bringing run to life again
[woropt.git] / vol-interpolation.lisp
1 (in-package :vol)
3 ;; pbourke linearly interpolating points within a box
4 (def-generator (interpolate (rank type))
5 (let ((params (ecase rank
6 (1 `(xx))
7 (2 `(yy xx))
8 (3 `(zz yy xx)))))
9 `(defun ,name (vol ,@params)
10 "Linear interpolation of a value."
11 (declare (inline)
12 ((simple-array ,long-type ,rank) vol)
13 (single-float ,@params)
14 (values ,long-type &optional))
15 (let ((zero ,(coerce 0 long-type))
16 (one ,(coerce 1 long-type)))
17 ,(ecase rank
18 (1 `(multiple-value-bind (i x)
19 (floor xx)
20 (labels ((ref (a)
21 (let ((x (+ i a)))
22 (if (array-in-bounds-p vol x)
23 (aref vol x)
24 zero))))
25 (let ((o (ref 0))
26 (i (ref 1))
27 (a (- one x)))
28 (+ (* o a)
29 (* i x))))))
30 (2 `(multiple-value-bind (i x)
31 (floor xx)
32 (multiple-value-bind (j y)
33 (floor yy)
34 (labels ((ref (a b)
35 (let ((x (+ i a))
36 (y (+ j b)))
37 (if (array-in-bounds-p vol y x)
38 (aref vol y x)
39 zero))))
40 (let ((oo (ref 0 0))
41 (io (ref 1 0))
42 (oi (ref 0 1))
43 (ii (ref 1 1))
44 (a (- one x))
45 (b (- one y)))
46 (+ (* oo a b)
47 (* io x b)
48 (* oi a y)
49 (* ii x y)))))))
50 (3 `(multiple-value-bind (i x)
51 (floor xx)
52 (multiple-value-bind (j y)
53 (floor yy)
54 (multiple-value-bind (k z)
55 (floor zz)
56 (labels ((ref (a b c)
57 (let ((x (+ i a))
58 (y (+ j b))
59 (z (+ k c)))
60 (if (array-in-bounds-p vol z y x)
61 (aref vol z y x)
62 zero))))
63 (let ((ooo (ref 0 0 0))
64 (ioo (ref 1 0 0))
65 (oio (ref 0 1 0))
66 (ooi (ref 0 0 1))
67 (iio (ref 1 1 0))
68 (ioi (ref 1 0 1))
69 (oii (ref 0 1 1))
70 (iii (ref 1 1 1))
71 (a (- one x))
72 (b (- one y))
73 (c (- one z)))
74 (+ (* ooo a b c)
75 (* ioo x b c)
76 (* oio a y c)
77 (* ooi a b z)
78 (* iio x y c)
79 (* ioi x b z)
80 (* oii a y z)
81 (* iii x y z)))))))))))))
82 #+nil
83 (def-interpolate-rank-type 1 sf)
84 #+nil
85 (let ((a (make-array 3
86 :element-type 'single-float
87 :initial-contents '(1.0 2.0 3.0))))
88 (interpolate-1-sf a 1.5))
90 (defmacro def-interpolate-functions (ranks types)
91 (let ((functions nil)
92 (cases nil))
93 (loop for rank in ranks do
94 (loop for type in types do
95 (push `(def-interpolate-rank-type ,rank ,type)
96 functions)))
97 (loop for rank in ranks do
98 (loop for type in types do
99 (let ((long-type (get-long-type type)))
100 (push `((simple-array ,long-type ,rank)
101 (,(format-symbol
102 "interpolate-~a-~a" rank type)
103 a ,@(subseq '(x y z) 0 rank)))
104 cases))))
105 (store-new-function (format-symbol "interpolate"))
106 `(progn ,@functions
107 (defun interpolate (a x &optional y z)
108 (declare ((or null single-float) x y z))
109 (etypecase a
110 ,@cases
111 (t (error "type not supported.")))))))
113 (def-interpolate-functions (1 2 3) (sf df csf cdf))
115 #+nil
116 (let* ((n 3)
117 (a (make-array (list n n n)
118 :element-type 'single-float))
119 (a1 (sb-ext:array-storage-vector a)))
120 (dotimes (i (length a1))
121 (setf (aref a1 i) (* 1s0 i)))
122 (interpolate-3-sf a 1.2s0 1.3s0 1.2s0)
123 (interpolate a 1.2s0 1.3s0 1.2s0))
126 (def-generator (resample-half (rank type))
127 `(defun ,name (vol)
128 (declare ((simple-array ,long-type ,rank) vol)
129 (values (simple-array ,long-type ,rank) &optional))
130 (let ((dims (array-dimensions vol)))
131 ,(ecase
132 rank
133 (1 `(destructuring-bind (x)
134 dims
135 (let* ((xx (floor x 2))
136 (small (make-array (list xx)
137 :element-type (quote ,long-type))))
138 (do-region ((i) (xx))
139 (setf (aref small i)
140 (aref vol (* i 2))))
141 small)))
142 (2 `(destructuring-bind (y x)
143 dims
144 (let* ((xx (floor x 2))
145 (yy (floor y 2))
146 (small (make-array (list yy xx)
147 :element-type (quote ,long-type))))
148 (do-region ((j i) (yy xx))
149 (setf (aref small j i)
150 (aref vol (* j 2) (* i 2))))
151 small)))
152 (3 `(destructuring-bind (z y x)
153 dims
154 (let* ((xx (floor x 2))
155 (yy (floor y 2))
156 (zz (floor z 2))
157 (small (make-array (list zz yy xx)
158 :element-type (quote ,long-type))))
159 (do-region ((k j i) (zz yy xx))
160 (setf (aref small k j i)
161 (aref vol (* k 2) (* j 2) (* i 2))))
162 small)))))))
163 #+nil
164 (def-resample-half-rank-type 1 ub8)
166 (defmacro def-resample-half-functions (ranks types)
167 (let ((result nil))
168 (loop for rank in ranks do
169 (loop for type in types do
170 (push `(def-resample-half-rank-type ,rank ,type)
171 result)))
172 `(progn ,@result)))
175 (def-resample-half-functions (1 2 3) (ub8 sf df cdf csf))
177 #+nil
178 (resample-half-1-ub8
179 (let ((l '(1 2 3 4 5 6)))
180 (make-array (length l) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
181 :initial-contents l)))
185 ;; The following function is meant to resample an angular PSF that has
186 ;; been calculated with too much resolution. The important thing is
187 ;; that the central sample stays central. Consider a 1D array with n
188 ;; elements and stepsize dx: The length of the array will be
189 ;; X=n*dx. There are c=center(n) samples right of the center and b
190 ;; samples (with b+c=n) left of the center. The new step size dx'
191 ;; suggests that c'=(floor c*dx dx') samples are needed right of the
192 ;; center and analogously b' samples left of the center. The size of
193 ;; the new array is n'=b'+c'. The float coordinate x' for the new
194 ;; sample is (i+b')*dx' where i runs from -b' below c'. The central
195 ;; sample is i=0. This following function implements this scheme for 3
196 ;; dimensions.
197 (def-generator (resample (rank type))
198 (let ((par-deltas (ecase rank (1 `(dx)) (2 `(dx dy)) (3 `(dx dy dz))))
199 (par-deltas^ (ecase rank (1 `(dx^)) (2 `(dx^ dy^)) (3 `(dx^ dy^ dz^)))))
200 `(defun ,name (vol ,@par-deltas ,@par-deltas^)
201 "Resample by linear interpolation. Ensure that the
202 former center stays in the center."
203 (declare ((simple-array ,long-type ,rank) vol)
204 (single-float ,@par-deltas ,@par-deltas^)
205 (values (simple-array ,long-type ,rank) &optional))
206 (labels ((center (n) ;; give the index of the central sample
207 (declare (fixnum n)
208 (values fixnum &optional))
209 (let ((c (if (evenp n)
210 (ceiling n 2)
211 (floor n 2))))
213 (dims (n d d^) ;; calculate new array size from old one and deltas
214 (declare (fixnum n)
215 (single-float d d^)
216 (values fixnum fixnum fixnum &optional))
217 (let* ((c (center n))
218 (b (- n c))
219 (c^ (floor (* c d) d^))
220 (b^ (floor (* b d) d^))
221 (n^ (+ c^ b^)))
222 (values b^ c^ n^))))
223 (macrolet ((coord (i dir) ;; convert index into float coordinate
224 `(* (/ ,(format-symbol "D~a^" dir)
225 ,(format-symbol "D~a" dir))
226 (+ ,i ,(format-symbol "B~a" dir)))))
227 ,(ecase rank
229 `(destructuring-bind (x)
230 (array-dimensions vol)
231 (multiple-value-bind (bx cx nx)
232 (dims x dx dx^)
233 (let ((result (make-array (list nx)
234 :element-type (quote ,long-type))))
235 (do-region ((i) (cx) ((- bx)))
236 (let ((xx (coord i x)))
237 (setf (aref result (+ bx i))
238 (,(format-symbol "interpolate-~a-~a" rank type) vol xx))))
239 result))))
241 `(destructuring-bind (y x)
242 (array-dimensions vol)
243 (multiple-value-bind (bx cx nx)
244 (dims x dx dx^)
245 (multiple-value-bind (by cy ny)
246 (dims y dy dy^)
247 (let ((result (make-array (list ny nx)
248 :element-type (quote ,long-type))))
249 (do-region ((j i) (cy cx) ((- by) (- bx)))
250 (let ((xx (coord i x))
251 (yy (coord j y)))
252 (setf (aref result (+ by j) (+ bx i))
253 (,(format-symbol "interpolate-~a-~a" rank type) vol xx yy))))
254 result)))))
256 `(destructuring-bind (z y x)
257 (array-dimensions vol)
258 (multiple-value-bind (bx cx nx)
259 (dims x dx dx^)
260 (multiple-value-bind (by cy ny)
261 (dims y dy dy^)
262 (multiple-value-bind (bz cz nz)
263 (dims z dz dz^)
264 (let ((result (make-array (list nz ny nx)
265 :element-type (quote ,long-type))))
266 (do-region ((k j i) (cz cy cx) ((- bz) (- by) (- bx)))
267 (let ((xx (coord i x))
268 (yy (coord j y))
269 (zz (coord k z)))
270 (setf (aref result (+ bz k) (+ by j) (+ bx i))
271 (,(format-symbol "interpolate-~a-~a" rank type) vol xx yy zz))))
272 result))))))))))))
273 #+nil
274 (def-resample-rank-type 1 sf)
275 #+nil
276 (let ((a (make-array 3 :element-type 'single-float :initial-contents '(1s0 2s0 3s0))))
277 (resample-1-sf a 1.0 .5))
279 (defmacro def-resample-functions (ranks types)
280 (let ((result nil))
281 (loop for rank in ranks do
282 (loop for type in types do
283 (push `(def-resample-rank-type ,rank ,type)
284 result)))
285 `(progn ,@result)))
287 (def-resample-functions (1 2 3) (sf df csf cdf))
289 #+nil
290 (time
291 (let* ((s0 (convert3-ub8/cdf-complex (draw-sphere-ub8 12d0 41 239 232)))
292 (dr 160d0)
293 (dz 300d0)
294 (ddr 200d0)
295 (ddz 1000d0)
296 (s1 (resample3-cdf s0 dr dr dz ddr ddr ddz))
297 (s2 (resample3-cdf s1 ddr ddr ddz dr dr dz)))
298 (save-stack-ub8 "/home/martin/tmp/s0/" (normalize3-cdf/ub8-realpart s0))
299 (save-stack-ub8 "/home/martin/tmp/s1/" (normalize3-cdf/ub8-realpart s1))
300 (save-stack-ub8 "/home/martin/tmp/s2/" (normalize3-cdf/ub8-realpart s2))
301 (save-stack-ub8 "/home/martin/tmp/s2-s0" (normalize3-cdf/ub8-realpart (.- s0 s2)))))
304 (def-generator (cross-section-xz (type))
305 `(defun ,name (a &optional (y (floor (array-dimension a 1) 2)))
306 (declare ((simple-array ,long-type 3) a)
307 (fixnum y)
308 (values (simple-array ,long-type 2)
309 &optional))
310 (destructuring-bind (z y-size x)
311 (array-dimensions a)
312 (unless (<= 0 y (1- y-size))
313 (error "Y is out of bounds."))
314 (let ((b (make-array (list z x)
315 :element-type (quote ,long-type))))
316 (do-region ((j i) (z x))
317 (setf (aref b j i)
318 (aref a j y i)))
319 b))))
321 #+nil
322 (def-cross-section-xz-type sf)
324 #+nil
325 (let ((a (make-array (list 2 2 2) :element-type 'single-float)))
326 (cross-section-xz-sf a))
328 (defmacro def-cross-section-xz-functions (types)
329 `(progn
330 ,@(loop for type in types collect
331 `(def-cross-section-xz-type ,type))
332 (store-new-function (format-symbol "cross-section-xz"))
333 (defun cross-section-xz (a &optional (y (floor (array-dimension a 1) 2)))
334 (declare (fixnum y))
335 (etypecase a
336 ,@(loop for type in types collect
337 (let ((long-type (get-long-type type)))
338 `((simple-array ,long-type 3) (,(format-symbol
339 "cross-section-xz-~a" type) a y))))
340 (t (error "type not supported."))))))
342 (def-cross-section-xz-functions (ub8 sf df csf cdf))
344 #+nil
345 (let ((a (make-array (list 2 2 2) :element-type 'single-float)))
346 (cross-section-xz a))
348 (def-generator (decimate-xy (type))
349 `(defun ,name (dx vol)
350 "Increase transversal sampling distance by odd integer factor DX."
351 (declare (fixnum dx)
352 ((simple-array ,long-type 3) vol)
353 (values (simple-array ,long-type 3) &optional))
354 (unless (eq (mod dx 2) 1)
355 (error "Factor DX has to be odd."))
356 (destructuring-bind (z y x)
357 (array-dimensions vol)
358 (let* ((dx2 (* dx dx))
359 (nx (floor x dx))
360 (ny (floor y dx))
361 (result (make-array (list z ny nx)
362 :element-type (quote ,long-type))))
363 (declare (integer nx ny))
364 (do-region ((k j i) (nx ny z))
365 (let ((sum (coerce 0 (quote ,long-type))))
366 (do-region ((jj ii) (dx dx))
367 (incf sum (aref vol
369 (+ (* dx j) jj)
370 (+ (* dx i) ii))))
371 (setf (aref result k j i) ,(if (eq type 'ub8)
372 `(floor sum dx2)
373 `(/ sum dx2)))))
374 result))))
376 (defmacro def-decimate-xz-functions (types)
377 `(progn
378 ,@(loop for type in types collect
379 `(def-decimate-xy-type ,type))))
381 (def-decimate-xz-functions (ub8 sf df csf cdf))
383 ;; for dx=5:
384 ;; 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3
385 ;; x x x q x
386 ;; x o x x x
387 ;; x x x x x
388 ;; x x x x x
389 ;; x x x x ?
390 ;; dxh=2, n=24
391 ;; output size floor(n,dx)=4
392 ;; position of q: ii=3, i=0: dx*i+ii=5*0+3=3
393 ;; position of o: ii=1, i=1: dx*i+ii=5+1=6
395 #+nil
396 (decimate-xy-ub8 5 (make-array (list 2 10 10)
397 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))