movebits: use the memmap data structure for the freelist
[syslinux.git] / .gitignore
1 *.0
2 *.a
3 *.bin
4 *.bss
5 *.c32
6 *.com
7 *.d
8 *.elf
9 *.exe
10 *.gen
11 *.lnx
12 *.lo
13 *.lsr
14 *.lst
15 *.map
16 *.o
17 *.orig
18 *.rej
19 *.s
20 *.sys
21 *_bin.c
23 .depend
24 com32/lib/sys/vesa/alphatbl.c
25 extlinux/extlinux
26 gethostip
27 memdisk/memdisk
28 mkdiskimage
29 mtools/syslinux
30 release
31 sample/syslogo.lss
32 unix/syslinux
33 unix/syslinux-nomtools
34 version.h