general interpolate already exsists, just wasn't exported
[woropt.git] / psf.lisp
1 #.
2 (require :vol)
4 (defpackage :psf
5 (:use :cl :vol)
6 (:export #:init
7 #:intensity-psf
8 #:electric-field-psf
9 #:get-uv
10 #:abs2))
12 (in-package :psf)
14 (declaim (optimize (speed 2) (debug 3) (safety 3)))
16 (progn
17 (sb-alien:define-alien-routine j0
18 sb-alien:double-float
19 (x sb-alien:double-float))
21 (sb-alien:define-alien-routine j1
22 sb-alien:double-float
23 (x sb-alien:double-float))
25 (sb-alien:define-alien-routine jn
26 sb-alien:double-float
27 (n sb-alien:int)
28 (x sb-alien:double-float))
30 (sb-alien:define-alien-routine j0f
31 sb-alien:single-float
32 (x sb-alien:single-float))
34 (sb-alien:define-alien-routine j1f
35 sb-alien:single-float
36 (x sb-alien:single-float))
38 (sb-alien:define-alien-routine jnf
39 sb-alien:single-float
40 (n sb-alien:int)
41 (x sb-alien:single-float)))
43 (deftype my-float-helper ()
44 `single-float)
46 (deftype my-float (&optional (low '*) (high '*))
47 `(single-float ,(if (eq low '*)
49 (coerce low 'my-float-helper))
50 ,(if (eq high '*)
52 (coerce high 'my-float-helper))))
54 (defun abs2 (z)
55 (declare ((complex my-float) z)
56 (values my-float &optional))
57 (let* ((x (realpart z))
58 (y (imagpart z)))
59 (+ (* x x) (* y y))))
62 (declaim (type fixnum n)
63 (type my-float /sin-alpha /sin-alpha2 sin-alpha2)
64 (type (my-float -1 1) sin-alpha)
65 (type (simple-array my-float 1) ac as as^2 ac2))
67 (progn
68 (defparameter n 31)
69 (defparameter ac (make-array n :element-type 'my-float))
70 (defparameter as (make-array n :element-type 'my-float))
71 (defparameter as^2 (make-array n :element-type 'my-float))
72 (defparameter ac2 (make-array n :element-type 'my-float))
73 (defparameter sin-alpha (coerce .4 'my-float))
74 (defparameter sin-alpha2 (* sin-alpha sin-alpha))
75 (defparameter /sin-alpha (/ sin-alpha))
76 (defparameter /sin-alpha2 (/ sin-alpha2)))
78 (defun init (&key (numerical-aperture (coerce 1.2 'my-float))
79 (immersion-index (coerce 1.515 'my-float))
80 (integrand-evaluations 31))
81 (declare (my-float numerical-aperture immersion-index)
82 (fixnum integrand-evaluations)
83 (values null &optional))
84 (setf n integrand-evaluations
85 ac (make-array n :element-type 'my-float)
86 as (make-array n :element-type 'my-float)
87 as^2 (make-array n :element-type 'my-float)
88 ac2 (make-array n :element-type 'my-float)
89 sin-alpha (/ numerical-aperture immersion-index)
90 sin-alpha2 (* sin-alpha sin-alpha)
91 /sin-alpha (/ sin-alpha)
92 /sin-alpha2 (/ sin-alpha2))
93 (let* ((alpha (asin sin-alpha))
94 (dalpha (/ alpha n)))
96 (dotimes (iter n)
97 (let* ((theta (the (my-float 0d0 2d0) (* dalpha iter)))
98 (ct (cos theta))
99 (st (sin theta))
100 (ct2 (sqrt ct))
101 (st^2 (* st st)))
102 (declare ((my-float 0 1) ct)) ;; for the sqrt
103 (setf (aref ac iter) ct
104 (aref as iter) st
105 (aref as^2 iter) st^2
106 (aref ac2 iter) ct2)))))
107 #+nil
108 (init)
110 ;; k = omega/c = 2 pi / lambda
111 ;; u = k z sin(alpha)^2
112 ;; v = k sqrt(x^2+y^2) sin(alpha)
114 ;; for small angular aperture alpha << 1
115 ;; u ~ k (a/R)^2 z
116 ;; v ~ k (a/R) sqrt(x^2+y^2)
117 ;; with a .. radius of the exit pupil and
118 ;; R .. distance between exit pupil and focal plane
120 (defun transform-xyz-to-uv (x y z &key (immersion-index (coerce 1.515 'my-float))
121 (numerical-aperture (coerce 1.38 'my-float))
122 (wavelength (coerce .480 'my-float)))
123 "Return the cylindrical coordinates u and v of a given 3D point. All
124 lengths in micrometer."
125 (declare (my-float x y z immersion-index numerical-aperture wavelength)
126 (values my-float my-float &optional))
127 (let* ((k (/ (* #.(coerce 2 'my-float) (coerce pi 'my-float) immersion-index)
128 wavelength))
129 (sina (/ numerical-aperture
130 immersion-index))
131 (u (* k z sina sina))
132 (v (* k (sqrt (+ (* x x) (* y y))) sina)))
133 (values u v)))
135 #+nil
136 (transform-xyz-to-uv 0.0 1.0 1.0)
138 (defun intermediate-integrals-point (u v)
139 (declare (my-float u v)
140 (values (complex my-float) (complex my-float)
141 (complex my-float) &optional))
142 (let* ((zero #.(coerce 0 '(complex my-float)))
143 (i0 zero)
144 (i1 zero)
145 (i2 zero))
146 (let ((scale 1))
147 (dotimes (iter n)
148 (let* ((s (aref as iter))
149 (c (aref ac iter))
150 (c2 (aref ac iter))
151 (vv (* v s /sin-alpha))
152 (uu (* u c /sin-alpha2))
153 (e (exp (complex 0 uu)))
154 (cmul0 (* scale e (* c2 s (+ 1 c) (j0 vv))))
155 (cmul1 (* scale e (* c2 (aref as^2 iter) (j1 vv))))
156 (cmul2 (* scale e (* c2 s (- 1 c) (jn 2 vv)))))
157 (incf i0 cmul0)
158 (incf i1 cmul1)
159 (incf i2 cmul2)
160 (cond ((eq iter 0) (setf scale 2))
161 ((eq iter (- n 2)) (setf scale 1))
162 ((eq scale 2) (setf scale 4))
163 ((eq scale 4) (setf scale 2))))))
164 (let* ((s (* n 3d0)))
165 (values (* s i0) (* s i1) (* s i2)))))
167 (defun energy-density (u v)
168 (declare (my-float u v)
169 (values my-float &optional))
170 (multiple-value-bind (i0 i1 i2)
171 (intermediate-integrals-point u v)
172 (+ (abs2 i0)
173 (abs2 i1)
174 (abs2 i2))))
176 (defun energy-density-cyl (&optional (nu 100) (nv 100) (du #.(coerce .1 'my-float))
177 (dv du))
178 (declare (fixnum nu nv)
179 (my-float du dv)
180 (values (simple-array my-float 2) &optional))
181 (let* ((res (make-array (list nu nv)
182 :element-type 'my-float)))
183 (dotimes (iu nu)
184 (let ((u (* iu du)))
185 (dotimes (iv nv)
186 (let ((v (* iv dv)))
187 (setf (aref res iu iv) (energy-density u v))))))
188 res))
190 (defun intermediate-integrals-cyl (&optional (nu 100) (nv 100)
191 (du (coerce .1 'my-float)) (dv du))
192 (declare (fixnum nu nv)
193 (my-float du dv)
194 (values (simple-array (complex my-float) 2)
195 (simple-array (complex my-float) 2)
196 (simple-array (complex my-float) 2) &optional))
197 (let* ((dims (list nu nv))
198 (ii0 (make-array dims :element-type '(complex my-float)))
199 (ii1 (make-array dims :element-type '(complex my-float)))
200 (ii2 (make-array dims :element-type '(complex my-float))))
201 (dotimes (iu nu)
202 (let ((u (* iu du)))
203 (dotimes (iv nv)
204 (let ((v (* iv dv)))
205 (multiple-value-bind (i0 i1 i2)
206 (intermediate-integrals-point u v)
207 (setf (aref ii0 iu iv) i0
208 (aref ii1 iu iv) i1
209 (aref ii2 iu iv) i2))))))
210 (values ii0 ii1 ii2)))
212 #+nil
213 (let* ((x 10)
214 (y 10)
215 (z 10)
216 (size-x 3d0)
217 (size-z 1d0)
218 (nradius (1+ (ceiling (* (sqrt 2d0) (max x y)))))
219 (nz (1+ (ceiling z 2))))
220 (multiple-value-bind (u v)
221 (transform-xyz-to-uv size-x 0 (* .5d0 size-z))
222 (multiple-value-bind (i0 i1 i2)
223 (intermediate-integrals-cyl nz nradius (/ u nz) (/ v nradius))
224 (vol::interpolate2-cdf i0 2d0 2d0))))
226 ;; size radius is either the extend in x or y (in um) depending on what is bigger
227 (defun electric-field-psf
228 (z y x size-z size-radius &key (numerical-aperture (coerce 1.38 'my-float))
229 (immersion-index (coerce 1.515 'my-float))
230 (wavelength (coerce .480 'my-float))
231 (integrand-evaluations 31))
232 (declare (fixnum z y x integrand-evaluations)
233 (my-float size-z size-radius numerical-aperture immersion-index
234 wavelength)
235 (values (simple-array (complex my-float) 3)
236 (simple-array (complex my-float) 3)
237 (simple-array (complex my-float) 3) &optional))
238 (init :numerical-aperture numerical-aperture
239 :immersion-index immersion-index
240 :integrand-evaluations integrand-evaluations)
241 (let* ((nradius (1+ (ceiling (* (sqrt 2d0) (max x y)))))
242 (nz (ceiling z 2))
243 (dims (list z y x))
244 (e0 (make-array dims :element-type '(complex my-float)))
245 (e1 (make-array dims :element-type '(complex my-float)))
246 (e2 (make-array dims :element-type '(complex my-float))))
247 (multiple-value-bind (u v)
248 (transform-xyz-to-uv 0 (* (sqrt #.(coerce 2 'my-float)) size-radius)
249 (* #.(coerce .5 'my-float) size-z)
250 :numerical-aperture numerical-aperture
251 :immersion-index immersion-index
252 :wavelength wavelength)
253 (multiple-value-bind (i0 i1 i2)
254 (intermediate-integrals-cyl nz nradius
255 (/ (* 1d0 u) nz) (/ (* 1d0 v) nradius))
256 (let ((rad-a (make-array (list y x) :element-type 'my-float))
257 (cphi-a (make-array (list y x) :element-type 'my-float))
258 (c2phi-a (make-array (list y x) :element-type 'my-float))
259 (s2phi-a (make-array (list y x) :element-type 'my-float)))
260 (do-region ((j i) (y x))
261 (let* ((ii (- i (floor x 2)))
262 (jj (- j (floor y 2)))
263 (radius (sqrt (+ (* 1d0 ii ii) (* jj jj))))
264 (phi (atan (* 1d0 jj) ii)))
265 (setf (aref rad-a j i) radius
266 (aref cphi-a j i) (cos phi)
267 (aref c2phi-a j i) (cos (* 2d0 phi))
268 (aref s2phi-a j i) (sin (* 2d0 phi)))))
269 (let ((del (if (eq 1 (mod z 2))
270 #.(coerce 0 'my-float)
271 #.(coerce .5 'my-float)))) ;; add .5 if z is even
272 (do-region ((k j i) (nz y x))
273 (let* ((zi (- nz k (- 1d0 del)))
274 (r (aref rad-a j i))
275 (v0 (interpolate2 i0 zi r))
276 (v1 (interpolate2 i1 zi r))
277 (v2 (interpolate2 i2 zi r)))
278 (setf (aref e0 k j i) (* (complex 0d0 -1d0)
279 (+ v0 (* v2 (aref c2phi-a j i))))
280 (aref e1 k j i) (* (complex 0d0 -1d0)
281 v2 (aref s2phi-a j i))
282 (aref e2 k j i) (* -2d0 v1 (aref cphi-a j i))))))
283 (do-box (k j i 0 nz 0 y 0 x)
284 (setf (aref e0 (- z k 1) j i) (- (conjugate (aref e0 k j i)))
285 (aref e1 (- z k 1) j i) (- (conjugate (aref e1 k j i)))
286 (aref e2 (- z k 1) j i) (conjugate (aref e2 k j i)))))))
287 (values e0 e1 e2)))
289 #+nil
290 (defparameter *e0* (electric-field 10 10 10 3d0 3d0))
292 (declaim (ftype (function (my-float my-float &key
293 (:numerical-aperture my-float)
294 (:immersion-index my-float)
295 (:nz fixnum)
296 (:nradius fixnum)
297 (:wavelength my-float)
298 (:integrand-evaluations fixnum))
299 (values (simple-array my-float 2) &optional))
300 intensity-psf-cyl))
301 (defun intensity-psf-cyl (z radius &key (numerical-aperture 1.38d0)
302 (immersion-index 1.515d0)
303 (nz 50) (nradius 50) (wavelength .480d0)
304 (integrand-evaluations 31))
305 "Calculate 2D cylindrical PSF with axial extend Z micrometers and
306 transversal extend RADIUS micrometers."
307 (psf:init :numerical-aperture numerical-aperture
308 :immersion-index immersion-index
309 :integrand-evaluations integrand-evaluations)
310 (multiple-value-bind (u v)
311 (transform-xyz-to-uv 0 radius z
312 :numerical-aperture numerical-aperture
313 :immersion-index immersion-index
314 :wavelength wavelength)
315 (let* ((a (energy-density-cyl nz nradius (/ u nz) (/ v nradius))))
316 a)))
317 #+nil
318 (time
319 (progn (cyl-psf 3d0 1.5d0)
320 nil))
322 (declaim (ftype (function (fixnum fixnum fixnum my-float my-float
323 &key (:numerical-aperture my-float)
324 (:immersion-index my-float)
325 (:integrand-evaluations fixnum)
326 (:wavelength my-float))
327 (values (simple-array (complex my-float) 3) &optional))
328 intensity-psf))
329 (defun intensity-psf (z y x size-z size-radius &key (numerical-aperture 1.38d0)
330 (immersion-index 1.515d0) (integrand-evaluations 31)
331 (wavelength .480d0))
332 "Calculate an intensity point spread function for an aplanatic microobjective with the given NUMERICAL-APERTURE, IMMERSION-INDEX and WAVELENGTH. Distances in micrometer."
333 (let* ((psf (make-array (list z y x)
334 :element-type '(complex my-float)))
335 (nz (1+ (ceiling z 2)))
336 (nradius (1+ (ceiling (* (sqrt 2d0) (max x y)))))
337 (cyl (intensity-psf-cyl
338 (* .5d0 size-z)
339 (* (sqrt 2d0)
340 size-radius)
341 :nz nz
342 :nradius nradius
343 :numerical-aperture numerical-aperture
344 :immersion-index immersion-index
345 :integrand-evaluations integrand-evaluations
346 :wavelength wavelength)))
347 (let ((rad-a (make-array (list y x) :element-type 'my-float)))
348 (do-rectangle (j i 0 y 0 x)
349 (let* ((ii (- i (floor x 2)))
350 (jj (- j (floor y 2)))
351 (radius (sqrt (+ (* 1d0 ii ii) (* jj jj)))))
352 (setf (aref rad-a j i) radius)))
353 (let ((del (if (eq 1 (mod z 2)) ;; add .5 when z is even
355 .5d0)))
356 (do-box (k j i 0 nz 0 y 0 x)
357 (setf (aref psf k j i)
358 (complex (vol::interpolate2-df cyl
359 (- nz k (- 1d0 del)) (aref rad-a j i))))))
360 (do-box (k j i 0 nz 0 y 0 x)
361 (setf (aref psf (- z k 1) j i) (aref psf k j i))))
362 psf))
365 #+nil
366 (time (init))
367 #+nil
368 (time (progn (integ-all)
369 nil))
371 ;; cylindrical coordinates:
372 ;; v is rho
373 ;; u is z
375 #+nil ;; print out a cross section of the psf transversal 1.5 um and
376 ;; axial 3 um wide.
377 (let ((numerical-aperture 1.38d0)
378 (immersion-index 1.515d0))
379 (init :numerical-aperture numerical-aperture
380 :immersion-index immersion-index)
381 (multiple-value-bind (u v)
382 (transform-xyz-to-uv 0 1.5 3
383 :numerical-aperture numerical-aperture
384 :immersion-index immersion-index)
385 (let* ((nu 10)
386 (nv 20)
387 (a (energy-density-cyl nu nv (/ u nu) (/ v nv)))
388 (max (aref a 0 0))
389 (scale (/ 99 max)))
390 (destructuring-bind (uu vv)
391 (array-dimensions a)
392 (format t "~%")
393 (dotimes (u uu)
394 (dotimes (v vv)
395 (format t "~2d" (truncate (* scale (aref a u v)))))
396 (format t "~%"))))))