adjusted for simplified interface
[sepia.git] / generic-repl.el
1 ;;; generic-repl.el -- Mode for any-language REPL (stolen from Slime).
3 ;;; License
4 ;; Copyright (C) 2004 Sean O'Rourke; mostly copied from Slime,
5 ;; which is Copyright (C) 2003 Eric Marsden, Luke Gorrie, Helmut
6 ;; Eller
7 ;;
8 ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9 ;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
10 ;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
11 ;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12 ;;
13 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
17 ;;
18 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
19 ;; License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
20 ;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
21 ;; MA 02111-1307, USA.
24 ;; This mode is designed to provide a comfortable REPL to something
25 ;; with only the ability to evaluate a string and return the result as
26 ;; a string (see the documentation for ``repl-supported-modes'' for
27 ;; details).
29 ;; The REPL uses some markers to separate input from output. The
30 ;; usual configuration is as follows:
31 ;;
32 ;; ... output ... ... result ... prompt> ... input ...
33 ;; ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
34 ;; output-start output-end prompt-start input-start input-end
36 ;; output-start and input-start are right inserting markers;
37 ;; output-end and input-end left inserting.
39 ;; We maintain the following invariant:
41 ;; output-start <= output-end <= input-start <= input-end.
43 ;; Small helper.
44 (defun repl-make-variables-buffer-local (&rest variables)
45 (mapcar #'make-variable-buffer-local variables))
47 (repl-make-variables-buffer-local
48 ;; Local variables in the REPL buffer.
49 (defvar repl-input-history '()
50 "History list of strings read from the REPL buffer.")
52 (defvar repl-input-history-position 0)
54 (defvar repl-prompt-start-mark)
55 (defvar repl-input-start-mark)
56 (defvar repl-input-end-mark)
57 (defvar repl-last-input-start-mark)
58 ;;; Stream output
59 (defvar repl-output-start nil
60 "Marker for the start of the output for the evaluation.")
61 (defvar repl-output-end nil
62 "Marker for end of output. New output is inserted at this mark.")
64 ;;; Handlers:
65 (defvar repl-eval-func nil
66 "Function to call to evaluate text from the REPL.")
67 (defvar repl-eval-async-func nil
68 "Function to call to evaluate text from the REPL asynchronously.")
69 (defvar repl-get-package-func nil
70 "Function to call to change the package in which code is evaluated.")
71 (defvar repl-set-package-func nil
72 "Function to retrieve the package in which code is evaluated.")
73 (defvar repl-input-complete-func nil
74 "Function to tell if the input forms a complete, evaluable
75 statement/expression.")
76 (defvar repl-completion-func nil
77 "Function to complete the symbol at point.")
78 (defvar repl-header-func nil
79 "Function to generate extra header information.")
80 (defvar repl-cd-func nil
81 "Function to change inferior process working directory.")
84 (defvar repl-supported-modes nil
85 "An alist of languages supported by generic-repl mode. Each
86 entry's car should be a language's name as a string, while the
87 cdr should be a plist of configuration options. A mode is
88 required to supply
89 :eval a synchronous evaluation function, which should
90 accept a single string, and either return a
91 string or throw an error.
92 :eval-async an asynchronous evaluation function, which should
93 accept a string and a function to be called one
94 or more times with output. Calling this
95 function with a nil argument indicates end of
96 output.
98 It may optionally supply any of:
99 :map base keymap
100 :init initialize state after REPL starts up.
101 :get-package return package in which forms are evaluated
102 :set-package change default evaluation package
103 :expression-p test whether the input forms a complete expression
104 :complete function to complete symbol at point
105 :header return additional information to display in header-line
106 :cd change evaluation directory
107 :comment-start single-line comment starting character, used
108 to comment out messages from generic-repl.
111 (defun generic-repl (lang)
112 "Start a generic repl for language LANG, which must be defined in
113 ``repl-supported-modes''. Interactively, prompt for LANG."
114 (interactive
115 (list (completing-read "Sublanguage: " repl-supported-modes)))
116 (assert (assoc lang repl-supported-modes))
117 (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create (format "*%s-interaction*" lang)))
118 (repl-mode lang))
120 (defun repl-mode (x)
121 "Major mode for interacting with a X interpreter in X-mode."
122 (let ((defn (cdr (assoc x repl-supported-modes))))
123 (assert (and (or (plist-get defn :eval)
124 (plist-get defn :eval-async))
125 (not (and (plist-get defn :eval)
126 (plist-get defn :eval-async))))
127 t "Must specify sync XOR async evaluation function.")
128 (setq
129 major-mode 'repl-mode
130 comment-start (plist-get defn :comment-start)
131 repl-eval-func (plist-get defn :eval)
132 repl-eval-async-func (plist-get defn :eval-async)
133 repl-get-package-func (plist-get defn :get-package)
134 repl-set-package-func (plist-get defn :set-package)
135 repl-input-complete-func (plist-get defn :expression-p)
136 repl-completion-func (plist-get defn :complete)
137 repl-header-func (plist-get defn :header)
138 repl-cd-func (plist-get defn :cd)
139 mode-name (format "%s-REPL" x)
141 (use-local-map (repl-make-keymap
142 (if (plist-get defn :map)
143 (symbol-value (plist-get defn :map))
144 nil)))
145 (dolist (markname (list 'repl-output-start
146 'repl-output-end
147 'repl-prompt-start-mark
148 'repl-input-start-mark
149 'repl-input-end-mark
150 'repl-last-input-start-mark))
151 (set markname (make-marker))
152 (set-marker (symbol-value markname) (point)))
153 (set-marker-insertion-type repl-input-end-mark t)
154 (set-marker-insertion-type repl-output-end t)
155 (set-marker-insertion-type repl-prompt-start-mark t)
156 (repl-insert-prompt "" 0)
157 (repl-set-header)
158 (if (plist-get defn :init)
159 (funcall (plist-get defn :init)))))
161 (defun repl-make-keymap (parent)
162 (let ((kmap (make-sparse-keymap)))
163 (set-keymap-parent kmap parent)
164 (dolist (kv '(("\C-m" repl-return)
165 ("\C-j" repl-newline-and-indent)
166 ("\C-a" repl-bol)
167 ("\C-e" repl-eol)
168 ("\M-p" repl-previous-input)
169 ("\M-n" repl-next-input)
170 ("\M-r" repl-previous-matching-input)
171 ("\M-s" repl-next-matching-input)
172 ([tab] repl-complete-symbol)
173 ("\C-c\C-o" repl-clear-output)
174 ("\C-c\C-t" repl-clear-buffer)
175 ("\C-c\C-n" repl-next-prompt)
176 ("\C-c\C-p" repl-previous-prompt)
177 ("\M-\C-a" repl-beginning-of-defun)
178 ("\M-\C-e" repl-end-of-defun)))
179 (define-key kmap (car kv) (cadr kv)))
180 kmap))
182 (defun repl-complete-symbol ()
183 (interactive)
184 (if (fboundp repl-completion-func)
185 (funcall repl-completion-func)))
187 (defmacro repl-propertize-region (props &rest body)
188 (let ((start (gensym)))
189 `(let ((,start (point)))
190 (prog1 (progn ,@body)
191 (add-text-properties ,start (point) ,props)))))
193 (put 'repl-propertize-region 'lisp-indent-function 1)
195 (defsubst repl-insert-propertized (props &rest args)
196 "Insert all ARGS and then add text-PROPS to the inserted text."
197 (repl-propertize-region props (apply #'insert args)))
199 (defface repl-output-face
200 '((t (:inherit font-lock-string-face)))
201 "Face for output in the REPL."
202 :group 'repl)
204 (defface repl-input-face
205 '((t (:bold t)))
206 "Face for previous input in the REPL."
207 :group 'repl)
209 (defface repl-result-face
210 '((t ()))
211 "Face for the result of an evaluation in the REPL."
212 :group 'repl)
214 (defun repl-insert-prompt (result &optional time)
215 "Goto to point max, insert RESULT and the prompt. Set
216 repl-output-end to start of the inserted text repl-input-start to
217 end end."
218 (goto-char (point-max))
219 (let ((start (point)))
220 (unless (bolp) (insert "\n"))
221 (repl-insert-propertized '(face repl-result-face) result)
222 (unless (bolp) (insert "\n"))
223 (let ((prompt-start (point)))
224 (repl-propertize-region
225 '(face font-lock-keyword-face
226 read-only t
227 intangible t
228 repl-prompt t
229 ;; emacs stuff
230 rear-nonsticky (repl-prompt read-only face intangible)
231 ;; xemacs stuff
232 start-open t end-open t)
233 (insert (if (fboundp repl-get-package-func)
234 (funcall repl-get-package-func)
235 "") "> "))
236 (set-marker repl-output-end start)
237 (set-marker repl-prompt-start-mark prompt-start)
238 (repl-mark-input-start)
239 (let ((time (or time 0.2)))
240 (cond ((zerop time)
241 (repl-move-output-mark-before-prompt (current-buffer)))
243 (run-at-time time nil 'repl-move-output-mark-before-prompt
244 (current-buffer))))))))
246 (defun repl-move-output-mark-before-prompt (buffer)
247 (when (buffer-live-p buffer)
248 (with-current-buffer buffer
249 (save-excursion
250 (goto-char repl-prompt-start-mark)
251 (repl-mark-output-start)))))
253 (defun repl-current-input ()
254 "Return the current input as string. The input is the region from
255 after the last prompt to the end of buffer."
256 (buffer-substring-no-properties
257 repl-input-start-mark
258 (save-excursion
259 (goto-char repl-input-end-mark)
260 (when (eq (char-before) ?\n)
261 (backward-char 1))
262 (point))))
264 (defun repl-add-to-input-history (string)
265 (when (and (plusp (length string))
266 (eq ?\n (aref string (1- (length string)))))
267 (setq string (substring string 0 -1)))
268 (unless (equal string (car repl-input-history))
269 (push string repl-input-history))
270 (setq repl-input-history-position -1))
272 (defun repl-send-string (string)
273 (repl-add-to-input-history string)
274 ;; (with-current-buffer (repl-output-buffer)
275 (if repl-eval-async-func
276 (funcall repl-eval-async-func string
277 (lexical-let ((buf (current-buffer)))
278 (lambda (&optional string)
279 (with-current-buffer buf
280 (cond
281 (string (goto-char (point-max))
282 (repl-insert-propertized
283 '(face repl-result-face)
284 string))
285 (t (repl-insert-prompt "" 0)))))))
286 (condition-case err
287 (repl-insert-prompt (funcall repl-eval-func string))
288 (error (repl-comment (format "ERROR: %s" (cdr err)))
289 (repl-insert-prompt "" 0)))))
291 (defun repl-comment (str)
292 (let ((beg (point)))
293 (insert str)
294 (comment-region beg (point))))
296 (defun repl-show-abort ()
297 ;; (with-current-buffer (repl-output-buffer)
298 (repl-with-output-end-mark
299 (unless (bolp) (insert "\n"))
300 (repl-comment "Evaluation aborted\n")))
302 (defun repl-mark-input-start ()
303 (set-marker repl-last-input-start-mark
304 (marker-position repl-input-start-mark))
305 (set-marker repl-input-start-mark (point) (current-buffer))
306 (set-marker repl-input-end-mark (point) (current-buffer)))
308 (defun repl-mark-output-start ()
309 (set-marker repl-output-start (point))
310 (set-marker repl-output-end (point)))
312 (defun repl-mark-output-end ()
313 (add-text-properties repl-output-start repl-output-end
314 '(face repl-output-face rear-nonsticky (face))))
316 (defun repl-bol ()
317 "Go to the beginning of line or the prompt."
318 (interactive)
319 (if (and (>= (point) repl-input-start-mark)
320 (repl-same-line-p (point) repl-input-start-mark))
321 (goto-char repl-input-start-mark)
322 (beginning-of-line 1)))
324 (defun repl-eol ()
325 "Go to the end of line or the prompt."
326 (interactive)
327 (if (and (<= (point) repl-input-end-mark)
328 (repl-same-line-p (point) repl-input-end-mark))
329 (goto-char repl-input-end-mark)
330 (end-of-line 1)))
332 (defun repl-in-input-area-p ()
333 (and (<= repl-input-start-mark (point))
334 (<= (point) repl-input-end-mark)))
336 (defun repl-beginning-of-defun ()
337 "Move to beginning of defun."
338 (interactive)
339 (if (repl-in-input-area-p)
340 (goto-char repl-input-start-mark)
341 (beginning-of-defun)))
343 (defun repl-end-of-defun ()
344 "Move to next of defun."
345 (interactive)
346 (if (repl-in-input-area-p)
347 (goto-char repl-input-end-mark)
348 (end-of-defun)))
350 (defun repl-at-prompt-end-p ()
351 (and (get-char-property (max 1 (1- (point))) 'repl-prompt)
352 (not (get-char-property (point) 'repl-prompt))))
354 (defun repl-find-prompt (move)
355 (let ((origin (point)))
356 (loop (funcall move)
357 (when (or (repl-at-prompt-end-p) (bobp) (eobp))
358 (return)))
359 (unless (repl-at-prompt-end-p)
360 (goto-char origin))))
362 (defmacro with-lexical-bindings (variables &rest body)
363 "Execute BODY with VARIABLES in lexical scope."
364 `(lexical-let ,(mapcar (lambda (variable) (list variable variable))
365 variables)
366 ,@body))
368 (put 'with-lexical-bindings 'lisp-indent-function 1)
370 (defun repl-search-property-change-fn (prop &optional backward)
371 (with-lexical-bindings (prop)
372 (if backward
373 (lambda ()
374 (goto-char
375 (previous-single-char-property-change (point) prop)))
376 (lambda ()
377 (goto-char
378 (next-single-char-property-change (point) prop))))))
380 (defun repl-previous-prompt ()
381 "Move backward to the previous prompt."
382 (interactive)
383 (repl-find-prompt
384 (repl-search-property-change-fn 'repl-prompt t)))
386 (defun repl-next-prompt ()
387 "Move forward to the next prompt."
388 (interactive)
389 (repl-find-prompt
390 (repl-search-property-change-fn 'repl-prompt)))
392 (defun repl-return (&optional force)
393 "Evaluate the current input string, or insert a newline.
394 Send the current input only if a whole expression has been
395 entered, or if prefix argument is suppled."
396 (interactive)
397 (assert (<= (point) repl-input-end-mark))
398 (cond
399 (force (repl-send-input) (insert "\n"))
400 ((repl-input-complete-p repl-input-start-mark repl-input-end-mark)
401 (goto-char repl-input-end-mark)
402 (insert "\n")
403 (repl-send-input))
404 (t (repl-newline-and-indent);; (message "[input not complete]")
407 (defun repl-input-complete-p (beg end)
408 (if (fboundp repl-input-complete-func)
409 (funcall repl-input-complete-func beg end)
412 (defun repl-send-input ()
413 "Goto to the end of the input and send the current input."
414 (let ((input (repl-current-input)))
415 (goto-char repl-input-end-mark)
416 (add-text-properties repl-input-start-mark (point)
417 '(face repl-input-face rear-nonsticky (face)))
418 (repl-mark-output-start)
419 (repl-mark-input-start)
420 (repl-send-string (concat input "\n"))))
422 (defun repl-newline-and-indent ()
423 "Insert a newline, then indent the next line.
424 Restrict the buffer from the prompt for indentation, to avoid being
425 confused by strange characters (like unmatched quotes) appearing
426 earlier in the buffer."
427 (interactive)
428 (save-restriction
429 (narrow-to-region repl-prompt-start-mark (point-max))
430 (insert "\n")
431 (indent-according-to-mode)
434 (defun repl-delete-current-input ()
435 (delete-region repl-input-start-mark repl-input-end-mark))
437 (defun repl-replace-input (string)
438 (repl-delete-current-input)
439 (insert-and-inherit string))
441 (defun repl-input-line-beginning-position ()
442 (save-excursion
443 (goto-char repl-input-start-mark)
444 (line-beginning-position)))
446 (defun repl-clear-buffer ()
447 (interactive)
448 (set-marker repl-last-input-start-mark nil)
449 (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
450 (delete-region (point-min) (repl-input-line-beginning-position))))
452 (defun repl-clear-output ()
453 (interactive)
454 (let ((start (save-excursion
455 (repl-previous-prompt)
456 (point)))
457 (end (1- (repl-input-line-beginning-position))))
458 (when (< start end)
459 (delete-region start end)
460 (save-excursion
461 (goto-char start)
462 (repl-comment "output flushed\n")))))
464 (defun repl-same-line-p (pos1 pos2)
465 "Return true if buffer positions PoS1 and POS2 are on the same line."
466 (save-excursion (goto-char (min pos1 pos2))
467 (not (search-forward "\n" (max pos1 pos2) t))))
469 (defun repl-set-package (package)
470 "Set the package of the REPL buffer to PACKAGE."
471 (interactive "sPackage: ")
472 ;; (with-current-buffer (repl-output-buffer)
473 (let ((unfinished-input (repl-current-input)))
474 (when (fboundp repl-set-package-func)
475 (funcall repl-set-package-func package))
476 (repl-insert-prompt "" 0)
477 (insert unfinished-input)))
479 ;;;;; History
481 (defvar repl-history-pattern nil
482 "The regexp most recently used for finding input history.")
484 (defun repl-history-replace (direction regexp)
485 "Replace the current input with the next line in DIRECTION matching REGEXP.
486 DIRECTION is 'forward' or 'backward' (in the history list)."
487 (let* ((step (ecase direction
488 (forward -1)
489 (backward 1)))
490 (history-pos0 repl-input-history-position))
491 (setq repl-history-pattern regexp)
492 ;; Loop through the history list looking for a matching line
493 (loop for pos = (+ history-pos0 step) then (+ pos step)
494 while (and (<= 0 pos)
495 (< pos (length repl-input-history)))
496 do (let ((string (nth pos repl-input-history)))
497 (when (and (string-match regexp string)
498 (not (string= string (repl-current-input))))
499 (repl-replace-input string)
500 (setq repl-input-history-position pos)
501 (return)))
502 finally (message "End of history; no matching item"))))
504 (defun repl-matching-input-regexp ()
505 (if (memq last-command
506 '(repl-previous-input repl-next-input))
507 repl-history-pattern
508 (concat "^" (regexp-quote (repl-current-input)))))
510 (defun repl-previous-input ()
511 (interactive)
512 (repl-history-replace 'backward (repl-matching-input-regexp)))
514 (defun repl-next-input ()
515 (interactive)
516 (repl-history-replace 'forward (repl-matching-input-regexp)))
518 (defun repl-previous-matching-input (regexp)
519 (interactive "sPrevious element matching (regexp): ")
520 (repl-history-replace 'backward regexp))
522 (defun repl-next-matching-input (regexp)
523 (interactive "sNext element matching (regexp): ")
524 (repl-history-replace 'forward regexp))
526 (defun repl-set-header (&optional msg)
527 "Update the header line to display MSG. If MSG is nil, then show
528 the current working directory instead."
529 (when (boundp 'header-line-format)
530 (setq header-line-format
531 (format "%s %s"
532 (if (fboundp repl-header-func)
533 (funcall repl-header-func)
535 (or msg (abbreviate-file-name default-directory))))))
537 (defun repl-cd (dir &optional name)
538 "Change buffer and (optionally) process working directory to DIR."
539 (interactive "d")
540 (with-current-buffer
541 (if name (get-buffer (format "*%s-interaction*" name)) (current-buffer))
542 (setq default-directory dir)
543 (if (fboundp repl-cd-func)
544 (funcall repl-cd-func (expand-file-name dir)))
545 (repl-set-header)))
548 (provide 'generic-repl)
549 ;;; generic-repl.el ends here