Base converter review: default to input and output base 10 and balanced 3 if not...
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1 #!env python
2 # vim: set fileencoding=utf8
3 # Created: April 29, 2008
4 # Created by: Antonio Chavez
6 # Base converter
8 import sys, os, string
9 import Trits
11 MIN_VAL = 10
12 LOW_BOUND = ord('A') + MIN_VAL
13 BASE_3 = 3
14 BALANCED_3 = 3
16 class BaseError(Exception):
17 def __init__(self, msg):
18 self.msg = msg
20 def __str__(self):
21 return "BaseError: %s" % (self.msg,)
23 def base_convert(value, base_frm, base_to):
24 ''' int_cvrt: convert the number to the left of the decimal place
25 value: string containing value to convert
26 from: what base to convert from. Can be positive and negative.
27 Negative numbers will represent balanced base. Positive
28 will represent unbalanced base.
29 to: what base to convert to.
31 Example: 3 = unbalanced base 3 (0, 1, 2)
32 -3 = balanced base 3 (-1, 0, 1)
33 Balanced bases can only be odd integers, for the obivious reason
34 that even numbers are not good candidates for balanced numbering
35 Example: -4 = (-1, 0, 1, 2) or (-2, -1, 0, 1). Either system is
36 not balanced. Bases must also have a magnitude greater than 1.
37 For balanced bases greater than 3, a negative number is represented
38 with an 'i' next to it.
39 Example: 4i21 => 4(-2)1
40 Currently conversion balanced bases is not supported. If balanced
41 base is entered, the result will be returned in base 10.
42 A negative sign before the number will negate the result.
43 '''
45 # check for magnitude greater than 1
46 if abs(base_frm) < 2 or abs(base_to) < 2:
47 raise BaseError("bases must have magnitude greater than 1")
49 # check for a balanced negative base and derive magnitude
50 if base_frm < 0 and -base_frm % 2 != 1:
51 raise BaseError("base_from is even: negative bases must be odd integers")
52 elif base_frm < 0:
53 magnitude_f = (-base_frm - 1)/2
54 else:
55 magnitude_f = base_frm
56 #magnitude_f = abs(base_frm)
58 if base_to < 0 and -base_to % 2 != 1:
59 raise BaseError("base_to is even: negative bases must be odd integers")
60 elif base_to < 0:
61 magnitude_t = (-base_to - 1)/2
62 else:
63 magnitude_t = base_to
64 #magnitude_t = abs(base_to)
66 sum = 0 # base 10 equivalent summation
67 neg = 1 # used when 'i' is encountered, it negates the previous digit
68 sign = 1 # sign of summation
69 count = 1 # amount to multiply next digit by
70 prev = 1 # the value of the next digit
71 cur = 0 # current digit
73 if magnitude_f >= MIN_VAL:
74 max_val = magnitude_f - MIN_VAL
76 for i in range(len(value) - 1, -1, -1):
78 if base_frm == -3:
79 # Base 3 conversion
80 if value[i] in Trits.trit_integer:
81 sum = sum + (Trits.trit_integer[value[i]]) * count
82 count = count * abs(base_frm)
83 else:
84 raise BaseError("0: invalid input %s" % (value[i],))
86 elif value[i].isdigit():
87 # 0 <-> 9
88 cur = int(value[i])
90 if cur > magnitude_f:
91 raise BaseError("1: invalid input %s" % (value[i],))
92 if i != len(value) - 1:
93 sum = sum + prev * neg * count
95 # reset variables to appropiate values
96 neg = 1
97 count = count * abs(base_frm)
99 prev = cur
101 elif value[i] == '-' and i == 0:
102 # negate the whole number
103 sign = -1
104 elif value[i] == 'i':
105 # negate prev number
106 neg = -1
107 elif magnitude_f >= MIN_VAL and value[i].isalpha():
108 # 10 <-> magnitude_f
109 cur = ord(value[i].upper()) - LOW_BOUND
111 if cur > magnitude_f:
112 raise BaseError("2: invalid input %s" % (value[i],))
114 if i != len(value) -1:
115 sum = sum + prev * neg * count
117 # reset variables to appropriate values
118 neg = 1
119 count = count * abs(base_frm)
121 prev = cur
123 else:
124 raise BaseError("3: invalid input %s at index = %s" % (value[i], i))
126 # sum up remaining digit
127 if base_frm != -3:
128 sum = sum + prev * neg * count
129 sum = sign * sum
131 # if requested base 10, then we are done
132 if base_to == 10 or sum == 0:
133 return "" + str(sum)
135 if base_to == -3:
136 rslt = balanced_conversion(sum, base_to)
137 return rslt
138 # return base 10 if desired base is balanced
139 elif base_to < 0:
140 return "" + str(sum)
142 # compute unbalanced conversion
143 result = ""
144 quotient = sum
145 remainder = 0
147 while quotient != 0:
148 remainder = quotient % magnitude_t
149 quotient = quotient / magnitude_t
150 result = str(remainder) + result
152 return result
154 def balanced_conversion(sum, base_to):
156 #check for no need for conversion
157 if sum == 0:
158 return "0"
160 tmp_sum = 0
161 if sum > 0:
162 count = 1
163 result = []
164 while tmp_sum < sum:
165 tmp_sum = tmp_sum + count
166 result.insert(0, "1")
167 count = count*BASE_3
169 #if max value then we are done
170 if tmp_sum == sum:
171 tmp_str = string.join(result, '')
172 return tmp_str
174 found, rslt = find_balanced_3(sum, result, len(result) - 1)
175 tmp_str = string.join(result, '')
176 return tmp_str
178 elif sum < 0:
179 count = -1
180 result = []
181 while tmp_sum > sum:
182 tmp_sum = tmp_sum + count
183 result.insert(0, "i")
184 count = count * BASE_3
186 #if max value then we are done
187 if tmp_sum == sum:
188 tmp_str = string.join(result, '')
189 return tmp_str
191 found, rslt = find_balanced_3(sum, result, len(result) - 1)
192 tmp_str = string.join(result, '')
193 return tmp_str
196 def find_balanced_3(value, result, iteration):
198 if iteration < 0:
199 return False, ""
201 # set result[iteration] to "0"
202 result.pop(iteration)
203 result.insert(iteration, "0")
204 tmp_sum = balanced_3_value(result)
205 if tmp_sum == value:
206 return True, result
207 # iterate down to lower indexes
208 found, str_rslt = find_balanced_3(value, result, iteration - 1)
209 if found:
210 return True, str_rslt
212 # set result[iteration] to "i"
213 result.pop(iteration)
214 result.insert(iteration, "i")
215 tmp_sum = balanced_3_value(result)
216 if tmp_sum == value:
217 return True, result
218 # iterate down to lower indexes
219 found, str_rslt = find_balanced_3(value, result, iteration - 1)
220 if found:
221 return True, str_rslt
223 # set result[iteration] to "1"
224 result.pop(iteration)
225 result.insert(iteration, "1")
226 tmp_sum = balanced_3_value(result)
227 if tmp_sum == value:
228 return True, result
229 # iterate down to lower indexes
230 found, str_rslt = find_balanced_3(value, result, iteration - 1)
231 if found:
232 return True, str_rslt
234 return False, ""
236 def balanced_3_value(value):
238 sum = 0
239 count = 1
241 for i in range(len(value) - 1, -1, -1):
242 # Base 3 conversion
243 sum = sum + (Trits.trit_integer[value[i]]) * count
244 count = count * BASE_3
246 return sum
248 ''' NOTES
249 useful things to know for implementation
250 char to int: ord('a') = 97 ASCII
251 int to char: chr(97) ASCII
252 char to int: int('4')
253 a = "hi6"
254 a[0].isalpha() => true
255 a[2].isdigit() => true
256 a[0].upper() => "H"
257 a[2].upper() => "1"
259 s.split(".") => returns list of strings broken up by "."
260 "1010.3930" => ["1010", "3930"]
262 s = ".".join(lis_digits) => combine elements in list by "."
265 if __name__ == "__main__":
266 assert base_convert("8", 10, -3) == "10i", \
267 "8 doesn't convert to 10i in balanced trinary"
269 while True:
270 print ">> ",
271 line = unicode(sys.stdin.readline(), "utf8")
272 if len(line) == 0:
273 break
274 line = line.strip()
275 print
277 try:
278 parts = line.split(",")
279 if len(parts) == 1:
280 # Assume input is base 10, output is balanced 3
281 val = parts[0]
282 frm = 10
283 to = -3
284 elif len(parts) != 3:
285 print "Usage: value-to-convert[,from-radix,to-radix]"
286 print "Negative radixes indicate balanced."
287 print "For example: 8,10,-3 to convert 8 to balanced trinary"
288 print "If ommitted, from-radix and to-radix default to 10 and -3"
289 continue
290 else:
291 val, frm, to = parts
292 frm = int(frm)
293 to = int(to)
295 print base_convert(val, frm, to)
296 except Exception, e:
297 print "Failed: %s %s" % (type(e), e,)