macro-macros .. outer-cross, two intertwined loops mixing two lists
[woropt.git] / raytrace.lisp
1 #.(progn
2 (require :asdf)
3 (require :vector)
4 #+nil (require :simple-gl)
5 (require :simplex-anneal))
7 ;; for i in `cat raytrace.lisp|grep defun|grep -v '^;'|cut -d " " -f2`;
8 ;; do echo \#:$i ;done
11 (defpackage :raytrace
12 #+nil (:shadowing-import-from :cl close get special)
13 (:export #:quadratic-roots
14 #:ray-sphere-intersection-length
15 #:direction
16 #:ray-spheres-intersection
17 #:sphere
18 #:center
19 #:radius
20 #:make-sphere
21 #:sphere-center
22 #:sphere-radius)
23 (:use :cl #+nil :gl #+nil :glut :vector :simplex-anneal))
25 (in-package :raytrace)
27 (declaim (optimize (speed 2) (safety 3) (debug 3)))
29 (declaim (ftype (function (double-float double-float double-float)
30 (values (or null double-float)
31 &optional double-float))
32 quadratic-roots))
33 (defun quadratic-roots (a b c)
34 "Find the two roots of ax^2+bx+c=0 and return them as multiple
35 values."
36 ;; see numerical recipes sec 5.6, p. 251 on how to avoid roundoff
37 ;; error
38 (let ((det2 (- (* b b) (* 4 a c))))
39 #+nil (let ((tiny 1d-12))
40 (when (or (< (abs a) tiny)
41 (< (abs c) tiny)
42 (< (abs b) tiny))
43 ;; i get division by zero when centered sphere
44 ;; note: I didn't implement all the corner cases I think
45 (return-from quadratic-roots nil #+nil (values 0d0 0d0))))
46 (when (<= 0d0 det2) ;; we don't want complex results
47 (let* ((pdet2 det2)
48 (q (* .5d0 (+ b (* (signum b) (sqrt pdet2)))))
49 (x1 (/ q a))
50 (x2 (/ c q)))
51 (declare ((double-float 0d0) pdet2)) ;; its positive
52 (values x1 x2)))))
54 #+nil
55 (quadratic-roots 1d0 2d0 -3d0)
56 #+nil
57 (quadratic-roots 0d0 -0d0 0d0)
59 (declaim (ftype (function (vec vec vec double-float)
60 (values (or null double-float) &optional))
61 ray-sphere-intersection-length))
62 (defun ray-sphere-intersection-length
63 (ray-start ray-direction sphere-center sphere-radius)
64 ;; (c-x)^2=r^2 defines the sphere, substitute x with the rays p+alpha a,
65 ;; the raydirection should have length 1, solve the quadratic equation,
66 ;; the distance between the two solutions is the distance that the ray
67 ;; travelled through the sphere
68 (let* ((l (v- sphere-center ray-start))
69 (c (- (v. l l) (* sphere-radius sphere-radius)))
70 (a (normalize ray-direction))
71 (b (* -2d0 (v. l a))))
72 (multiple-value-bind (x1 x2)
73 (quadratic-roots 1d0 b c)
74 (when x1
75 (abs (- x1 x2))))))
77 #+nil
78 (ray-sphere-intersection-length (v 0d0 .1d0 -12d0) (v 0d0 0d0 1d0) (v) 3d0)
80 (defun direction (theta-degree phi-degree)
81 "Convert spherical coordinates into cartesian."
82 (let* ((theta (* theta-degree (/ pi 180d0)))
83 (st (sin theta))
84 (phi (* phi-degree (/ pi 180d0))))
85 #+nil (declare ((double-float 0d0 #.pi) theta) ;; ranges were a bit complicated
86 ((double-float 0d0 #.pi) phi))
87 (v (* st (cos phi))
88 (* st (sin phi))
89 (* (cos theta)))))
91 #+nil
92 (direction 45 0)
95 (defstruct sphere
96 (center (v) :type vec)
97 (radius 0d0 :type double-float))
99 (declaim (ftype (function (vec vec (simple-array sphere 1) fixnum)
100 (values double-float &optional))
101 ray-spheres-intersection))
102 (defun ray-spheres-intersection (ray-position ray-dir spheres
103 illuminated-sphere-index)
104 (let ((sum 0d0))
105 (dotimes (i (length spheres))
106 (unless (eq i illuminated-sphere-index)
107 (with-slots (center radius)
108 (aref spheres i)
109 (let ((len (ray-sphere-intersection-length
110 ray-position ray-dir
111 center radius)))
112 (when len
113 (incf sum len))))))
114 sum))
116 #+nil
117 (defparameter centers
118 '(( 6 87 157) ( 7 69 111) ( 7 87 196) ( 7 88 66) ( 7 92 33) ( 7 137 224)
119 ( 7 144 149) ( 8 41 163) ( 8 61 201) ( 8 110 123)( 8 126 180)
120 ( 8 131 99)( 9 34 107) ( 9 81 238) ( 10 166 208)( 11 58 77) ( 11 111 245)
121 ( 11 143 75) ( 11 164 112)( 11 167 173) ( 12 72 142) ( 12 99 76)
122 ( 12 100 156) ( 12 122 44) ( 12 144 248) ( 13 108 200) ( 13 136 137)
123 ( 14 138 221) ( 15 50 219) ( 15 113 106) ( 15 175 145)
124 ( 16 56 107) ( 16 77 189) ( 17 37 140) ( 17 45 179)
125 ( 17 89 51) ( 17 162 187)( 18 88 240) ( 18 129 171)
126 ( 18 130 64) ( 18 163 188)( 19 151 99) ( 20 61 68)
127 ( 21 81 139) ( 21 86 97)( 21 136 210) ( 21 151 141)
128 ( 22 48 109)( 22 53 151) ( 22 99 219) ( 23 67 206)
129 ( 23 98 187) ( 23 107 72)( 25 107 146)( 25 113 111)))
130 #+nil
131 (progn
132 (defparameter *central-sphere* 22)
133 (defparameter *spheres*
134 (make-array (length centers)
135 :element-type 'sphere
136 :initial-contents
137 (let* ((q (elt centers *central-sphere*))
138 (s (/ 70d0))
139 (cen (v (* s (third q))
140 (* s (second q))
141 (* 5d0 s (first q)))))
142 (loop for c in centers collect
143 (make-sphere :center
144 (v- (v (* s (third c))
145 (* s (second c))
146 (* 5d0 s (first c)))
147 cen)
148 :radius (* s 22d0)))))
149 "center diameter"))
152 #+nil
153 (progn
154 (declaim (ftype (function ((array double-float (2)))
155 (values double-float &optional))
156 merit-function))
157 (defun merit-function (vec)
158 (ray-spheres-intersection
159 (v .1d0 .2d0 0d0)
160 (normalize (direction (aref vec 0) (aref vec 1)))
161 *spheres*
162 *central-sphere*)))
164 #+nil
165 (let ((start (make-array 2 :element-type 'double-float
166 :initial-contents (list 100d0 100d0))))
167 (with-open-file (*standard-output* "/dev/shm/anneal.log"
168 :direction :output
169 :if-exists :supersede)
170 (anneal (make-simplex start 1d0)
171 #'merit-function
172 :start-temperature 12d0)))
174 ;; scan over the full parameters space
175 #+nil
176 (progn
177 (with-open-file (s "/dev/shm/o.dat" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
178 (let ((ntheta 60)
179 (nphi 90))
180 (dotimes (theta ntheta)
181 (dotimes (phi nphi)
182 (let ((a (* 90 (/ theta ntheta)))
183 (b (* 180 (/ phi nphi))))
184 (format s "~f ~f ~f~%" a b
185 (ray-spheres-intersection (v) (direction a b)))))
186 (terpri s))))
187 (with-open-file (s "/dev/shm/" :direction :output
188 :if-exists :supersede)
189 (format s "set term posts; set outp \"/dev/shm/p~2,'\";set hidden
190 set title \"nucleus nr. ~d\"
191 unset key
192 splot \"/dev/shm/o.dat\" u 1:2:3 w l
193 #pause -1
194 " *central-sphere* *central-sphere*)))