Sync: tmac/fallbacks.tmac: import, adjust troffrc
[s-roff.git] / tmac /
1 %@ This is the file `'.
2 %@ It contains the same hyphenation patterns as `frhyph.tex'.  Here the
3 %@ copyright message:
5 %    frhyph.tex % French hyphenation patterns
6 %   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
7 %    This file is available for free and can used and redistributed
8 %    asis for free. Modified versions should have another name.
9 %   %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
10 %   % \message{frhyph.tex - French hyphenation patterns (V2.11) <2002/01/16>}
12 % Please check the original file for more details.
14 % To make the patterns workable with groff, all accent macros in the
15 % patterns have been converted to use latin-9 characters directly
16 % (this is, the oe ligature `½' is used), and everything except the
17 % \pattern command has been discarded since it isn't needed (and groff
18 % doesn't understand this stuff anyway).
20 % Adapted to S-roff by Steffen (Daode) Nurpmeso <>.
22 %\patterns{
23 %-------------------%-----------------------%
24 % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
25 %-------------------%-----------------------%
26 %%*
27 2'2
28 %-------------------%-----------------------%
29 % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
30 %-------------------%-----------------------%
31 %%a
32 .a4
33 'a4
34 .â4
35 'â4
36 ab2h % df-bg 1998/02/07 for abhorrer
37                     .ab3réa
38                     'ab3réa
39 ad2h % df-bg 1998/02/07 for adh\`esion & co
40                     a1è2dre
41                     .ae3s4ch
42                     'ae3s4ch
43                     1alcool
44                     a2l1algi
45                     .amino1a2c
46                     'amino1a2c
47                     .ana3s4tr
48                     'ana3s4tr
49                     1a2nesthési
50                     .anti1a2
51                     'anti1a2
52                     .anti1e2
53                     'anti1e2
54                     .anti1é2
55                     .anti2enne
56                     'anti2enne
57                     'anti1é2
58                     .anti1s2
59                     'anti1s2
60                     .apo2s3ta
61                     'apo2s3ta
62                     apo2s3tr
63                     archi1é2pis
64                     .as2ta
65                     'as2ta
66                     a2s3tro
67 %-------------------%-----------------------%
68 % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
69 %-------------------%-----------------------%
70 %%b
71 1ba
72 1bâ
73                     .bai2se3main % hyphen disappeared from french  5/2/94
74 1be
75 1bé
76 1bè
77 1bê
78 4be.
79 4bes.
80 2bent. % mute syllable: tombent (df) 22/02/94
81 1bi
82 1bî
83                     .bi1a2c
84                     .bi1a2t % like .tri1a2t for tri-athlon bg 12/27/93
85                     .bi1au
86                     .bio1a2
87                     .bi2s1a2
88                     .bi1u2
89 1b2l
90 4ble.
91 4bles.
92 2blent. % mute syllable: troublent (df) 28/02/94
93 1bo
94 1bô
95 1b2r
96 4bre.
97 4bres.
98 2brent. % mute syllable: palabrent (df) 28/02/94
99 1bu
100 1bû
102 %-------------------%-----------------------%
103 % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
104 %-------------------%-----------------------%
108 1câ
109 ca3ou3t2 % for caoutchou... added 3/1/94 df-bg
111 1cé
112 1cè
113 1cê
114 4ce.
115 4ces.
116 % words ending with -cent (df) 22/02/94
117         2cent.
118       ja3cent.
119       ac3cent.
120      é3cent.
121   munifi3cent.
122   réti3cent.
123 privatdo3cent.
124     inno3cent.
125       es3cent.
126  acquies4cent.
127       is3cent.
128    immis4cent.
130 .ch4
131 1c2h
132 4ch.
133 2chb
134 4che.
135 4ches.
136 2chent. % mute syllable: touchent (df) 22/02/94
137                     .chè2vre3feuille % hyphen disappeared from french 5/2/94
138 2chg
139 ch2l
140 4chle.
141 4chles.
142                     chlo2r3a2c
143                     chlo2r3é2t
144 2chm
145 2chn
146 2chp
147 ch2r
148 4chre.
149 4chres.
150 2chs
151 2cht
152 2chw
154 1cî
155                     .ci2s1alp
156 1c2k
157 4ck.
158 2ckb
159 4cke.
160 4ckes.
161 2ckent. % mute syllable: stockent (df) 22/02/94
162 2ckf
163 2ckg
164 2ck3h
165 2ckp
166 2cks
167 2ckt
168 1c2l
169 4cle.
170 4cles.
171 2clent. % mute syllable: encerclent (df) 28/02/94
173 1cô
174                     co1acc
175                     co1acq
176                     co1a2d
177                     co1ap
178                     co1ar
179                     co1assoc
180                     co1assur
181                     co1au
182                     co1ax
183 1c½0 % final zero essential to terminate cs
184                     co1é2
185                     co1ef
186                     co1en
187                     co1ex
188                     .con4  % missing from nb list
189                     .cons4 % missing from nb list
190                     .contre1s2c
191                     .contre3maître % hyphen disappeared from french 5/2/94
192                     co2nurb
193                     .co1o2
194                     .co2o3lie
195 1c2r
196 4cre.
197 4cres.
198 2crent. % mute syllable: massacrent (df) 28/02/94
200 1cû
202 .cul4 % -- as .con4 .cons4 (march 92)
203 %-------------------%-----------------------%
204 % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
205 %-------------------%-----------------------%
209 1dâ
210                     .dacryo1a2
211 d1d2h
213 1dé
214 1dè
215 1dê
216 4de.
217 4des.
218 % words ending with -dent (df) 22/02/94
219       2dent.
220 déca3dent.
221    é3dent.
222    cci3dent.
223   inci3dent.
224  confi3dent.
225    tri3dent.
226  dissi3dent.
227  chien3dent.
228    .ar3dent.
229   impu3dent.
230    pru3dent.
232                     .dé1a2
233                     .dé1io
234                     .dé1o2
235                     .dé2s % originaly in JD file
236                     %.d\'e2s1a2 removed 09/17/92 because wrong for the
237                     % original JD 500 words test
238                     .dé3s2a3cr
239                     .dés2a3m % .d\'es2a2mi introduced 09/17/92 bec. i
240                                % can't see why d\'esamidonner ran in JD.
241                                % Moved to .d\'es2a3m df 12/27/93.
242                     .dé3s2a3tell
243                     .dé3s2astr
244                     .dé3s2c % 1 moved 3 due to .d\'e2s 09/17/92
245                     %.d\'e2s1e2 removed 09/17/92 because wrong for the
246                     % original JD 500 words test
247                     .dé2s1é2
248                     .dé3s2é3gr
249                     .dé3s2ensib
250                     .dé3s2ert
251                     .dé3s2exu
252                     %.d\'e2s3h removed 09/17/92 because wrong for the
253                     % original JD 500 words test
254                     .dé2s1i2
255                     .dé3s2i3d
256                     .dé3s2i3gn
257                     .dé3s2i3li
258                     .dé3s2i3nen
259                     .dé3s2invo
260                     .dé3s2i3r
261                     .dé3s2ist
262                     %.d\'e2s1o2 removed 09/17/92 because wrong for the
263                     % original JD 500 words test
264                     .dé3s2o3dé
265                     .dé2s1½0 % final zero essential to terminate cs
266                     .dé3s2o3l
267                     .dé3s2o3pil
268                     .dé3s2orm
269                     .dé3s2orp
270                     .dé3s2oufr
271                     .dé3s2p % 1 moved 3 due to .d\'e2s 09/17/92
272                     .dé3s2t % 1 moved 3 due to .d\'e2s 09/17/92
273                     .dé2s1u2n
274                     3d2hal
275                     3d2houd
277 1dî
278                     di2s3cop
279                     .di1a2cé
280                     .di1a2cid
281                     .di1ald
282                     .di1a2mi
283                     .di1a2tom
284                     .di1e2n
285                     .di2s3h
286 2dlent. % mute syllable: jodlent (df) 28/02/94
288 1dô
289 1d2r
290 4dre.
291 4dres.
292 2drent. % mute syllable: engendrent (df) 28/02/94
293 d1s2
295 1dû
297                     .dy2s3
298                     .dy2s1a2
299                     .dy2s1i2
300                     .dy2s1o2 % missing from nb list
301                     .dy2s1u2
302 %-------------------%-----------------------%
303 % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
304 %-------------------%-----------------------%
308 .ê4
309 'ê4
310 .é4
311 'é4
312 .è4
313 'è4
314 éd2hi % df-bg 1998/02/07 for r\'edhibitoire
315                     1é2drie
316                     1é2drique
317                     1é2lectr
318                     1é2lément
319                     .en1a2
320                     'en1a2
321                     1é2nerg
322                     e2n1i2vr
323                     .en1o2
324                     'en1o2
325                     épi2s3cop
326                     épi3s4cope
327                     e2s3cop
328                     .eu2r1a2
329                     'eu2r1a2
330                     eu1s2tat
331                     extra1
332                     extra2c
333                     extra2i
334 %-------------------%-----------------------%
335 % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
336 %-------------------%-----------------------%
339 1fâ
341 1fé
342 1fè
343 1fê
344 4fe.
345 4fes.
346 2fent. % mute syllable: agrafent chauffent (df) 22/02/94
349 1fî
350 1f2l
351 4fle.
352 4fles.
353 2flent. % mute syllable: gonflent (df) 28/02/94
355 1fô
356 1f2r
357 4fre.
358 4fres.
359 2frent. % mute syllable: balafrent (df) 28/02/94
360 f1s2
362 1fû
364 %-------------------%-----------------------%
365 % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
366 %-------------------%-----------------------%
369 1gâ
371 1gé
372 1gè
373 1gê
374 4ge.
375 4ges.
376 % words ending with -gent (df) 22/02/94
377        2gent.
378    ré3gent.
379   entre3gent.
380    indi3gent.
381    dili3gent.
382 intelli3gent.
383   indul3gent.
384     tan3gent.
385     rin3gent.
386  contin3gent.
387     .ar3gent.
388     'ar3gent.
389     ser3gent.
390     ter3gent.
391 résur3gent.
393 1g2ha
394 1g2he
395 1g2hi
396 1g2ho
397 1g2hy
399 1gî
400 1g2l
401 4gle.
402 4gles.
403 2glent. % mute syllable: meuglent (df) 28/02/94
404     1g2n
405   'a2g3nat     % (df) 16/01/02
406   .a2g3nat     % (df) 16/01/02
407    a2g3nos     % (df) 16/01/02 (pattern dia2g3n deleted)
408   co2g3niti    % (df) 16/01/02
409   'i2g3né    % (df) 16/01/02
410   .i2g3né    % (df) 16/01/02
411   'i2g3ni      % (df) 16/01/02
412   .i2g3ni      % (df) 16/01/02
413  .ma2g3nicide  % (df) 16/01/02
414  .ma2g3nificat % (df) 16/01/02
415  .ma2g3num     % (df) 16/01/02
416    o2g3nomoni  % (df) 16/01/02
417    o2g3nosi    % (df) 16/01/02
418 .pro2g3nath    % (df) 16/01/02
419   pu2g3nable   % (df) 16/01/02
420   pu2g3nac     % (df) 16/01/02
421 .sta2g3n
422 .syn2g3nath    % (df) 16/01/02
423   wa2g3n
424 4gne.
425 4gnes.
426 2gnent. % mute syllable: accompagnent (df) 28/02/94
428 1gô
429 1g2r
430 4gre.
431 4gres.
432 2grent. % mute syllable: immigrent (df) 28/02/94
434 1gû
435 g1s2
436 4gue.
437 4gues.
438 % words ending with -guent (df) 22/02/94
439    2guent.
440 .on3guent.
441 'on3guent.
444 %-------------------%-----------------------%
445 % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
446 %-------------------%-----------------------%
449 1hâ
451 1hé
452 1hè
453 1hê
454                     hémi1é
455                     hémo1p2t
456 4he.
457 4hes.
459 1hî
461 1hô
463 1hû
465                     hypera2
466                     hypere2
467                     hyperé2
468                     hyperi2
469                     hypero2
470                     hypers2
471                     hype4r1
472                     hyperu2
473                     hypo1a2
474                     hypo1e2 % missing from nb list
475                     hypo1é2
476                     hypo1i2
477                     hypo1o2
478                     hypo1s2
479                     hypo1u2
480 %-------------------%-----------------------%
481 % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
482 %-------------------%-----------------------%
486 .î4
487 'î4
488                     i1algi
489                     i1arthr
490                     i1è2dre
491 % ill patterns missing from nb list
492     il2l
493    cil3l
494   rcil4l
495   ucil4l
496  vacil4l
497    gil3l
498    hil3l
499    lil3l
500      l3lion
501    mil3l
502    mil4let
503 émil4l
504  semil4l
505   rmil4l
506  armil5l
507  capil3l
508  papil3la
509  papil3le
510  papil3li
511  papil3lom
512  pupil3l
513  piril3l
514  thril3l
515  cyril3l
516  ibril3l
517  pusil3l
518  .stil3l
519 distil3l
520 instil3l
521 fritil3l
522 boutil3l
523  vanil3lin
524  vanil3lis
525    vil3l
526   avil4l
527 chevil4l
528  uevil4l
529   uvil4l
530    xil3l
531 % end of ill patterns
532                     1informat % missing from nb list
533                     .in1a2
534                     'in1a2
535                     .in2a3nit
536                     'in2a3nit
537                     .in2augur
538                     'in2augur
539                     .in1e2
540                     'in1e2
541                     .in1é2
542                     'in1é2
543                     .in2effab % missing from nb list
544                     'in2effab
545                     .in2é3lucta
546                     'in2é3lucta
547                     .in2é3narra
548                     'in2é3narra
549                     .in2ept
550                     'in2ept
551                     .in2er
552                     'in2er
553                     .in2exora % missing from nb list
554                     'in2exora
555                     .in1i2
556                     'in1i2
557                     .in2i3miti
558                     'in2i3miti
559                     .in2i3q
560                     'in2i3q
561                     .in2i3t
562                     'in2i3t
563                     .in1o2
564                     'in1o2
565                     .in2o3cul
566                     'in2o3cul
567                     .in2ond
568                     'in2ond
569                     .in1s2tab
570                     'in1s2tab
571                     'inte4r3
572                     .intera2
573                     'intera2
574                     .intere2
575                     'intere2
576                     .interé2
577                     'interé2
578                     .interi2
579                     'interi2
580                     .intero2
581                     'intero2
582                     .inte4r3
583                     .interu2
584                     'interu2
585                     .inters2
586                     'inters2
587                     .in1u2
588                     'in1u2
589                     .in2uit
590                     'in2uit
591                     .in2u3l
592                     'in2u3l
593                     io1a2ct
594                     i1oxy
595                     i1s2tat
596 %-------------------%-----------------------%
597 % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
598 %-------------------%-----------------------%
602 4je.
603 4jes.
604 2jent. % mute syllable: gal\`ejent (df) 22/02/94
605 %-------------------%-----------------------%
606 % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
607 %-------------------%-----------------------%
610 1kâ
612 1ké
613 1kè
614 1kê
615 4ke.
616 4kes.
617 2kent. % mute syllable: jerkent (df) 22/02/94
618 1k2h
619 4kh.
620 .kh4
622 1kî
624 1kô
625 1k2r
627 1kû
629 %-------------------%-----------------------%
630 % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
631 %-------------------%-----------------------%
634 1lâ
635 1là
636                     la2w3re
638 1lé
639 1lè
640 1lê
641 4le.
642 4les.
643 % words ending with -lent (df) 22/02/94
644         2lent.
645      .ta3lent.
646      iva3lent.
647 équiva4lent.
648   monova3lent.
649   polyva3lent.
650       re3lent.
651      .do3lent.
652     indo3lent.
653     inso3lent.
654    turbu3lent.
655    succu3lent.
656   fécu3lent.
657    trucu3lent.
658      opu3lent.
659    corpu3lent.
660       ru3lent.
661    sporu4lent.
664 1lî
666 1lô
667 l1s2t
669 1lû
671 %-------------------%-----------------------%
672 % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
673 %-------------------%-----------------------%
676 1mâ
677                     .ma2c3k
678                     .macro1s2c
679                     .ma2l1a2dres
680                     .ma2l1a2dro
681                     .ma2l1aisé
682                     .ma2l1ap
683                     .ma2l1a2v
684                     .ma2l1en
685                     .ma2l1int
686                     .ma2l1oc
687                     .ma2l1o2d
688                     .ma2r1x % nb (jbb: ?)
690 1mé
691 1mé
692 1mé
693                     .mé2g1oh
694                     .mé2sa % missing from nb list
695                     .mé3san % missing from nb list
696                     .mé2s1es
697                     .mé2s1i
698                     .mé2s1u2s
699                     .méta1s2ta
700 4me.
701 4mes.
702 % words ending with -ment (df) 22/02/94
703       â2ment.
704        da2ment.
705        fa2ment.
706    amalga2ment.
707       cla2ment.
708        ra2ment.
709 tempéra3ment.
710        ta2ment.
711     testa3ment.
712       qua2ment.
713       è2ment.
714    carê2ment.
715  diaphrag2ment.
716      ryth2ment.
717        ai2ment.
718       rai3ment.
719    abî2ment.
720     éci2ment.
721      vidi2ment.
722     subli2ment.
723     éli2ment.
724      reli2ment.
725        mi2ment.
726       ani2ment.
727      veni2ment.
728        ri2ment.
729   détri3ment.
730     nutri3ment.
731      inti2ment.
732      esti2ment.
733         l2ment.
734      flam2ment.
735      gram2ment.
736      .gem2ment.
737        om2ment.
738      .com3ment.
739       ô2ment.
740     slalo2ment.
741      chro2ment.
742        to2ment.
743        ar2ment.
744      .sar3ment.
745        er2ment.
746   antifer3ment.
747      .ser3ment.
748       fir2ment.
749        or2ment.
750        as2ment.
751        au2ment.
752     écu2ment.
753        fu2ment.
754        hu2ment.
755     fichu3ment.
756       llu2ment.
757       plu2ment.
758       bou2ment.
759       bru2ment.
760        su2ment.
761        tu2ment.
764 1mî
765                     .milli1am
766                     1m2némo
767                     1m2nès
768                     1m2nési
770 1mô
771 1m½0 % final zero essential to terminate cs
772                     .mono1a2
773                     .mono1e2
774                     .mono1é2
775                     .mono1i2
776                     .mono1ï2dé
777                     .mono1o2
778                     .mono1u2
779                     .mono1s2
780                     mon2t3réal % missing from nb list
781 m1s2
783 1mû
785                     moye2n1â2g
786 %-------------------%-----------------------%
787 % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
788 %-------------------%-----------------------%
791 1nâ
793 1né
794 1nè
795 1nê
796 4ne.
797 4nes.
798 % words ending with -nent (df) 22/02/94
799           2nent. % fric-tionnent - syllable muette - bg 27/12/93
800     réma3nent.
801       imma3nent.
802      perma3nent.
803     .émi3nent.
804 préémi3nent.
805   proémi3nent.
806   surémi3nent.
807       immi3nent.
808      conti3nent.
809      perti3nent.
810      absti3nent.
813 1nî
815 1nô
816 1n½0 % final zero essential to terminate cs
817                     .no2n1obs
819 1nû
820                     n3s2at.
821                     n3s2ats.
824 %-------------------%-----------------------%
825 % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
826 %-------------------%-----------------------%
830 'ô4
831 .ô4
832 %'\"o2 % mjf % deleted 3/1/94 df-bg
833                     o2b3long
834                     1octet % missing from nb list
835                     o1d2l
836                     o1è2dre
837                     o1ioni
838                     ombud2s3
839                     omni1s2
840                     o1s2tas
841                     o1s2tat
842                     o1s2téro
843                     o1s2tim
844                     o1s2tom
845                     o1s2trad
846                     o1s2tratu
847                     o1s2triction
848                     .oua1ou
849                     'oua1ou
850                     .ovi1s2c
851                     'ovi1s2c
852                     oxy1a2
853 %-------------------%-----------------------%
854 % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
855 %-------------------%-----------------------%
858 1pâ
859                     paléo1é2
860                     .pa2n1a2f
861                     .pa2n1a2mé
862                     .pa2n1a2ra
863                     .pa2n1is
864                     .pa2n1o2ph
865                     .pa2n1opt
866                     .pa2r1a2che
867                     .pa2r1a2chè
868                     .para1s2
869                     .pa2r3hé
871 1pé
872 1pè
873 1pê
874 4pe.
875 4pes.
876 % words ending with -pent (df) 22/02/94
877    2pent.
878  re3pent.
879 .ar3pent.
880 'ar3pent.
881 ser3pent.
883                     .pen2ta % pent- or penta- but never pen-ta bg 12/27/93
884                     per3h
885                     pé2nul % p\'e2n1ul moved back 09/17/92 to JD def.
886                     .pe4r
887                     .per1a2
888                     .per1e2
889                     .per1é2
890                     .per1i2
891                     .per1o2
892                     .per1u2
893                     pé1r2é2q % 2r1 moved 09/17/92 to 1r2(it was a typo)
894                     .péri1os
895                     .péri1s2
896                     .péri2s3s
897                     .péri2s3ta
898                     .péri1u2
899 1p2h
900 .ph4
901 4ph.
902                     .phalan3s2t
903 4phe.
904 4phes.
905 2phent. % mute syllable: triomphent (df) 22/02/94
906 ph2l
907 4phle.
908 4phles.
909 2phn
910                     photo1s2
911 ph2r
912 4phre.
913 4phres.
914 2phs
915 2pht
916                     3ph2talé
917                     3ph2tis
918 %%%% Here is an example of a pb involving phonetic and etymologic patterns 5/94
919 %%%%                .phyto3ph2 % originaly, but wrong for phy-toph-thora   9/92
920 %%%%                .phy2topha % for -pharmacie but wrong for phyto-biol.. 5/94
922 1pî
923 1p2l
924 4ple.
925 4ples.
926 2plent. % mute syllable: accouplent (df) 28/02/94
927                     .pluri1a
928                     1p2né
929                     1p2neu
931 1pô
932                     po1astre
933                     poly1a2
934                     poly1e2
935                     poly1é2
936                     poly1è2
937                     poly1i2
938                     poly1o2
939                     poly1s2
940                     poly1u2
941                     .pon2tet % JD hypenated it asis 09/17/92, exception
942                     .pos2t3h
943                     .pos2t1in
944                     .pos2t1o2
945                     .pos2t3r
946                     .post1s2
947 1p2r
948 4pre.
949 4pres.
950 2prent. % mute syllable: empourprent (df) 28/02/94
951                     .pré1a2
952                     .pré2a3la % missing from nb list
953                     .pré2au
954                     .pré1é2
955                     .pré1e2
956                     .pré1i2
957                     .pré1o2
958                     .pré1u2
959                     .pré1s2
960                     .pro1é2
961                     .pro1s2cé
962                     pro2s3tat
963                     .prou3d2h
964                     1p2sych
965                     .psycho1a2n
966                     1p2tèr
967                     1p2tér
969                     .pud1d2l
970 1pû
972 %-------------------%-----------------------%
973 % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
974 %-------------------%-----------------------%
977 4que.
978 4ques.
979 % words ending with -quent (df) 22/02/94
980         2quent.
981      é3quent.
982    élo3quent.
983 grandilo3quent.
984 %-------------------%-----------------------%
985 % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
986 %-------------------%-----------------------%
989 1râ
990                     radio1a2 % missing from nb list
992 1ré
993 1rè
994 1rê
995                     .ré1a2
996                     .ré2a3le
997                     .ré2a3lis
998                     .ré2a3lit
999                     .ré2aux
1000                     .ré1é2
1001                     .ré1e2
1002                     .ré2el
1003                     .ré2er
1004                     .ré2èr
1005                     .ré1i2
1006                     .ré2i3fi
1007                     .ré1o2
1008                     .re1s2
1009                     .re2s3cap
1010                     .re2s3cisi % for res-cision  09/17/92 (missing from nb)
1011                     .re2s3ciso % for res-cisoire 09/17/92(missing from nb)
1012                     .re2s3cou
1013                     .re2s3cri
1014                     .re2s3pect
1015                     .re2s3pir
1016                     .re2s3plend
1017                     .re2s3pons
1018                     .re2s3quil
1019                     .re2s3s
1020                     .re2s3t
1021                     .re3s4tab
1022                     .re3s4tag
1023                     .re3s4tand
1024                     .re3s4tat
1025                     .re3s4tén
1026                     .re3s4tér
1027                     .re3s4tim
1028                     .re3s4tip
1029                     .re3s4toc
1030                     .re3s4top
1031                     .re3s4tr
1032                     .re4s5trein
1033                     .re4s5trict
1034                     .re4s5trin
1035                     .re3s4tu
1036                     .re3s4ty
1037                     .réu2 %.r\'e1u2 % pattern rejected 12/2/92
1038                             % (don't hyphenate as r\'e-union nor r\'eu-nion)
1039                     .ré2uss
1040                     .rétro1a2
1041 4re.
1042 4res.
1043 % words ending with -rent (df) 22/02/94
1044        2rent. % es-p\`erent - syllable muette - bg 27/12/93
1045     .pa3rent.
1046    appa3rent.
1047 transpa3rent.
1048     é3rent.
1049     tor3rent.
1050     cur3rent.
1052 1r2h
1053 4rhe.
1054 4rhes.
1055                     2r3heur
1056                     2r3hydr
1058 1rî
1060 1rô
1062 1rû
1064 %-------------------%-----------------------%
1065 % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
1066 %-------------------%-----------------------%
1069 1sâ
1070 .sch4
1071                     1s2caph
1072                     1s2clér
1073                     1s2cop
1074  1s2ch
1075 e2s3ch
1076 i2s3ché
1077 i2s3chia
1078 i2s3chio
1079 4sch.
1080 4sche.
1081 4sches.
1082 2schs
1084 1sé
1085 1sè
1086 1sê
1087                     sesqui1a2
1088 4se.
1089 4ses.
1090 % words ending with -sent (df) 22/02/94
1091      2sent. % massent - syllable muette - bg 27/12/93
1092    ab3sent.
1093 pré3sent.
1094  .res3sent.
1096 .seu2le % jbb
1097 .sh4
1098 1s2h
1099 4sh.
1100 4she.
1101 4shes.
1102 2shent. % mute syllable: smashent (df) 22/02/94
1103 2shm
1104                     2s3hom
1105 2shr
1106 2shs
1108 1sî
1109                     1s2lav
1110                     1s2lov
1112 1sô
1113 1s½0 % final zero essential to terminate cs
1114                     1s2patia
1115                     1s2perm
1116                     1s2por
1117                     1s2phèr
1118                     1s2phér
1119                     1s2piel
1120                     1s2piros
1121                     1s2tandard
1122                     1s2tein
1123                     stéréo1s2
1124                     1s2tigm
1125                     1s2tock
1126                     1s2tomos
1127                     1s2troph
1128                     1s2tructu
1129                     1s2tyle
1131 1sû
1132                     .su2b1a2
1133                     .su3b2alt
1134                     .su2b1é2
1135                     .su3b2é3r
1136                     .su2b1in
1137                     .su2b3limin
1138                     .su2b3lin
1139                     .su2b3lu
1140                     sub1s2
1141                     .su2b1ur
1142                     supero2
1143                     supe4r1
1144                     supers2
1145                     .su2r1a2
1146                     su3r2ah
1147                     .su3r2a3t
1148                     .su2r1e2
1149                     .su3r2eau
1150                     .su3r2ell
1151                     .su3r2et
1152                     .su2r1é2
1153                     .su2r3h
1154                     .su2r1i2m
1155                     .su2r1inf
1156                     .su2r1int
1157                     .su2r1of
1158                     .su2r1ox
1160 %-------------------%-----------------------%
1161 % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
1162 %-------------------%-----------------------%
1165 1tâ
1166 1tà
1167                     tachy1a2
1168                     tchin3t2
1170 1té
1171 1tè
1172 1tê
1173                     télé1e2
1174                     télé1i2
1175                     télé1o2b
1176                     télé1o2p
1177                     télé1s2
1178 4te.
1179 4tes.
1180 % words ending with -tent (df) 22/02/94
1181         2tent. % mentent - syllable muette - bg 27/12/93
1182      .la3tent.
1183      .pa3tent.
1184  compé3tent.
1185    éni3tent.
1186  mécon3tent.
1187   omnipo3tent.
1188 ventripo3tent.
1189 équipo3tent.
1190     impo3tent.
1191      mit3tent.
1193 .th4
1194 1t2h
1195 4th.
1196 4the.
1197 4thes.
1198                     thermo1s2
1199                     2t3heur
1200 2thl % th2l  was wrong for ...ath-lon (jd said 2thl) df 12/27/93
1201 2thm
1202 2thn
1203 th2r
1204 4thre.
1205 4thres.
1206 2ths
1208 1tî
1210 1tô
1211 1t2r
1212                     tran2s1a2
1213                     tran3s2act
1214                     tran3s2ats
1215                     tran2s3h
1216                     tran2s1o2
1217                     tran2s3p
1218                     tran2s1u2
1219 4tre.
1220 4tres.
1221 2trent. % mute syllable: infiltrent (df) 28/02/94
1222                     .tri1a2c
1223                     .tri1a2n
1224                     .tri1a2t
1225                     .tri1o2n
1226                     t1t2l
1228 1tû
1229 tung2s3
1231 %-------------------%-----------------------%
1232 % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
1233 %-------------------%-----------------------%
1237 .û4
1238 'û4
1239                     uni1o2v
1240                     uni1a2x
1241                     u2s3tr
1242 %-------------------%-----------------------%
1243 % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
1244 %-------------------%-----------------------%
1247 1vâ
1249 1vé
1250 1vè
1251 1vê
1252                     vélo1s2ki
1253 4ve.
1254 4ves.
1255 % words ending with -vent (df) 22/02/94
1256      2vent.
1257 conni3vent.
1258  .sou3vent.
1261 1vî
1263 1vô
1264                     vol2t1amp
1265 1v2r
1266 4vre.
1267 4vres.
1268 2vrent. % mute syllable: recouvrent (df) 28/02/94
1270 1vû
1272 %-------------------%-----------------------%
1273 % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
1274 %-------------------%-----------------------%
1278 4we.
1279 4wes.
1280 2went. % mute syllable: interviewent (df) 22/02/94
1284 1w2r
1285 %-------------------%-----------------------%
1286 % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
1287 %-------------------%-----------------------%
1289 2xent. % mute syllable:  malaxent (df) 22/02/94
1290 %-------------------%-----------------------%
1291 % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
1292 %-------------------%-----------------------%
1296                     y1asth
1297                     y1s2tom
1298                     y1algi
1299 %-------------------%-----------------------%
1300 % phonetic patterns % etymological patterns %
1301 %-------------------%-----------------------%
1305 1zé
1306 1zè
1307 4ze.
1308 4zes.
1309 % words ending with -zent (df) 22/02/94
1310         2zent.
1311 privatdo3zent.
1319 \endinput
1321 % s-ts-mode