7 print "usage: $0 [-r]\n";
8 print "Counts the number of errors of each type.\n";
9 print "-r means down to the nearest 10.\n";
17 } elsif ($arg =~ /-r/) {
27 if (defined $msgs{$msg}) {
35 s/^.*?:\d+(|:\d+:) .*? //;
36 s/[us](16|32|64)(min|max)//g;
40 s/(.*can't.*').*?('.*)/$1 $2/;
41 s/(.*?)'.*?'(.*can't.*)/$1 $2/;
42 } elsif ($_ =~ /don't/) {
43 s/(.*don't.*').*?('.*)/$1 $2/;
48 s/\(\w+ returns null\)/(... returns null)/;
49 s/dma on the stack \(.*?\)/dma on the stack (...)/;
50 s/possible ERR_PTR '' to .*/possible ERR_PTR '' to .../;
51 s/inconsistent returns ([^ ]+?) locked \(\)/inconsistent returns ... locked ()/;
52 s/(.*) [^ ]* (too large for) [^ ]+ (.*)/$1 $2 $3/;
57 foreach my $key (sort { $msgs{$b} <=> $msgs{$a} } keys %msgs) {
58 my $count = $msgs{$key};
61 $count = $msgs{$key} - $msgs{$key} % 10;