In psf.lisp I added dimension unit to the doc string. In run.lisp I experiment with...
[woropt.git] / simplex-anneal.lisp
1 (defpackage :simplex-anneal
2 (:use :cl)
3 (:export #:make-simplex
4 #:anneal))
5 (in-package :simplex-anneal)
7 ;; nr3.pdf p.526 10.5 downhill simplex
9 #|| A simplex in N dimensions has N+1 points, i.e. a triangle in 2D.
10 You give one ND point. The algorithm constructs the simplex around
11 it (distances depend on the problems characteristic length scale)
12 and goes downhill.
14 There are five different types of steps:
15 a) reflection (conserving the volume)
16 b) reflection and expansion
17 c) contraction
18 d) multiple-contraction
20 We keep track of highest and next to highest
22 Termination:
23 Step is fractionally smaller than some tolerance tol.
25 Decrease in function value is fractionally smaller than some tolerance tol.
27 tol > sqrt(eps), tol can be \approx eps
29 If a minimum is found, restart the routine with 2 new points and the
30 current best one.
32 3x2 matrix defines simplex in 2D (rows are coordinates).
34 Store 3 function values.
35 Determine highest, next highest and lowest (best) point.
37 Fractional range from lowest value l to highest value h:
38 rtol=2 |h-l| / ( |h| + |l| + TINY)
39 TINY is 1e-20 in cvd
41 Extrapolate by factor -1 through the face oposite of the high point.
42 - If result better than best point extrapolate by two in same direction.
43 - Else if worse than second highest do 1d contraction of 0.5,
44 searching for lower one
46 amotry does the extrapolation
47 it gets the points psum, the values, a double fac
49 fac1=(1-fac)/n
50 fac2=fac1-fac = 1/n - fac/n -fac = 1/n - fac ( 1/n - 1 )
52 mirrored point
53 j goes over n:
54 try_j= psum_j *fac1 -p [high]_j *fac2
56 if the new value is better than the worst (highest) replace that point
58 get_psum has 2 values for 2D and contains the sum of the coordinates
59 of all points
61 in cvd the reflection is around the centroid
62 alpha 1 reflected size
63 rho 2 expansion ratio
64 gamma .5 contraction ratio
65 sigma .5 shrink ratio
66 epsilon sqrt(eps) tolerance
68 For simulated annealing add a positive logarithmic distributed random
69 variable proportional to the temperature: (* temp (log (random))) to
70 every stored function value of the vertices. A similar variable is
71 subtracted from every point that is tried.
73 At finite T the simplex has approximately the shape of the region,
74 that can be reached at this temperature. It tumbles with Brownian
75 motion within that region.
77 Possible anneling temperature schedules:
78 - T=(1-eps)*T after every m moves. eps/m is determined by experiment.
79 - Budget K moves. Reduce T after m moves to T_0*(1-k/K)^alpha with k the
80 count of moves so far and a constant alpha=1,2 or 4 or something. alpha
81 depends on the statistical distribution of relative minima at
82 various depths. Larger alpha spend more iterations at low temperature.
83 - After every m moves set T to beta*(f_1-f_b) with beta\approx 1, f_1 is the
84 smallest function value currently in the simplex and f_b is the best
85 value ever encountered. But never reduce T by more than some
86 fraction gamma.
88 An occasional restart may help.
90 ||#
92 (declaim (optimize (speed 2) (safety 3) (debug 3)))
94 (defparameter *print-debug-message* nil)
96 (defmacro dformat (&rest rest)
97 `(progn ;; when simplex-anneal::*print-debug-message*
98 (format ,@rest)))
100 #+nil
101 (dformat t "~a~%" (list 'test))
103 (declaim (ftype (function (double-float double-float)
104 (values double-float &optional))
105 heat))
106 (defun heat (temperature value)
107 (- value (* temperature (log (random 1d0)))))
109 (defmacro aref-heat (temperature array index)
110 "Access an array and change values with random fluctation."
111 `(heat ,temperature (aref ,array ,index)))
113 (declaim (ftype (function ((simple-array double-float *) double-float)
114 (values fixnum double-float
115 fixnum double-float
116 fixnum double-float &optional))
117 find-extrema))
118 (defun find-extrema (values temperature)
119 "Find the best, second-worst and worst point in the array of simplex
120 function values."
121 (let* ((best 0)
122 (worst best)
123 (bestv (aref-heat temperature values best))
124 (worstv bestv)
125 (second-worstv 0d0)
126 (second-worst 0))
127 ;; be careful to maintain the right relationship between worst
128 ;; and second-worst when initializing: if 0 could be the worst
129 ;; one use something better, so check 1 and use this if its
130 ;; better.
131 (let ((help (aref-heat temperature values 1)))
132 (if (< help worstv)
133 (setf second-worst 1 ;; 1 is better
134 second-worstv help)
135 (setf second-worst 0 ;; 1 is worse
136 second-worstv worstv
137 worst 1
138 worstv help)))
139 ;; we don't have to loop over 0, so start with 1
140 (loop for i from 1 below (length values) do
141 (let ((v (aref-heat temperature values i)))
142 (when (< v bestv)
143 (setf bestv v
144 best i))
145 (when (< worstv v)
146 (setf worstv v
147 worst i))
148 (unless (eq i worst)
149 (when (< second-worstv v)
150 (setf second-worstv v
151 second-worst i)))))
152 (dformat t "~a~%" (list
153 'best best bestv
154 'second-worst second-worst second-worstv
155 'worst worst worstv))
156 (values best bestv second-worst second-worstv worst worstv)))
158 (declaim (ftype (function ((array double-float *)
159 (array double-float *))
160 (values (simple-array double-float *) &optional))
161 v+ v- v-inc))
162 (defun v+ (a b)
163 (let* ((n (array-dimension a 0))
164 (result (make-array n :element-type 'double-float)))
165 (dotimes (i n)
166 (setf (aref result i) (+ (aref a i) (aref b i))))
167 result))
169 (defun v- (a b)
170 (let* ((n (array-dimension a 0))
171 (result (make-array n :element-type 'double-float)))
172 (dotimes (i n)
173 (setf (aref result i) (- (aref a i) (aref b i))))
174 result))
176 (defun v-inc (vec-result vec)
177 "Increase the values in VEC-RESULT with values from VEC. Return the
178 modified VEC-RESULT."
179 (let* ((n (array-dimension vec-result 0)))
180 (dotimes (i n)
181 (incf (aref vec-result i) (aref vec i)))
182 vec-result))
184 (declaim (ftype (function ((array double-float *)
185 (array double-float *))
186 (values (array double-float *) &optional))
187 v-set))
188 (defun v-set (vec-result vec)
189 "Set the values in the vector VEC-RESULT to the contents of VEC."
190 (let* ((n (array-dimension vec-result 0)))
191 (dotimes (i n)
192 (setf (aref vec-result i) (aref vec i)))
193 vec-result))
195 (declaim (ftype (function ((array double-float *)
196 double-float)
197 (values (simple-array double-float *) &optional))
198 v*))
199 (defun v* (vec scalar)
200 (let* ((n (array-dimension vec 0))
201 (result (make-array n :element-type 'double-float)))
202 (dotimes (i n)
203 (setf (aref result i) (* scalar (aref vec i))))
204 result))
206 (declaim (ftype (function ((simple-array double-float (* *))
207 fixnum)
208 (values (array double-float (*)) &optional))
209 displace))
210 (defun displace (simplex i)
211 "Extract the i-th i=0..n point from the simplex."
212 (let ((n (array-dimension simplex 1))) ;; we want the small index
213 (make-array n
214 :element-type 'double-float
215 :displaced-to simplex
216 :displaced-index-offset (* i n))))
218 (declaim (ftype (function ((array double-float (*))
219 (array double-float (*))
220 double-float)
221 (values (array double-float (*)) &optional))
222 v-extrapolate))
223 (defun v-extrapolate (vec-a vec-b alpha)
224 "Extrapolate the two vectors like this: <1+alpha> a - alpha b."
225 (v+ (v* vec-a (1+ alpha))
226 (v* vec-b (- alpha))))
228 (declaim (ftype (function ((simple-array double-float (* *)) fixnum)
229 (values (simple-array double-float *) &optional))
230 calc-centroid))
231 (defun calc-centroid (simplex worst)
232 "Go through all n+1 points in the simplex except the worst and sum
233 the coordinates. Return the centroid."
234 (destructuring-bind (nr-points n)
235 (array-dimensions simplex) ;; first dimension is bigger (n+1)
236 (let ((result (make-array n :element-type 'double-float
237 :initial-element 0d0)))
238 (dotimes (i nr-points)
239 (unless (eq i worst)
240 (v-inc result (displace simplex i))))
241 (dotimes (j n)
242 (setf (aref result j) (/ (aref result j) n)))
243 (dformat t "~a~%" (list 'centroid result))
244 result)))
247 (declaim (ftype (function ((simple-array double-float (* *))
248 function
249 &key (:itmax fixnum)
250 (:ftol double-float)
251 (:temperature double-float))
252 (values double-float
253 (simple-array double-float *)
254 double-float
255 double-float
256 (simple-array double-float *)
257 &optional))))
258 (defun amoeba (simplex funk &key (itmax 500) (ftol 1d-5) (temperature 1000d0))
259 (destructuring-bind (nr-points n)
260 (array-dimensions simplex)
261 (let* ((alpha 1d0) ;; reflected size
262 (rho 2d0) ;; expansion ratio
263 (gamma .5d0) ;; contraction ratio
264 (sigma .5d0) ;; shrink ratio
265 (iteration 0)
266 (best-ever (make-array n :element-type 'double-float))
267 (best-ever-value 1d100)
268 (values (make-array nr-points :element-type 'double-float)))
269 ;; evaluate function on all vertices
270 (dotimes (i nr-points)
271 (setf (aref values i)
272 (funcall funk (displace simplex i))))
273 (tagbody
274 label1
275 (incf iteration)
276 (multiple-value-bind (best best-value
277 second-worst second-worst-value
278 worst worst-value)
279 (find-extrema values temperature)
280 (declare (ignore second-worst))
281 (when (< best-value best-ever-value) ;; store the best value
282 (v-set best-ever (displace simplex best))
283 (setf best-ever-value best-value))
284 (dformat t "~a~%" (list 'best-ever best-ever best-ever-value))
285 ;; rtol=2 |h-l| / ( |h| + |l| + TINY)
286 (let ((rtol (* 2d0 (/ (abs (- best-value worst-value))
287 (+ (abs best-value)
288 (abs worst-value)
289 1d-20)))))
290 (when (or (< rtol ftol)
291 (< itmax iteration))
292 (return-from amoeba (values best-value
293 (displace simplex best)
294 rtol
295 best-ever-value
296 best-ever))))
298 (macrolet ((replace-worst (new-point new-value)
299 `(progn
300 (v-set (displace simplex worst) ,new-point)
301 (setf (aref values worst) ,new-value))))
302 (let* ((centroid (calc-centroid simplex worst))
303 ;; reflect worst point around centroid
304 (reflected (v-extrapolate centroid (displace simplex worst) alpha))
305 (reflected-value (funcall funk reflected))
306 (reflected-heat (heat (- temperature) reflected-value)))
307 (dformat t "~a~%" (list 'reflected reflected reflected-value))
308 ;; if new point better than current best, expand the simplex
309 (when (< reflected-heat best-value)
310 (let* ((expanded (v+ (v* reflected rho)
311 (v* centroid (- 1 rho))))
312 (expanded-value (funcall funk expanded))
313 (expanded-heat (heat (- temperature) expanded-value)))
314 (dformat t "~a~%" (list 'expanded expanded expanded-value))
315 ;; keep whichever is best
316 (if (< expanded-heat reflected-value)
317 (replace-worst expanded expanded-value)
318 (replace-worst reflected reflected-value))
319 (go label1)))
320 ;; new point lies between others, keep:
321 (when (< reflected-heat second-worst-value)
322 (dformat t "keep~%")
323 (replace-worst reflected reflected-value)
324 (go label1))
325 ;; new point is better than the worst one we had, contract:
326 (when (< reflected-heat worst-value)
327 (let* ((contracted (v-extrapolate centroid
328 (displace simplex worst)
329 gamma))
330 (contracted-value (funcall funk contracted))
331 (contracted-heat (heat (- temperature) contracted-value)))
332 (dformat t "~a~%" (list 'contracted
333 contracted contracted-value))
334 ;; use it if it helped
335 (when (< contracted-heat reflected-value)
336 (replace-worst contracted contracted-value)
337 (go label1))))
338 ;; otherwise if reflected is worse than everything else or
339 ;; contracted was worse than reflected shrink the whole
340 ;; simplex around the best point
341 (dotimes (i nr-points)
342 (unless (eq i best)
343 (v-set (displace simplex i)
344 (v+ (displace simplex best)
345 (v* (v- (displace simplex i)
346 (displace simplex best))
347 sigma)))
348 (setf (aref values i) (funcall funk (displace simplex i)))))
349 (go label1))))))))
351 (declaim (ftype (function ((simple-array double-float (* *))
352 function
353 &key (:itmax fixnum) (:ftol double-float)
354 (:start-temperature double-float))
355 (values double-float
356 (simple-array double-float *) &optional))))
357 (defun anneal (simplex funk &key (itmax 500) (ftol 1d-5) (start-temperature 100d0))
358 (let* ((m 30)
359 (eps/m .02d0)
360 (eps (* eps/m m))
361 (temp start-temperature))
362 (do ((count 0 (incf count)))
363 (())
364 (multiple-value-bind (value point rtol best-ever-value best-ever)
365 (amoeba simplex funk :itmax m :ftol ftol
366 :temperature temp)
367 (declare (ignore best-ever-value
368 best-ever))
369 (when (or (< itmax count)
370 (< rtol ftol))
371 (return-from anneal (values value point))))
372 (setf temp (* (- 1 eps) temp)))))
374 ;; run the following code to test the downhill simplex optimizer on a
375 ;; 2d function:
376 #+nil
377 (time (let ((start (make-array 2 :element-type 'double-float
378 :initial-contents (list 1.5d0 1.5d0))))
379 (anneal (make-simplex start 1d0)
380 #'rosenbrock
381 :ftol 1d-5)))
383 (declaim (ftype (function ((simple-array double-float *)
384 double-float)
385 (values (simple-array double-float (* *)) &optional))
386 make-simplex))
387 (defun make-simplex (start step)
388 (let* ((n (array-dimension start 0))
389 (result (make-array (list (1+ n) n) :element-type 'double-float)))
390 (dotimes (j (1+ n))
391 (v-set (displace result j) start))
392 ;; change the first n points by step
393 ;; the last point in result stays unaltered
394 (dotimes (j n)
395 (incf (aref result j j) step))
397 result))
399 ;; (declaim (ftype (function (double-float)
400 ;; (values double-float &optional))
401 ;; sq))
402 ;; (defun sq (x)
403 ;; (* x x))
405 ;; (declaim (ftype (function ((array double-float *))
406 ;; (values double-float &optional))
407 ;; rosenbrock))
408 ;; (defun rosenbrock (p)
409 ;; (let* ((x (aref p 0))
410 ;; (y (aref p 1))
411 ;; (result (+ (sq (- 1 x))
412 ;; (* 100 (sq (- y (sq x)))))))
413 ;; (dformat t "~a~%" (list 'rosenbrock p result))
414 ;; result))
415 ;; #+nil
416 ;; (rosenbrock (make-array 2 :element-type 'double-float
417 ;; :initial-contents (list 1.5d0 1.5d0)))