Various small improvements.
[st-linker.git] / linker.lisp
1 ;;;
2 ;;; Main linker body.
3 ;;;
4 ;;; Julian Squires / 2005
5 ;;;
7 (in-package :st-linker)
9 (defstruct module
10 (name)
11 (segment-bases)
12 (segment-sizes)
13 (symbol-table-size)
14 (entry-point)
15 (symbols)
16 (relocations))
18 (defun module-segment-base (module segment)
19 (cdr (assoc segment (module-segment-bases module))))
20 (defun module-segment-size (module segment)
21 (cdr (assoc segment (module-segment-sizes module))))
22 (defun module-segment-relocations (module segment)
23 (cdr (assoc segment (module-relocations module))))
26 (defstruct relocation
27 (address)
28 (symbol)
29 (pc-relative-p)
30 (length)
31 (extern-p))
33 (defstruct linker-symbol
34 (name)
35 (value)
36 (type)
37 ;; global-p, debug-info
38 (module))
40 (defvar *global-symbols* nil)
41 (defvar *current-header-length* nil)
45 (defun link (objects &key (out-name "a.out")
46 (format :gemdos-prg)
47 (entry-point 0))
48 "Link the objects specified by the filenames contained in the list
49 OBJECTS into a binary called OUT-NAME. The objects are linked
50 serially by list order."
51 (setf *global-symbols* (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
52 (let* ((segment-sizes (list (cons 'text 0)
53 (cons 'data 0)
54 (cons 'bss 0)))
55 (modules (mapcar
56 (lambda (object)
57 "Read a module with filename OBJECT, merge symbols
58 into global symbol table, and update segment sizes."
59 (let ((module (read-module object)))
60 ;; merge symbols into global symbol table
61 (dovector (sym (module-symbols module))
62 (setf (linker-symbol-module sym) module)
63 (sif (gethash (linker-symbol-name sym) *global-symbols*)
64 (push sym it)
65 (setf it (list sym))))
66 (dolist (x segment-sizes)
67 (incf (cdr x) (module-segment-size module (car x))))
68 module))
69 objects)))
71 (allocate-module-bases modules segment-sizes)
73 (ecase format
74 (:gemdos-prg (link-prg modules segment-sizes out-name))
75 (:binary (link-raw-bin modules segment-sizes out-name entry-point)))))
77 (defun allocate-module-bases (modules segment-sizes)
78 (let ((bases (list (cons 'text 0)
79 (cons 'data #1=(cdr (assoc 'text segment-sizes)))
80 (cons 'bss (+ (cdr (assoc 'data segment-sizes))
81 #1#)))))
82 (dolist (module modules)
83 (setf (module-segment-bases module) (copy-list bases))
84 (format t "~&relocating ~A at ~A" (module-name module)
85 (module-segment-bases module))
86 (dolist (x bases)
87 (incf (cdr x) (module-segment-size module (car x)))))))
90 (defun fix-relocation-symbol (reloc module)
91 (if (relocation-extern-p reloc)
92 (setf (relocation-symbol reloc) (aref (module-symbols module)
93 (relocation-symbol reloc)))
94 (setf (relocation-symbol reloc) (nth (relocation-symbol reloc)
95 '(text data bss)))))
97 (defun fix-relocation-address (reloc module segment)
98 (incf (relocation-address reloc)
99 (module-segment-base module segment)))
102 (defun process-link-time-relocations (stream modules)
103 "Goes through the relocations for each module, applies whichever
104 relocations can be done at link time, and then pushes the remainder
105 onto the fixup list, which it returns, in ascending order of address."
106 (let ((fixups nil)
107 (position (file-position stream)))
108 (dolist (module modules)
109 (mapcar
110 (lambda (segment)
111 (dovector (reloc (module-segment-relocations module segment))
112 (fix-relocation-symbol reloc module)
113 (fix-relocation-address reloc module segment)
114 (awhen
115 (if (relocation-pc-relative-p reloc)
116 (if (relocation-extern-p reloc)
117 (relocate-pcrel-extern stream module segment reloc)
118 (relocate-pc-relative stream module segment reloc))
119 (if (relocation-extern-p reloc)
120 (relocate-abs-extern stream module segment reloc)
121 (relocate-absolute stream module segment reloc)))
122 (push it fixups))))
123 '(text data)))
124 (file-position stream position)
125 (sort fixups #'<=)))
127 (defun file-offset-of-address (address)
128 (+ address *current-header-length*))
131 ;;; XXX should use more gensyms in case other things want to be called
132 ;;; exactly once.
133 (defmacro patch-stream ((var length
134 stream &optional (position (file-position stream)))
135 &body body)
136 (let ((pos-holder (gensym)))
137 `(let ((,pos-holder ,position))
138 (file-position ,stream ,pos-holder)
139 (let ((,var (read-big-endian-data ,stream ,length)))
140 ,@body
141 (file-position ,stream ,pos-holder)
142 (write-big-endian-data ,stream ,var ,length)))))
145 (defun relocate-absolute (stream module segment reloc)
146 (declare (ignore segment))
147 (let ((base (module-segment-base module (relocation-symbol reloc)))
148 (length (relocation-length reloc)))
149 (patch-stream (value length stream (file-offset-of-address
150 (relocation-address reloc)))
151 (incf value base))
152 ;; adjust address according to length
153 (when (/= length 32)
154 (format t "~&short fixup ~A ~A" length (relocation-address reloc))
155 (decf (relocation-address reloc) (ceiling (- 32 length) 8))))
156 ;; return fixup
157 (when (oddp (relocation-address reloc))
158 (format t "~&probably emitting a bad fixup: ~A ~A ~A"
159 (relocation-symbol reloc)
160 (module-name module)
161 (relocation-address reloc))
162 (incf (relocation-address reloc)))
163 (relocation-address reloc))
165 (defun relocate-abs-extern (stream module segment reloc)
166 (declare (ignore segment module))
167 (let ((symbol (find-first-non-extern-instance (relocation-symbol reloc)))
168 (length (relocation-length reloc)))
169 (unless symbol
170 (error "~A is an undefined symbol referenced in ~A."
171 (linker-symbol-name (relocation-symbol reloc))
172 (module-name (linker-symbol-module (relocation-symbol reloc)))))
173 (patch-stream (value length stream (file-offset-of-address
174 (relocation-address reloc)))
175 (setf value (+ (linker-symbol-value symbol)
176 (module-segment-base (linker-symbol-module symbol)
177 (linker-symbol-type symbol)))))
178 ;; adjust address according to length
179 (when (/= length 32)
180 (decf (relocation-address reloc) (ceiling (- 32 length) 8))))
181 (relocation-address reloc))
184 (defun find-first-non-extern-instance (symbol)
185 "Returns the first non-external instance of SYMBOL in the global
186 symbol table, or NIL."
187 (let ((sym-list (gethash (linker-symbol-name symbol)
188 *global-symbols*)))
189 (find-if (lambda (x) (not (eq (linker-symbol-type x) 'extern)))
190 sym-list)))
192 (defun relocate-pcrel-extern (stream module segment reloc)
193 (declare (ignore segment module))
194 (let ((symbol (find-first-non-extern-instance (relocation-symbol reloc)))
195 (length (relocation-length reloc)))
196 (patch-stream (value length stream (file-offset-of-address
197 (relocation-address reloc)))
198 (setf value (- (+ (linker-symbol-value symbol)
199 (module-segment-base (linker-symbol-module symbol)
200 (linker-symbol-type symbol)))
201 (relocation-address reloc)))
202 (when (oddp value)
203 (error "This should have been fixed.")
204 (decf value)))) ; fix 24-bit pc-rel problem.
205 nil) ; no fixup.
207 (defun relocate-pc-relative (stream module segment reloc)
208 (declare (ignore segment module stream reloc))
209 (error "~&pcrel: wish i could say this was being handled.")
210 nil)