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5 <title>Mom -- Document Processing, element tags</title>
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14 <p>
15 <a name="TOP"></a>
16 <a name="DOCELEMENT">
17 <h1 align="center"><u>THE DOCUMENT ELEMENT TAGS</u></h1>
18 </a>
20 <ul>
21 <li><a href="#DOCELEMENT_INTRO">Introduction to the document element tags</a>
22 <ul>
23 <li><a href="#DOCELEMENT_CONTROL">Control macros -- changing defaults for document element tags</a>
24 <li><a href="#CONTROL_MACRO_ARGS">Arguments to the control macros</a>
25 </ul>
26 <li><a href="#INDEX_DOCELEMENT">Index of document element tags</a>
27 </ul>
29 <a name="DOCELEMENT_INTRO">
30 <h2><u>Introduction to the document element tags</u></h2>
31 </a>
33 Once you've completed the setup for a document (see
34 <a href="docprocessing.html#DOCPROCESSING_TUT">Setting up a mom document</a>),
35 formatting it is a snap. Simply invoke the appropriate tag for
36 each document element as you need it. The tags are macros that
37 tell <strong>mom</strong>, &quot;This is a paragraph, this
38 is a subhead, this is a footnote,&quot; and so on.
39 <p>
40 The list of tags is actually quite small -- ideal for the users
41 <strong>mom</strong> brought herself into being for (see
42 <a href="intro.html#INTRO_INTRO">Who mom is meant for</a>).
43 However, the list of macros that control the appearance of the
44 tags upon output is extensive. Generally, for each tag,
45 there are
46 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_CONTROLMACRO">control macros</a>
47 for the tag's family, font and point size. Where appropriate, there
48 are macros to control leading, indents, quad and special features
49 as well.
50 <p>
51 <strong>Mom</strong> has tasteful defaults for all the tags, hence you
52 only use the control macros when you want to change the way
53 she does things. This is usually done prior to
54 <a href="docprocessing.html#START">START</a>,
55 but can, in fact, be done at any time in the course of a document.
56 Any change to a tag's style affects all subsequent invocations of
57 the tag.
58 <p>
60 <a name="DOCELEMENT_CONTROL"><h3><u>Control macros -- changing defaults</u></h3></a>
62 <p>
63 The control macros for document processing tags let you
64 &quot;design&quot; the look of all the parts of your documents --
65 should you wish. At a bare minimum, all tags have macros to change
66 <strong>mom</strong>'s defaults for family, font, point size and
67 colour. Where appropriate, there are macros to control leading,
68 indents and quad as well.
69 <p>
70 In addition, many tags have special macros to control features that
71 are pertinent to those tags alone. Have a look at the section dealing
72 with any particular tag to find out what macros control the tag,
73 and what <strong>mom</strong>'s defaults for the tag are.
74 <p>
75 The control macros may be used at any time during the course of
76 a document (i.e. before or after
77 <a href="docprocessing.html#START">START</a>). The changes you
78 make alter all subsequent invocations of the affected tag until
79 you make another change, either by passing new arguments to the
80 tag's control macro, or toggling a particular feature of the tag on
81 or off.
82 <p>
83 And don't forget: the
84 <a href="typesetting.html#MACROS_TYPESETTING">typesetting macros</a>
85 can be used at any time, including inside
86 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_TOGGLE">toggle</a>
87 tags (affecting only that particular invocation of the tag).
88 Equally,
89 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_INLINES">inline escapes</a>
90 can be used in tags that take
91 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_STRINGARGUMENT">string arguments.</a>
92 <p>
93 <strong>IMPORTANT NOTE:</strong> The family, font, point size,
94 colour and leading control macros have no effect in
95 <a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPEWRITE</a>,
96 which sets EVERYTHING in Courier roman, 12/24 (i.e. 12-point type on
97 a linespace of 24 points).
98 <p>
99 Please also note that the defaults listed
100 with the control macros apply only to
101 <a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPESET</a>
102 unless a default for <strong>TYPEWRITE</strong> is also given.
104 <strong>A WORD OF ADVICE:</strong> Get familiar with
105 <strong>mom</strong> at her default settings before exploring the
106 control macros. Put her through her paces. See how she behaves.
107 Get to know what she feels like and how she looks, both in your text
108 editor and on the printed page. Then, if you don't like something,
109 use this documentation to find the precise macro you need to change it.
110 There are tons of control macros. Reading up on them and trying to
111 remember them all might lead you to think that <strong>mom</strong>
112 is complex and unwieldy, which is not only untrue, but would offend
113 her mightily.
116 <a name="CONTROL_MACRO_ARGS"><h3><u>Arguments to the control macros</u></h3></a>
118 <h3>Family and font</h3>
119 The arguments to the control macros that end in
120 <strong>_FAMILY</strong> or <strong>_FONT</strong> are the same
121 as for
122 <a href="typesetting.html#FAMILY">FAMILY</a>
124 <a href="typesetting.html#FONT">FT</a>.
126 <h3>Point size</h3>
127 Control macros that end in <strong>_SIZE</strong> always take
128 the form <kbd>+digit</kbd> or <kbd>-digit</kbd> where digit is
129 the number of
130 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PICASPOINTS">points</a>
131 larger (+) or smaller (-) than the point size of paragraphs
132 you want the document element to be. For example, to change
133 subheads to 1-1/2 points larger than the type in paragraphs, do
135 <pre>
136 .SUBHEAD_SIZE +1.5
137 </pre>
139 There's no need for a
140 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>
141 with the <strong>_SIZE</strong> control macros; points is assumed.
143 <h3>Colour</h3>
144 Control macros that end in <strong>_COLOR</strong> take as their
145 argument a colour name pre-defined (or &quot;initialized&quot;)
146 with
147 <a href="color.html#NEWCOLOR">NEWCOLOR</a>
149 <a href="color.html#XCOLOR">XCOLOR</a>.
150 For example, if you want your heads to be red, once you've defined
151 or initialized the color, red,
153 <pre>
154 .HEAD_COLOR red
155 </pre>
157 will turn your heads red.
159 <h3>Lead/linespacing</h3>
160 Control macros that end in <strong>_AUTOLEAD</strong> take the
161 same argument as
162 <a href="typesetting.html#AUTOLEAD">AUTOLEAD</a>,
163 viz. a digit that represents the number of points to add to the
164 tag's point size to arrive at its
165 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_LEADING">lead</a>.
166 For example, to set footnotes
167 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_SOLID">solid</a>, do
169 <pre>
171 </pre>
173 To set footnotes with a 1-point lead (i.e. with the line spacing
174 one point greater than the footnote's point size), do
176 <pre>
178 </pre>
180 <h3><a name="CONTROL_INDENTS">Indents</a></h3>
181 Except for <strong>PARA_INDENT</strong>, the argument to the control
182 macros that end
183 in <strong>_INDENT</strong> is always a single digit (whole numbers
184 only; no decimal fractions) with no
185 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>
186 appended to it. The digit represents by how much you want the
187 size of the paragraph first-line indent multiplied to achieve the
188 correct indent for a particular tag.
190 <h3>Quad/justification style</h3>
191 Control macros that end in <strong>_QUAD</strong> take the same
192 arguments as
193 <a href="typesetting.html#QUAD">QUAD</a>.
195 <hr>
197 <a name="INDEX_DOCELEMENT"><h3><u>Document element tags list</u></h3></a>
198 <ul>
199 <li><a href="#EPIGRAPH_INTRO">Epigraphs</a>
200 <ul>
201 <li><a href="#EPIGRAPH">EPIGRAPH</a>
202 <li><a href="#EPIGRAPH_CONTROL">Epigrah control</a>
203 </ul>
204 <li><a href="#PP_INTRO">Paragraphs</a>
205 <ul>
206 <li><a href="#PP">PP</a>
207 <li><a href="#PP_CONTROL">Paragraph control</a>
208 </ul>
209 <li><a href="#HEAD_INTRO">Main heads</a>
210 <ul>
211 <li><a href="#HEAD">HEAD</a>
212 <li><a href="#HEAD_CONTROL">Head control</a>
213 </ul>
214 <li><a href="#SUBHEAD_INTRO">Subheads</a>
215 <ul>
216 <li><a href="#SUBHEAD">SUBHEAD</a>
217 <li><a href="#SUBHEAD_CONTROL">Subhead control</a>
218 </ul>
219 <li><a href="#PARAHEAD_INTRO">Paragraph heads</a>
220 <ul>
221 <li><a href="#PARAHEAD">PARAHEAD</a>
222 <li><a href="#PARAHEAD_CONTROL">Parahead control</a>
223 </ul>
224 <li><a href="#LINEBREAK_INTRO">Linebreaks (author linebreaks, section breaks)</a>
225 <ul>
226 <li><a href="#LINEBREAK">LINEBREAK</a>
227 <li><a href="#LINEBREAK_CHAR">Linebreak character</a>
228 <li><a href="#LINEBREAK_COLOR">Linebreak colour</a>
229 </ul>
230 <li><a href="#QUOTE_INTRO">Quotes (line for line)</a>
231 <ul>
232 <li><a href="#QUOTE">QUOTE</a>
233 <li><a href="#QUOTE_CONTROL">Quote control</a>
234 </ul>
235 <li><a href="#BLOCKQUOTE_INTRO">Blockquotes (cited material)</a>
236 <ul>
237 <li><a href="#BLOCKQUOTE">BLOCKQUOTE</a>
238 <li><a href="#BLOCKQUOTE_CONTROL">Blockquote control</a>
239 </ul>
240 <li><a href="#LIST_INTRO">Nested lists</a>
241 <ul>
242 <li><a href="#LIST">LIST</a>
243 <ul>
244 <li><a href="#ITEM">ITEM</a>
245 </ul>
246 <li><a href="#LIST_CONTROL">List control</a>
247 </ul>
248 <li><a href="#NUMBER_LINES_INTRO">Line numbering</a>
249 <ul>
250 <li><a href="#NUMBER_LINES">NUMBER_LINES</a>
251 <li><a href="#NUMBER_LINES_CONTROL">Control macros</a> (for QUOTE and BLOCKQUOTE)
252 </ul>
253 <li><a href="#FOOTNOTE_INTRO">Footnotes</a>
254 <ul>
255 <li><a href="#FOOTNOTE">FOOTNOTE</a>
256 <li><a href="#FOOTNOTE_CONTROL">Footnote control</a>
257 </ul>
258 <li><a href="#ENDNOTE_INTRO">Endnotes</a>
259 <ul>
260 <li><a href="#ENDNOTE">ENDNOTE</a>
261 <li><a href="#ENDNOTE_CONTROL">Endnote control</a>
262 </ul>
263 <li><a href="#MARGIN_NOTES_INTRO">Margin notes</a>
264 <ul>
265 <li><a href="#MN_INIT">MN_INIT</a> -- initialize margin notes
266 <li><a href="#MN">MN</a> -- start and end a margin note
267 </ul>
268 <li><a href="refer.html#TOP">Bibliographies and references</a>
269 <ul>
270 <li><a href="refer.html#REF">REF</a>
271 <li><a href="refer.html#ENDNOTE_REFS">ENDNOTE_REFS</a>
272 <li><a href="refer.html#FOOTNOTE_REFS">FOOTNOTE_REFS</a>
273 <li><a href="refer.html#BRACKET_REFS">Embedded references</a>
274 <li><a href="refer.html#BIBLIOGRAPHY">BIBLIOGRAPHY</a>
275 <li><a href="refer.html#BIBLIOGRAPHY_TYPE">BIBLIOGRAPHY_TYPE</a>
276 </ul>
277 <li><a href="#BLANK_PAGE_TITLE">Blank pages</a>
278 <li><a href="#TOC_INTRO">Table of contents</a>
279 <ul>
280 <li><a href="#TOC">TOC</a>
281 <li><a href="#TOC_CONTROL">Table of contents control</a>
282 </ul>
283 <li><a href="#FINIS_INTRO">Document termination</a>
284 <ul>
285 <li><a href="#FINIS">FINIS (Document termination)</a>
286 </ul>
287 <ul>
288 <li><a href="#FINIS_STRING">Changing the FINIS string</a>
289 <li><a href="#FINIS_COLOR">Changing the FINIS colour</a>
290 </ul>
291 </ul>
292 <hr>
295 <!====================================================================>
297 <a name="EPIGRAPH_INTRO"><h2><u>Epigraphs</u></h2></a>
298 <ul>
299 <li><a href="#EPIGRAPH">Tag: EPIGRAPH</a>
300 <li><a href="#EPIGRAPH_CONTROL">Epigraph control macros</a>
301 </ul>
303 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_EPIGRAPH">Epigraphs</a>
304 colour, flavour, or comment on the document they precede. Typically,
305 they are centred at the top of a document's first page (underneath the
306 title) and set in a smaller point size than that of paragraph text.
308 By default, <strong>mom</strong> sets epigraphs centred and
309 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_NOFILL">unfilled</a>;
310 this lets you input them on a line for line basis. This behaviour
311 can be changed to accomodate
312 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FILLED">filled</a>
313 epigraph &quot;blocks.&quot;
316 <!---EPIGRAPH--->
318 <hr width="66%" align="left">
320 <a name="EPIGRAPH">
321 <nobr>Macro: <strong>EPIGRAPH</strong> &lt;toggle&gt; | [ BLOCK ]</a><wbr>
322 </a>
325 <strong>EPIGRAPH</strong> is a toggle, used like this:
327 <pre>
329 &lt;text of epigraph&gt;
331 </pre>
333 <strong>OFF</strong>, above, could be anything -- say, Q or X --
334 since any argument other than <strong>BLOCK</strong> turns it off.
336 If given the argument <strong>BLOCK</strong>, <strong>EPIGRAPH</strong>
337 sets epigraphs
338 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FILLED">filled</a>,
339 justified or quadded in the same direction as paragraphs, indented
340 equally from both the left and right margins.
342 If a block-style epigraph runs to more than one paragraph (unlikely,
343 but conceivable), you <strong>MUST</strong> introduce every paragraph
344 -- <u>INCLUDING THE FIRST!!!</u> -- with the
345 <a href="#PP">PP</a>
346 tag.
348 <strong>NOTE:</strong> <strong>EPIGRAPH</strong> should only be
349 used at the top of a document (i.e. just after
350 <a href="docprocessing.html#START">START</a>)
351 or after
352 <a href="#HEAD_INTRO">heads</a>. The latter is not especially
353 recommended, but it does work. In all other places where you
354 want quotes or cited text, use
355 <a href="#QUOTE">QUOTE</a>
357 <a href="#BLOCKQUOTE">BLOCKQUOTE</a>.
360 <a name="EPIGRAPH_CONTROL"><h3><u>Epigraph control macros</u></h3></a>
363 <a href="#CONTROL_MACRO_ARGS">Arguments to the control macros</a>.
365 <pre>
366 .EPIGRAPH_FAMILY default = prevailing document family; default is Times Roman
367 .EPIGRAPH_FONT default = roman
368 .EPIGRAPH_SIZE default = -1.5 (points)
369 .EPIGRAPH_COLOR default = black
370 .EPIGRAPH_AUTOLEAD default = 2 points
372 (The next two apply to &quot;block&quot; style epigraphs only)
374 .EPIGRAPH_QUAD default = same as paragraphs
375 .EPIGRAPH_INDENT* default = para indent x 3 (for typeset), x 2 (for typewrite)
377 *Indent here refers to the indent from both the left and right margins
378 that centres the block style epigraph on the page.
379 </pre>
380 <hr>
382 <!====================================================================>
384 <a name="PP_INTRO"><h2><u>Paragraphs</u></h2></a>
385 <ul>
386 <li><a href="#PP">Tag: PP</a>
387 <li><a href="#PP_CONTROL">Paragraph control macros</a>
388 </ul>
390 The paragraph macro is the one you use most often. Consequently,
391 it's one of most powerful, yet simplest to use -- just the letters
392 <strong>PP</strong>. No arguments, nothing. Just <kbd>.PP</kbd>
393 on a line by itself any time, in any document element, tells
394 <strong>mom</strong> you want to start a new paragraph. The spacing
395 and indent appropriate to where you are in your document are taken
396 care of automatically.
398 By default, <strong>mom</strong> does not indent the first paragraph
399 of a document, nor paragraphs that fall immediately after
400 <a href="#HEAD_INTRO">heads</a>
402 <a href="#SUBHEAD_INTRO">subheads</a>.
403 The first paragraphs of blockquotes and block-style epigraphs are
404 also not indented. This behaviour can be changed with the control
405 macro
408 In contrast to some other macro packages, <strong>mom</strong> does not
409 deposit a blank line between paragraphs. If you want her to do so, use
410 the control macro <strong>PARA_SPACE</strong>. (I don't recommend
411 using this macro with
412 <a href="typesetting.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPEWRITE</a>.)
414 Note that <strong>mom</strong> does not provide &quot;orphan
415 control&quot; for paragraphs (i.e. even if only one line of a paragraph
416 fits at the bottom of a page, she will set it on that page). The
417 reason for this is that writers of fiction often have single-line
418 paragraphs (e.g. in dialogue). Groff's simplistic orphan control
419 will break these one-liners -- if they fall at the bottom of the page
420 -- to a new page, which is not what you want.
422 <strong>TIP:</strong> The last thing you want while you're writing
423 and editing drafts of a document (particularly stories and chapters)
424 is a text file cluttered up with <strong>PP</strong>'s. The visual
425 interruption in the flow of text is a serious obstacle to creativity
426 and critiquing.
428 I use the tab key on my keyboard to indent paragraphs when I'm writing,
429 producing a text file that looks pretty much like what you see on
430 a printed page. When it comes time to format and print the file,
431 I run it through a sed script that (amongst other things) converts
432 the character generated by the tab key (<kbd>^I</kbd>) into <code>.PP</code>
433 (plus a new line), and pipe the output to groff for processing and
434 printing.
436 Another solution is to insert a blank line between paragraphs.
437 The blank lines can then be sedded out at print time as above, or,
438 more conveniently, you can use the <code>.blm</code>
439 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PRIMITIVES">primitive</a>
440 (blank line macro) to instruct groff (and <strong>mom</strong>)
441 that blank lines should be interpreted as <strong>PP</strong>'s.
443 <pre>
444 .blm PP
445 </pre>
446 tells groff that all blank lines are really the macro <strong>PP</strong>.
449 <!---PP--->
451 <hr width="66%" align="left">
453 <a name="PP">
454 Macro: <strong>PP</strong>
455 </a>
458 <strong>PP</strong> (on a line by itself, of course) tells mom to
459 start a new paragraph. See
460 <a href="#PP_INTRO">above</a>
461 for more details. In addition to regular text paragraphs, you can
462 use <strong>PP</strong> in
463 <a href="#EPIGRAPH_INTRO">epigraphs</a>,
464 <a href="#BLOCKQUOTE_INTRO">blockquotes</a>
466 <a href="#FOOTNOTE_INTRO">footnotes</a>.
468 <a name="PP_CONTROL"><h3><u>Paragraph control macros</u></h3></a>
470 The <strong>PP</strong> being so important, and representing, as
471 it were, the basis of everything that goes on in a document, its
472 control is managed in a manner somewhat different from other document
473 element tags.
475 <ol>
476 <li><a href="#PP_FAMILY">Family control</a>
477 <li><a href="#PP_FONT">Font control</a>
478 <li><a href="#PP_COLOR">Paragraph colour</a>
479 <li><a href="#PP_LEADING">Leading/linespacing control</a>
480 <li><a href="#PP_JUST_QUAD">Justification/quad control</a>
481 <li><a href="#PARA_INDENT">First-line indent control</a>
482 <li><a href="#PARA_INDENT_FIRST">Initial paragraphs indent control</a>
483 <li><a href="#PP_SPACE">Paragraph spacing control</a>
484 </ol>
486 <a name="PP_FAMILY"><h3><u>1. Family</u></h3></a>
488 The paragraph
489 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FAMILY">family</a>
490 is set with
491 <a href="typesetting.html#FAMILY">FAMILY</a>
492 prior to
493 <a href="docprocessing.html#START">START</a>,
495 <a href="docprocessing.html#DOC_FAMILY">DOC_FAMILY</a>
496 afterwards. Please note that both globally affect the family of
497 every element in the document.
499 If you wish to change the family for regular
500 text paragraphs only, invoke <strong>FAMILY</strong> immediately
501 after <strong>PP</strong> in EVERY paragraph whose family you wish
502 to differ from the prevailing document family.
504 <strong>Mom</strong>'s default paragraph (and document) family
505 is Times Roman.
508 <a name="PP_FONT"><h3><u>2. Font -- PP_FONT</u></h3></a>
510 To change the
511 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FONT">font</a>
512 used in regular text paragraphs, use <code>.PP_FONT</code>,
513 which takes the same argument as
514 <a href="typesetting.html#FONT">FT</a>.
515 <strong>PP_FONT</strong> may be used before or after
516 <a href="docprocessing.html#START">START</a>.
517 Only regular text paragraphs are affected; paragraphs in
518 <a href="#EPIGRAPH_INTRO">epigraphs</a>,
519 <a href="#BLOCKQUOTE_INTRO">blockquotes</a>
521 <a href="#FOOTNOTE_INTRO">footnotes</a>
522 remain at their default setting (medium roman) unless you change them
523 with the appropriate control macros.
525 <strong>Mom</strong>'s default paragraph font is medium roman.
528 <a name="PP_COLOR"><h3><u>3. Paragraph colour</u></h3></a>
530 <strong>Mom</strong> has no special control macro for colourizing
531 paragraphs. If you wish a colourized paragraph, you must use the
532 macro,
533 <a href="color.html#COLOR">COLOR</a>,
534 or the
535 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_INLINE">inline escape</a>,
536 <a href="color.html#COLOR_INLINE">\*[&lt;colorname&gt;]</a>,
537 <em>after</em> <strong>.PP</strong>. The colour must be one
538 pre-defined (or &quot;initialized&quot;) with
539 <a href="color.html#NEWCOLOR">NEWCOLOR</a>
541 <a href="color.html#XCOLOR">XCOLOR</a>.
543 Please note that unless you change the colour back to it's default
544 (usually black) at the end of the paragraph, all subsequent
545 paragraphs will be set in the new colour, although most other
546 elements of your document will continue to be set in the default
547 colour (usually black).
549 For example, assuming you have defined the colour, blue,
551 <pre>
553 .COLOR blue
554 &lt;first paragraph&gt;
555 .HEAD "Monty Python"
556 .SUBHEAD "The Origins of Spam"
558 &lt;second paragraph&gt;
559 </pre>
561 the first paragraph will be blue, the head and subhead will be in
562 the document's default colour (usually black), and the second
563 paragraph will be in blue.
565 The one document element that is affected by changing the colour
566 of paragraphs are
567 <a href="#PARAHEAD">paraheads</a>,
568 since they are attached directly to the body of paragraphs. In
569 other words, if you change the colour of a paragraph and do not
570 reset the paragraph colour back to its default, subsequent paraheads
571 will appear in the same colour as your paragraphs unless you have
572 explicitly told <strong>mom</strong> you want a pre-defined (or
573 &quot;initialized&quot;) color (usually black) for your paraheads.
575 See the footnote to
578 <a name="PP_LEADING"><h3><u>4. Leading</u></h3></a>
580 The paragraph
581 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_LEADING">leading</a>
582 is set with
583 <a href="typesetting.html#LEADING">LS</a>
584 prior to
585 <a href="docprocessing.html#START">START</a>,
587 <a href="docprocessing.html#DOC_LEAD">DOC_LEAD</a>
588 afterwards. Please note that either method globally affects the
589 leading and spacing of every document element (except
590 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_HEADER">headers</a>
592 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FOOTER">footers</a>).
594 If you wish to change the leading of regular text paragraphs only,
595 invoke <strong>LS</strong> immediately after <strong>PP</strong> in
596 EVERY paragraph whose leading you wish to change.
598 <strong>HYPER-IMPORTANT NOTE:</strong> It is extremely unwise to change
599 paragraph leading with <strong>LS</strong>, as it will, in all cases,
600 screw up <strong>mom</strong>'s ability to balance the bottom margin
601 of pages. Should you absolutely need to change paragraph leading
602 with <strong>LS</strong>, and subsequently want <strong>mom</strong>
603 to get back on the right leading track, use the
604 <a href="docprocessing.html#SHIM">SHIM</a>
605 macro.
607 <strong>Mom</strong>'s default paragraph leading (document leading)
608 is 16 points, adjusted to fill the page.
611 <a name="PP_JUST_QUAD"><h3><u>5. Justification/quad</u></h3></a>
613 The justification/quad-direction of regular text paragraphs (i.e.
614 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_JUST">justified</a>,
616 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FILLED">filled</a>
618 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_QUAD">quadded</a>
619 left/right/centre) is set with
620 <a href="typesetting.html#JUSTIFY">JUSTIFY</a>
622 <a href="typesetting.html#QUAD">QUAD</a>
623 prior to
624 <a href="docprocessing.html#START">START</a>,
625 and with
626 <a href="docprocessing.html#DOC_QUAD">DOC_QUAD</a>
627 afterwards.
629 Please note that either method of setting the paragraph
630 justification/quad-direction also affects
631 <a href="#EPIGRAPH_INTRO">epigraphs</a>
633 <a href="#FOOTNOTE_INTRO">footnotes</a>,
634 but not
635 <a href="#BLOCKQUOTE_INTRO">blockquotes</a>
636 (whose default is QUAD LEFT unless you change it with
638 The justification/quad-direction of epigraphs and footnotes may
639 be changed with their own control macros.
641 If you wish to change the justification/quad-direction of
642 individual paragraphs, use <strong>JUSTIFY</strong> or
643 <strong>QUAD</strong> immediately after <strong>PP</strong>.
644 Only the paragraph in question gets justified or quadded
645 differently; subsequent paragraphs remain unaffected.
647 <strong>Mom</strong>'s default justification/quad-direction for
648 paragraphs is
649 <br>
650 <ul>
651 <li>justified, for
652 <a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE_TYPESET</a>
653 <li>quad left, for
654 <a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE_TYPEWRITE</a>
655 </ul>
657 <a name="PARA_INDENT"><h3><u>6. First-line indent -- PARA_INDENT</u></h3></a>
659 The first-line indent of paragraphs is controlled by
660 <strong>PARA_INDENT</strong>, which takes one argument: the size
661 of the indent. <strong>PARA_INDENT</strong> may be used before
662 or after
663 <a href="docprocessing.html#START">START</a>.
665 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>
666 is required; fractional sizes are allowed. Thus, to set the paragraph
667 indent to 4-1/2
668 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_EM">ems</a>, do
670 <pre>
671 .PARA_INDENT 4.5m
672 </pre>
674 In addition to establishing the basic first line-indent of
675 paragraphs, <strong>PARA_INDENT</strong> also affects
676 <a href="#EPIGRAPH_INTRO">epigraphs</a>,
677 <a href="#QUOTE_INTRO">quotes</a>
679 <a href="#BLOCKQUOTE_INTRO">blockquotes</a>,
680 whose overall indenting from the left and (where applicable) right
681 margins is relative to <strong>PARA_INDENT</strong>. Furthermore, the
682 first-line indent of paragraphs within these document elements (as well
683 as footnotes) is also relative to <strong>PARA_INDENT</strong> (always
684 1/2 of <strong>PARA_INDENT)</strong>), hence they are also affected.
686 <strong>Mom</strong>'s default <strong>PARA_INDENT</strong> is 2
687 ems for
688 <a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE_TYPESET</a>
689 and 3 picas (1/2 inch) for
690 <a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE_TYPEWRITE</a>.
693 <a name="PARA_INDENT_FIRST"><h3><u>7. Indenting initial paragraphs -- INDENT_FIRST_PARAS</u></h3></a>
695 By default, <strong>mom</strong> does not indent the first paragraph
696 of a document, nor the first paragraph after a head or
697 subhead, nor the first paragraphs of
698 <a href="#EPIGRAPH_INTRO">epigraphs</a>,
699 <a href="#BLOCKQUOTE_INTRO">blockquotes</a>
701 <a href="#FOOTNOTE_INTRO">footnotes</a>
702 that run to more than one paragraph.
703 <a name="INDENT_FIRST_PARAS"></a>
705 If you wish to have first paragraphs indented, invoke the macro
706 <strong>.INDENT_FIRST_PARAS</strong> with no argument, either
707 before or after
708 <a href="docprocessing.html#START">START</a>.
709 <strong>INDENT_FIRST_PARAS</strong> is a toggle macro, therefore
710 passing it any argument (<strong>OFF, QUIT, Q, X</strong>...) cancels
711 its effect, meaning that first paragraphs will once again NOT be
712 indented.
715 <a name="PP_SPACE"><h3><u>8. Spacing paragraphs -- PARA_SPACE</u></h3></a>
717 By default, <strong>mom</strong> does not insert a blank line
718 between paragraphs. If you would like her to do so, invoke the
719 macro <code>.PARA_SPACE</code> with no argument, either
720 before or after
721 <a href="docprocessing.html#START">START</a>.
722 <strong>PARA_SPACE</strong> is a toggle macro, therefore passing
723 it any argument (<strong>OFF, QUIT, Q, X</strong>...) cancels its
724 effect, meaning that paragraphs will once again NOT be separated by
725 a blank line.
727 <strong>NOTE:</strong> If <strong>PARA_SPACE</strong> is on,
728 <strong>mom</strong> spaces only those paragraphs that come after
729 an &quot;initial&quot; paragraph. Initial paragraphs are those
730 that come immediately after the
731 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_DOCHEADER">docheader</a>,
732 <a href="#EPIGRAPH_INTRO">epigraphs</a>,
733 <a href="#HEAD_INTRO">heads</a>,
734 <a href="#SUBHEAD_INTRO">subheads</a>
736 <a href="#LINEBREAK_INTRO">linebreaks</a>.
737 (The first paragraph after these document elements requires no
738 blank line to separate it from other paragraphs.)
740 Sometimes, you can be fairly deep into a document before using
741 <strong>.PP</strong> for the first time, and when you do, because
742 <strong>mom</strong> is still waiting for that &quot;initial&quot;
743 paragraph, she doesn't space it with a blank line, even though
744 you expect her to. The simple workaround for this is to invoke
745 <strong>.PP</strong> <em>twice</em> (in succession) at the point you
746 expect the blank line to appear.
747 <br>
748 <hr>
750 <!====================================================================>
752 <a name="HEAD_INTRO"><h2><u>Main heads</u></h2></a>
753 <ul>
754 <li><a href="#HEAD">Tag: HEAD</a>
755 <li><a href="#HEAD_CONTROL">Head control macros</a>
756 </ul>
758 Main heads -- or, in this documentation, just &quot;heads&quot;
759 -- should be used any place you want titles to introduce major
760 sections of a document. If you wish, <strong>mom</strong> can number
761 your heads for you. Head numbers can also be included
762 hierarchically in numbered
763 <a href="#SUBHEAD_INTRO">subheads</a>
765 <a href="#PARAHEAD_INTRO">paraheads</a>.
767 By default, heads are centred on the page, underlined,
768 all in caps. A double linespace precedes each head. In <a
769 href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPESET</a>, heads
770 are bold, slightly larger than paragraph text.
772 If these defaults don't suit you, you can change them with the
773 head control macros.
776 <!---HEAD--->
778 <hr width="66%" align="left">
780 <a name="HEAD">
781 <nobr>Macro: <strong>HEAD</strong> &quot;&lt;text of head&gt;&quot; [ &quot;&lt;2nd line&gt;&quot; [ &quot;&lt;3rd line&gt;&quot; ... ] ]<wbr>
782 </a>
785 The argument to <strong>HEAD</strong> is the text of the head,
786 surrounded by double-quotes. If you need additional lines for a
787 head, simply surround each line with double-quotes.
789 <strong>NOTE:</strong> If a head falls near the bottom of an output page
790 and <strong>mom</strong> is unable to fit the head <em>plus at least
791 one line of text underneath it</em>, she will set the head at the
792 top of the next page.
794 <strong>ADDITIONAL NOTE:</strong> If an
795 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_INPUTLINE">input line</a>
796 in a head (i.e. one of the lines surrounded by double-quotes) has
797 to be broken by <strong>mom</strong> in order to fit the current
798 line-length (say, a narrow column measure), the head underline
799 (underscore) will not behave. You'll recognize the problem as soon
800 as you preview your document. If you encounter a head that
801 misbehaves with respect to underlining, the solution is to
802 supply each line <em>as you want it</em> as a separate argument
803 (surrounded by double-quotes) to the <strong>HEAD</strong> macro.
805 For example, if <strong>mom</strong> breaks
806 <pre>
807 .HEAD "This is a very, very, very long head"
808 </pre>
809 into
810 <pre>
811 This is a very, very, very
812 long head
813 </pre>
815 you'll see the misbehaving underscore and should change the
816 argument to <strong>HEAD</strong> to
817 <pre>
818 .HEAD "This is a very, very very" "long head"
819 </pre>
821 <a name="HEAD_CONTROL"><h3><u>Head control macros</u></h3></a>
823 There are, in addition to the usual family/font/size/quad control
824 macros, a number of macros to manage head numbering, spacing,
825 underlining, and so on. Check them out if you're unhappy with
826 <strong>mom</strong>'s defaults.
828 <ol>
829 <li><a href="#HEAD_GENERAL">Family/font/size/colour/quad</a>
830 <li><a href="#HEAD_CAPS">Caps</a>
831 <li><a href="#HEAD_SPACE">Pre-head space</a>
832 <li><a href="#HEAD_UNDERLINE">Underlining</a>
833 <li><a href="#NUMBER_HEADS">Numbering</a>
834 <li><a href="#RESET_HEAD_NUMBER">Reset head numbering</a>
835 <li><a href="#HEAD_INLINES">Vertical inline escapes inside heads</a>
836 </ol>
838 <a name="HEAD_GENERAL"><h3><u>1. Family/font/size/colour/quad</u></h3></a>
841 <a href="#CONTROL_MACRO_ARGS">Arguments to the control macros</a>.
843 <pre>
844 .HEAD_FAMILY default = prevailing document family; default is Times Roman
845 .HEAD_FONT default = bold
846 .HEAD_SIZE default = +1 (point)
847 .HEAD_COLOR default = black
848 .HEAD_QUAD default = CENTER
849 </pre>
851 <a name="HEAD_CAPS"><h3><u>2. Capitalizing heads -- HEAD_CAPS</u></h3></a>
853 By default, <strong>mom</strong> sets heads in caps, regardless
854 of the
855 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_STRINGARGUMENT">string(s)</a>
856 you give to
857 <a href="#HEAD">HEAD</a>.
858 To change this behaviour, do
860 <pre>
862 </pre>
864 <strong>HEAD_CAPS</strong> is a toggle macro, therefore you can use
865 any argument you like instead of <strong>OFF</strong> (<strong>END,
866 QUIT, Q, X</strong>...). To turn <strong>HEAD_CAPS</strong> back on,
867 simply invoke it without an argument.
870 <a name="HEAD_SPACE"><h3><u>3. Space before heads -- HEAD_SPACE</u></h3></a>
872 By default, <strong>mom</strong> deposits 2 blank lines prior to every
873 head. If you'd prefer just a single blank line, do
875 <pre>
877 </pre>
879 <strong>HEAD_SPACE</strong> is a toggle macro, therefore you can use
880 any argument you like instead of <strong>OFF</strong> (<strong>END,
881 QUIT, Q, X</strong>...). To restore the space before heads to 2
882 blank lines, invoke <strong>HEAD_SPACE</strong> without an argument.
885 <a name="HEAD_UNDERLINE"><h3><u>4. Underlining heads -- HEAD_UNDERLINE</u></h3></a>
887 By default, <strong>mom</strong> underlines heads. To change this
888 behaviour, do
890 <pre>
892 </pre>
894 <strong>HEAD_UNDERLINE</strong> is a toggle macro, therefore you can
895 use any argument you like instead of <strong>OFF</strong> (<strong>END,
896 QUIT, Q, X</strong>...). To restore underlining of heads, invoke
897 <strong>HEAD_UNDERLINE</strong> without an argument.
900 <a name="NUMBER_HEADS"><h3><u>5. Number heads -- NUMBER_HEADS</u></h3></a>
902 If you'd like your heads numbered, simply invoke
903 <strong>NUMBER_HEADS</strong> with no argument. <strong>Mom</strong>
904 will number all subsequent heads automatically (in ascending order,
905 naturally).
907 If, in addition to numbering heads, you also request that
908 <a href="#SUBHEAD_INTRO">subheads</a>
909 and/or
910 <a href="#PARAHEAD_INTRO">paraheads</a>
911 be numbered, the head number will be included in their numbers
912 (each number separated by a period [dot]).
914 Should you wish to stop head numbering, invoke
915 <strong>NUMBER_HEADS</strong> with any argument (<strong>OFF, QUIT,
916 END, X</strong>...). Head numbering will cease, and the head number
917 will not be included in the numbering of subheads and/or paraheads.
920 <a name="RESET_HEAD_NUMBER"><h3><u>6. Reset head numbering -- RESET_HEAD_NUMBER</u></h3></a>
922 Should you wish to reset the head number to &quot;1&quot;, invoke
923 <strong>RESET_HEAD_NUMBER</strong> with no argument. If, for some
924 reason, you want <strong>mom</strong> to use a head number that is not
925 the next in ascending order (i.e. the last head number + 1), invoke
926 <strong>RESET_HEAD_NUMBER</strong> with the number you want, e.g.
928 <pre>
930 </pre>
932 Your next head will be numbered &quot;6&quot; and subsequent heads will
933 be numbered in ascending order from &quot;6&quot;.
936 <a name="HEAD_INLINES"><h3><u>7. Vertical inline escapes inside heads</u></h3></a>
938 If you need to adjust the
939 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_BASELINE">baseline</a>
940 position of a head (e.g. the head falls at the top of a column and
941 you want its
942 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_ASCENDER">ascenders</a>
943 to line up with the ascenders of
944 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_RUNNING">running text</a>
945 in other columns), you can embed a vertical motion
946 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_INLINES">inline escape</a>
947 (either
948 <a href="inlines.html#INLINE_VERTICAL_MOM">mom</a>'s
950 <a href="inlines.html#INLINE_VERTICAL_GROFF">groff</a>'s
951 in the string(s) you pass to <strong>HEAD</strong>
953 For example,
955 <pre>
956 .HEAD "\[ALD3]Text of head"
958 .HEAD "\[DOWN 3p]Text of head"
959 </pre>
961 will lower the baseline of the head by three points. Note that
962 there's no need to reverse the sense of the inline escape.
964 In the case of heads that run to more than one line, you must embed
965 the escape in the string for each line, like this:
967 <pre>
968 .HEAD "\[ALD3]First line" "\[ALD3]Next line"
970 .HEAD "\[DOWN 3p]First line" "\[DOWN 3p]Next line"
971 </pre>
972 <hr>
974 <!====================================================================>
976 <a name="SUBHEAD_INTRO"><h2><u>Subheads</u></h2></a>
977 <ul>
978 <li><a href="#SUBHEAD">Tag: SUBHEAD</a>
979 <li><a href="#SUBHEAD_CONTROL">Subhead control macros</a>
980 </ul>
982 Subheads should be used any place you want titles to introduce
983 sections of a document below heads. If you wish, <strong>mom</strong>
984 can number subheads for you. Subhead numbers can also be included
985 hierarchically in numbered
986 <a href="#PARAHEAD_INTRO">paraheads</a>.
988 By default, subheads are flush left. In
989 <a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPESET</a>,
990 they are set bold, slightly larger than paragraph text. In
991 <a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPEWRITE</a>,
992 they are underlined. A single linespace precedes them in both
993 printstyles, and a tiny space adjustment raises them slightly
994 above text that comes afterwards for greater clarity in
995 document structuring.
997 If these defaults don't suit you, you can change them with the
998 subhead control macros.
1001 <!---SUBHEAD--->
1003 <hr width="66%" align="left">
1005 <a name="SUBHEAD">
1006 <nobr>Macro: <strong>SUBHEAD</strong> &quot;&lt;text of subhead&gt;&quot; [ &quot;&lt;2nd line&gt;&quot; [ &quot;&lt;3rd line&gt;&quot; ... ] ]<wbr>
1007 </a>
1009 The argument to <strong>SUBHEAD</strong> is the text of the subhead,
1010 surrounded by double-quotes. If you need additional lines for a
1011 subhead, simply surround each line with double-quotes.
1013 <strong>NOTE:</strong> If a subhead falls near the bottom of an output
1014 page and <strong>mom</strong> is unable to fit the head <em>plus at
1015 least one line of text underneath it</em>, she will set the subhead
1016 at the top of the next page.
1018 <a name="SUBHEAD_CONTROL"><h3><u>Subhead control macros</u></h3></a>
1020 In addition to the usual family/font/size/quad control
1021 macros, there are macros to manage subhead numbering.
1023 <ol>
1024 <li><a href="#SUBHEAD_GENERAL">Family/font/size/colour/quad</a>
1025 <li><a href="#NUMBER_SUBHEADS">Numbering</a>
1026 <li><a href="#RESET_SUBHEAD_NUMBER">Reset subhead numbering</a>
1027 <li><a href="#SUBHEAD_INLINES">Vertical inline escapes inside subheads</a>
1028 </ol>
1030 <a name="SUBHEAD_GENERAL"><h3><u>1. Family/font/size/quad</u></h3></a>
1033 <a href="#CONTROL_MACRO_ARGS">Arguments to the control macros</a>.
1035 <pre>
1036 .SUBHEAD_FAMILY default = prevailing document family; default is Times Roman
1037 .SUBHEAD_FONT default = bold
1038 .SUBHEAD_SIZE default = +.5 (point)
1039 .SUBHEAD_COLOR default = black
1040 .SUBHEAD_QUAD default = LEFT
1041 </pre>
1043 <a name="NUMBER_SUBHEADS"><h3><u>2. Number subheads -- NUMBER_SUBHEADS</u></h3></a>
1045 If you'd like your subheads numbered, simply invoke
1046 <strong>.NUMBER_SUBHEADS</strong> with no argument.
1047 <strong>Mom</strong> will number all subsequent subheads automatically
1048 (in ascending order, naturally).
1050 If, in addition to numbering subheads, you also request that
1051 <a href="#HEAD_INTRO">heads</a>
1052 be numbered, the head number will be included in the subhead number
1053 (separated by a period [dot]).
1055 Should you wish to stop subhead numbering, invoke
1056 <strong>NUMBER_SUBHEADS</strong> with any argument (<strong>OFF, QUIT,
1057 END, X</strong>...). Subhead numbering will cease, and the subhead
1058 number will not be included in the numbering of paraheads.
1061 <a name="RESET_SUBHEAD_NUMBER"><h3><u>3. Reset head numbering -- RESET_SUBHEAD_NUMBER</u></h3></a>
1063 Should you wish to reset the subhead number to &quot;1&quot;, invoke
1064 <strong>RESET_SUBHEAD_NUMBER</strong> with no argument. If, for some
1065 reason, you want <strong>mom</strong> to use a subhead number that is not
1066 the next in ascending order (i.e. the last subhead number + 1), invoke
1067 <strong>RESET_SUBHEAD_NUMBER</strong> with the number you want, e.g.
1069 <pre>
1071 </pre>
1073 Your next subhead will be numbered &quot;4&quot; and subsequent
1074 subheads will be numbered in ascending order from &quot;4&quot;.
1076 <a name="SUBHEAD_INLINES"><h3><u>Vertical inline escapes inside subheads</u></h3></a>
1078 <a href="#HEAD_INLINES">Vertical inline escapes inside heads</a>.
1079 The information there applies equally to subheads.
1081 <hr>
1083 <!====================================================================>
1085 <a name="PARAHEAD_INTRO"><h2><u>Paragraph heads</u></h2></a>
1086 <ul>
1087 <li><a href="#PARAHEAD">Tag: PARAHEAD</a>
1088 <li><a href="#PARAHEAD_CONTROL">Parahead control macros</a>
1089 </ul>
1091 Paragraph heads (paraheads) should be used any place you want titles
1092 to introduce paragraphs below heads or subheads. If you wish,
1093 <strong>mom</strong> can number paraheads for you.
1095 By default, paraheads are joined to the body of a paragraph,
1096 slightly indented (provided the paragraph is not a
1097 &quot;first&quot; paragraph as defined in
1098 <a href="#PARA_INDENT_FIRST">Indenting initial paragraphs</a>).
1100 <a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPESET</a>,
1101 they are set bold italic, slightly larger than paragraph text. In
1102 <a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPEWRITE</a>,
1103 they are underlined.
1105 If these defaults don't suit you, you can change them with the
1106 parahead control macros.
1109 <!---PARAHEAD--->
1111 <hr width="66%" align="left">
1113 <a name="PARAHEAD">
1114 <nobr>Macro: <strong>PARAHEAD</strong> &quot;&lt;text of parahead&gt;&quot;<wbr>
1115 </a>
1117 <strong>PARAHEAD</strong> must come AFTER
1118 <a href="#PP">PP</a>
1119 or it will not work!
1121 The argument is the text of the parahead, surrounded by double-quotes.
1122 Because paraheads are joined to the body of a paragraph, they accept
1123 only one argument (see
1124 <a href="#HEAD">HEAD</a>
1126 <a href="#SUBHEAD">SUBHEAD</a>).
1129 <a name="PARAHEAD_CONTROL"><h3><u>Parahead control macros</u></h3></a>
1131 In addition to the family/font/size/colour/indent control macros,
1132 there are macros to manage parahead numbering.
1134 <ol>
1135 <li><a href="#PARAHEAD_GENERAL">Family/font/size/color</a>
1136 <li><a href="#PARAHEAD_INDENT">Indent</a>
1137 <li><a href="#NUMBER_PARAHEADS">Numbering</a>
1138 <li><a href="#RESET_PARAHEAD_NUMBER">Reset parahead numbering</a>
1139 </ol>
1141 <a name="PARAHEAD_GENERAL"><h3><u>1. Family/font/size/colour</u></h3></a>
1144 <a href="#CONTROL_MACRO_ARGS">Arguments to the control macros</a>.
1146 <pre>
1147 .PARAHEAD_FAMILY default = prevailing document family; default is Times Roman
1148 .PARAHEAD_FONT default = bold italic
1149 .PARAHEAD_SIZE default = +.5 (point)
1150 <a name="PARAHEAD_COLOR">.PARAHEAD_COLOR default = black*</a>
1152 *If you colourize paragraph text, paraheads will appear in the same
1153 colour as the text unless you explicitly tell mom to colour them
1154 otherwise by invoking .PARAHEAD_COLOR. If you do want paraheads
1155 that are coloured the same as paragraph text, it's generally a good
1156 idea to invoke .PARAHEAD_COLOR anyway (with the same colour used
1157 for paragraph text), just to let mom know.
1158 </pre>
1160 <a name="PARAHEAD_INDENT"><h3><u>2. Indent</u></h3></a>
1162 Unlike other control macros that end in
1163 <a href="#CONTROL_INDENTS"><strong>_INDENT</strong></a>,
1164 the argument to the macro that controls indenting of paragraph heads
1165 (<strong>PARAHEAD_INDENT</strong>) is NOT relative to the first-line
1166 indent of normal paragraphs. In other words, it takes an absolute
1167 value, and requires a
1168 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>.
1169 For example, to set the paragraph head indent to 2-1/2 picas, you
1172 <pre>
1174 </pre>
1175 <strong>Mom</strong>'s default indent for paragraph heads is 1/2
1176 the first-line indent of normal paragraphs (both printstyles).
1177 However, as stated above, if you choose to change the indent, you
1178 must give an absolute value (unless you're a groff expert and want
1179 to manipulate the number register <code>\n[#PP_INDENT]u</code>
1180 arithmetically as the argument to <strong>PARAHEAD_INDENT</strong>
1181 for an indent that's relative to <strong>PP_INDENT</strong>.)
1183 <strong>NOTE:</strong> Paragraph heads in &quot;first
1184 paragraphs&quot;, as defined in
1185 <a href="#PARA_INDENT_FIRST">Indenting initial paragraphs</a>,
1186 are not indented unless you turn
1191 <a name="NUMBER_PARAHEADS"><h3><u>3. Number paraheads -- NUMBER_PARAHEADS</u></h3></a>
1193 If you'd like your paraheads numbered, simply invoke
1194 <strong>.NUMBER_PARAHEADS</strong> with no argument.
1195 <strong>Mom</strong> will number all subsequent paraheads automatically
1196 (in ascending order, naturally).
1198 If, in addition to numbering paraheads, you also request that
1199 <a href="#HEAD_INTRO">heads</a>
1201 <a href="#SUBHEAD_INTRO">subheads</a>
1202 be numbered, the head and/or subhead number will be included in the
1203 parahead number (separated by a period [dot]).
1205 Should you wish to stop parahead numbering, invoke
1206 <strong>NUMBER_PARAHEADS</strong> with any argument (<strong>OFF,
1207 QUIT, END, X</strong>...). Parahead numbering will cease.
1210 <a name="RESET_PARAHEAD_NUMBER"><h3><u>4. Reset head numbering -- RESET_PARAHEAD_NUMBER</u></h3></a>
1212 Should you wish to reset the parahead number to &quot;1&quot;, invoke
1213 <strong>RESET_PARAHEAD_NUMBER</strong> with no argument. If, for some
1214 reason, you want <strong>mom</strong> to use a parahead number that is not
1215 the next in ascending order (i.e. the last parahead number + 1), invoke
1216 <strong>RESET_PARAHEAD_NUMBER</strong> with the number you want, e.g.
1218 <pre>
1220 </pre>
1222 Your next parahead will be numbered &quot;7&quot; and subsequent
1223 paraheads will be numbered in ascending order from &quot;7&quot;.
1225 <hr>
1227 <!====================================================================>
1229 <a name="LINEBREAK_INTRO"><h2><u>Author linebreaks</u></h2></a>
1230 <ul>
1231 <li><a href="#LINEBREAK">Tag: LINEBREAK</a>
1232 <li><a href="#LINEBREAK_CHAR">Linebreak character control macro</a>
1233 </ul>
1235 By default, <strong>mom</strong> marks
1236 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_LINEBREAK">author linebreaks</a>
1237 with three centred asterisks. You can change this behaviour
1238 with the linebreak character
1239 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_CONTROLMACRO">control macro</a>.
1242 <!---LINEBREAK--->
1244 <hr width="66%" align="left">
1246 <a name="LINEBREAK">
1247 Macro: <strong>LINEBREAK</strong>
1248 </a>
1249 <br>
1250 Alias: <strong>SECTION</strong>
1253 <strong>LINEBREAK</strong> takes no arguments. Simply invoke it
1254 (on a line by itself, of course) whenever you want to insert an
1255 author linebreak. The appearance of the linebreak is controlled
1256 by the
1258 macro.
1260 <h3><u>Linebreak character control macro</u></h3>
1262 <a name="LINEBREAK_CHAR">
1263 <nobr>Macro: <strong>LINEBREAK_CHAR</strong> [ &lt;character&gt; ] [ &lt;iterations&gt; [ &lt;vertical adjustment&gt; ] ]<wbr>
1264 </a>
1265 <br>
1266 Alias: <strong>SECTION_CHAR</strong>
1267 <br>
1268 <em>*The third optional argument requires a
1269 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a></em>.
1271 <strong>LINEBREAK_CHAR</strong> determines what <strong>mom</strong>
1272 prints when <strong>LINEBREAK</strong> is invoked. It takes 3
1273 optional arguments: the character you want deposited at the line
1274 break, the number of times you want the character repeated, and a
1275 vertical adjustment factor.
1277 The first argument is any legal groff character (e.g. <kbd>*</kbd>
1278 [an asterisk], <kbd>\(dg</kbd> [a dagger], <kbd>\f(ZD\N'141\fP</kbd>
1279 [an arbitrary character from Zapf Dingbats], <kbd>\l'4P'</kbd>
1280 [a 4-pica long rule]). <strong>Mom</strong> sets the character
1281 centred on the current line length. (See &quot;man groff_char&quot;
1282 for a list of all legal groff characters.)
1284 The second argument is the number of times to repeat the character.
1286 The third argument is a +|- value by which to raise (+) or lower (-)
1287 the character in order to make it appear visually centred between
1288 sections of text. This lets you make vertical adjustments
1289 to characters that don't sit on the
1290 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_BASELINE">baseline</a>
1291 (such as asterisks). The argument must be preceded by a plus or
1292 minus sign, and must include a unit of measure.
1294 If you enter <strong>LINEBREAK_CHAR</strong> with no arguments,
1295 sections of text will be separated by two blank lines when you invoke
1296 <strong>LINEBREAK</strong>.
1298 <strong>Mom</strong>'s default for <strong>LINEBREAK_CHAR</strong> is
1300 <pre>
1301 .LINEBREAK_CHAR * 3 -3p
1302 </pre>
1304 i.e. three asterisks, lowered 3 points from their normal vertical
1305 position (for
1306 <a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPESET</a>;
1307 the vertical adjustment is -2 points for
1308 <a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPEWRITE</a>).
1310 <h3><u>Linebreak colour control macro</u></h3>
1312 <a name="LINEBREAK_COLOR">
1313 <nobr>Macro: <strong>LINEBREAK_COLOR</strong> &lt;color name&gt;<wbr>
1314 </a>
1316 To change the colour of the linebreak character(s), simply invoke
1317 <strong>LINBREAK_COLOR</strong> with the name of a pre-defined (or
1318 &quot;initialized&quot;) colour.
1319 <br>
1320 <hr>
1322 <!====================================================================>
1324 <a name="QUOTE_INTRO"><h2><u>Quotes (line for line)</u></h2></a>
1325 <ul>
1326 <li><a href="#QUOTE">Tag: QUOTE</a>
1327 <li><a href="#QUOTE_CONTROL">Quote control macros</a>
1328 </ul>
1330 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_QUOTE">Quotes</a>
1331 are always set in
1332 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_NOFILL">nofill mode</a>,
1333 flush left. This permits entering quotes on a line for line basis in
1334 your text editor and have them come out the same way on output copy.
1335 (See
1336 <a href="#BLOCKQUOTE_INTRO">Blockquotes</a>
1337 for how quotes, in the present sense, differ from longer
1338 passages of cited text.)
1340 Since <strong>mom</strong> originally came into being to serve
1341 the needs of creative writers (i.e. novelists, short story
1342 writers, etc. -- not to cast aspersions on the creativity of
1343 mathematicians and programmers), she sets quotes in italics
1344 <a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">(PRINTSTYLE TYPESET)</a>
1345 or underlined
1346 <a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">(PRINTSTYLE TYPEWRITE)</a>,
1347 indented from the left margin. Obviously, she's thinking
1348 &quot;quotes from poetry or song lyrics&quot;, but with the
1349 <a href="#QUOTE_CONTROL">quote control macros</a>
1350 you can change her defaults so <strong>QUOTE</strong> serves other
1351 needs, e.g. entering verbatim snippets of programming code, command
1352 line instructions, and so on. (See the
1353 <a href="#QUOTE_TIP">tip</a>
1354 below for suggestions about including programming code snippets in
1355 documents.)
1357 <a name="QUOTE_SPACING"></a>
1358 Besides indenting quotes, <strong>mom</strong> further sets them
1359 off from
1360 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_RUNNING">running text</a>
1361 with a small amount of vertical whitespace top and bottom. In
1362 <a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPEWRITE</a>,
1363 this is always one full linespace. In
1364 <a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPESET</a>,
1365 it's 1/2 of the prevailing
1366 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_LEADING">leading</a>
1367 if the quote fits fully on the page (i.e. with running text above
1368 and below it), otherwise it's a full linespace either above or below
1369 as is necessary to balance the page to the bottom margin. This
1370 behaviour can be changed with the control macro
1373 <strong>NOTE:</strong> <strong>ALWAYS_FULLSPACE_QUOTES</strong>
1374 applies to both
1375 <a href="#QUOTE">QUOTE</a>
1377 <a href="#BLOCKQUOTE">BLOCKQUOTE</a>,
1378 as does the control macro
1379 <a href="#QUOTE_INDENT">QUOTE_INDENT</a>.
1381 <strong>Version 1.3: mom</strong>'s handling of the vertical
1382 whitespace around quotes has changed slightly. In versions prior
1383 to 1.3, it was not possible to alter the
1384 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_LEADING">leading</a>
1385 of quotes and blockquotes (which was the same as the document
1386 leading), ensuring that the vertical whitespace remained consistent,
1387 as described above. In 1.3 and later, it is possible to change the
1388 leading of quotes and blockquote via
1389 the <strong>QUOTE_AUTOLEAD</strong> and
1390 <strong>BLOCKQUOTE_AUTOLEAD</strong>macro. Now, if your quote
1391 (or blockquote) leading differs from the document leading,
1392 <strong>mom</strong> attempts to observe the same rules for vertical
1393 whitespace outlined above; however, she will also insert a small,
1394 flexible amount of extra whitespace around the quotes to make sure
1395 the whitespace is equal, top and bottom. Since she does this on a
1396 quote by quote basis, rather than by figuring out how much extra
1397 whitespace is needed to adjust <em>all</em> quotes on a page,
1398 the spacing around multiple quotes on the same page will differ
1399 slightly, although each will be balanced between lines of normal
1400 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_RUNNING">running text</a>,
1401 top and bottom. (The inability to scan an entire page and insert
1402 equalized whitespace at marked places is a limitation of groff,
1403 which, by and large, works in a linear, line by line fashion.)
1404 If you don't provide <strong>mom</strong> with a
1405 <strong>QUOTE_AUTOLEAD</strong>, quotes are leaded at the default
1406 for normal running text, meaning that multiple quotes on the same
1407 page are all spaced identically.
1409 <a name="QUOTE_TIP"><strong>TIP:</strong></a>
1410 If you want to include snippets of programming code in
1411 <strong>mom</strong> documents, you may come acropper of the fact
1412 that groff (and <strong>mom</strong>'s) escape character is the
1413 backslash. In order for <strong>mom</strong> not to interpret
1414 backslashes that occur in code snippets as escapes, you have to
1415 tell <strong>mom</strong> that the backslash character is
1416 (temporarily) no longer the escape character. The easiest way
1417 to do this is to set the escape character to something else for
1418 the duration of the code snippet. You accomplish this with
1419 <strong>ESC_CHAR</strong>, like this:
1421 <pre>
1422 .ESC_CHAR c
1423 </pre>
1425 where &quot;c&quot;, above, is the alternate escape character
1426 (which should be a character that does not appear in the code). To
1427 set the escape character back to the backslash, simply invoke
1428 <strong>.ESC_CHAR</strong> by itself (i.e. with no argument).
1430 Because <strong>mom</strong>, by default, sets the text after
1431 <strong>.QUOTE</strong> in italic (for <strong>PRINTSTYLE
1432 TYPESET</strong>) or underlined (for <strong>PRINTSTYLE
1433 TYPEWRITE</strong>), you'll want to change that behaviour as
1434 well. Therefore, a recipe for setting verbatim code snippets using
1435 <strong>QUOTE</strong> could be (assuming you want a fixed width
1436 font like Courier):
1438 <pre>
1439 \# You only need the first two lines before the first invocation
1440 \# of QUOTE. They stay in effect for all subsequent invocations.
1442 .QUOTE_FONT CR \" Set quote font to Courier roman
1443 .UNDERLINE_QUOTES OFF \" Don't underline quotes in TYPEWRITE
1444 .QUOTE
1445 .ESC_CHAR ^ \" Change escape character to ^
1446 &lt;code snippet&gt;
1447 .ESC_CHAR \" Restore escape character to \
1450 </pre>
1452 <!---QUOTE--->
1454 <hr width="66%" align="left">
1456 <a name="QUOTE">
1457 <nobr>Macro: <strong>QUOTE</strong> toggle<wbr>
1458 </a>
1461 <strong>QUOTE</strong> is a toggle macro. To begin a section of
1462 quoted text, invoke it with no argument, then type in your quote.
1463 When you're finished, invoke <strong>QUOTE</strong> with any
1464 argument (e.g. OFF, END, X, Q...) to turn it off. Example:
1466 <pre>
1467 .QUOTE
1468 Nymphomaniacal Jill
1469 Used a dynamite stick for a thrill
1470 They found her vagina
1471 In North Carolina
1472 And bits of her tits in Brazil.
1474 </pre>
1476 <a name="QUOTE_CONTROL"><h3><u>Quote control macros</u></h3></a>
1477 <ol>
1478 <li><a href="#QUOTE_GENERAL">Family/font/size/leading/colour/indent</a>
1479 <li><a href="#ALWAYS_FULLSPACE_QUOTES">Spacing above and below (typeset only)</a>
1480 <li><a href="#UNDERLINE_QUOTES">Underline quotes (typewrite only)</a>
1481 <li><a href="#BREAK_QUOTE">Manually break a footnoted quote that crosses pages/columns</a>
1482 </ol>
1484 <a name="QUOTE_GENERAL"><h3><u>1. Family/font/size/colour/indent</u></h3></a>
1487 <a href="#CONTROL_MACRO_ARGS">Arguments to the control macros</a>.
1489 <pre>
1490 .QUOTE_FAMILY default = prevailing document family; default is Times Roman
1491 .QUOTE_FONT default = italic; underlined in TYPEWRITE
1492 .QUOTE_SIZE default = +0 (i.e. same size as paragraph text)
1493 .QUOTE_AUTOLEAD default = none; leading of quotes is the same as paragraphs
1494 .QUOTE_COLOR default = black
1495 <a name="QUOTE_INDENT">.QUOTE_INDENT default = paragraph indent x 3 (typeset); x 2 (typewrite)</a>
1496 (note that this macro also sets the indents (left and right)
1497 for blockquotes)
1498 </pre>
1500 <a name="ALWAYS_FULLSPACE_QUOTES"><h3><u>2. Spacing above and below -- ALWAYS_FULLSPACE_QUOTES (typeset only)</u></h3></a>
1502 If you'd like <strong>mom</strong> always to put a full linespace above
1503 and below quotes, invoke <strong>.ALWAYS_FULLSPACE_QUOTES</strong>
1504 with no argument. If you wish to restore <strong>mom</strong>'s
1505 default behaviour regarding the spacing of quotes (see
1506 <a href="#QUOTE_SPACING">above</a>),
1507 invoke the macro with any argument (<strong>OFF, QUIT, END,
1508 X</strong>...)
1510 <strong>NOTE:</strong> This macro also sets <strong>mom</strong>'s
1511 spacing policy for
1512 <a href="#BLOCKQUOTE_INTRO">blockquotes</a>.
1515 <a name="UNDERLINE_QUOTES"><h3><u>3. Underlining -- UNDERLINE_QUOTES (typewrite only)</u></h3></a>
1517 By default in
1518 <a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPEWRITE</a>,
1519 <strong>mom</strong> underlines quotes. If you'd rather she didn't,
1520 invoke <strong>.UNDERLINE_QUOTES</strong> with any argument
1521 (<strong>OFF, QUIT, END, X</strong>...) to disable the feature.
1522 Invoke it without an argument to restore <strong>mom</strong>'s
1523 default underlining of quotes.
1525 If you not only wish that <strong>mom</strong> not underline
1526 quotes, but also that she set them in italic, you must follow each
1527 instance of <strong>QUOTE</strong> with the typesetting macro <a
1528 href="typesetting.html#FONT">FT I</a>.
1529 Furthermore, since <strong>mom</strong> underlines all instances
1530 of italics by default in <strong>PRINTSTYLE TYPEWRITE</strong>,
1531 you must also make sure that <strong>ITALIC_MEANS_ITALIC</strong>
1532 is enabled (see
1533 <a href="docprocessing.html#TYPEWRITE_CONTROL">PRINTSTYLE TYPEWRITE control macros</a>).
1536 <a name="BREAK_QUOTE"><h3><u>4. Manually break a footnoted quote -- BREAK_QUOTE</u></h3></a>
1538 <strong>NOTE:</strong> <em>As of version 1.1.9, the macro</em>
1539 <strong>BREAK_QUOTE</strong> <em>has become obsolete (or, at least,
1540 should have become obsolete.) It remains here for backward
1541 compatibility with documents created prior to 1.1.9, and just in
1542 case, despite my efforts to make it obsolete, you still encounter the
1543 problem it's supposed to fix. Should you find yourself having to
1544 use</em> <strong>BREAK_QUOTE</strong> <em>while running</em> <strong>mom</strong>
1545 1.1.9 <em>or higher, please notify me immediately.</em>
1548 Exceptionally, a quote or blockquote containing a footnote may cross
1549 a page or column. When this happens, the footnote marker may not be
1550 correct for its position relative to other footnotes on the page, and
1551 the footnote itself may appear on the wrong page or at the bottom of
1552 the wrong column. When this happens, study your output to determine
1553 the precise point at which the quote breaks (or at which you want
1554 it to break), and add <code>.BREAK_QUOTE</code> on a line by itself
1555 afterwards. No other intervention is required, and the footnote(s)
1556 will be marked correctly and appear on the correct page.
1558 <strong>BREAK_QUOTE</strong> may be used with both quotes and
1559 blockquotes, and hence is aliased as <strong>BREAK_BLOCKQUOTE,
1560 BREAK_CITATION</strong> and <strong>BREAK_CITE</strong>.
1562 <hr>
1564 <!====================================================================>
1566 <a name="BLOCKQUOTE_INTRO"><h2><u>Blockquotes (cited passages)</u></h2></a>
1567 <ul>
1568 <li><a href="#BLOCKQUOTE">Tag: BLOCKQUOTE (aliases: CITE, CITATION)</a>
1569 <li><a href="#BLOCKQUOTE_CONTROL">BLOCKQUOTE control macros</a>
1570 </ul>
1572 <strong>BLOCKQUOTES</strong> are used to cite passages from another
1573 author's work. So that they stand out well from
1574 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_RUNNING">running text</a>,
1575 <strong>mom</strong> indents them from both the left and right margins
1576 and sets them in a different point size
1577 <a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">(PRINTSTYLE TYPESET</a>
1578 only).
1579 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_OUTPUTLINE">Output lines</a>
1581 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FILLED">filled</a>,
1582 and, by default,
1583 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_QUAD">quadded</a>
1584 left.
1586 Besides indenting blockquotes, <strong>mom</strong> further sets them
1587 off from running text with a small amount of vertical whitespace top
1588 and bottom. (See
1589 <a href="#QUOTE_SPACING">above</a>
1590 for a complete explanation of how this is managed, and how to control it.
1591 Be sure to read the section <strong>Version 1.3</strong>.)
1594 <!---BLOCKQUOTE--->
1596 <hr width="66%" align="left">
1598 <a name="BLOCKQUOTE">
1599 <nobr>Macro: <strong>BLOCKQUOTE</strong> toggle<wbr>
1600 <br>
1601 Aliases: <strong>CITE, CITATION</strong>
1602 </a>
1605 <strong>BLOCKQUOTE</strong> is a toggle macro. To begin a
1606 cited passage, invoke the tag with no argument, then type in your quote.
1607 When you're finished, invoke <strong>BLOCKQUOTE</strong> with any
1608 argument (e.g. OFF, END, X, Q...) to turn it off. Example:
1610 <pre>
1612 Redefining the role of the United States from enablers to keep
1613 the peace to enablers to keep the peace from peacekeepers is
1614 going to be an assignment.
1615 .RIGHT
1616 \(emGeorge W. Bush
1618 </pre>
1620 If the cited passage runs to more than one paragraph, you MUST
1621 introduce each paragraph -- <em>including the first!</em> --
1622 with
1623 <a href="#PP">PP</a>.
1625 <strong>NOTE:</strong> The aliases <strong>CITE</strong>
1626 and <strong>CITATION</strong> may be used in place of the
1627 <strong>BLOCKQUOTE</strong> tag, as well as in any of the control
1628 macros that begin with <strong>BLOCKQUOTE_</strong> or end with
1629 <strong>_BLOCKQUOTE</strong>.
1631 <a name="BLOCKQUOTE_CONTROL"><h3><u>Blockquote control macros</u></h3></a>
1632 <ol>
1633 <li><a href="#BLOCKQUOTE_GENERAL">Family/font/size/leading/colour/quad/indent</a>
1634 <li><a href="#ALWAYS_FULLSPACE_QUOTES">Spacing above and below (typeset only)</a>
1635 <li><a href="#BREAK_QUOTE">Manually break a footnoted blockquote that crosses pages/columns</a>
1636 </ol>
1638 <a name="BLOCKQUOTE_GENERAL"><h3><u>1. Family/font/size/colour/quad/indent</u></h3></a>
1641 <a href="#CONTROL_MACRO_ARGS">Arguments to the control macros</a>.
1643 <pre>
1644 .BLOCKQUOTE_FAMILY default = prevailing document family; default is Times Roman
1645 .BLOCKQUOTE_FONT default = roman
1646 .BLOCKQUOTE_SIZE default = -1 (point)
1647 .BLOCKQUOTE_AUTOLEAD default = none; leading of blockquotes is the same as paragraphs
1648 .BLOCKQUOTE_COLOR default = black
1649 .BLOCKQUOTE_QUAD default = left
1650 .BLOCKQUOTE_INDENT default = paragraph indent x 3 (typeset); x 2 (typewrite)</a>
1651 (note that this macro also sets the left indent for quotes)
1652 </pre>
1654 <a name="ALWAYS_FULLSPACE_QUOTES"><h3><u>2. Spacing above and below -- ALWAYS_FULLSPACE_QUOTES (typeset only)</u></h3></a>
1656 If you'd like <strong>mom</strong> always to put a full linespace above
1657 and below blockquotes, invoke <strong>.ALWAYS_FULLSPACE_QUOTES</strong>
1658 with no argument. If you wish to restore <strong>mom</strong>'s
1659 default behaviour regarding the spacing of blockquotes (see
1660 <a href="#QUOTE_SPACING">above</a>),
1661 invoke the macro with any argument (<strong>OFF, QUIT, END,
1662 X</strong>...).
1664 <strong>NOTE:</strong> This macro also sets <strong>mom</strong>'s
1665 spacing policy for
1666 <a href="#QUOTE_INTRO">quotes</a>.
1668 <hr>
1670 <!====================================================================>
1672 <a name="LIST_INTRO"><h2><u>Nested lists</u></h2></a>
1673 <ul>
1674 <li><a href="#LIST">Tag: LIST</a>
1675 <li><a href="#ITEM">Tag: ITEM</a>
1676 <li><a href="#LIST_CONTROL">LIST control macros</a>
1677 </ul>
1679 Lists are points or items of interest or importance that are
1680 separated from
1681 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_RUNNING">running text</a>
1682 by enumerators. Some typical enumerators are
1683 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_EM">en-dashes</a>,
1684 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_BULLET">bullets</a>,
1685 digits and letters.
1687 Setting lists with <strong>mom</strong> is easy. First, you
1688 initialize a list with the <strong>LIST</strong> macro. Then, for
1689 every item in the list, you invoke the macro, <strong>ITEM</strong>,
1690 followed by the text of the item. When a list is finished, you
1691 exit the list with <strong>LIST OFF</strong> (or
1692 <strong>QUIT</strong>, <strong>END</strong>, <strong>BACK</strong>,
1693 etc.)
1695 By default <strong>mom</strong> starts each list with the enumerator
1696 flush with the left margin of running text that comes before it,
1697 like this:
1699 <pre>
1700 My daily schedule needs organizing. I can't
1701 seem to get everything done I want.
1702 o an hour's worth of exercise
1703 o time to prepare at least one healthy
1704 meal per day
1705 o reading time
1706 o work on mom
1707 o writing
1708 - changes from publisher
1709 - current novel
1710 o a couple of hours at the piano
1711 </pre>
1713 In other words, <strong>mom</strong> does not, by default, indent
1714 entire lists. Indenting a list is controlled by the macro,
1715 <a href="#SHIFT_LIST">SHIFT_LIST</a>.
1716 (This is a design decision; there are too many instances where a
1717 default indent is not desirable.) Equally, <strong>mom</strong>
1718 does not add any extra space above or below lists.
1720 Lists can be nested (as in the example above). In other words, you
1721 can set lists within lists, each with an enumerator (and possibly,
1722 indent) of your choosing. In nested lists, each invocation of
1723 <strong>LIST OFF</strong> (you may prefer to use <strong>LIST
1724 BACK</strong>) takes you back to the previous depth (or
1725 level) of list, with that list's enumerator and indent intact. The
1726 final <strong>LIST OFF</strong> exits lists completely and returns
1727 you to the left margin of running text.
1729 Finally, lists can be used in documents created with either the
1730 document processing macros or just the typesetting macros.
1733 <!---LIST--->
1735 <hr width="66%" align="left">
1737 <a name="LIST">
1738 <nobr>Macro: <strong>LIST</strong> [ BULLET | DASH | DIGIT | ALPHA | alpha | ROMAN&lt;n&gt; | roman&lt;n&gt; | USER &lt;string&gt;] [ &lt;separator&gt; | &lt;user-defined enumerator&gt; ] [ &lt;prefix&gt; ] [ &lt;off&gt; ]</a><wbr>
1740 Invoked by itself (i.e. with no argument), <strong>LIST</strong>
1741 initializes a list (with bullets as the default enumerator).
1742 Afterwards, each block of input text preceded by
1743 <a href="#ITEM">.ITEM</a>,
1744 on a line by itself, is treated as a list item.
1746 <strong>NOTE:</strong> Every time you invoke <strong>LIST</strong>
1747 to start a list (as opposed to
1748 <a href="#LIST_EXIT">exiting one</a>),
1749 you must supply an enumerator (and optionally, a separator) for the
1750 list, unless you want <strong>mom</strong>'s default enumerator,
1751 which is a bullet. Within nested lists, <strong>mom</strong>
1752 stores the enumerator, separator and indent for any list you return
1753 <em>backwards</em> to (i.e. with <strong>LIST OFF</strong>), but
1754 does not store any information for lists you move <em>forward</em>
1756 <br>
1758 <h3><u>The first argument--enumerator style</u></h3>
1760 The optional arguments <strong>BULLET</strong>,
1761 <strong>DASH</strong>, <strong>DIGIT</strong> (for
1762 Arabic numerals), <strong>ALPHA</strong> (for uppercase
1763 letters), <strong>alpha</strong> (for lowercase letters),
1764 <strong>ROMAN&lt;n&gt;</strong> (for uppercase roman numerals),
1765 <strong>roman&lt;n&gt;</strong> (for lowercase roman numerals) tell
1766 <strong>mom</strong> what kind of enumerator to use for a given
1767 list.
1769 The arguments, <strong>ROMAN&lt;n&gt;</strong> and
1770 <strong>roman&lt;n&gt;</strong>, are special. You must append to
1771 them a digit (arabic, e.g. "1" or "9" or "17") saying how many items
1772 a particular roman-numeralled <strong>LIST</strong> is going to
1773 have. <strong>Mom</strong> requires this information in order to
1774 align roman numerals sensibly, and will abort--with a message--if
1775 you don't provide it.
1777 A roman-numeralled list containing, say, five items, would be set
1778 up like this:
1780 <pre>
1781 .LIST roman5 producing i) Item 1.
1782 .ITEM ii) Item 2.
1783 Item 1. iii) Item 3.
1784 .ITEM iv) Item 4.
1785 Item 2. v) Item 5.
1786 .ITEM
1787 Item 3
1788 .ITEM
1789 Item 4
1790 .ITEM
1791 Item 5
1792 </pre>
1795 The argument, <strong>USER</strong>, lets you make up your own
1796 enumerator, and must be followed by a second argument: what you'd
1797 like the enumerator to look like. For example, if you want a list
1798 enumerated with
1799 <strong>=&gt;</strong>,
1801 <pre>
1802 .LIST USER =&gt;
1803 .ITEM
1804 A list item
1805 </pre>
1807 will produce
1809 <pre>
1810 =&gt; A list item
1811 </pre>
1813 <strong>Please note:</strong> if the argument to
1814 <strong>USER</strong> contains spaces, you must enclose the argument
1815 in double quotes.
1817 <br>
1819 <h3><u>The second argument--separator style</u></h3>
1821 If you choose <strong>DIGIT</strong>, <strong>ALPHA</strong>,
1822 <strong>alpha</strong>, <strong>ROMAN&lt;n&gt;</strong>, or
1823 <strong>roman&lt;n&gt;</strong>, you may enter the optional
1824 argument, <strong>separator</strong>, to say what kind of separator
1825 you want after the enumerator. The separator can be anything you
1826 like. The default for <strong>DIGIT</strong> is a period (dot),
1827 like this:
1829 <pre>
1830 1. A list item
1831 </pre>
1833 The default separator for <strong>ALPHA</strong>,
1834 <strong>alpha</strong>, <strong>ROMAN&lt;n&gt;</strong> and
1835 <strong>roman&lt;n&gt;</strong> is a right parenthesis, like this:
1837 <pre>
1838 a) An alpha-ed list item
1839 b) A second alpha-ed list item
1843 i) A roman-ed list item
1844 ii) A second roman-ed item
1845 </pre>
1847 If you'd prefer, say, digits with right-parenthesis separators
1848 instead of the default period, you'd do
1850 <pre>
1851 .LIST DIGIT )
1852 .ITEM
1853 A numberd list item
1854 </pre>
1856 which would produce
1858 <pre>
1859 1) A numbered list item
1860 </pre>
1862 <strong>Please note: BULLET</strong>, <strong>DASH</strong> and
1863 <strong>USER</strong> do not take a separator.
1864 <br>
1866 <h3><u>The third argument--prefix style</u></h3>
1868 Additionally, you may give a prefix (i.e. a character that comes
1869 <em>before</em> the enumerator) when your enumerator style for a
1870 particular list is <strong>DIGIT</strong>, <strong>ALPHA</strong>,
1871 <strong>alpha</strong>, <strong>ROMAN&lt;n&gt;</strong>
1872 or <strong>roman&lt;n&gt;</strong>. In the arguments to
1873 <strong>LIST</strong>, the prefix comes <em>after</em> the
1874 separator, which may seem counter-intuitive, so please be careful.
1876 A prefix can be anything you like. Most likely, you'll want some
1877 kind of open-bracket, such as a left parenthesis. If, for example,
1878 you want a <strong>DIGIT</strong> list with the numbers enclosed in
1879 parentheses, you'd enter
1881 <pre>
1882 .LIST DIGIT ) (
1883 .ITEM
1884 The first item on the list.
1885 .ITEM
1886 The second item on the list.
1887 </pre>
1889 which would produce
1891 <pre>
1892 (1) The first item on the list.
1893 (2) The second item on the list.
1894 </pre>
1896 <strong>Please note: BULLET</strong>, <strong>DASH</strong> and
1897 <strong>USER</strong> do not take a prefix.
1898 <br>
1900 <a name="LIST_EXIT"></a>
1901 <h3><u>Exiting lists--.LIST OFF/BACK or .QUIT_LISTS</u></h3>
1903 Any single argument to <strong>LIST</strong> other
1904 than <strong>BULLET</strong>, <strong>DASH</strong>,
1905 <strong>DIGIT</strong>, <strong>ALPHA</strong>,
1906 <strong>alpha</strong>, <strong>ROMAN&lt;n&gt;</strong>,
1907 <strong>roman&lt;n&gt;</strong> or <strong>USER</strong> (e.g.
1908 <strong>LIST</strong> <kbd>OFF</kbd> or <strong>LIST</strong>
1909 <kbd>BACK</kbd>) takes you out of the current list.
1911 If you are at the first list-level (or "list-depth"),
1912 <strong>mom</strong> returns you to the left margin of running text.
1913 Any indents that were in effect prior to setting the list are fully
1914 restored.
1916 If you are in a nested list, <strong>mom</strong> moves you
1917 <em>back one list-level</em> (i.e. does not take you out of the
1918 list structure) and restores the enumerator, separator and indent
1919 appropriate to that level.
1921 Each invocation of <strong>LIST</strong> should be be matched by
1922 a corresponding <strong>LIST OFF</strong> in order to fully exit
1923 lists. For example,
1925 <pre>
1926 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr,
1927 sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore.
1928 o List item in level 1
1929 o List item in level 1
1930 - List item in level 2
1931 - List item in level 2
1932 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr,
1933 sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore.
1934 </pre>
1936 is created like this:
1938 <pre>
1939 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr,
1940 sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore.
1942 .ITEM
1943 List item in level 1
1944 .ITEM
1945 List item in level 1
1947 .ITEM
1948 List item in level 2
1949 .ITEM
1950 List item in level 2
1951 .LIST OFF \" Turn level 2 list off
1952 .LIST OFF \" Turn level 1 list off
1953 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr,
1954 sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore.
1955 </pre>
1957 Alternatively, you may use the single-purpose macro,
1958 <strong>QUIT_LISTS</strong>, to get yourself out of a list
1959 structure. In the example above, the two <kbd>.LIST OFF</kbd>
1960 lines could be replaced with a single <kbd>.QUIT_LISTS</kbd>.
1963 <hr width="33%" align="left">
1965 <a name="ITEM">
1966 Macro: <strong>ITEM</strong>
1968 After you've initialized a list with
1969 <a href="#LIST">LIST</a>,
1970 precede each item you want in the list with <strong>ITEM</strong>.
1971 <strong>Mom</strong> takes care of everything else with respect to
1972 setting the item appropriate to the list you're in.
1974 In document processing, it is legal to have list items that contain
1975 multiple paragraphs. Simply issue a
1976 <a href="#PP">PP</a>
1977 request for each paragraph <em>following</em> the first item.
1978 I.e., don't do this:
1980 <pre>
1981 .ITEM
1983 Some text...
1985 A second paragraph of text
1986 </pre>
1988 but rather
1990 <pre>
1991 .ITEM
1992 Some text...
1994 A second paragraph of text
1995 </pre>
1996 <hr width="33%" align="left">
1998 <a name="LIST_CONTROL"><h3><u>List control macros</u></h3></a>
1999 <ol>
2000 <li><a href="#SHIFT_LIST">Indenting lists (SHIFT_LIST)</a>
2001 <li><a href="#RESET_LIST">Resetting an initialized list's enumerator (RESET_LIST)</a>
2002 <li><a href="#PAD_LIST_DIGITS">Padding digit enumerators (PAD_LIST_DIGITS)</a>
2003 </ol>
2005 <a name="SHIFT_LIST"><h3><u>1. Indenting lists -- SHIFT_LIST</u></h3></a>
2007 If you want a list to be indented to the right of running text, or
2008 indented to the right of a current list, use the macro
2009 <strong>SHIFT_LIST</strong> immediately after
2010 <a href="#LIST">LIST</a>.
2011 <strong>SHIFT_LIST</strong> takes just one argument: the amount by
2012 which you want the list shifted to the right. The argument requires
2014 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>,
2016 <strong>SHIFT_LIST</strong> applies <em>only</em> to the list you
2017 just initialized with <strong>LIST</strong>. It does not carry
2018 over from one invocation of <strong>LIST</strong> to the next.
2019 However, the indent remains in effect when you <em>return</em> to a
2020 list level in a nested list.
2022 For example, if you want a 2-level list, with each list indented to
2023 the right by 18
2024 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PICASPOINTS">points</a>,
2026 <pre>
2027 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr,
2028 sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore.
2029 .LIST \" List 1
2030 .SHIFT_LIST 18p \" Indent 18 points right of running text
2031 .ITEM
2032 List 1 item
2033 .ITEM
2034 List 1 item
2035 .LIST DASH \" List 2
2036 .SHIFT_LIST 18p \" Indent 18 points right of list 1
2037 .ITEM
2038 List 2 item
2039 .ITEM
2040 List 2 item
2041 .LIST OFF \" Move back to list 1
2042 .ITEM
2043 List 1 item
2044 .ITEM
2045 List 1 item
2046 .LIST OFF \" Exit lists
2047 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr,
2048 sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore.
2049 </pre>
2051 produces (approximately)
2053 <pre>
2054 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr,
2055 sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore.
2056 o List 1 item
2057 o List 1 item
2058 - List 2 item
2059 - List 2 item
2060 o List 1 item
2061 o List 1 item
2062 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr,
2063 sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore.
2064 </pre>
2066 <a name="RESET_LIST"><h3><u>2. Resetting an initialized list's enumerator -- RESET_LIST</u></h3></a>
2068 In nested lists, if your choice of list enumerator for a given
2069 level of list is <strong>DIGIT</strong>, <strong>ALPHA</strong>,
2070 <strong>alpha</strong>, <strong>ROMAN</strong> or
2071 <strong>roman</strong>, you may sometimes want to reset the list's
2072 enumerator when you return to that list. Consider the following:
2074 <pre>
2075 Things to do religiously each and every day:
2076 1. Take care of the dog
2077 a) walk every day
2078 b) brush once a week
2079 - trim around the eyes every fourth brushing
2080 - don't forget to check nails
2081 2. Feed the cat
2082 a) soft food on Mon., Wed. and Fri.
2083 b) dry food on Tues., Thurs. and Sat.
2084 c) canned tuna on Sunday
2085 </pre>
2087 Normally, within a nested list, when you return to an
2088 incrementally-enumerated list, the enumerator continues incrementing
2089 from where it left off. That means, in the example above, the
2090 normal state of affairs for the alpha'ed list under &quot;2. Feed
2091 the cat&quot; would be c), d) and e). The solution, in such a case,
2092 is simply to reset the enumerator --before <strong>ITEM</strong>!--
2093 with the macro, <strong>RESET_LIST</strong>.
2095 By default, with no argument, <strong>RESET_LIST</strong> resets the
2096 enumerator to 1, A, a, I or i depending on the style of enumerator.
2097 You may, if you wish, pass <strong>RESET_LISTS</strong> a numeric
2098 argument representing the starting enumerator for the reset (if
2099 different from "1"), although I can't at present think of a use for
2100 this feature.
2102 <a name="PAD_LIST_DIGITS"><h3><u>3. Padding digit enumerators (PAD_LIST_DIGITS)</a></u></h3></a>
2104 <strong><u>Arabic digits</u></strong>
2106 When your choice of enumerators is <strong>DIGIT</strong> AND the
2107 number of items in the list exceeds nine (9), you have to make a
2108 design decision: should <strong>mom</strong> leave room for the
2109 extra numeral in two-numeral digits to the right or the left of
2110 the single-numeral digits?
2112 If you want the extra space to the right, invoke the macro,
2113 <strong>.PAD_LIST_DIGITS</strong> (with no argument), after
2114 <strong>LIST</strong> and before <strong>ITEM</strong>. This will
2115 produce something like
2117 <pre>
2118 8. List item
2119 9. List item
2120 10. List item
2121 </pre>
2123 If you want the extra space to the left, invoke
2124 <strong>PAD_LIST_DIGITS</strong> with the single argument,
2125 <strong>LEFT</strong>, which will produce
2127 <pre>
2128 8. List item
2129 9. List item
2130 10. List item
2131 </pre>
2133 Of course, if the number of items in the list is less than ten
2134 (10), there's no need for <strong>PAD_LIST_DIGITS</strong>.
2136 <strong><u>Roman numerals</u></strong>
2138 By default, <strong>mom</strong> sets roman numerals in lists flush
2139 left. The <strong>&lt;n&gt;</strong> argument appended to
2140 <strong>ROMAN&lt;n&gt;</strong> or <strong>roman&lt;n&gt;</strong>
2141 allows her to calculate how much space to put after each numeral in
2142 order to ensure that the text of items lines up properly.
2144 If you'd like the roman numerals to line up flush right (i.e. be
2145 padded "left"), simply invoke <strong>PAD_LIST_DIGITS</strong>
2146 <kbd>LEFT</kbd> after <strong>LIST</strong> <kbd>ROMAN&lt;n&gt;</kbd>
2147 or <strong>LIST</strong> <kbd>roman&lt;n&gt;</kbd> amd before
2148 <strong>ITEM</strong>.
2150 <hr>
2152 <!---LINE NUMBERING--->
2154 <a name="NUMBER_LINES_INTRO"><h2><u>Line numbering</u></h2></a>
2155 <ul>
2156 <li><a href="#NUMBER_LINES">Macro: NUMBER_LINES</a>
2157 <li><a href="#NUMBER_LINES_CONTROL">Control macros</a> (for quotes and blockquotes)
2158 </ul>
2161 <strong>Mom</strong>'s line-numbering capabilities are not as flexible
2162 as most of her other document processing macros. The reason is
2163 that groff's underlying line-numbering
2164 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PRIMITIVEX">primitive</a>,
2165 <kbd>.nm</kbd>, is, well...primtive. It is not possible, for
2166 example, to select a particular family or font for use exclusively
2167 with line numbers. Nor is it possible to set the
2168 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_GUTTER">gutter</a>
2169 using any
2170 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>
2171 other than the
2172 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FIGURESPACE">figure space</a>.
2174 That said, when you turn line-numbering on, <strong>mom</strong>,
2175 by default
2176 <br>
2177 <a name="NUMBER_LINES_DEFAULTS"></a>
2178 <ul>
2179 <li>numbers every line of paragraph text; line-numbering is
2180 suspended for all other document processing tags (like
2181 docheaders, epigraphs, heads, subheads, etc.) and special
2182 pages (covers, endotes, bibliographies, etc.); be aware,
2183 though, that if you turn
2184 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_DOCHEADER">docheaders</a>
2185 off (with
2186 <a href="docprocessing.html#DOCHEADER">DOCHEADER</a> <strong>OFF</strong>)
2187 and create your own docheader, <strong>mom</strong>
2188 <em>will</em> line-number your custom docheader
2189 <li>doesn't touch your line length; line numbers are hung
2190 outside your current left margin (as set with
2191 <a href="typesetting.html#L_MARGIN">L_MARGIN</a>,
2192 <a href="typesetting.html#PAGE">PAGE</a>
2194 <a href="docprocessing.html#DOC_LEFT_MARGIN">DOC_LEFT_MARGIN</a>),
2195 regardless of any indents that may be active
2196 <li>separates line numbers from running text by two
2197 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FIGURESPACE">figure spaces</a>.
2198 </ul>
2200 Line numbering may be enabled and disabled for
2201 <a href="#QUOTE">QUOTE</a>
2202 and/or
2203 <a href="#BLOCKQUOTE">BLOCKQUOTE</a>
2204 in one of three styles. See
2205 <a href="#NUMBER_LINES_CONTROL">Line numbering control macros for quotes and blockquotes</a>.
2207 The first time you invoke
2208 <a href="#NUMBER_LINES">NUMBER_LINES</a>
2209 you must, at a minimum, tell it what line number you want the
2210 <em>next</em>
2211 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_OUTPUTLINE">output line</a>
2212 to have. Optional arguments allow you to state which lines should
2213 be numbered (e.g. every five or every ten lines), and the gutter to
2214 place between line numbers and
2215 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_RUNNING">running text</a>.
2217 Subsequently, you can turn line-numbering off, either permanently,
2218 or resume it later at a place of your choosing. When you
2219 resume line-numbering, the line numbers pick up where you left off.
2222 <!---NUMBER_LINES--->
2224 <hr width="66%" align="left">
2226 <nobr>
2227 <a name="NUMBER_LINES">
2228 <nobr>Macro: <strong>NUMBER_LINES</strong> &lt;start number&gt; [ &lt;which lines to number&gt; [ &lt;gutter&gt; ] ]<wbr>
2229 <br>
2230 <nobr>Macro: <strong>NUMBER_LINES</strong> &lt;anything&gt; | RESUME<wbr>
2231 <br>
2232 </a>
2233 <wbr>
2236 <strong>NUMBER_LINES</strong> does what it says: prints line
2237 numbers, to the left of
2238 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_OUTPUTLINE">output lines</a>
2239 of paragraph text. One of the chief reasons for wanting numbered
2240 lines is in order to identify footnotes or endnotes by line number
2241 instead of by a marker in the text. (See
2243 for instructions on line-numbered footnotes, and
2245 for instructions on line-numbered endnotes.)
2247 Every time you invoke <strong>NUMBER_LINES</strong>, unless you are
2248 using the arguments <strong>OFF</strong> (<strong>QUIT</strong>,
2249 <strong>END</strong>, <strong>X</strong>, etc.) or
2250 <strong>RESUME</strong> you must, at a minimum, pass it one
2251 argument, namely the number (digit) you want the <em>next</em>
2252 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_OUTPUTLINE">output line</a>
2253 to have. For example,
2254 <pre>
2256 </pre>
2258 will prepend the number, 3, to the next output line.
2260 Normally, of course, you will number lines of text starting at 1.
2261 All you have to do in that case is ensure that
2262 <pre>
2264 </pre>
2266 precedes your first line of input text, which will also be the
2267 first line of output text.
2269 You can alter <strong>mom</strong>'s default line numbering
2270 behaviour (see
2271 <a href="#NUMBER_LINES_DEFAULT">above</a>)
2272 with the optional arguments <strong>&lt;which lines to
2273 number&gt;</strong> and <strong>&lt;gutter&gt;</strong>.
2275 <strong>&lt;which lines to number&gt;</strong> instructs
2276 <strong>NUMBER_LINES</strong> to number only certain lines, e.g.
2277 every two lines or every five lines. If you want, say, only every
2278 five lines to have a prepended number, you'd do
2279 <pre>
2280 .NUMBER_LINES 1 5
2281 </pre>
2283 <strong>GOTCHA!</strong> The argument to <strong>&lt;which
2284 lines to number&gt;</strong> only numbers those lines that are
2285 multiples of the argument. Hence, in the above example, line
2286 number "1" will <em>not</em> be numbered, since "1" is not a
2287 multiple of "5".
2289 If you wanted line number "1" to be numbered, you'd have to invoke
2290 <kbd>.NUMBER_LINES 1 1</kbd> before the first output line, then
2291 study your <em>output</em> copy and determine where best to insert
2292 the following in your <em>input</em> copy:
2293 <pre>
2294 .NUMBER_LINES \n(ln 5
2295 </pre>
2297 (The escape, <kbd>\n(ln</kbd>, ensures that
2298 <strong>NUMBER_LINES</strong> automatically supplies the correct
2299 value for the first argument, <strong>&lt;start
2300 number&gt;</strong>.)
2302 Following this recipe, line number 1 will be numbered; subsequently,
2303 only line numbers that are multiples of 5 will be numbered. A
2304 little experimentation may be required to determine the best place
2305 for it.
2307 The optional argument, <strong>&lt;gutter&gt;</strong>, tells
2308 <strong>mom</strong> how much space to put between the line numbers
2309 and the running text.
2311 <strong>Note</strong>: when giving a value for
2312 <strong>&lt;gutter&gt;</strong>, you cannot skip the
2313 <strong>&lt;which lines to number&gt;</strong> argument. Either
2314 fill in the desired value, or use two double-quotes
2315 (<strong>""</strong>) to have <strong>mom</strong> use the value
2316 formerly in effect.
2318 <strong>&lt;gutter&gt;</strong> does not require (or even accept) a
2319 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>.
2320 The argument you pass to it is the number of
2321 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FIGURESPACE">figure spaces</a>
2322 you want between line numbers and running text.
2323 <strong>Mom</strong>'s default gutter is two figure spaces. If
2324 you'd like a wider gutter, say, four figures spaces, you'd do
2325 <pre>
2326 .NUMBER_LINES 1 1 4
2328 +-- Notice you *must* supply a value
2329 for the 2nd argument in order to supply
2330 a value for the 3rd.
2331 </pre>
2334 After you've set up line-numbering, <strong>NUMBER_LINES</strong>
2335 can be used to control line numbering.
2336 <br>
2337 <h3><u>Line-numbering control</u></h3>
2339 <strong>NUMBER_LINES OFF</strong> (or <strong>END, QUIT, X,</strong> etc.)
2340 turns line-numbering off.
2342 Sometimes, you merely want to suspend line-numbering. In that case,
2343 turn line numbering off with <strong>NUMBER_LINES OFF</strong>.
2344 Later, when you want it to resume, enter
2345 <pre>
2347 </pre>
2349 Line numbering will resume exactly where it left off. If this is
2350 not what you want--say you want to reset the line number to "1"--simply
2351 invoke <strong>NUMBER_LINES</strong> with whatever arguments
2352 are needed for the desired result.
2354 <strong>Extra Notes:</strong>
2355 <br>
2356 <ol>
2357 <li>In document processing, you may invoke <strong>NUMBER_LINES</strong>
2358 either before or after <strong>START</strong>.
2359 <strong>Mom</strong> doesn't care.
2360 <li>If you're collating documents with
2361 <a href="rectoverso.html#COLLATE">COLLATE</a>,
2362 you should re-invoke, at a minimum, <kbd>.NUMBER_LINES
2363 1</kbd> for each collated document, in order to ensure that
2364 each begins with the number "1" prepended to the first line
2365 (unless, of course, that is not what you want).
2366 <li>Occasionally, you may want to change the current gutter
2367 between line numbers and running text without knowing
2368 what the next output line number should be. Since
2369 <strong>NUMBER_LINES</strong> requires this number
2370 as its first argument, in such instances, pass
2371 <strong>NUMBER_LINES</strong> as its first argument the
2372 escape <kbd>\n(ln</kbd>.
2374 For example, if you were numbering every 5 lines with a
2375 gutter of 2 (figure spaces) and you needed to change the
2376 gutter to 4 (figures spaces),
2378 <kbd>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;.NUMBER_LINES \n(ln 5 4</kbd>
2380 would do the trick.
2381 <li>If you're using margin notes in a document, be sure to set
2382 the gutter for margin notes wide enough to allow room for
2383 the line numbers.
2384 <li><strong>Mom</strong> (groff, actually), only numbers lines
2385 <em>to the left of text</em>. For aesthetic reason,
2386 therefore, the use of line numbering when setting a document
2387 in columns is discouraged. However, should you wish to
2388 number lines when setting in columns, make sure the
2389 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_GUTTER">gutter(s)</a>
2390 between columns is wide enough to leave room for the
2391 numbers.
2392 </ol>
2393 <hr width="33%" align="left">
2395 <a name="NUMBER_LINES_CONTROL"><h3><u>Line numbering control macros for QUOTE and BLOCKQUOTE</u></h3></a>
2396 <ol>
2399 <li><a href="#NUMBER_LINES_QUOTES">Setting up line numbering in quotes and blockquotes on a case by case basis</a>
2400 </ol>
2402 <a name="NUMBER_QUOTE_LINES"><h3><u>1. NUMBER_QUOTE_LINES</u></h3></a>
2404 If you'd like <strong>mom</strong> to number lines of output text
2405 in a
2406 <a href="#QUOTE">QUOTE</a>
2407 as part of the same order and sequence as paragraph text, simply
2408 invoke <strong>NUMBER_QUOTE_LINES</strong> by itself.
2410 There is a catch with numbering quotes, though. Owing to groff's
2411 restriction of accepting only the figure space as the line number
2412 gutter's unit of measure, it is not possible for line numbers
2413 in quotes to hang outside a document's overall left margin and
2414 be reliably flush with the line numbers of paragraph text.
2415 Conseqently, line numbers in quotes hang to the left of the quote,
2416 separated from the quote by the <strong>&lt;gutter&gt;</strong>
2417 argument.
2419 If you'd like to change the gutter for quotes line-numbered in
2420 this way, invoke <strong>NUMBER_QUOTE_LINES</strong> with a digit
2421 representing the number of
2422 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FIGURESPACE">figure spaces</a>
2423 you'd like between the line numbers and the quoted text, like this:
2424 <pre>
2426 </pre>
2428 With the above, line numbers in quotes (and only quotes) will have
2429 a gutter of 1 figure space.
2431 If you are using "line numbering style" for footnotes
2432 (<a href="#FOOTNOTE_MARKER_STYLE">FOOTNOTE_MARKER_STYLE</a> <strong>LINE</strong>),
2433 you may not wish to have quotes <em>visibly</em> line-numbered, but
2434 still want to embed footnotes inside quotes. In order to do that,
2435 <strong>mom</strong> allows you to say <strong>NUMBER_QUOTE_LINES
2436 SILENT</strong>.
2438 When you invoke <strong>NUMBER_QUOTE_LINES</strong>
2439 <kbd>SILENT</kbd>, <strong>mom</strong> continues to increment line
2440 numbers while quotes are being output, but they won't appear in the
2441 output copy. (Compare this with <strong>mom</strong>'s default
2442 behaviour of <em>suspending</em> incrementing of line numbers
2443 during the output of quotes.) This allows you to embed
2444 line-numbered footnotes inside quotes and have the line number
2445 "label" in the footnote come out sensibly.
2447 Once having turned <strong>NUMBER_QUOTE_LINES</strong> on, you
2448 may disable it with <strong>NUMBER_QUOTE_LINES OFF</strong> (or
2449 <strong>QUIT</strong>, <strong>END</strong>, <strong>X</strong>,
2450 etc).
2453 <a name="NUMBER_BLOCKQUOTE_LINES"><h3><u>2. NUMBER_BLOCKQUOTE_LINES</u></h3></a>
2455 If you'd like <strong>mom</strong> to number lines of output text
2456 in a
2457 <a href="#QUOTE">BLOCKQUOTE</a>
2458 as part of the same order and sequence as paragraph text, simply
2459 invoke <strong>NUMBER_BLOCKQUOTE_LINES</strong> by itself.
2461 There is a catch with numbering blockquotes, though. Owing to
2462 groff's restriction of accepting only the figure space as the
2463 line number gutter's unit of measure, it is not possible for line
2464 numbers in blockquotes to hang outside a document's overall left
2465 margin and be reliably flush with the line numbers of paragraph
2466 text. Conseqently, line numbers in blockquotes hang to the
2467 left of the blockquote, separated from the blockquote by the
2468 <strong>&lt;gutter&gt;</strong> argument.
2470 If you'd like to change the gutter for blockquotes line-numbered in
2471 this way, invoke <strong>NUMBER_BLOCKQUOTE_LINES</strong> with a digit
2472 representing the number of
2473 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FIGURESPACE">figure spaces</a>
2474 you'd like between the line numbers and the blockquoted text, like
2475 this:
2476 <pre>
2478 </pre>
2480 With the above, line numbers in blockquotes (and only blockquotes)
2481 will have a gutter of 1 figure space.
2483 If you are using "line numbering style" for footnotes
2484 (<a href="#FOOTNOTE_MARKER_STYLE">FOOTNOTE_MARKER_STYLE</a> <strong>LINE</strong>),
2485 you may not wish to have blockquotes <em>visibly</em> line-numbered,
2486 but still want to embed footnotes inside blockquotes. In
2487 order to do that, <strong>mom</strong> allows you to say
2490 When you invoke <strong>NUMBER_BLOCKQUOTE_LINES</strong>
2491 <kbd>SILENT</kbd>, <strong>mom</strong> continues to increment line
2492 numbers while blockquotes are being output, but they won't appear in
2493 the output copy. (Compare this with <strong>mom</strong>'s default
2494 behaviour of <em>suspending</em> incrementing of line numbers during
2495 the output of blockquotes.) This allows you to embed line-numbered
2496 footnotes inside blockquotes and have the line number "label" in the
2497 footnote come out sensibly.
2499 Once having turned <strong>NUMBER_BLOCKQUOTE_LINES</strong> on, you
2500 may disable it with <strong>NUMBER_BLOCKQUOTE_LINES OFF</strong> (or
2501 <strong>QUIT</strong>, <strong>END</strong>, <strong>X</strong>,
2502 etc).
2505 <a name="NUMBER_LINES_QUOTES"><h3><u>3. Setting up line numbering in quotes and blockquotes on a case by case basis</u></h3></a>
2507 Sometimes, you may want quotes or blockquotes to have a different
2508 line numbering scheme from the one used in the rest of the
2509 document. Or, you may want line numbering enabled only inside a
2510 particular quote or blockquote. A common reason for this would be
2511 if you were using the
2512 <a href="#QUOTE">QUOTE</a>
2513 macro to insert lines of programming code into a document. (See
2514 <a href="#QUOTE_TIP">here</a>
2515 for suggestions about including programming code snippets in
2516 documents.)
2518 To enable line numbering within quotes or blockquotes on a case by
2519 case basis, simply invoke <strong>NUMBER_LINES</strong>, with the
2520 arguments you need, immediately after entering <strong>QUOTE</strong>
2521 or <strong>BLOCKQUOTE</strong>. (<strong>NUMBER_QUOTE_LINES</strong>
2522 and/or <strong>NUMBER_BLOCKQUOTE_LINES</strong> should be turned
2523 off if you're doing this.) The quote or blockquote will then be
2524 line-numbered according to your specifications: the starting line
2525 number of the quote or blockquote will be the one you give as a
2526 first argument to <strong>NUMBER_LINES</strong>; which lines to
2527 number will be the value you pass to <strong>&lt;which lines to
2528 number&gt;</strong> (defaults to "1"); line numbers will hang
2529 to the left of the quote or blockquote, separated from the quote or
2530 blockquote by <strong>&lt;gutter&gt;</strong> (defaults to "2").
2532 As soon as <strong>QUOTE</strong> or <strong>BLOCKQUOTE</strong> is
2533 turned off, line numbering ceases, not only with respect to
2534 subsequent paragraph text (if they are not being line-numbered),
2535 but also for any subsequent invocation of <strong>QUOTE</strong> or
2536 <strong>BLOCKQUOTE</strong>. In other words, you must re-enable
2537 quote or blockquote line-numbering inside every instance of
2538 <strong>QUOTE</strong> or <strong>BLOCKQUOTE</strong> when
2539 line-numbering either of them on a case by case basis.
2541 <hr>
2543 <!====================================================================>
2545 <a name="FOOTNOTE_INTRO"><h2><u>Footnotes</u></h2></a>
2546 <ul>
2547 <li><a href="#FOOTNOTE_BEHAVIOUR">Footnote behaviour</a>
2548 <ul>
2549 <li><a href="#FN_AND_PUNCT">Footnote markers and punctuation in the running text</a>
2550 </ul>
2551 <li><a href="#FOOTNOTE">Tag: FOOTNOTE</a>
2552 <li><a href="#FOOTNOTE_CONTROL">FOOTNOTE control macros</a>
2553 </ul>
2556 For something so complex behind the scenes, footnotes are easy to use.
2557 You just type, for example
2559 <a name="FOOTNOTE_EXAMPLE"></a>
2560 <pre>
2561 ...the doctrines of Identity as urged by Schelling\c
2563 &lt;footnote about who the hell is Schelling&gt;
2565 were generally the points of discussion presenting the most
2566 of beauty to the imaginative Morella.
2567 </pre>
2569 and be done with it.
2571 (Note the obligatory use of the <strong>\c</strong>
2572 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_INLINES">inline escape</a>.
2573 It is required when your
2575 is either <strong>STAR</strong> [star/dagger footnotes] or
2576 <strong>NUMBER</strong> [superscript numbers]; it is NOT to be used
2577 when the <strong>FOOTNOTE_MARKER_STYLE</strong> is
2578 <strong>LINE</strong>, or when footnote markers have been disabled
2579 with
2581 <strong>OFF</strong>.)
2583 <strong>***Version 1.3 change***</strong>
2585 As of version 1.3, the manner of entering the line
2586 <em>after</em> <strong>.FOOTNOTE OFF</strong> has changed
2587 to accommodate users' differing wishes with respect to
2588 the order of punctuation and footnote markers. The
2589 correct way to enter the line after <strong>.FOOTNOTE
2590 OFF</strong>--<strong><em><u>ONLY</u></em></strong> if your
2592 <strong>STAR</strong> or <strong>NUMBER</strong>--is to input
2593 it as if it's literally a continuation of the line before
2594 <strong>.FOOTNOTE</strong>, and therefore begins with either a space
2595 or a punctuation mark, as in the two following examples.
2597 <pre>
2598 Example 1 Example 2
2599 --------- ---------
2601 A line of text,\c A line of text\c
2603 A footnote line. A footnote line.
2605 broken up with a comma. , broken up with a comma.
2607 (last line begins with (last line begins with
2608 a literal space) the comma and a space)
2609 </pre>
2611 If your <strong>FOOTNOTE_MARKER_STYLE</strong> is line, none of
2612 this is a concern.
2614 <strong>***End of version 1.3 change***</strong>
2616 After you invoke <strong>FOOTNOTE</strong>, <strong>mom</strong>
2617 takes care of everything: putting footnote markers in the body of
2618 the document, keeping track of how many footnotes are on the page,
2619 identifying the footnotes themselves appropriately, balancing them
2620 properly with the bottom margin, deferring footnotes that don't fit
2621 on the page... Even if you're using
2622 <a href="columns.html#COLUMNS">COLUMNS</a>,
2623 <strong>mom</strong> knows what to do, and Does The Right Thing.
2625 Footnotes can be sly little beasts, though. If you're writing a
2626 document that's footnote-heavy, you might want to read the following.
2629 <a name="FOOTNOTE_BEHAVIOUR"><h3><u>Footnote behaviour</u></h3></a>
2631 By default, <strong>mom</strong> marks footnotes with alternating
2632 stars (asterisks), daggers, and double-daggers. The first footnote
2633 gets a star, the second a dagger, the third a double-dagger, the
2634 fourth two stars, the fifth two daggers, etc. If you prefer
2635 numbered footnotes, rest assured <strong>mom</strong> is happy to
2636 oblige.
2638 A small amount of vertical whitespace and a short horizontal rule
2639 separate footnotes from the document body. The amount of whitespace
2640 varies slightly from page to page depending on the number of lines
2641 in the footnotes. <strong>Mom</strong> tries for a nice balance
2642 between too little whitespace and too much, but when push comes to
2643 shove, she'll usually opt for ample over cramped. The last lines of
2644 footnotes are always flush with the document's bottom margin.
2645 <a name="FOOTNOTE_RULES"></a>
2647 If <strong>mom</strong> sees that a portion of a footnote cannot
2648 be fit on its page, she carries that portion over to the next
2649 page. If an entire footnote can't be fit on its page (i.e.
2650 <strong>FOOTNOTE</strong> has been called too close to the bottom),
2651 she defers the footnote to the next page, but sets it with the
2652 appropriate marker from the previous page.
2654 When footnotes occur within cited text, for example a
2655 <a href="#QUOTE">QUOTE</a>
2656 or a
2657 <a href="#BLOCKQUOTE">BLOCKQUOTE</a>,
2658 <strong>mom</strong> will usually opt for deferring the footnote
2659 over to the next page if it allows her to complete the cited text
2660 on one page.
2662 In the unfortunate happenstance that a deferred footnote is the
2663 only footnote on its page (i.e. it's marked in the document body with
2664 a star) and the page it's deferred to has its own footnotes,
2665 <strong>mom</strong> separates the deferred footnote from the page's
2666 proper footnote(s) with a blank line. This avoids the confusion that
2667 might result from readers seeing two footnote entries on the same page
2668 identified by a single star (or the number 1 if you've requested
2669 numbered footnotes that begin at 1 on every page). The blank line
2670 makes it clear that the first footnote entry belongs to the previous
2671 page.
2673 In the circumstance where a deferred footnote is not the only one
2674 on its page, and is consequently marked by something other than a
2675 single star, there's no confusion and <strong>mom</strong> doesn't
2676 bother with the blank line. (By convention, the first footnote on
2677 a page is always marked with a single star, so if readers see, say,
2678 a dagger or double-dagger marking the first footnote entry, they'll
2679 know the entry belongs to the previous page).
2681 Very exceptionally, two footnotes may have to be deferred (e.g. one
2682 occurs on the second to last line of a page, and another on the
2683 last line). In such a circumstance, <strong>mom</strong> does not
2684 add a blank after the second deferred footnote. If you'd like a
2685 blank line separating both deferred footnotes from any footnotes
2686 proper to the page the deferred ones were moved to, add the space
2687 manually by putting a
2688 <a href="typesetting.html#SPACE">.SPACE</a>
2689 command at the end of the footnote text, before
2690 <strong>FOOTNOTE OFF</strong> (or <strong>FOOTNOTE X, QUIT,
2691 EXIT, etc...</strong>).
2693 Obviously, deferred footnotes aren't an issue if you request numbered
2694 footnotes that increase incrementally throughout the whole document --
2695 yet another convenience <strong>mom</strong> has thought of.
2697 While <strong>mom</strong>'s handling of footnotes is
2698 sophisticated, and tries to take nearly every imaginable situation
2699 under which they might occur into account, some situations are
2700 simply impossible from a typographic standpoint. For example, if
2701 you have a
2702 <a href="#HEAD">HEAD</a>
2703 near the bottom of the page AND that page has some footnotes on it,
2704 <strong>mom</strong> may simply not have room to set any text under
2705 the head (normally, she insists on having room for at least one line
2706 of text beneath a head). In such an instance, <strong>mom</strong>
2707 will either set the head, with nothing under it but footnotes,
2708 or transfer the head to the next page. Either way, you'll have a
2709 gaping hole at the bottom of the page. It's a sort of typographic
2710 Catch-22, and can only be resolved by you, the writer or formatter
2711 of the document, adjusting the type on the offending page so as to
2712 circumvent the problem.
2714 <strong>NOTE:</strong> Exceptionally, you may encounter problems with footnotes inside
2715 quotes and blockquotes that cross a page or column. See <a
2716 href="#BREAK_QUOTE">BREAK_QUOTE</a>
2717 for a solution.
2720 <h3><u><a name="FN_AND_PUNCT">Footnote markers and punctuation in the running text</a></u></h3>
2723 As of version 1.3, the manner of entering the line <em>after</em>
2724 <strong>.FOOTNOTE OFF</strong> has changed. The correct way to
2725 enter the line after <strong>.FOOTNOTE OFF</strong> now is to
2726 input it as if it's literally a continuation of the line before
2727 <strong>.FOOTNOTE</strong>, and therefore begins with either a space
2728 or a punctuation mark, as in the two following examples.
2730 <pre>
2731 Example 1 Example 2
2732 --------- ---------
2734 A line of text,\c A line of text\c
2736 A footnote line. A footnote line.
2738 broken up with a comma. , broken up with a comma.
2740 (last line begins with (last line begins with
2741 a literal space) the comma and a space)
2742 </pre>
2744 Care must be taken, though, if the punctuation mark that begins the
2745 line after <strong>FOOTNOTE OFF</strong> is a period (dot). You
2746 <strong><em><u>must</u></em></strong> begin such lines with
2747 <strong>\&.</strong>, like this:
2749 <pre>
2750 end of a sentence\c
2752 A footnote line.
2754 \&. A new sentence...
2755 </pre>
2757 If you omit the <strong>\&.</strong>, the line will vanish!
2761 <!---FOOTNOTE--->
2763 <hr width="66%" align="left">
2765 <a name="FOOTNOTE">
2766 <nobr>Tag: <strong>FOOTNOTE</strong> &lt;toggle&gt; | INDENT LEFT | RIGHT | BOTH &lt;indent value&gt;<wbr>
2767 <br>
2768 <em>*See <a href="#FOOTNOTE_NOTE">HYPER-IMPORTANT NOTE</a>!!!</em>
2769 <br>
2770 &lt;indent value&gt; requires a
2771 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a></em>
2772 </a>
2775 <strong>FOOTNOTE</strong> is a toggle macro, therefore invoking it
2776 on a line by itself allows you to enter a footnote in the body of a
2777 document. Invoking it with any argument <em>other than INDENT</em>
2778 (i.e. <strong>OFF, QUIT, END, X...</strong>) tells <strong>mom</strong>
2779 you're finished.
2781 Footnotes are the only element of
2782 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_RUNNING">running text</a>
2783 that are not affected by the typesetting
2784 <a href="typesetting.html#INDENTS">indent macros</a>.
2785 In the unlikely event that you want a page's footnotes to line
2786 up with a running indent, invoke <strong>FOOTNOTE</strong> with
2787 the <strong>INDENT</strong> argument and pass it an indent
2788 direction and indent value. <strong>L, R,</strong> and
2789 <strong>B</strong> may be used in place of <strong>LEFT,
2790 RIGHT,</strong> and <strong>BOTH</strong>.
2791 <strong>FOOTNOTE</strong> must be invoked with <strong>INDENT</strong>
2792 for every footnote you want indented; <strong>mom</strong> does
2793 not save any footnote indent information from invocation to
2794 invocation.
2796 <strong>NOTE:</strong> If a footnote runs to more than one
2797 paragraph(!), <strong>DO NOT</strong> begin the footnote with
2799 <a href="#PP">PP</a>
2800 tag. Use <strong>PP</strong> only to introduce subsequent paragraphs.
2802 <a name="FOOTNOTE_NOTE"><strong>HYPER-IMPORTANT NOTE:</strong></a>
2803 The final word on the
2804 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_INPUTLINE">input line</a>
2805 that comes immediately before <strong>FOOTNOTE</strong> MUST terminate
2806 with a
2807 <a href="typesetting.html#JOIN">\c</a>
2808 inline escape if your
2810 is either <strong>STAR</strong> or <strong>NUMBER</strong>.
2811 See the
2812 <a href="#FOOTNOTE_EXAMPLE">footnote example</a>
2813 above.
2815 Additionally, the line <em>after</em> a <strong>FOOTNOTE
2816 OFF</strong> should be entered as if there were no interruption in
2817 the input text, i.e. the line should begin with a literal space or
2818 punctuation mark. See
2819 <a href="#FN_AND_PUNCT">above</a>.
2821 Do NOT use the <strong>\c</strong> inline escape if your
2822 <strong>FOOTNOTE_MARKER_STYLE</strong> is <strong>LINE</strong>, or
2823 if you have disabled footnote markers with
2825 <strong>OFF</strong>. As well, the line after
2826 <strong>FOOTNOTE&nbsp;OFF</strong> should be entered normally.
2829 <a name="FOOTNOTE_CONTROL"><h3><u>Footnote control macros</u></h3></a>
2830 <ol>
2831 <li><a href="#FOOTNOTE_GENERAL">Family/font/size/colour/lead/quad</a>
2832 <li><a href="#FOOTNOTE_MARKERS">Footnote markers</a> -- on or off
2833 <li><a href="#FOOTNOTE_MARKER_STYLE">Footnote marker style</a> -- star+dagger, numbered or by line number
2834 <ul>
2837 <li><a href="#FOOTNOTES_RUN_ON">FOOTNOTES_RUN_ON</a>--line-numbered footnotes only
2838 </ul>
2839 <li><a href="#RESET_FOOTNOTE_NUMBER">Reset footnote number</a> -- set footnote marker number to 1
2840 <li><a href="#FOOTNOTE_SPACE">Inter-footnote spacing</a>
2841 <li><a href="#FOOTNOTE_RULE">Footnote rule</a> -- on or off
2842 <li><a href="#FOOTNOTE_RULE_LENGTH">Footnote rule length</a> -- length of footnote separator rule
2843 <li><a href="#FOOTNOTE_RULE_ADJ">Adjust vertical position of footnote separator rule</a>
2844 </ol>
2846 <a name="FOOTNOTE_GENERAL"><h3><u>1. Family/font/size/colour/lead/quad</u></h3></a>
2849 <a href="#CONTROL_MACRO_ARGS">Arguments to the control macros</a>.
2851 <pre>
2852 .FOOTNOTE_FAMILY default = prevailing document family; default is Times Roman
2853 .FOOTNOTE_FONT default = roman
2854 .FOOTNOTE_SIZE default = -2 (points)
2855 .FOOTNOTE_COLOR default = black
2856 .FOOTNOTE_AUTOLEAD default = 2 points (typeset); single-spaced (typewrite)
2857 .FOOTNOTE_QUAD default = same as paragraphs
2858 </pre>
2860 <a name="FOOTNOTE_MARKERS"><h3><u>2. Footnote markers -- FOOTNOTE_MARKERS</u></h3></a>
2862 If you don't want footnote markers, in either the body of
2863 the document or beside footnote entries themselves, toggle
2864 them off with <strong>.FOOTNOTE_MARKERS OFF</strong> (or
2865 <strong>END, QUIT, X</strong>...). This means, of course, that
2866 you'll have to roll your own. If you want them back on, invoke
2867 <strong>.FOOTNOTE_MARKERS</strong> with no argument. Footnote markers
2868 are on by default.
2870 If <strong>FOOTNOTE_MARKERS</strong> are disabled, do NOT use the
2871 <strong>\c</strong> inline escape to terminate the line before
2872 <strong>.FOOTNOTE</strong>.
2875 <a name="FOOTNOTE_MARKER_STYLE"><h3><u>3. Footnote marker style -- FOOTNOTE_MARKER_STYLE</u></h3></a>
2877 <strong>Mom</strong> gives you two choices of footnote marker style:
2878 star+dagger (see
2879 <a href="#FOOTNOTE_BEHAVIOUR">footnote behaviour</a>
2880 above), or numbered.
2882 <strong>.FOOTNOTE_MARKER_STYLE STAR</strong> gives you star+dagger
2883 (the default). There is a limit of 10 footnotes per page with
2884 this style.
2886 <strong>.FOOTNOTE_MARKER_STYLE NUMBER</strong> gives you superscript
2887 numbers, both in the document body and in the footnote entries
2888 themselves. By default, footnote numbers increase incrementally
2889 (prev. footnote number + 1) throughout the whole document. You can
2890 ask <strong>mom</strong> to start each page's footnote numbers at 1
2891 with <strong>.RESET_FOOTNOTE_NUMBER</strong>
2892 (<a href="#RESET_FOOTNOTE_NUMBER">see below</a>.)
2893 <a name="FOOTNOTE_LINENUMBERS"><p></a>
2895 <strong>.FOOTNOTE_MARKER_STYLE LINE</strong> lets you have
2896 footnotes which are identified by line number, rather than by a
2897 marker in the text. (Note that
2898 <a href="#NUMBER_LINES">NUMBER_LINES</a>
2899 must be enabled in order to use this marker style.)
2901 With <strong>FOOTNOTE_MARKER_STYLE LINE</strong>, <strong>mom</strong>
2902 will identify footnotes either by single line numbers, or line
2903 ranges. If what you want is a single line number, you need only
2904 invoke <strong>.FOOTNOTE</strong>, <em>without terminating the text
2905 line before it with</em> <strong>\c</strong>, at the appropriate
2906 place in running text.
2908 If you want a range of line numbers (e.g.&nbsp;[5-11]&nbsp;),
2909 insert, directly into the first line of the range you want, the
2910 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_INLINES">inline escape</a>,
2911 <strong>\*[FN-MARK]</strong>. For the terminating line number of
2912 the range, you need only invoke <strong>.FOOTNOTE</strong>, (again,
2913 without attaching <strong>\c</strong> to the text line before it).
2914 <strong>Mom</strong> is smart enough to figure out that where
2915 <strong>FOOTNOTE</strong> was invoked represents the terminating
2916 line number. Range-numbered footnotes are always output on the page
2917 where <strong>FOOTNOTE</strong> was invoked, not the page where
2918 <strong>\*[FN-MARK]</strong> appears (subject, of course, to the
2919 rules for footnotes that fall too close to the bottom of a page, as
2920 outlined
2921 <a href="#FOOTNOTE_RULES">here</a>).
2924 <strong>Mom</strong>, by default, puts footnote line numbers inside
2925 square brackets. The style of the brackets may be changed with
2926 the macro, <strong>FOOTNOTE_LINENUMBER_BRACKETS</strong>, which
2927 takes one of three possible arguments: <strong>PARENS</strong>
2928 ("round" brackets), <strong>SQUARE</strong> (the default) or
2929 <strong>BRACES</strong> (curly braces). If you prefer a
2930 shortform, the arguments, <strong>(</strong>, <strong>[</strong> or
2931 <strong>{</strong> may be used instead.
2934 If you don't want the numbers enclosed in brackets, you may tell
2935 <strong>mom</strong> to use a "separator" instead. A common
2936 separator would be the colon, but it can be anything you like. The
2937 macro to do this is <strong>FOOTNOTE_LINENUMBER_SEPARATOR</strong>,
2938 which takes, as its single argument, the separator you want. For
2939 safety and consistency's sake, ALWAYS enclose the argument in
2940 double-quotes.
2942 The separator can be composed of any legal groff character, or any
2943 combination of characters. <strong>A word of caution:</strong> when
2944 using a separator, <strong>mom</strong> doesn't insert a space
2945 after the separator. Hence, if you want the space (you probably
2946 do), you must make the space part of the argument you pass to
2947 <strong>FOOTNOTE_LINENUMBER_SEPARATOR</strong>. For example,
2948 to get a colon separator with a space after it, you'd do
2950 <pre>
2952 </pre>
2954 <a name="FOOTNOTES_RUN_ON"><strong><u>RUN-ON FOOTNOTES</u></strong></a>
2956 Finally, if your footnote marker style is <strong>LINE</strong>, you
2957 may instruct <strong>mom</strong> to do "run-on style" footnotes.
2958 Run-on footnotes do not treat footnotes as discrete entities, i.e.
2959 on a line by themselves. Rather, each footnote is separated from
2960 the footnote before it by a space, so that the footnotes on any
2961 given page form a continuous block, like lines in a paragraph. The
2962 macro to get
2963 <strong>mom</strong> to run footnotes on is
2964 <strong>.FOOTNOTES_RUN_ON</strong>. Invoked by itself, it turns
2965 the feature on. Invoked with any other argument
2966 (<strong>OFF</strong>, <strong>NO</strong>, etc.), it turns the
2967 feature off. It is generally NOT a good idea to turn the feature
2968 on and off during the course of a single document. If you do,
2969 <strong>mom</strong> will issue a warning if there's going to be a
2970 problem. However, it is always perfectly safe to enable/disable the
2971 feature after
2972 <a href="rectoverso.html#COLLATE">COLLATE</a>.
2974 The usual reason for wanting run-on footnotes is that you're
2975 using them to hold many, short references. (See
2976 <a href="refer.html#TOP">here</a>
2977 for instructions on using the <strong>groff</strong> program,
2978 <strong>refer</strong>, to set up references.)
2982 <a name="RESET_FOOTNOTE_NUMBER"><h3><u>4. Reset footnote number -- RESET_FOOTNOTE_NUMBER</u></h3></a>
2984 <strong>.RESET_FOOTNOTE_NUMBER</strong>, by itself, resets
2985 footnote numbering so that the next footnote you enter is
2986 numbered 1.
2988 <strong>.RESET_FOOTNOTE_NUMBER PAGE</strong> tells
2989 <strong>mom</strong> to start every page's footnote numbering at 1.
2992 <a name="FOOTNOTE_SPACE"><h3><u>5. Inter-footnote spacing -- FOOTNOTE_SPACE</u></h3></a>
2994 If you'd like a little extra space between footnotes, you can have
2995 <strong>mom</strong> put it in for you by invoking
2996 <strong>.FOOTNOTE_SPACE</strong> with an argument representing the
2997 amount of extra space you'd like. The argument to
2998 <strong>FOOTNOTE_SPACE</strong> requires a
2999 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>.
3001 In the following example, footnotes will be separated from each
3002 other by 3
3003 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PICASPOINTS">points</a>.
3004 <pre>
3006 </pre>
3008 <a name="FOOTNOTE_RULE"><h3><u>6. Footnote rule -- FOOTNOTE_RULE</u></h3></a>
3010 If you don't want a footnote separator rule, toggle it off with
3011 <strong>.FOOTNOTE_RULE OFF</strong> (or <strong>END,
3012 QUIT, X</strong>...). Toggle it back on by invoking
3013 <strong>.FOOTNOTE_RULE</strong> with no argument. The default is to
3014 print the rule.
3017 <a name="FOOTNOTE_RULE_LENGTH"><h3><u>7. Footnote rule length -- FOOTNOTE_RULE_LENGTH</u></h3></a>
3019 If you want to change the length of the footnote separator rule,
3020 invoke <strong>.FOOTNOTE_RULE_LENGTH</strong> with a length, like
3021 this,
3022 <pre>
3024 </pre>
3026 which sets the length to 1 inch. Note that a
3027 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>
3028 is required. The default is 4
3029 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PICASPOINTS">picas</a>
3030 for both
3031 <a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLES</a>.
3034 <a name="FOOTNOTE_RULE_ADJ"><h3><u>8. Adjust vertical position of footnote separator rule -- FOOTNOTE_RULE_ADJ</u></h3></a>
3036 The footnote separator rule is actually a baseline rule that falls
3037 on the
3038 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_BASELINE">baseline</a>
3039 of the first line of a page's footnotes. By default,
3040 <strong>mom</strong> raises the rule 3
3041 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PICASPOINTS">points</a>
3042 from the baseline so that the separator and the footnotes don't
3043 look jammed together. If you'd prefer a different vertical
3044 adjustment, invoke <strong>.FOOTNOTE_RULE_ADJ</strong> with the
3045 amount you'd like. For example
3047 <pre>
3049 </pre>
3051 raises the rule by 4-1/4 points. Note that you can only raise
3052 the rule, not lower it. A
3053 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>
3054 is required.
3056 <strong>Tip:</strong> If your document
3057 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_LEADING">leading</a>
3058 is 2
3059 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PICASPOINTS">points</a>
3060 or less (e.g your
3061 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PS">point size</a>
3062 is 10 and your linespacing is 10, 11, or 12, lowering
3063 <strong>mom</strong>'s default footnote rule adjustment will
3064 almost certainly give you nicer looking results than leaving
3065 the adjustment at the default. Furthermore, you can invoke
3066 <strong>FOOTNOTE_RULE_ADJ</strong> on any page in which footnotes
3067 appear, or in any column, so that the placement of the footnote rule
3068 can be changed on-the-fly, should you wish to do so.
3070 <hr>
3072 <!====================================================================>
3074 <a name="ENDNOTE_INTRO"><h2><u>Endnotes</u></h2></a>
3075 <ul>
3076 <li><a href="#ENDNOTE_BEHAVIOUR">Endnote behaviour</a>
3077 <ul>
3078 <li><a href="#ENDNOTE_SPACING">A Note on Endnote Spacing</a>
3079 <li><a href="#ENDNOTE_COLUMNS">Endnotes and columnar documents</a>
3080 </ul>
3081 <li><a href="#ENDNOTE">Tag: ENDNOTE</a>
3082 <li><a href="#ENDNOTES">Macro: ENDNOTES</a> -- tell <strong>mom</strong> to output endnotes
3083 <li><a href="#ENDNOTE_CONTROL">ENDNOTES control macros</a>
3084 </ul>
3087 Embedding endnotes into <strong>mom</strong> documents is accomplished
3088 the same way as embedding
3089 <a href="#FOOTNOTE_INTRO">footnotes</a>. The example below is
3090 identical to the one shown in the
3091 <a href="#FOOTNOTE_EXAMPLE">introduction to footnotes</a>,
3092 except that <kbd>.FOOTNOTE</kbd> has been replaced with
3093 <kbd>.ENDNOTE</kbd>.
3095 <a name="ENDNOTE_EXAMPLE"></a>
3096 <pre>
3097 ...the doctrines of Identity as urged by Schelling\c
3099 &lt;endnote about who the hell is Schelling&gt;
3101 were generally the points of discussion presenting the most
3102 of beauty to the imaginative Morella.
3103 </pre>
3105 As with footnotes, note the obligatory use of the <strong>\c</strong>
3106 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_INLINES">inline escape</a>
3107 when your
3109 is <strong>NUMBER</strong> (which marks endnotes references in
3110 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_RUNNING">running text</a>
3111 with superscript numbers). When the marker style is
3112 <strong>LINE</strong>, you must <em>not</em> use the
3113 <strong>\c</strong> escape.
3115 <strong>***Version 1.3 change***</strong>
3117 As of version 1.3, the manner of entering the line <em>after</em>
3118 <strong>.ENDNOTE OFF</strong> has changed to accommodate users'
3119 differing wishes with respect to the order of punctuation and
3120 endnote markers. The correct way to enter the line after
3121 <strong>.ENDNOTE OFF</strong>--but <strong><em><u>NOT</u></em></strong>
3122 if your
3124 is <strong>LINE</strong>--is to input it as if it's literally
3125 a continuation of the line before <strong>.ENDNOTE</strong>, and
3126 therefore begins with either a space or a punctuation mark, as in
3127 the two following examples.
3129 <a name="EN_PUNCT"></a>
3130 <pre>
3131 Example 1 Example 2
3132 --------- ---------
3134 A line of text,\c A line of text\c
3136 A footnote line. A footnote line.
3138 broken up with a comma. , broken up with a comma.
3140 (last line begins with (last line begins with
3141 a literal space) the comma and a space)
3142 </pre>
3144 <strong>***End version 1.3 change***</strong>
3146 Endnotes differ from footnotes in two ways (other than the fact that
3147 endnotes come at the end of a document whereas footnotes appear in the
3148 body of the document):
3149 <br>
3150 <ol>
3151 <li>When your <strong>ENDNOTE_MARKER_STYLE</strong> is
3152 <strong>NUMBER</strong>, endnotes are always numbered
3153 incrementally, starting at "1".
3154 <li>Endnotes MUST be output explicitly; <strong>mom</strong> does
3155 not output them for you. In
3156 <a href="rectoverso.html#COLLATE">collated</a>
3157 documents, this allows you to choose whether you
3158 want the endnotes to appear at the end of each chapter or
3159 article in a document, or grouped together at the very end
3160 of the document.
3161 </ol>
3163 Within endnotes, you may use the document element tags
3164 <a href="#PP">PP</a>,
3165 <a href="#QUOTE">QUOTE</a>
3167 <a href="#BLOCKQUOTE">BLOCKQUOTE</a>.
3168 This provides the flexibility to create endnotes that run to several
3169 paragraphs, as well as to embed cited text within endnotes.
3171 Should you wish to change the appearance of quotes or blockquotes that
3172 appear within endnotes, you may do so with the
3173 <a href="#QUOTE_CONTROL">quote control macros</a>
3175 <a href="#BLOCKQUOTE_CONTROL">blockquote control macros</a>.
3176 HOWEVER... you must make the changes <em>within</em> each endnote, prior
3177 to invoking <strong>QUOTE</strong> or <strong>BLOCKQUOTE</strong>, and
3178 undo them prior to terminating the endnote (i.e. before <strong>ENDNOTE
3179 OFF</strong>), otherwise the changes will affect subsequent quotes and
3180 blockquotes that appear in the document body as well.
3183 <a name="ENDNOTE_BEHAVIOUR"><h3><u>Endnote behaviour</u></h3></a>
3184 <br>
3185 When you output endnotes (with
3186 <a href="#ENDNOTES">ENDNOTES</a>),
3187 <strong>mom</strong> finishes processing the last page of your document,
3188 then breaks to a new page for printing the endnotes. If the document
3189 type is
3190 <a href="docprocessing.html#DOCTYPE">CHAPTER</a>,
3191 the centre part of the
3192 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_HEADER">header</a>
3193 (or footer), which, by default, contains a chapter number or title, is
3194 removed.
3196 By default, <strong>mom</strong> starts the endnotes page with a
3197 bold, centred, double-underscored head, &quot;ENDNOTES&quot;.
3198 Underneath--flush left, bold, and underscored--she prints the document
3199 title (or, in the case of chapters, the chapter number or title). She
3200 then prints the endnotes. Each endnote is identified by its appropriate
3201 number, in bold, right aligned to two placeholders. The text of the
3202 endnotes themselves is indented to the right of the numbers.
3204 If the endnotes are grouped together at the end of a collated document,
3205 each section of the document that contains endnotes is identified by its
3206 own unique title (or chapter number or title), bold, flush left, and
3207 underscored.
3209 Of course, all the defaults, as well as the overall style of the
3210 endnotes page, can be changed with the
3211 <a href="#ENDNOTE_CONTROL">endnote control macros</a>.
3212 The attentive will notice that endnotes have an awful lot of control
3213 macros. This is because endnotes are like a mini-document unto
3214 themselves, and therefore need not be bound by the style parameters of
3215 the body of the document.
3218 <a name="ENDNOTE_SPACING">
3219 <h3><u>A Note on Endnote Spacing</u></h3>
3220 </a>
3221 <br>
3222 On the endnotes page(s), each new endnote is separated from the
3223 previous endnote by a full line space. This can result in a bottom
3224 margin that hangs, and is the one instance, other than the use of
3225 <a href="#PP_SPACE">PARA_SPACE</a>,
3226 where <strong>mom</strong> allows unequal bottom alignment of pages.
3227 Should you wish to correct this, by adding or subtracting small amounts
3228 of space between endnotes that appear together on an endnotes page, make
3229 the adjustment (with
3230 <a href="typesetting.html#ALD">ALD</a>,
3231 <a href="typesetting.html#RLD">RLD</a>
3233 <a href="typesetting.html#SPACE">SPACE</a>)
3234 <em>at the end of each endnote</em> (i.e. just before invoking
3235 <a href="#ENDNOTE">ENDNOTE OFF</a>)
3236 rather than at the top.
3239 <a name="ENDNOTE_COLUMNS">
3240 <h3><u>Endnotes and columnar documents</u></h3>
3241 </a>
3242 <br>
3243 Formerly (pre 1.1.6), there was no way to set a document in columns
3244 (see
3245 <a href="docprocessing.html#COLUMNS">COLUMNS</a>)
3246 and then turn off column mode for endnotes. As of version 1.1.6,
3247 you may now do so. See
3250 <hr>
3252 <!---ENDNOTE--->
3255 <a name="ENDNOTE">
3256 <nobr>Macro: <strong>ENDNOTE</strong> &lt;toggle&gt;<wbr>
3257 <br>
3258 <em>*See <a href="#ENDNOTE_NOTE">HYPER-IMPORTANT NOTE</a>!!!</em>
3259 </a>
3262 <strong>ENDNOTE</strong> is a toggle macro, therefore invoking it
3263 on a line by itself allows you to enter an endnote in the body of a
3264 document. Invoking it with any other argument
3265 (i.e. <strong>OFF, QUIT, END, X...</strong>) tells <strong>mom</strong>
3266 that you've finished the endnote.
3268 <strong>NOTE:</strong> If an endnote runs to more than one paragraph,
3269 <strong>DO NOT</strong> begin the endnote with the
3270 <a href="#PP">PP</a>
3271 tag. Use <strong>PP</strong> only to introduce subsequent paragraphs.
3273 <a name="ENDNOTE_NOTE"><strong>HYPER-IMPORTANT NOTE:</strong></a>
3274 If your
3276 is <strong>NUMBER</strong> (<strong>mom</strong>'s default), the
3277 final word on the
3278 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_INPUTLINE">input line</a>
3279 that comes immediately before <strong>ENDNOTE</strong> MUST terminate
3280 with a
3281 <a href="typesetting.html#JOIN">\c</a>
3282 inline escape. See the
3283 <a href="#ENDNOTE_EXAMPLE">endnote example</a>
3284 above.
3286 Additionally, the line <em>after</em>
3287 <strong>.ENDNOTE&nbsp;OFF</strong> should be entered as if there
3288 were no interruption in the input text, i.e. the line should begin
3289 with a literal space or punctuation mark. See the two
3290 <a href="#EN_PUNCT">examples</a>,
3291 above.
3293 If your <strong>ENDNOTE_MARKER_STYLE</strong> is
3294 <strong>LINE</strong>, do NOT use the <strong>\c</strong> escape,
3295 and enter the line after <strong>.ENDNOTE&nbsp;OFF</strong>
3296 normally.
3299 <!---ENDNOTES--->
3301 <hr width="66%" align="left">
3303 <a name="ENDNOTES">Tag: <strong>ENDNOTES</strong></a>
3306 Unlike footnotes, which <strong>mom</strong> automatically outputs at the
3307 bottom of pages, endnotes must be explicitly output by you, the user.
3308 <strong>ENDNOTES</strong>, by itself (i.e. without any argument), is
3309 the macro to do this.
3311 Typically, you'll use <strong>ENDNOTES</strong> at the end of
3312 a document. If it's a single (i.e. not collated) document,
3313 <strong>mom</strong> will print the endnotes pertaining to it. If it's
3314 a collated document, <strong>mom</strong> will print all the endnotes
3315 contained within all sections of the document (typically chapters),
3316 appropriately identified and numbered.
3318 Should you wish to output the endnotes for each section of a collated
3319 document at the ends of the sections (instead of at the very end of the
3320 document), simply invoke <strong>ENDNOTES</strong> immediately prior to
3321 <a href="rectoverso.html#COLLATE">COLLATE</a>.
3322 <strong>Mom</strong> will print the endnotes, identified and numbered
3323 appropriately, on a separate page prior to starting the next section of
3324 the document. Each subsequent invocation of <strong>ENDNOTES</strong>
3325 outputs only those endnotes that <strong>mom</strong> collected
3326 after the previous invocation.
3328 <hr width="66%" align="left">
3330 <a name="ENDNOTE_CONTROL"><h3><u>Endnote control macros</u></h3></a>
3332 <strong>VERY IMPORTANT NOTE!</strong>
3333 <br>
3334 Endnote control macros must always be invoked prior to the first
3335 instance of
3336 <a href="#ENDNOTE">ENDNOTE/ENDNOTE OFF</a>.
3338 When you embed endnotes in the body of a document,
3339 <strong>mom</strong> collects <em>and processes</em> them for later
3340 outputting (when you invoke
3341 <a href="#ENDNOTES">ENDNOTES</a>).
3342 By the time you do invoke <strong>ENDNOTES</strong>, it's much too
3343 late to change your mind about how you want them to look.
3345 My advice? If you're planning to change the default appearance of
3346 endnotes pages, set them up prior to
3347 <a href="docprocessing.html#START">START</a>.
3349 <ol>
3350 <li><a href="#ENDNOTES_GENERAL"><strong>General endnotes-pages style control</strong></a>
3351 <ul>
3352 <li><a href="#ENDNOTE_STYLE">Base family/font/quad for endnotes-pages</a>
3353 <li><a href="#ENDNOTE_PT_SIZE">Base point size for the endnotes-pages</a>
3354 <li><a href="#ENDNOTE_LEAD">Leading of endnotes-pages</a>
3355 <li><a href="#SINGLESPACE_ENDNOTES">Singlespace endnotes (for TYPEWRITE only)</a>
3356 <li><a href="#ENDNOTE_PARA_INDENT">Size of paragraph first line indent in multi-paragraph endnotes</a>
3357 <li><a href="#ENDNOTE_PARA_SPACE">Inserting space between paragraphs of multi-paragraph endnotes</a>
3358 <li><a href="#ENDNOTES_NO_COLUMNS">Turning off column mode during endnotes output</a>
3359 <li>Pagination of endnotes:
3360 <ul>
3361 <li><a href="#ENDNOTES_PAGENUM_STYLE">Endnotes-pages page numbering style</a>
3362 <li><a href="#ENDNOTES_FIRST_PAGENUMBER">Setting the first page number of endnotes pages</a>
3363 <li><a href="#ENDNOTES_NO_FIRST_PAGENUM">Omitting a page number on the first page of endnotes</a>
3364 </ul>
3365 <li><a href="#SUSPEND_PAGINATION">Suspending pagination of endnotes pages</a>
3366 </ul>
3367 <li><a href="#ENDNOTES_HEADER_CONTROL"><strong>Endnotes-page header/footer control</strong></a>
3368 <ul>
3369 <li><a href="#ENDNOTES_MODIFY_HDRFTR">Modifying what goes in the endnotes-pages header/footer</a>
3370 <li><a href="#ENDNOTES_HDRFTR_CENTER">Enabling a header/footer centre when doctype is CHAPTER</a>
3371 <li><a href="#ENDNOTES_ALLOWS_HEADERS">Allow headers on endnotes-pages</a>
3372 </ul>
3373 <li><a href="#ENDNOTES_MAIN_TITLE"><strong>Endnotes-page head (i.e. the title at the top) control</strong></a>
3374 <ul>
3375 <li><a href="#ENDNOTE_STRING">Creating/modifying the endnotes-page head</a>
3376 <li><a href="#ENDNOTE_STRING_CONTROL">Endnotes-page head control</a>
3377 <li><a href="#ENDNOTE_STRING_UNDERSCORE">Endnotes-page head underscoring</a>
3378 <li><a href="#ENDNOTE_STRING_CAPS">Endnotes-page head capitalization</a>
3379 </ul>
3380 <li><a href="#ENDNOTES_DOC_TITLE"><strong>Endnote document-identification title</strong></a>
3381 <ul>
3382 <li><a href="#ENDNOTE_TITLE">Creating/modifying the endnote document-identification title</a>
3383 <li><a href="#ENDNOTE_TITLE_CONTROL">Document-identification title control</a>
3384 <li><a href="#ENDNOTE_TITLE_UNDERSCORE">Document-identification title underscoring</a>
3385 </ul>
3386 <li><a href="#ENDNOTES_NUMBERING"><strong>Endnotes-pages endnote numbering style</strong></a>
3387 <ul>
3388 <li><a href="#ENDNOTE_MARKER_STYLE">Endnote marker style</a>--by numbers in the text, or by line number
3389 <ul>
3393 </ul>
3394 <li><a href="#ENDNOTE_NUMBER_CONTROL">Endnotes-pages endnote numbering style control</a>
3395 <li><a href="#ENDNOTE_NUMBER_ALIGNMENT">Endnote numbering alignment</a>
3396 <ul>
3399 </ul>
3400 </ul>
3401 </ol>
3402 <hr>
3404 <a name="ENDNOTES_GENERAL"><h2><u>1. General endnotes page style control</u></h2>
3406 <a name="ENDNOTE_STYLE"><h3><u>*Endnote family/font/quad</u></h3></a>
3409 <a href="#CONTROL_MACRO_ARGS">Arguments to the control macros</a>.
3411 <pre>
3412 .ENDNOTE_FAMILY default = prevailing document family; default is Times Roman
3413 .ENDNOTE_FONT default = roman
3414 .ENDNOTE_QUAD* default = justified
3416 *Note: ENDNOTE_QUAD must be set to either L or J
3417 </pre>
3419 <!---ENDNOTE_PT_SIZE--->
3421 <a name="ENDNOTE_PT_SIZE"><h3><u>*Endnote point size</u></h3></a>
3423 <nobr>Macro: <strong>ENDNOTE_PT_SIZE</strong> &lt;base type size of endnotes&gt;<wbr>
3426 Unlike most other control macros that deal with size of document
3427 elements, <strong>ENDNOTE_PT_SIZE</strong> takes as its argument an
3428 absolute value, relative to nothing. Therefore, the argument represents
3429 the size of endnote type in
3430 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PICASPOINTS">points</a>,
3431 unless you append an alternative
3432 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>.
3433 For example,
3435 <pre>
3437 </pre>
3439 sets the base point size of type on the endnotes page to 12
3440 points, whereas
3442 <pre>
3444 </pre>
3446 sets the base point size of type on the endnotes page to 1/6 of an
3447 inch.
3449 The type size set with <strong>ENDNOTE_PT_SIZE</strong> is the size of
3450 type used for the text of the endnotes, and forms the basis from which
3451 the point size of other endnote page elements is calculated.
3453 The default for
3454 <a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPESET</a>
3455 is 12.5 points (the same default size used in the body of the document).
3458 <!---ENDNOTE_LEAD--->
3460 <a name="ENDNOTE_LEAD"><h3><u>*Endnote lead</u></h3></a>
3462 <nobr>Macro: <strong>ENDNOTE_LEAD</strong> &lt;base leading of endnotes&gt; [ ADJUST ] <wbr>
3463 <br>
3464 <em>*Does not require a <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>; points is assumed</em>
3467 Unlike most other control macros that deal with leading of document
3468 elements, <strong>ENDNOTE_LEAD</strong> takes as its argument an
3469 absolute value, relative to nothing. Therefore, the argument represents
3471 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_LEADING">leading</a>
3472 of endnotes in
3473 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PICASPOINTS">points</a>
3474 unless you append an alternative
3475 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>.
3476 For example,
3478 <pre>
3480 </pre>
3482 sets the base leading of type on the endnotes page to 14
3483 points, whereas
3485 <pre>
3486 .ENDNOTE_LEAD .5i
3487 </pre>
3489 sets the base leading of type on the endnotes page to 1/2 inch.
3491 If you want the leading of endnotes adjusted to fill the page, pass
3492 <strong>ENDNOTE_LEAD</strong> the optional argument
3493 <strong>ADJUST</strong>. (See
3494 <a href="docprocessing.html#DOC_LEAD_ADJUST">DOC_LEAD_ADJUST</a>
3495 for an explanation of leading adjustment.)
3497 The default for
3498 <a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPESET</a>
3499 is 14 points, adjusted.
3501 <strong>NOTE:</strong> Even if you give <strong>mom</strong> a
3502 <strong>DOC_LEAD_ADJUST OFF</strong> command, she will still, by
3503 default, adjust endnote leading. You MUST enter
3504 <strong>ENDNOTE_LEAD &lt;lead&gt;</strong> with no
3505 <strong>ADJUST</strong> argument to disable this default behaviour.
3510 <a name="SINGLESPACE_ENDNOTES"><h3><u>*Singlespace endnotes (TYPEWRITE only)</u></h3></a>
3512 <nobr>Macro: <strong>SINGLESPACE_ENDNOTES</strong> &lt;toggle&gt;<wbr>
3515 If your
3516 <a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE</a>
3517 is <strong>TYPEWRITE</strong> and you use TYPEWRITE's default
3518 double-spacing, endnotes are double-spaced. If your document is
3519 single-spaced, endnotes are single-spaced.
3521 If, for some reason, you'd prefer that endnotes be single-spaced
3522 in an otherwise double-spaced document (including double-spaced
3523 <a href="rectoverso.html#COLLATE">collated</a>
3524 documents), invoke <strong>SINGLESPACE_ENDNOTES</strong> with
3525 no argument. And if, god help you, you want to change endnote
3526 single-spacing back to double-spacing for different spacing of
3527 endnotes output at the ends of separate documents in a collated
3528 document, invoke <strong>SINGLESPACE_ENDNOTES</strong> with any
3529 argument (<strong>OFF, QUIT, Q, X</strong>...).
3534 <a name="ENDNOTE_PARA_INDENT"><h3><u>*Endnote paragraph indenting</u></h3></a>
3536 <nobr>Macro: <strong>ENDNOTE_PARA_INDENT</strong> &lt;amount to indent first line of paragraphs in endnotes&gt;<wbr>
3537 <br>
3538 <em>*Requires a <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a></em>
3541 <strong>ENDNOTE_PARA_INDENT</strong> works exactly the same way as
3542 <a href="#PARA_INDENT">PARA_INDENT</a>,
3543 except that the indent given is the amount by which to indent the first
3544 lines of endnote paragraphs, not document body paragraphs.
3546 The default is 1.5
3547 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_EM">ems</a>
3549 <a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPESET</a>;
3550 1/2 inch for
3551 <a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPEWRITE</a>.
3554 <strong>NOTE:</strong> The first line of the first paragraph of endnotes
3555 (the one attached immediately to the identifying endnote number) is
3556 never indented. Only subsequent paragraphs are affected by
3557 <strong>ENDNOTE_PARA_INDENT</strong>.
3560 <!---ENDNOTE_PARA_SPACE--->
3562 <a name="ENDNOTE_PARA_SPACE"><h3><u>*Endnote paragraph spacing</u></h3></a>
3564 <nobr>Macro: <strong>ENDNOTE_PARA_SPACE</strong> &lt;toggle&gt;<wbr>
3567 <strong>ENDNOTE_PARA_SPACE</strong> works exactly the same way as
3568 <a href="#PP_SPACE">PARA_SPACE</a>,
3569 except that it inserts a blank line between endnote paragraphs, not
3570 document body paragraphs.
3572 The default is not to insert a blank line between paragraphs in
3573 endnotes.
3575 <strong>NOTE:</strong> Each endnote itself is always separated from any
3576 previous endnote by a line space. <strong>ENDNOTE_PARA_SPACE</strong>
3577 refers only to paragraphs that appear within each discrete endnote.
3582 <a name="ENDNOTES_NO_COLUMNS"><h3><u>*Turning off column mode during endnotes output</u></h3></a>
3584 <nobr>Macro: <strong>ENDNOTES_NO_COLUMNS</strong> &lt;toggle&gt;<wbr>
3587 By default, if your document is
3588 <a href="columns.html#COLUMNS">set in columns</a>,
3589 <strong>mom</strong> sets the endnotes in columns, too. However,
3590 if your document is set in columns and you'd like the endnotes not
3591 to be, just invoke <strong>ENDNOTES_NO_COLUMNS</strong> with no
3592 argument. The endnotes pages will be set to the full page measure
3593 of your document.
3595 If you output endnotes at the end of each document in a
3596 <a href="rectoverso.html#COLLATE">collated</a>
3597 document set in columns, column mode will automatically
3598 be reinstated for each document, even with
3599 <strong>ENDNOTES_NO_COLUMNS</strong> turned on.
3604 <a name="ENDNOTES_PAGENUM_STYLE"><h3><u>*Endnotes-pages page numbering style</u></h3></a>
3606 <nobr>Macro: <strong>ENDNOTES_PAGENUM_STYLE</strong> DIGIT | ROMAN | roman | ALPHA | alpha<wbr>
3609 Use this macro to set the page numbering style of endnotes pages.
3610 The arguments are identical to those for
3611 <a href="headfootpage.html#PAGENUM_STYLE">PAGENUM_STYLE</a>.
3612 The default is <strong>digit</strong>. You may want to change it
3613 to, say, <strong>alpha</strong>, which you would do with
3615 <pre>
3617 </pre>
3621 <a name="ENDNOTES_FIRST_PAGENUMBER"><h3><u>*Setting the first page number of endnotes pages</u></h3></a>
3623 <nobr>Macro: <strong>ENDNOTES_FIRST_PAGENUMBER</strong> &lt;page # that appears on page 1 of endnotes&gt;<wbr>
3626 Use this macro with caution. If all endnotes for several
3627 <a href="rectoverso.html#COLLATE">collated</a>
3628 documents are to be output at once, i.e. not at the end of each
3629 separate doc, <strong>ENDNOTES_FIRST_PAGENUMBER</strong> tells
3630 <strong>mom</strong> what page number to put on the first page of
3631 the endnotes.
3633 If you set <strong>ENDNOTES_FIRST_PAGENUMBER</strong> in collated
3634 documents where the endnotes are output after each separate doc,
3635 you have to reset every separate document's first page number after
3636 <a href="rectoverso.html#COLLATE">COLLATE</a>
3637 and before
3638 <a href="docprocessing.html#START">START</a>.
3643 <a name="ENDNOTES_NO_FIRST_PAGENUM"><h3><u>*Omitting a page number on the first page of endnotes</u></h3></a>
3645 <nobr>Macro: <strong>ENDNOTES_NO_FIRST_PAGENUM</strong> &lt;toggle&gt;<wbr>
3648 This macro is for use only if <strong>FOOTERS</strong> are on. It
3649 tells
3650 <a href="#ENDNOTES">ENDNOTES</a>
3651 not to print a page number on the first endnotes page.
3652 <strong>Mom</strong>'s default is to print the page number.
3657 <a name="SUSPEND_PAGINATION"><h3><u>*Suspending pagination of endnotes pages</u></h3></a>
3659 Macro: <strong>SUSPEND_PAGINATION</strong>
3660 <br>
3661 Macro: <strong>RESTORE_PAGINATION</strong>
3664 <strong>SUSPEND_PAGINATION</strong> doesn't take an argument.
3665 Invoked immediately prior to
3666 <a href="#ENDNOTES">ENDNOTES</a>,
3667 it turns off endnotes pages pagination. <strong>Mom</strong>
3668 continues, however to increment page numbers silently.
3670 To restore normal document pagination after endnotes, invoke
3671 <strong>RESTORE_PAGINATION</strong> (again, with no argument)
3672 immediately after <strong>ENDNOTES</strong>.
3674 <a name="ENDNOTES_HEADER_CONTROL"><h2><u>2. Endnotes-page header/footer control</u></h2></a>
3676 <a name="ENDNOTES_MODIFY_HDRFTR"></a>
3677 If you wish to modify what appears in the header/footer that appears
3678 on endnotes page(s), make the changes before you invoke
3679 <a href="#ENDNOTES">ENDNOTES</a>,
3680 not afterwards.
3682 Except in the case of
3683 <a href="docprocessing.html#DOCTYPE">DOCTYPE CHAPTER</a>,
3684 <strong>mom</strong> prints the same header or footer used throughout
3685 the document on the endnotes page(s). Chapters get treated differently
3686 in that, by default, <strong>mom</strong> does not print the
3687 header/footer centre string (normally the chapter number or chapter
3688 title.) In most cases, this is what you want. However, should you
3689 <em>not</em> want <strong>mom</strong> to remove the centre string from
3690 the endnotes page(s) headers/footers, invoke
3692 with no argument.
3694 An important change you may want to make is to put the word
3695 &quot;Endnotes&quot; in the header/footer centre position.
3696 To do so, do
3698 <pre>
3699 .HEADER_CENTER "Endnotes"
3701 .FOOTER_CENTER "Endnotes"
3702 </pre>
3704 prior to invoking <strong>.ENDNOTES</strong>. If your
3705 <a href="docprocessing.html#DOCTYPE">DOCTYPE</a>
3706 is <kbd>CHAPTER</kbd>, you must also invoke
3708 for the <strong>HEADER_CENTER</strong> to appear.
3711 <a name="ENDNOTES_HDRFTR_CENTER"><h3><u>*Endnotes page(s) header/footer centre string</u></h3></a>
3713 <nobr>Macro: <strong>ENDNOTES_HEADER_CENTER</strong> toggle<wbr>
3716 If your
3717 <a href="docprocessing.html#DOCTYPE">DOCTYPE</a>
3718 is <kbd>CHAPTER</kbd> and you want <strong>mom</strong> to include
3719 a centre string in the headers/footers that appear on endnotes pages,
3720 invoke <strong>ENDNOTES_HEADER_CENTER</strong> (or
3721 <strong>ENDNOTES_FOOTER_CENTER</strong>) with no argument.
3722 <strong>Mom</strong>'s default is NOT to print the centre string.
3724 If, for some reason, having enabled the header/footer centre string
3725 on endnotes pages, you wish to disable it, invoke the same macro
3726 with any argument (<strong>OFF, QUIT, Q, X</strong>...).
3729 <a name="ENDNOTES_ALLOWS_HEADERS"><h3><u>*Allow headers on endnotes-pages</u></h3></a>
3731 <nobr>Macro: <strong>ENDNOTES_ALLOWS_HEADERS</strong> &lt;none&gt; | ALL<wbr>
3734 By default, if <strong>HEADERS</strong> are on, <strong>mom</strong>
3735 prints page headers on all endnotes pages except the first. If you
3736 don't want her to print headers on endnotes pages, do
3738 <pre>
3740 </pre>
3742 If you want headers on every page <em>including the first</em>, do
3744 <pre>
3746 </pre>
3748 <strong>NOTE:</strong> If <strong>FOOTERS</strong> are on,
3749 <strong>mom</strong> prints footers on every endnotes page. This is
3750 a style convention. In <strong>mom</strong>, there is no such beast
3751 as <strong>ENDNOTES_ALLOWS_FOOTERS OFF</strong>.
3754 <a name="ENDNOTES_MAIN_TITLE"><h2><u>3. Endnotes-page first page head (title) control</u></h2>
3756 <!---ENDNOTE_STRING--->
3758 <a name="ENDNOTE_STRING"><h3><u>*Endnotes-page first page head (title) string</u></h3></a>
3760 <nobr>Macro: <strong>ENDNOTE_STRING</strong> &quot;&lt;head to print at the top of endnotes&gt;&quot;<wbr>
3763 By default, <strong>mom</strong> prints the word &quot;ENDNOTES&quot;
3764 as a head at the top of the first page of endnotes. If you want her
3765 to print something else, invoke <strong>ENDNOTE_STRING</strong> with
3766 the endnotes-page head you want, surrounded by double-quotes. If
3767 you don't want a head at the top of the first endnotes-page, invoke
3768 <strong>ENDNOTE_STRING</strong> with a blank argument (either two
3769 double-quotes side by side -- <kbd>&quot;&quot;</kbd> -- or no argument
3770 at all).
3775 <a name="ENDNOTE_STRING_CONTROL"><h3><u>*Endnotes-page first page head (title) control</u></h3></a>
3778 <a href="#CONTROL_MACRO_ARGS">Arguments to the control macros</a>.
3780 <pre>
3781 .ENDNOTE_STRING_FAMILY default = prevailing document family; default is Times Roman
3782 .ENDNOTE_STRING_FONT default = bold
3783 .ENDNOTE_STRING_SIZE* default = +1
3784 .ENDNOTE_STRING_QUAD default = centred
3786 *Relative to the size of the endnotes text (set with ENDNOTE_PT_SIZE)
3787 </pre>
3791 <a name="ENDNOTE_STRING_UNDERSCORE"><h3><u>*Endnotes-page head (title) underscoring</h3></u></a>
3793 <nobr>Macro: <strong>ENDNOTE_STRING_UNDERSCORE</strong> toggle | 2<wbr>
3796 Invoked by itself, <strong>ENDNOTE_STRING_UNDERSCORE</strong> will
3797 underscore the endnotes-page head. Invoked with the argument 2
3798 (i.e. the digit 2), <strong>ENDNOTE_STRING_UNDERSCORE</strong> will
3799 double-underscore the head. Invoked with any other argument, the macro
3800 disables underscoring of the head.
3802 <strong>Mom</strong>'s default is to double-underscore the
3803 head, therefore if you want no underscoring, you must insert
3804 <kbd>.ENDNOTE_STRING_UNDERSCORE OFF</kbd> (or <kbd>QUIT, X, NO,
3805 NONE,</kbd> etc.) into your document prior to outputting endnotes with
3806 <a href="#ENDNOTES">ENDNOTES</a>.
3810 <a name="ENDNOTE_STRING_CAPS"><h3><u>*Endnotes-page head (title) automatic capitalization</h3></u></a>
3812 <nobr>Macro: <strong>ENDNOTE_STRING_CAPS</strong> toggle<wbr>
3815 Invoked by itself, <strong>ENDNOTE_STRING_CAPS</strong> will
3816 automatically capitalize the endnotes-page head. Invoked with any
3817 other argument, the macro disables automatic capitalization of the
3818 head.
3820 If you're generating a table of contents, you may want the
3821 endnotes-pages head string in caps, but the toc entry in caps/lower
3822 case. If the argument to
3824 is in caps/lower case and <strong>ENDNOTE_STRING_CAPS</strong> is
3825 on, this is exactly what will happen.
3827 <strong>Mom</strong>'s default is to capitalize the endnotes-pages
3828 head string.
3831 <!---ENDNOTE_TITLE--->
3833 <a name="ENDNOTES_DOC_TITLE"><h2><u>4. Endnote document-identification title</u></h2>
3834 <a name="ENDNOTE_TITLE"><h3><u>*Endnote document-identification title string</u></h3></a>
3836 <nobr>Macro: <strong>ENDNOTE_TITLE</strong> &quot;&lt;title to identify a document in endnotes&gt;&quot;<wbr>
3839 By default, <strong>mom</strong> identifies the document(s) to which
3840 endnotes belong by the document title(s) given to the
3841 <a href="docprocessing.html#TITLE">TITLE</a>
3842 macro. If you'd want her to identify the document(s) another way,
3843 just invoke <strong>ENDNOTE_TITLE</strong> with the identifying
3844 title you want, surrounded by double-quotes.
3846 If you don't want any identifying title, invoke
3847 <strong>ENDNOTE_TITLE</strong> with a blank argument (either two
3848 double-quotes side by side -- <kbd>&quot;&quot;</kbd> -- or no
3849 argument at all). This is particularly useful if you have a single
3850 (i.e. non-collated) document and find having the document's title
3851 included in the endnotes redundant.
3856 <a name="ENDNOTE_TITLE_CONTROL"><h3><u>*Endnote document-identification title control</u></h3></a>
3859 <a href="#CONTROL_MACRO_ARGS">Arguments to the control macros</a>.
3861 <pre>
3862 .ENDNOTE_TITLE_FAMILY default = prevailing document family; default is Times Roman
3863 .ENDNOTE_TITLE_FONT default = bold
3864 .ENDNOTE_TITLE_SIZE* default = 0
3865 .ENDNOTE_TITLE_QUAD default = left
3867 *Relative to the size of the endnotes text (set with ENDNOTE_PT_SIZE)
3868 </pre>
3872 <a name="ENDNOTE_TITLE_UNDERSCORE"><h3><u>*Endnote document-identification title underscoring</h3></u></a>
3874 <nobr>Macro: <strong>ENDNOTE_TITLE_UNDERSCORE</strong> toggle<wbr>
3877 Invoked by itself, <strong>ENDNOTE_TITLE_UNDERSCORE</strong> will
3878 underscore the endnote document-identification title(s). Invoked with any
3879 other argument, the macro disables underscoring of the title(s).
3881 <strong>Mom</strong>'s default is to underscore the document-identification title, therefore if you want no underscoring, you must
3882 insert <kbd>.ENDNOTE_TITLE_UNDERSCORE OFF</kbd> (or <kbd>QUIT, X, NO,
3883 NONE,</kbd> etc.) into your document prior to outputting endnotes with
3884 <a href="#ENDNOTES">ENDNOTES</a>.
3889 <a name="ENDNOTES_NUMBERING"><h2><u>5. Endnotes-pages endnote numbering style</u></h2>
3891 <a name="ENDNOTE_MARKER_STYLE"><h3><u>*Endnote marker style</u></h3></a>
3893 The macro to control how endnotes are referenced is
3894 <strong>ENDNOTE_MARKER_STYLE</strong>.
3896 By default, <strong>mom</strong> places superscript numbers in
3897 <a href="definitions.html#RUNNING">running text</a>
3898 to identify endnotes. However, if you have
3899 <a href="#NUMBER_LINES">line-numbering</a>
3900 turned on, you may instruct <strong>mom</strong> not to put
3901 superscript numbers in the running text, but rather to reference
3902 endnotes by line number. The command to do this is
3904 <pre>
3906 </pre>
3908 With <strong>ENDNOTE_MARKER_STYLE LINE</strong>, <strong>mom</strong>
3909 will identify endnotes either by single line numbers, or line
3910 ranges. If what you want is a single line number, you need only
3911 invoke <strong>.ENDNOTE</strong>, <em>without terminating the text
3912 line before it with</em> <strong>\c</strong>, at the appropriate
3913 place in running text. (Should you wish to revert to
3914 <strong>mom</strong>'s default behaviour of placing a superscript
3915 number in the text to identify an endnote, you can invoke
3916 <strong>ENDNOTE_MARKER_STYLE</strong> with the argument,
3917 <strong>NUMBER</strong>. It is not advisable to switch marker
3918 styles within a single document, for aesthetic reasons, but there
3919 is nothing to prevent you from doing so.)
3921 If you want a range of line numbers (e.g.&nbsp;[5-11]&nbsp;),
3922 insert, directly into the first line of the range you want, the
3923 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_INLINES">inline escape</a>,
3924 <strong>\*[EN-MARK]</strong>. For the terminating line number of
3925 the range, you need only invoke <strong>.ENDNOTE</strong>, (again,
3926 without attaching <strong>\c</strong> to the text line before it).
3927 <strong>Mom</strong> is smart enough to figure out that where
3928 <strong>ENDNOTE</strong> was invoked represents the terminating
3929 line number.
3930 <a name="ENDNOTE_LINENUMBER_GAP"></a>
3932 Given the impossibility of knowing, in advance, the "string length"
3933 of all the line numbers or ranges of line numbers that will be used
3934 in endnotes (the string length of 12 is two; the string length
3935 of 12-15 is 5), <strong>mom</strong> cannot "hang" line numbers
3936 and guarantee that they, and the endnote text, will align in a
3937 visually pleasing manner. Consequently, <strong>mom</strong> sets
3938 the entirety of line-numbered endnotes completely flush left,
3939 <strong>including the line numbers themselves</strong>. The line
3940 numbers (by default, enclosed in square brackets) are separated from
3941 the beginning of each endnote by a gap, so that a line-numbered
3942 endnote looks approximately like this:
3944 <pre>
3945 [1-2] Notwithstanding, Frye later asserts that Christianity
3946 is "a ghost with the chains of a foul historical record of
3947 cruelty clanking behind it."
3948 </pre>
3950 The default gap for <strong>PRINTSTYLE TYPESET</strong> and
3951 <strong>PRINSTYLE TYPEWRITE</strong> is 1.5
3952 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_EM">ems</a>.
3953 You can change the size of the gap with the macro,
3954 <strong>ENDNOTE_LINENUMBER_GAP</strong>, which takes, as its single
3955 argument, the size of the gap. The argument requires a
3956 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>,
3957 so, for example, to change the gap to 2
3958 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PICASPOINTS">picas</a>,
3959 you'd do
3961 <pre>
3963 </pre>
3966 By default, <strong>mom</strong> puts endnote line numbers inside
3967 square brackets. The style of the brackets may be changed with
3968 the macro, <strong>ENDNOTE_LINENUMBER_BRACKETS</strong>, which
3969 takes one of three possible arguments: <strong>PARENS</strong>
3970 ("round" brackets), <strong>SQUARE</strong> (the default) or
3971 <strong>BRACES</strong> (curly braces). If you prefer a
3972 shortform, the arguments, <strong>(</strong>, <strong>[</strong> or
3973 <strong>{</strong> may be used instead.
3976 If you don't want the numbers enclosed in brackets, you may tell
3977 <strong>mom</strong> to use a "separator" instead. A common
3978 separator would be the colon, but it can be anything you like. The
3979 macro to do this is <strong>ENDNOTE_LINENUMBER_SEPARATOR</strong>,
3980 which takes, as its single argument, the separator you want.
3981 (If the argument contains spaces, don't forget to enclose the
3982 argument in double-quotes.) The separator can be composed of
3983 any legal groff character, or any combination of characters.
3984 For example, to get a colon separator after the line number in
3985 line-numbered endnotes, you'd do
3987 <pre>
3989 </pre>
3991 <a name="ENDNOTE_NUMBER_CONTROL"><h3><u>*Endnote numbering style control</u></h3></a>
3994 <a href="#CONTROL_MACRO_ARGS">Arguments to the control macros</a>.
3996 Please note that the control macros for endnote numbering affect only
3997 the numbers that appear on the endnotes pages themselves, not the
3998 endnote numbers that appear in the body of the document(s).
4000 <pre>
4001 .ENDNOTE_NUMBER_FAMILY default = prevailing document family; default is Times Roman
4002 .ENDNOTE_NUMBER_FONT default = bold
4003 .ENDNOTE_NUMBER_SIZE* default = 0
4005 *Relative to the size of the endnotes text (set with ENDNOTE_PT_SIZE)
4006 </pre>
4008 <a name="ENDNOTE_NUMBER_ALIGNMENT"><h3><u>*Endnote numbering alignment</u></h3></a>
4010 By default, <strong>mom</strong> hangs the numbers on endnotes pages,
4011 aligned right to two placeholders, producing this:
4014 <pre>
4015 9. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr,
4016 sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et
4017 dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.
4019 10. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr,
4020 sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et
4021 dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.
4022 </pre>
4024 The macros to alter this behaviour are
4025 <br>
4026 <ul>
4027 <li><a href="#ENDNOTE_NUMBERS_ALIGN_RIGHT"><strong>ENDNOTE_NUMBERS_ALIGN_RIGHT</strong></a>
4028 <li><a href="#ENDNOTE_NUMBERS_ALIGN_LEFT"><strong>ENDNOTE_NUMBERS_ALIGN_LEFT</strong></a>
4029 </ul>
4030 <br>
4031 <hr width="66%" align="left">
4037 <nobr>Macro: <strong>ENDNOTE_NUMBERS_ALIGN_RIGHT</strong> &lt;number of placeholders&gt;<wbr>
4038 </a>
4040 <strong>ENDNOTE_NUMBERS_ALIGN_RIGHT</strong> takes one (non-optional)
4041 argument: the number of placeholders to reserve for right alignment of
4042 endnote numbers.
4044 For example, if you have fewer than ten endnotes, you might want to do
4046 <pre>
4048 </pre>
4050 which would ensure that the endnote numbers hang, but are all flush
4051 with the page's left margin. If, god help you, you have over a hundred
4052 endnotes, you'd want to do
4054 <pre>
4056 </pre>
4058 to ensure that the numbers hang and are properly right-aligned.
4061 <hr width="66%" align="left">
4067 Macro: <strong>ENDNOTE_NUMBERS_ALIGN_LEFT</strong>
4068 </a>
4070 If you don't want the endnote numbers to hang and right-align, invoke
4071 <strong>ENDNOTE_NUMBERS_ALIGN_LEFT</strong>, which doesn't require any
4072 argument. This disables hanging and right-alignment of endnote numbers,
4073 so that the example
4075 comes out like this:
4077 <pre>
4078 9. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr,
4079 sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et
4080 dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.
4082 10. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr,
4083 sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et
4084 dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.
4085 </pre>
4086 <hr>
4088 <!====================================================================>
4090 <a name="MARGIN_NOTES_INTRO"><h2><u>Margin notes</u></h2></a>
4091 <ul>
4092 <li><a href="#MARGIN_NOTES_BEHAVIOUR">Margin notes behaviour
4093 <ul>
4094 <li><a href="#MARGIN_NOTES_VERTICAL">Adjusting the vertical position of margin notes</a>
4095 </ul>
4096 <li><a href="#MN_INIT">Macro: MN_INIT</a> -- initialize margin notes
4097 <li><a href="#MN">Tag: MN</a>
4098 </ul>
4101 Margin notes are short annotations that appear in either the left
4102 or right margin of a document. Sometimes they comment on the text.
4103 Sometimes they assist in following the "flow" of a document by
4104 summarizing the subject of a portion of text. Sometimes they're
4105 comments to yourself in a draft copy.
4107 The margin notes macros and routines in om.tmac
4108 (<strong>mom</strong>) are "mommified" versions of the margin notes
4109 macros and routines written by Werner Lemberg and patched by Gaius
4110 Mulley.
4113 <a name="MARGIN_NOTES_BEHAVIOUR"<h3><u>Margin notes behaviour</u></h3>
4115 First things first: before you enter your first margin note, you
4116 must "initialize" margin notes with
4117 <a href="#MN_INIT">MN_INIT</a>.
4118 <strong>MN_INIT</strong> sets up the style parameters for margin
4119 notes, including things like
4120 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FONT">font</a>,
4121 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FAMILY">family</a>
4123 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_LEADING">leading</a>.
4125 After initializing margin notes, you create margin notes with the
4126 <a href="#MN">MN</a>
4127 macro. Based on the argument you pass <strong>MN</strong>, your
4128 margin note will go in either the left or the right margin.
4130 Margin notes are tricky from a typographic standpoint with respect
4131 to vertical placement. Since the leading of margin notes may
4132 differ from that of
4133 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_RUNNING">running text</a>,
4134 it's impossible for <strong>mom</strong> to guess whether to align
4135 the first lines of margin notes with a document
4136 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_BASELINE">baseline</a>,
4137 whether to align the last lines of margin notes with a document
4138 baseline, or whether to center them, vertically, so that neither
4139 first nor last line aligns with anything!
4141 Given this difficulty, <strong>mom</strong> always aligns the first
4142 line of any margin note with a document baseline. If you want a
4143 different behaviour, you must adjust the position(s) of margin
4144 notes yourself, on a note by note basis. (See
4145 <a href="#MARGIN_NOTES_VERTICAL">Adjusting the vertical position of margin notes</a>.)
4147 Generally speaking, <strong>mom</strong> tries to place margin
4148 notes at the point where you invoke the tag,
4149 <a href="#MN">MN</a>.
4150 However, in the event that a margin note runs deep, she may not
4151 be able to place a subsequent margin note exactly where you want.
4152 In such an instance, <strong>mom</strong> will "shift" the margin
4153 note down on the page, placing it one (margin note)
4154 linespace beneath the previous margin note (plus whatever vertical
4155 space is required to get the first line to line up with a baseline
4156 of running text). A warning will be issued, letting you know this
4157 has happened, and where.
4159 Sometimes, if a margin note has to be shifted down, there simply
4160 isn't enough room to start the margin note on the page on which
4161 <strong>MN</strong> is invoked. In that case, <strong>mom</strong>
4162 ignores the margin note entirely and issues a warning, letting you
4163 know what she's done, and where.
4165 In the event that a margin note, sucessfully begun on a page,
4166 runs past your bottom margin (or the last line before footnotes
4167 begin), the margin note will "flow" onto the next page. If it is a
4168 "left" margin note, it will continue in the left margin. If it is a
4169 "right" margin note, it will continue in the right margin.
4171 If your document is being set in two columns, <strong>mom</strong>
4172 will sensibly and automatically set all margin notes pertaining
4173 to the left column in the left margin, and all margin notes
4174 pertaining to the right column in the right margin, regardless of
4175 the "direction" argument you give the <strong>MN</strong> tag. If
4176 you try to use <strong>MN</strong> in documents of more than two
4177 columns, <strong>mom</strong> will ignore all margin notes, and
4178 issue warning for each.
4180 <h3><u><a name="MARGIN_NOTES_VERTICAL">Adjusting the vertical position of margin notes</a></u></h3>
4182 When the
4183 <a href="definitions.html#TERM_LEADING">leading</a>
4184 of margin notes differs from the leading used throughout a document,
4185 you may want to adjust the vertical position of individual margin
4186 notes. This is most often going to be the case with margin notes
4187 that end near the bottom of the page, where you want the last line of
4188 the margin note to line up with the last line of text on the page.
4190 Adjustments to the vertical position of margin notes must be done
4191 inside the margin note (i.e. after <strong>MN</strong>), at the
4192 top, before entering text. The commands to use are
4193 \!<a href="typesetting.html#ALD">.ALD</a>
4194 (to lower the margin note), and
4195 \!<a href="typesetting.html#RLD">.RLD</a>
4196 (to raise it). The <strong>\!</strong> <em>must</em> precede the
4197 macros, or they won't have any effect.
4200 <hr width="66%" align="left">
4202 <!---MN_INIT--->
4205 <a name="MN_INIT">
4206 <nobr>Macro: <strong>MN_INIT</strong>&nbsp;[ ragged | symmetric ] &lt; left-width right-width gutter family+font point-size lead colour hyphenation-flags &gt;<wbr>
4207 </a>
4209 Before you enter your first margin note, you must initialize
4210 all the parameters associated with margin notes with
4211 <strong>MN_INIT</strong>. If you forget to do so,
4212 <strong>mom</strong> will issue a warning and abort.
4214 The argument list is quite long; an
4215 explanation of each argument follows. Any argument whose value you
4216 want to be the default must be entered as "" (i.e. two
4217 double-quotes with no space between them). Defaults for each
4218 argument are given in the explanation below.
4220 <strong>[ ragged | symmetric ]</strong>
4221 <br>
4222 If the first argument is "ragged", both left and right margin notes
4223 will be flush left. If the first argument is "symmetric", left
4224 margin notes will be set flush <em>right</em>, and right margin
4225 notes will be set flush <em>left</em>. The effect is something
4226 like this:
4228 <pre>
4229 A left This is a meaningless batch A right
4230 margin note of text whose sole purpose is margin note
4231 with just to demonstrate how the sym- with just
4232 a few words metric argument to MN sets left a few words
4233 in it. and right margin notes. in it.
4234 </pre>
4237 If the argument is omitted,
4238 or given as "", both left and right margin notes will be set
4239 justified. (Justified is usually not a good idea, since the narrow
4240 measure of margin notes makes pleasing justification a near
4241 impossibility.)
4243 <strong>left-width</strong>
4244 <br>
4245 The width of left margin notes. A
4246 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>
4247 must be appended directly onto the argument. The default is to set
4248 left margin notes right out to the edge of the page, which is
4249 almost certainly not what you want, so you should give a value for
4250 this argument if using left margin notes.
4252 <strong>right-width</strong>
4253 <br>
4254 The width of right margin notes. A
4255 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>
4256 must be appended directly onto the argument. The default is to set
4257 right margin notes right out to the edge of the page, which is
4258 almost certainly not what you want, so you should give a value for
4259 this argument if using right margin notes.
4261 <strong>gutter</strong>
4262 <br>
4264 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_GUTTER">gutter</a>
4265 between margin notes and
4266 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_RUNNING">running text</a>.
4268 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>
4269 must be appended directly onto the argument. The gutter applies to
4270 both left and right margin notes. The default is 1
4271 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_EM">em</a>.
4273 <strong>font</strong>
4274 <br>
4275 The family+font for margin notes. Yes, that's right: the family
4276 PLUS font combo. For example, if you want Times Roman Medium,
4277 the argument must be TR. If you want Palatino Medium Italic, the
4278 argument must be PI. The default is the same family+font combo used
4279 for a document's paragraph text.
4281 <strong>lead</strong>
4282 <br>
4284 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_LEADING">leading</a>
4285 of margin notes. <strong>lead</strong> uses
4286 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PICASPOINTS">points</a>
4287 as its unit of measure, so don't tack a unit of measure onto the
4288 end of the argument. The default lead is the same leading as
4289 is used for paragraph text (i.e. the document's base leading).
4290 For convenience and clarity, you may also give the word,
4291 <strong>DOC</strong>, to this argument, which indicates that the
4292 leading should be the same as the document's base leading.
4294 <strong>colour</strong>
4295 <br>
4296 The colour of margin notes. The colour must be pre-initialized
4297 with
4298 <a href="color.html#NEWCOLOR">NEWCOLOR</a>
4300 <a href="color.html#XCOLOR">XCOLOR</a>.
4301 The default is black.
4303 <strong>hyphenation-flags</strong>
4304 <br>
4305 A number telling <strong>groff</strong> how you want margin notes
4306 hyphenated.
4308 <pre>
4309 1 = hyphenate without restrictions
4310 2 = do not hyphenate the last word on the page
4311 4 = do not hyphenate the last two characters of a word
4312 8 = do not hyphenate the first two characters of a word
4313 </pre>
4315 The values can be added together, so, for example, if you want
4316 neither the first two nor the last two characters of words
4317 hyphenated, the hyphenation-flag would be 12. The default value is
4318 14 (i.e. 2+4+8).
4321 <hr width="66%" align="left">
4323 <!---MN_INIT--->
4326 <a name="MN">
4327 <nobr>Macro: <strong>MN</strong>&nbsp;LEFT|RIGHT | &lt;anything&gt;<wbr>
4328 </a>
4330 Once you've initialized margin notes with
4331 <a href="#MN_INIT">MN_INIT</a>,
4332 you can enter margin notes any time you like with
4333 <strong>MN</strong>. An argument of <strong>LEFT</strong> will set
4334 a left margin note. An argument of <strong>RIGHT</strong> will set
4335 a right margin note.
4337 Any argument, such as <strong>OFF</strong> (or
4338 <strong>QUIT</strong>, <strong>END</strong>, <strong>X</strong>,
4339 etc) exits the current margin note.
4342 <hr>
4344 <!====================================================================>
4346 <a name="BLANK_PAGE_TITLE"><h2><u>Inserting a blank page into the document</u></h2></a>
4348 <a name="BLANK_PAGE">
4349 <nobr>Macro: <strong>BLANKPAGE</strong> &lt;# of blank pages to insert&gt;<wbr>
4350 </a>
4353 This one does exactly what you'd expect -- inserts a blank page into
4354 the document. <strong>Mom</strong> silently increments the page
4355 number of every blank page and keeps track of
4356 <a href="rectoverso.html#RECTO_VERSO">recto/verso</a>
4357 stuff, but otherwise, does nothing. It's up to you, the user, to
4358 figure out what to do with this feature. However, it's worth
4359 noting that without it, inserting completely blank pages, to use
4360 a vernacular Québécois phrase, &quot;c'est pas évident&quot;
4361 (somewhere between &quot;isn't easy&quot;, &quot;isn't
4362 obvious&quot; and &quot;isn't fun&quot;).
4364 The argument to <strong>BLANK_PAGE</strong> is the number of blank
4365 pages to insert. The argument is not optional, hence even if you
4366 only want one blank page, you have to tell <strong>mom</strong>:
4368 <pre>
4370 </pre>
4372 <a name="FINIS_INTRO"><h2><u>Terminate document processing</u></h2></a>
4373 <ul>
4374 <li><a href="#FINIS">Tag: FINIS</a>
4375 <li><a href="#FINIS_STRING">Changing the FINIS string</a>
4376 </ul>
4379 The use of <strong>FINIS</strong> is optional. If you invoke it
4380 (at the end of a document before
4381 <a href="#TOC">TOC</a>
4383 <a href="#ENDNOTES">ENDNOTES</a>),
4384 <strong>mom</strong>
4385 deposits the word END, centred after a blank line, beneath the last
4386 line of the document. END is enclosed between
4387 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_EM">em-dashes</a>.
4389 <strong>Please note</strong> that in versions of
4390 <strong>mom</strong> prior to 1.1.9, <strong>FINIS</strong> used to
4391 turn off
4392 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FOOTER">footers</a>
4393 (if they were on) and page numbering (if page numbers were at the
4394 bottom of the page). Damned if I can recall why I thought anyone
4395 would want this behaviour, but it has been removed.
4397 If you're writing in a language other than English, you can
4398 change what <strong>mom</strong> prints for END with
4399 the control macro <strong>FINIS_STRING</strong>.
4401 <hr>
4403 <!====================================================================>
4405 <a name="TOC_INTRO"><h2><u>Table of contents</u></h2></a>
4406 <ul>
4407 <li><a href="#TOC_BEHAVIOUR">TOC behaviour</a>
4408 <li><a href="#TOC">Macro: TOC</a> -- tell <strong>mom</strong> to output a table of contents
4409 <li><a href="#TOC_CONTROL">TOC control macros</a>
4410 </ul>
4413 Want a table of contents for your document? Easy. Just enter
4415 <pre>
4416 .TOC
4417 </pre>
4419 as the very last macro of your document file. <strong>Mom</strong>
4420 will have picked up all document titles (in
4421 <a href="docprocessing.html#COLLATE">collated</a>
4422 documents), all heads, subheads, and paragraph heads, as well as any
4423 endnotes pages that have been output, and assigned them the
4424 appropriate page number (and page numbering style). Talk about a
4425 no-brainer!
4427 That said, tables of contents (tocs) have even more control macros
4428 than endnotes. As always, the reason for so many control macros is
4429 so that if you want to change just about any aspect of the toc's
4430 typographic appearance, you can. <strong>Mom</strong> is all about
4431 simplicity AND flexibility.
4434 <a name="TOC_BEHAVIOUR"><h3><u>TOC behaviour</u></h3></a>
4436 When you output a toc (with
4437 <a href="#TOC">TOC</a>),
4438 <strong>mom</strong> finishes processing the last page of your document,
4439 then breaks to a new page for printing the toc.
4441 <strong>Mom</strong> follows standard typesetting conventions for
4442 tables of contents. To this end, if
4443 <a href="headfootpage.html#HEADERS">HEADERS</a>
4444 are on for the document, the first page of the toc has no page
4445 header, but does have a first page (roman numeral) number, always
4446 &quot;1&quot;, in the bottom margin. If
4447 <a href="headfootpage.html#FOOTERS">FOOTERS</a>
4448 are on for the document, the first page has neither a footer, nor a
4449 page number in the top margin. (If you absolutely must have a page
4450 footer on the first page of the toc, simply invoke
4451 <a href="headfootpage.html#FOOTER_ON_FIRST_PAGE">FOOTER_ON_FIRST_PAGE</a>
4452 immediately before <strong>TOC</strong>.) Subsequent toc pages have
4453 both page headers or footers and a page number.
4455 Entries in the toc are hierarchically indented, as you would
4456 expect. By default, each type of entry (e.g. a head or a subhead)
4457 is set in a different font as well. If any of heads, subheads or
4458 paragraph heads are numbered in the body of the document, they are
4459 also numbered in the toc. Head numbering in the toc is NOT
4460 concatenated as it is in the body of the document, which would be
4461 visually redundant in a toc.
4463 Tocs are never set in columns, regardless of whether the rest of
4464 the document is. Lastly, if
4465 <a href="rectoverso.html#RECTO_VERSO">recto/verso</a>
4466 printing is enabled, the toc respects it. This sometimes leads to
4467 tocs that begin with the wrong margins, but the margins can be
4468 corrected either by outputting a
4469 <a href="#BLANK_PAGE">BLANKPAGE</a>
4470 or by using the toc control macro
4471 <a href="#TOC_RV_SWITCH">TOC_RV_SWITCH</a>.
4473 The overall toc
4474 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FAMILY">family</a>,
4475 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PS">point size</a>
4477 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_LEADING">lead</a>
4478 can be altered with the toc
4479 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_CONTROLMACRO">control macros</a>,
4480 as can the family,
4481 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FONT">font</a>,
4482 point size and indent of each type of toc entry (i.e. title, head,
4483 subhead, paragraph head). Furthermore, the page numbering style
4484 can be changed, as can the amount of visual space reserved for toc
4485 entry page numbers.
4488 <!---TOC--->
4490 <hr width="66%" align="left">
4492 <a name="TOC">Macro: <strong>TOC</strong></a>
4495 If you want a toc, just put <strong>TOC</strong> as the last macro
4496 in a document. <strong>Mom</strong> takes care of the rest.
4498 <hr width="66%" align="left">
4500 <a name="TOC_CONTROL"><h3><u>TOC control macros</u></h3></a>
4502 Toc entries are not actually processed when <strong>mom</strong>
4503 collects them, so you can put any toc control macros anywhere you
4504 like in your document. Some may prefer to place them at the top of
4505 the file. Others may prefer to place them just before outputting
4506 the toc. The choice is yours.
4507 <br>
4508 <ol>
4509 <li><a href="#TOC_GENERAL"><strong>General toc page style control</strong></a>
4510 <ul>
4511 <li><a href="#TOC_FAMILY">Base family for toc pages</a>
4512 <li><a href="#TOC_PT_SIZE">Base point size for toc pages</a>
4513 <li><a href="#TOC_LEAD">Leading of toc pages</a>
4514 </ul>
4515 <li><a href="#TOC_PAGENUMBERING"><strong>Toc page numbering</strong></a>
4516 <ul>
4517 <li><a href="#PAGINATE_TOC">Turn toc pagination on or off</a>
4518 <li><a href="#TOC_PAGENUM_STYLE">Toc page numbering style</a>
4519 </ul>
4520 <li><a href="#TOC_HEADER"><strong>Changing the toc header (title), string and style</strong></a>
4521 <ul>
4522 <li><a href="#TOC_HEADER_STRING">Changing the string (title)</a>
4523 <li><a href="#TOC_HEADER_STYLE">Changing the string (title) style</a>
4524 </ul>
4525 <li><a href="#TOC_STYLE"><strong>Changing the style for toc entries</strong></a>
4526 <ul>
4527 <li><a href="#TOC_INDENT">The toc _INDENT control macros</a>
4528 <li><a href="#TOC_TITLE">Changing the style for toc title entries</a>
4529 <li><a href="#TOC_HEAD">Changing the style for toc head entries</a>
4530 <li><a href="#TOC_SUBHEAD">Changing the style for toc subhead entries</a>
4531 <li><a href="#TOC_PARAHEAD">Changing the style for toc paragraph head entries</a>
4532 <li><a href="#TOC_PN">Changing the style for toc page number listings</a>
4533 </ul>
4534 <li><a href="#TOC_ADDITIONAL"><strong>Additional toc control macros</strong></a>
4535 <ul>
4536 <li><a href="#TOC_TITLE_ENTRY">Change the wording of a toc title entry</a>
4537 <li><a href="#TOC_APPENDS_AUTHOR">Append author(s) to toc title entries</a>
4538 <li><a href="#TOC_RV_SWITCH">TOC_RV_SWITCH</a>
4539 <li><a href="#TOC_PADDING">TOC_PADDING</a>
4540 </ul>
4541 </ol>
4542 <hr>
4544 <a name="TOC_GENERAL"><h2><u>1. General toc page style control</u></h2>
4546 <a name="TOC_FAMILY"><h3><u>*Toc family</u></h3></a>
4549 <a href="#CONTROL_MACRO_ARGS">Arguments to the control macros</a>.
4551 Set the family of toc pages with <strong>TOC_FAMILY</strong>, which
4552 establishes the default family for every element of a toc page,
4553 including the toc title (&quot;Contents&quot;) and the page number
4554 in the top or bottom margin. The default is the prevailing document
4555 family.
4557 All elements on a toc page also have their own _FAMILY
4558 control macros, which override the default set by
4559 <strong>TOC_FAMILY</strong>.
4562 <!---TOC_PT_SIZE--->
4564 <a name="TOC_PT_SIZE"><h3><u>*Toc point size</u></h3></a>
4566 <nobr>Macro: <strong>TOC_PT_SIZE</strong> &lt;base type size of the toc&gt;<wbr>
4569 Unlike most other control macros that deal with size of document
4570 elements, <strong>TOC_PT_SIZE</strong> takes as its argument an
4571 absolute value, relative to nothing. Therefore, the argument
4572 represents the size of toc type in
4573 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PICASPOINTS">points</a>,
4574 unless you append an alternative
4575 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>.
4576 For example,
4578 <pre>
4579 .TOC_PT_SIZE 12
4580 </pre>
4582 sets the base point size of type for the toc to 12 points, whereas
4584 <pre>
4585 .TOC_PT_SIZE .6i
4586 </pre>
4588 sets the base point size of type for the toc to 1/6 of an inch.
4590 The type size set with <strong>TOC_PT_SIZE</strong> forms the basis
4591 from which the point size of other toc page elements are calculated.
4593 The default for
4594 <a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPESET</a>
4595 is 12.5 points (the same default size used in the body of the
4596 document).
4599 <!---TOC_LEAD--->
4601 <a name="TOC_LEAD"><h3><u>*Toc lead</u></h3></a>
4603 <nobr>Macro: <strong>TOC_LEAD</strong> &lt;leading of the toc&gt; [ ADJUST ]<wbr>
4604 <br>
4605 <em>*Does not require a <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>; points is assumed</em>
4608 Unlike most other control macros that deal with leading of document
4609 elements, <strong>TOC_LEAD</strong> takes as its argument an
4610 absolute value, relative to nothing. Therefore, the argument
4611 represents the
4612 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_LEADING">leading</a>
4613 of tocs in
4614 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PICASPOINTS">points</a>
4615 unless you append an alternative
4616 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>.
4617 For example,
4619 <pre>
4620 .TOC_LEAD 14
4621 </pre>
4623 sets the base leading of type on the endnotes page to 14
4624 points, whereas
4626 <pre>
4627 .TOC_LEAD .5i
4628 </pre>
4630 sets the base leading of type on the endnotes page to 1/2 inch.
4632 If you want the leading of toc pages adjusted to fill the
4633 page, pass <strong>TOC_LEAD</strong> the optional argument
4634 <strong>ADJUST</strong>. (See
4635 <a href="docprocessing.html#DOC_LEAD_ADJUST">DOC_LEAD_ADJUST</a>
4636 for an explanation of leading adjustment.)
4638 The default for
4639 <a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPESET</a>
4640 is the prevailing document lead (16 by default), adjusted.
4642 <strong>NOTE:</strong> Even if you give <strong>mom</strong> a
4643 <strong>DOC_LEAD_ADJUST OFF</strong> command, she will still, by
4644 default, adjust toc leading. You MUST enter
4645 <strong>TOC_LEAD &lt;lead&gt;</strong> with no
4646 <strong>ADJUST</strong> argument to disable this default behaviour.
4648 <strong>ADDITIONAL NOTE:</strong> Tocs are always double-spaced in
4649 <strong>PRINTSTYLE TYPEWRITE</strong>, regardless of whether the
4650 body of the document is single-spaced.
4652 <a name="TOC_PAGENUMBERING"><h2><u>2. Toc page numbering</u></h2></a>
4654 The page numbering of toc pages is controlled by the same macros
4655 that control
4656 <a href="headfootpage.html#PAGINATION">document page numbering</a>,
4657 except
4658 <a href="headfootpage.html#PAGENUM">PAGENUM</a>
4659 (tocs always start on page 1). The defaults are the same as the
4660 rest of the document.
4662 If you wish to change some aspect of toc pagination, use the
4663 document pagination control macros immediately prior to
4664 <strong>.TOC</strong>.
4666 A special macro,
4668 controls the style of toc pages page numbers.
4671 <hr width="33%" align="left">
4673 <!---PAGINATE_TOC--->
4676 <a name="PAGINATE_TOC">
4677 <nobr>Macro: <strong>PAGINATE_TOC</strong> &lt;toggle&gt;<wbr>
4678 </a>
4680 By default, <strong>mom</strong> paginates the toc. If you'd like
4681 her not to, do
4683 <pre>
4685 </pre>
4687 <strong>NOTE:</strong> Simply invoking <strong>PAGINATION
4688 OFF</strong> or <strong>PAGINATE OFF</strong> disables toc
4689 pagination <em>for the first toc page only.</em> You MUST use
4690 <strong>.PAGINATE_TOC OFF</strong> to disable toc pagination, even
4691 if pagination is turned off elsewhere in your document.
4694 <hr width="33%" align="left">
4697 <!---TOC_PAGENUM_STYLE--->
4699 <a name="TOC_PAGENUM_STYLE">
4700 <nobr>Macro: <strong>TOC_PAGENUM_STYLE</strong> &lt;DIGIT | ROMAN | roman | ALPHA | alpha&gt;<wbr>
4701 </a>
4703 By default, <strong>mom</strong> uses roman numerals to number
4704 toc pages. Use <strong>TOC_PAGENUM_STYLE</strong> if you'd prefer
4705 something else. For example, to have standard digits instead of
4706 roman numerals, do the following:
4708 <pre>
4710 </pre>
4712 <hr width="33%" align="left">
4714 <a name="TOC_HEADER"><h2><u>3. Changing the toc header (title) string and style</u></h2></a>
4716 The toc header string is the title that appears at to top of the
4717 toc. By default, it's &quot;Contents&quot;. If you'd like
4718 something else, say, &quot;Table of Contents&quot;, do
4720 <a name="TOC_HEADER_STRING"></a>
4721 <pre>
4722 .TOC_HEADER_STRING "Table of Contents"
4723 </pre>
4725 <a name="TOC_HEADER_STYLE"></a>
4726 The style of the toc header (title) is managed by the usual control
4727 macros (see
4728 <a href="#CONTROL_MACRO_ARGS">arguments to the control macros</a>).
4730 <pre>
4731 .TOC_HEADER_FAMILY default = prevailing doc family (Times Roman in TYPEWRITE)
4732 .TOC_HEADER_FONT default = bold
4733 .TOC_HEADER_SIZE default = +4
4734 .TOC_HEADER_QUAD default = left
4735 </pre>
4737 <a name="TOC_STYLE"><h2><u>4. Changing the style for toc entries</u></h2></a>
4739 &quot;Toc entries&quot; refers to titles, heads, subheads and
4740 paragraph heads as they appear in the toc. Their style is managed
4741 by the usual
4742 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_CONTROLMACRO">control macros</a>,
4743 starting with TOC_
4746 <a name="TOC_INDENT"><h3><u>The toc _INDENT control macros</u></h3></a>
4748 The toc control macros that end in _INDENT all take a single
4749 argument that requires a
4750 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a>.
4751 The argument is the distance to indent the entry, always measured
4752 from the left margin. For example,
4754 <pre>
4756 </pre>
4758 indents head entries 2
4759 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PICASPOINTS">picas</a>
4760 from the left margin.
4763 <a name="TOC_TITLE"><h3><u>*Changing the style for toc title entries</u></h3></a>
4765 (See
4766 <a href="#CONTROL_MACRO_ARGS">arguments to the control macros</a>).
4768 Toc title entries are the titles of documents that have been
4769 <a href="rectoverso.html#COLLATE">collated</a>
4770 together.
4772 <pre>
4773 .TOC_TITLE_FAMILY default = prevailing doc family (Times Roman in TYPEWRITE)
4774 .TOC_TITLE_FONT default = bold italic
4775 .TOC_TITLE_SIZE default = +0
4776 .TOC_TITLE_INDENT default = 0 for TYPESET and TYPEWRITE
4777 </pre>
4779 <a name="TOC_HEAD"><h3><u>*Changing the style for toc head entries</u></h3></a>
4781 (See
4782 <a href="#CONTROL_MACRO_ARGS">arguments to the control macros</a>).
4784 Toc head entries are main heads that appear in the body of a
4785 document.
4787 <pre>
4788 .TOC_HEAD_FAMILY default = prevailing doc family (Times Roman in TYPEWRITE)
4789 .TOC_HEAD_FONT default = bold
4790 .TOC_HEAD_SIZE default = +.5
4791 .TOC_HEAD_INDENT default = 18p for TYPESET; 2m for TYPEWRITE
4792 </pre>
4794 <a name="TOC_SUBHEAD"><h3><u>*Changing the style for toc subhead entries</u></h3></a>
4796 (See
4797 <a href="#CONTROL_MACRO_ARGS">arguments to the control macros</a>).
4799 Toc subhead entries are subheads that appear in the body of a
4800 document.
4802 <pre>
4803 .TOC_SUBHEAD_FAMILY default = prevailing doc family (Times Roman in TYPEWRITE)
4804 .TOC_SUBHEAD_FONT default = roman
4805 .TOC_SUBHEAD_SIZE default = +0
4806 .TOC_SUBHEAD_INDENT default = 30p for TYPESET; 4m for TYPEWRITE
4807 </pre>
4809 <a name="TOC_PARAHEAD"><h3><u>*Changing the style for toc paragraph head entries</u></h3></a>
4811 (See
4812 <a href="#CONTROL_MACRO_ARGS">arguments to the control macros</a>).
4814 Toc paragraph head entries are paragraph heads that appear in the
4815 body of a document.
4817 <pre>
4818 .TOC_PARAHEAD_FAMILY default = prevailing doc family (Times Roman in TYPEWRITE)
4819 .TOC_PARAHEAD_FONT default = italic
4820 .TOC_PARAHEAD_SIZE default = +0
4821 .TOC_PARAHEAD_INDENT default = 42p for TYPESET; 6m for TYPEWRITE
4822 </pre>
4824 <a name="TOC_PN"><h3><u>*Changing the style for toc paragraph page number listings</u></h3></a>
4826 (See
4827 <a href="#CONTROL_MACRO_ARGS">arguments to the control macros</a>).
4829 Toc paragraph head entries are paragraph heads that appear in the
4830 body of a document.
4832 <pre>
4833 .TOC_PN_FAMILY default = prevailing doc family (Times Roman in TYPEWRITE)
4834 .TOC_PN_FONT default = roman
4835 .TOC_PN_SIZE default = +0
4836 </pre>
4838 <a name="TOC_ADDITIONAL"><h2><u>5. Additional toc macros</u></h2></a>
4840 The following macros allow you to switch page margins should
4841 they be incorrect for recto/verso printing, to establish how
4842 many placeholders to leave for page listings, and to have
4843 <strong>mom</strong> append author(s) to toc title entries.
4846 <hr width="33%" align="left">
4848 <!---TOC_RV_SWITCH--->
4851 <a name="TOC_RV_SWITCH">
4852 Macro: <strong>TOC_RV_SWITCH</strong>
4853 </a>
4855 <strong>TOC_RV_SWITCH</strong> doesn't take an argument. It simply
4856 instructs <strong>mom</strong> to switch the left and right margins
4858 <a href="rectoverso.html#RECTO_VERSO">recto/verso</a>
4859 documents should the toc happen to begin on an even page when you
4860 want an odd, or vice versa.
4862 The same result can be accomplished by outputting a
4863 <a href="#BLANK_PAGE">BLANKPAGE</a>.
4866 <hr width="33%" align="left">
4868 <!---TOC_TITLE_ENTRY--->
4871 <a name="TOC_TITLE_ENTRY">
4872 <nobr>Macro: <strong>TOC_TITLE_ENTRY</strong> &lt;&quot;alternate wording for a title entry in the toc&quot;&gt;<wbr>
4873 </a>
4876 <a href="rectoverso.html#COLLATE">collated</a>
4877 documents, the title of each separate document appears in the table
4878 of contents. It may sometimes happen that you don't want the title
4879 as it appears in the toc to be the same as what appears in
4881 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_DOCHEADER">docheader</a>.
4882 You might, for example, want to shorten it. Or, in the case of
4883 chapters where the docheader contains both a chapter number and a
4884 chapter title, like this
4886 <pre>
4887 Chapter 6
4888 Burning Bush -- Maybe God Was Right
4889 </pre>
4891 you might want only the chapter title, not the chapter number, to
4892 show up in the toc. (By default, <strong>TOC</strong> generates
4893 both.)
4895 If you want to change the wording of a title entry in the toc,
4896 simply invoke <strong>TOC_TITLE_ENTRY</strong> with the desired
4897 wording, enclosed in double-quotes. Using the example, above,
4899 <pre>
4900 .CHAPTER 6
4901 .CHAPTER_TITLE "Burning Bush -- Maybe God Was Right"
4902 .TOC_TITLE_ENTRY "Burning Bush"
4904 </pre>
4906 would identify chapter 6 in the toc simply as &quot;Burning
4907 Bush&quot;.
4911 <hr width="33%" align="left">
4913 <!---TOC_APPENDS_AUTHOR--->
4916 <a name="TOC_APPENDS_AUTHOR">
4917 <nobr>Macro: <strong>TOC_APPENDS_AUTHOR</strong> &lt;none&gt; | &lt;&quot;name(s) of authors&quot;&gt;<wbr>
4918 </a>
4920 In certain kinds of collated documents, different authors are
4921 responsible for the articles or stories contained within them. In
4922 such documents, you may wish to have the author or authors
4923 appended to the toc's title entry for each story or article.
4925 If you invoke <strong>TOC_APPENDS_AUTHOR</strong> with no argument,
4926 <strong>mom</strong> appends the first argument you passed to
4927 <a href="docprocessing.html#AUTHOR">AUTHOR</a>
4928 to toc title entries, separated by a front-slash.
4930 If you invoke <strong>TOC_APPENDS_AUTHOR</strong> with an argument
4931 (surrounded by double-quotes), <strong>mom</strong> will append it
4932 to the toc title entries instead. This is useful if you have
4933 multiple authors you wish to identify by last name only. For
4934 example, if three authors--Joe Blough, Jane Doe, and John
4935 Deere--are responsible for a single article
4937 <pre>
4938 .TOC_APPENDS_AUTHOR "Blough et al."
4939 </pre>
4941 would be a good way to identify them in the toc.
4944 <hr width="33%" align="left">
4946 <!---TOC_PADDING--->
4949 <a name="TOC_PADDING">
4950 <nobr>Macro: <strong>TOC_PADDING</strong> &lt;# of placeholders to allow for page number listings&gt;<wbr>
4951 </a>
4953 By default, <strong>mom</strong> allows room for 3 digits in the
4954 page number listings of tocs. If you'd like some other number of
4955 placeholders, say 2, do
4957 <pre>
4959 </pre>
4961 <!---FINIS--->
4963 <hr width="66%" align="left">
4965 <a name="FINIS">
4966 Macro: <strong>FINIS</strong>
4967 </a>
4970 The use of <strong>FINIS</strong> is optional, but if you use
4971 it, it should be the last macro you invoke in a document (before
4972 <a href="#ENDNOTES">ENDNOTES</a>
4974 <a href="#TOC">TOC</a>).
4976 <a href="#FINIS_INTRO">above</a>
4977 for a description of how <strong>FINIS</strong> behaves.
4979 <strong>NOTE:</strong> If you don't use <strong>FINIS</strong>,
4980 and you don't want
4981 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FOOTER">footers</a>
4982 (if they're on) or a page number at the bottom of the last page of
4983 a document, you have to turn them off manually, as the last two
4984 lines of your document file, like this:
4986 <pre>
4989 </pre>
4991 <a name="FINIS_STRING"><h3><u>Changing the FINIS string</u></h3></a>
4994 By default, <strong>FINIS</strong> prints the word
4995 END between
4996 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_EM">em-dashes</a>.
4997 If you'd like <strong>mom</strong> to print something else
4998 between the dashes, use the <strong>FINIS_STRING</strong> macro
4999 (anywhere in the document prior to <strong>FINIS</strong>).
5001 For example, if your document's in French, you'd do
5003 <pre>
5005 </pre>
5007 Double-quotes must enclose the macro's argument.
5009 <strong>NOTE:</strong> If you pass <strong>FINIS_STRING</strong>
5010 a blank string, i.e.
5012 <pre>
5014 </pre>
5016 <strong>mom</strong> will still print the em-dashes if you
5017 invoke <strong>FINIS</strong>. This, in effect, produces a
5018 short, centred horizontal rule that terminates the document.
5020 <a href="docprocessing.html.#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPEWRITE</a>,
5021 it's a short, dashed line composed of four hyphens.)
5023 <a name="FINIS_COLOR"><h3><u>Changing the FINIS colour</u></h3></a>
5025 Invoking <strong>FINIS_COLOR</strong> with a pre-defined (or
5026 &quot;initalized&quot;) color changes the colour of both the FINIS
5027 string and the em-dashes that surround it. If you use the
5028 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_INLINE">inline escape</a>,
5029 <a href="color.html#COLOR_INLINE">\*[&lt;colorname&gt;]</a>,
5030 in the argument passed to <strong>FINIS</strong>, only the text
5031 will be in the new colour; the em-dashes will be in the default
5032 document colour (usually black).
5035 <hr>
5036 <a href="headfootpage.html#TOP">Next</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
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5039 <a href="toc.html">Back to Table of Contents</a>
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