/martin/d0708/stacks/c-291x354x41x91_dx200_dz1000.raw and returns
19 291 354 41 and 91 as multiple values."
20 (declare (string fn)
21 (values (or null fixnum) fixnum fixnum fixnum &optional))
22 (let* ((p- (position #\- fn :from-end t))
23 (part (subseq fn (1+ p-)))
24 (p_ (position #\_ part))
25 (sizes (subseq part 0 p_))
26 (numlist (split-by-char #\x sizes)))
27 (unless (eq 4 (length numlist))
28 (error "didn't read 4 dimensions as expected."))
29 (destructuring-bind (x y z time)
30 (mapcar #'read-from-string numlist)
31 (values x y z time))))
34 #+nil
35 (parse-raw-filename "/home/martin/d0708/stacks/c-291x354x41x91_dx200_dz1000.raw")
37 (defun read-raw-stack-video-frame (fn time)
38 (declare (string fn)
39 (fixnum time)
40 (values (simple-array (unsigned-byte 8) 3) &optional))
41 (multiple-value-bind (x y z maxtime)
42 (parse-raw-filename fn)
43 (unless (< time maxtime)
44 (error "requested time ~d is to big (must be <~d!)" time maxtime))
45 (let* ((vol (make-array (list z y x)
46 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
47 (vol1 (sb-ext:array-storage-vector vol)))
48 (with-open-file (s fn :direction :input
49 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
50 (file-position s (* x y z time))
51 (read-sequence vol1 s))
52 vol)))
53 #+nil
54 (time
55 (let* ((fn "/home/martin/d0708/stacks/c-291x354x41x91_dx200_dz1000_2.raw")
56 (ao (decimate-xy-ub8 5
57 (read-raw-stack-video-frame fn 0))))
58 (destructuring-bind (z y x)
59 (array-dimensions ao)
60 (let* ((timestep 20)
61 (o (loop for radius from 1 upto 10 collect
62 (let* ((oval (draw-sphere-ub8 (* 1d0 radius) z y x))
63 (volume (count-non-zero-ub8 oval)))
64 (list radius volume
65 (ft3 (convert3-ub8/cdf-complex oval)))))))
66 (let* ((ao (decimate-xy-ub8 5
67 (read-raw-stack-video-frame fn timestep)))
68 (a (convert3-ub8/cdf-complex ao))
69 (ka (ft3 a)))
70 (loop for i in o do
71 (destructuring-bind (radius volume oval)
73 (let* ((dir (format nil "/home/martin/tmp/o~d" radius))
74 (conv (fftshift3 (ift3 (.* ka oval))))
75 (conv-df (convert3-cdf/df-realpart conv)))
76 (save-stack-ub8 dir
77 (normalize-ub8-df/ub8-realpart conv-df))
78 (with-open-file (s (format nil "~a/maxima" dir)
79 :if-exists :supersede
80 :direction :output)
81 (loop for el in (find-maxima3-df conv-df) do
82 (destructuring-bind (height pos)
84 (format s "~f ~d ~a~%"
85 (/ height volume)
86 volume
87 (v*-i
88 (map 'vec-i #'(lambda (x) (floor x 2)) pos)
89 2))))))))
90 nil)))))