texture-3-luminance-ub8 destroy bind-tex
[woropt.git] / angular-illumination.lisp
1 #.(require :gui)
2 (in-package :run)
4 #+nil
5 (let* ((k 25)
6 (nuc (first (get-visible-nuclei k)))
7 (vol (get-lcos-volume k nuc)))
8 (format t "~a~%" `(nuc ,nuc))
9 (write-section "/home/martin/tmp/angular-0lcos-cut.pgm" vol)
10 (save-stack-ub8 "/home/martin/tmp/angular-0lcos" (normalize-3-csf/ub8-realpart vol)))
12 ;; FIXME: are these coordinates in mm or relative positions for a bfp-radius of 1?
13 ;; I think the latter, but I'm not sure.
14 #+nil
15 (time
16 (let*((dx .2d0)
17 (dz 1d0)
18 (r 100)
19 (z (array-dimension *spheres* 0))
20 (psf (angular-psf :x r :y r :z (* 2 z)
21 :pixel-size-x dx :pixel-size-z dz
22 :window-radius *bfp-window-radius*
23 :window-x -.714d0
24 :window-y .16d0
25 :initialize t
26 :debug t
27 :integrand-evaluations 400)))
28 (save-stack-ub8 "/home/martin/tmp/psf" (normalize3-cdf/ub8-realpart psf))
29 nil))
32 ;; calculate the excitation one nucleus
33 #+bla
34 (defun calc-light-field (k nucleus)
35 (declare (fixnum k nucleus))
36 (let* ((result nil)
37 (lcos (get-lcos-volume k nucleus))
38 (bfp-pos (find-optimal-bfp-window-center nucleus))
39 (psf (let ((dx .2d0)
40 (dz 1d0)
41 (r 100)
42 (z (array-dimension *spheres* 0)))
43 (multiple-value-bind (h ddx ddz)
44 (angular-intensity-psf-minimal-resolution
45 :x-um (* r dx) :y-um (* r dx) :z-um (* 2 z dz)
46 :window-radius *bfp-window-radius*
47 :window-x (vec2-x bfp-pos)
48 :window-y (vec2-y bfp-pos)
49 :initialize t
50 :debug t
51 :integrand-evaluations 1000)
52 (resample-3-cdf h ddx ddx ddz dx dx dz)))))
53 (format t "~a~%" `(bfp-pos ,bfp-pos))
54 (write-section (format nil "/home/martin/tmp/angular-1expsf-cut-~3,'0d.pgm" nucleus) psf)
56 (multiple-value-bind (conv conv-start)
57 (convolve-nocrop lcos psf)
58 ;; light distribution in sample
59 (defparameter *angular-light-field* conv)
60 (defparameter *angular-light-field-start* conv-start)
61 (write-section (format nil "/home/martin/tmp/angular-2light-cut-~3,'0d.pgm" nucleus)
62 conv
63 (vec-i-y (aref *centers* nucleus)))
64 (save-stack-ub8 (format nil "/home/martin/tmp/angular-2light-~3,'0d/" nucleus)
65 (normalize-3-cdf/ub8-realpart conv))
66 ;; multiply fluorophore concentration with light distribution
67 (let ((excite (.* conv *spheres* conv-start)))
68 (defparameter *excite* excite)
69 (write-section (format nil "/home/martin/tmp/angular-3excite-cut-~3,'0d.pgm" nucleus)
70 excite
71 (vec-i-y (aref *centers* nucleus)))
72 (save-stack-ub8 (format nil "/home/martin/tmp/angular-3excite-~3,'0d/" nucleus)
73 (normalize-3-cdf/ub8-realpart excite))
74 (destructuring-bind (z y x)
75 (array-dimensions excite)
76 (declare (ignorable z))
77 (let* ((in-focus (extract-bbox-3-cdf excite
78 (make-bbox :start (v 0d0 0d0 (* 1d0 k))
79 :end (v (* 1d0 (1- x))
80 (* 1d0 (1- y))
81 (* 1d0 k))))))
82 (save-stack-ub8 "/home/martin/tmp/angular-4in-focus/"
83 (normalize-3-cdf/ub8-realpart in-focus))
84 (let*((mplane (mean (convert-3-cdf/df-realpart in-focus)))
85 (mvol (mean (convert-3-cdf/df-realpart excite)))
86 (gamma (/ mplane mvol)))
87 (push (list mplane mvol gamma) result)
88 (debug-out mplane mvol gamma)
89 (format t "plane-result ~f ~f ~f~%" mplane mvol gamma))
90 result))))))
92 #+nil
93 (time
94 (progn
95 (with-open-file (*standard-output* "/home/martin/tmp/angular-stack.log"
96 :direction :output
97 :if-exists :supersede
98 :if-does-not-exist :create)
99 (let ((result nil))
100 (dotimes (k (array-dimension *spheres* 0))
101 (let* ((nucs (get-visible-nuclei k)))
102 (loop for nuc in nucs do
103 (format t "~a~%" (list 'doing k nucs))
104 (push (list k nuc (calc-light-field k nuc)) result))))
105 (defparameter *scan-result* result)))
106 (with-open-file (s "/home/martin/tmp/angular-stack-struc.lisp"
107 :direction :output
108 :if-exists :supersede
109 :if-does-not-exist :create)
110 (write *scan-result* :stream s))))
116 #+nil
117 (let ((vol (make-array dims :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
118 (loop for i in '(4.0d-3 -.2d-3) do
119 (draw-ray-into-vol i 0d0 .99d0 .0d0 vol)
120 #+nil(draw-ray-into-vol i 0d0 -.99d0 .0d0 vol)
121 (draw-ray-into-vol i 0d0 0d0 .99d0 vol)
122 (draw-ray-into-vol i 0d0 0d0 -.99d0 vol))
124 (save-stack-ub8 "/home/martin/tmp/line"
125 vol))
128 #+nil
129 (time
130 (let* ((n 100)
131 (a (make-array (list n n) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
132 (nn (length *spheres-c-r*))
133 (mosaicx (ceiling (sqrt nn)))
134 (mosaic (make-array (list (* n mosaicx) (* n mosaicx))
135 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
136 (with-open-file (*standard-output* "/dev/shm/a"
137 :direction :output
138 :if-exists :supersede)
139 (dotimes (*nucleus-index* nn)
140 (dotimes (i 10)
141 (tagbody again
142 (multiple-value-bind (min point)
143 (simplex-anneal:anneal (simplex-anneal:make-simplex
144 (make-vec2 :x -1d0 :y -1d0) 1d0)
145 #'merit-function
146 ;; set temperature bigger than the
147 ;; maxima in the bfp but smaller
148 ;; than border-value
149 :start-temperature 2.4d0
150 :eps/m .02d0
151 :itmax 1000
152 :ftol 1d-3)
153 (unless (<= min 100d0)
154 (go again))
155 (let* ((x (aref point 0))
156 (y (aref point 1))
157 (ix (floor (* n (+ x 1)) 2))
158 (iy (floor (* n (+ y 1)) 2))
159 (mx (mod *nucleus-index* mosaicx))
160 (my (floor *nucleus-index* mosaicx)))
161 (incf (aref mosaic (+ (* n my) iy) (+ (* n mx) ix)))
162 (format t "min ~a~%" (list min ix iy))))))))
163 (write-pgm "/home/martin/tmp/scan-mosaic-max.pgm" mosaic)))